@@ -45,15 +45,15 @@ test_buffers_basic(void *arg)
for (j=0;j<256;++j) {
str[j] = (char)j;
- write_to_buf(str, 256, buf);
- write_to_buf(str, 256, buf);
+ buf_add(str, 256, buf);
+ buf_add(str, 256, buf);
tt_int_op(buf_datalen(buf),OP_EQ, 512);
- fetch_from_buf(str2, 200, buf);
+ buf_get_bytes(str2, 200, buf);
tt_mem_op(str,OP_EQ, str2, 200);
tt_int_op(buf_datalen(buf),OP_EQ, 312);
memset(str2, 0, sizeof(str2));
- fetch_from_buf(str2, 256, buf);
+ buf_get_bytes(str2, 256, buf);
tt_mem_op(str+200,OP_EQ, str2, 56);
tt_mem_op(str,OP_EQ, str2+56, 200);
tt_int_op(buf_datalen(buf),OP_EQ, 56);
@@ -61,16 +61,16 @@ test_buffers_basic(void *arg)
* another 3584 bytes, we hit the end. */
for (j=0;j<15;++j) {
- write_to_buf(str, 256, buf);
+ buf_add(str, 256, buf);
- assert_buf_ok(buf);
+ buf_assert_ok(buf);
tt_int_op(buf_datalen(buf),OP_EQ, 3896);
- fetch_from_buf(str2, 56, buf);
+ buf_get_bytes(str2, 56, buf);
tt_int_op(buf_datalen(buf),OP_EQ, 3840);
tt_mem_op(str+200,OP_EQ, str2, 56);
for (j=0;j<15;++j) {
memset(str2, 0, sizeof(str2));
- fetch_from_buf(str2, 256, buf);
+ buf_get_bytes(str2, 256, buf);
tt_mem_op(str,OP_EQ, str2, 256);
tt_int_op(buf_datalen(buf),OP_EQ, 0);
@@ -80,38 +80,38 @@ test_buffers_basic(void *arg)
buf = buf_new_with_capacity(16);
- write_to_buf(str+1, 255, buf);
+ buf_add(str+1, 255, buf);
- fetch_from_buf(str2, 254, buf);
+ buf_get_bytes(str2, 254, buf);
tt_mem_op(str+1,OP_EQ, str2, 254);
- assert_buf_ok(buf);
- write_to_buf(str, 32, buf);
+ buf_assert_ok(buf);
+ buf_add(str, 32, buf);
- assert_buf_ok(buf);
- write_to_buf(str, 256, buf);
- assert_buf_ok(buf);
+ buf_assert_ok(buf);
+ buf_add(str, 256, buf);
+ buf_assert_ok(buf);
tt_int_op(buf_datalen(buf),OP_EQ, 33+256);
- fetch_from_buf(str2, 33, buf);
+ buf_get_bytes(str2, 33, buf);
tt_int_op(*str2,OP_EQ, str[255]);
tt_mem_op(str2+1,OP_EQ, str, 32);
tt_int_op(buf_datalen(buf),OP_EQ, 256);
- fetch_from_buf(str2, 256, buf);
+ buf_get_bytes(str2, 256, buf);
tt_mem_op(str,OP_EQ, str2, 256);
buf = buf_new_with_capacity(33668);
for (j=0;j<67;++j) {
- write_to_buf(str,255, buf);
+ buf_add(str,255, buf);
tt_int_op(buf_datalen(buf),OP_EQ, 17085);
for (j=0; j < 40; ++j) {
- fetch_from_buf(str2, 255,buf);
+ buf_get_bytes(str2, 255,buf);
tt_mem_op(str2,OP_EQ, str, 255);
@@ -119,18 +119,18 @@ test_buffers_basic(void *arg)
buf = buf_new_with_capacity(33668);
for (j=0;j<67;++j) {
- write_to_buf(str,255, buf);
+ buf_add(str,255, buf);
for (j=0; j < 20; ++j) {
- fetch_from_buf(str2, 255,buf);
+ buf_get_bytes(str2, 255,buf);
tt_mem_op(str2,OP_EQ, str, 255);
for (j=0;j<80;++j) {
- write_to_buf(str,255, buf);
+ buf_add(str,255, buf);
for (j=0; j < 120; ++j) {
- fetch_from_buf(str2, 255,buf);
+ buf_get_bytes(str2, 255,buf);
tt_mem_op(str2,OP_EQ, str, 255);
@@ -139,27 +139,27 @@ test_buffers_basic(void *arg)
buf = buf_new_with_capacity(4096);
buf2 = buf_new_with_capacity(4096);
for (j=0;j<100;++j)
- write_to_buf(str, 255, buf);
+ buf_add(str, 255, buf);
tt_int_op(buf_datalen(buf),OP_EQ, 25500);
for (j=0;j<100;++j) {
r = 10;
- move_buf_to_buf(buf2, buf, &r);
+ buf_move_to_buf(buf2, buf, &r);
tt_int_op(r,OP_EQ, 0);
tt_int_op(buf_datalen(buf),OP_EQ, 24500);
tt_int_op(buf_datalen(buf2),OP_EQ, 1000);
for (j=0;j<3;++j) {
- fetch_from_buf(str2, 255, buf2);
+ buf_get_bytes(str2, 255, buf2);
tt_mem_op(str2,OP_EQ, str, 255);
r = 8192;
- move_buf_to_buf(buf2, buf, &r);
+ buf_move_to_buf(buf2, buf, &r);
tt_int_op(r,OP_EQ, 0);
r = 30000;
- move_buf_to_buf(buf2, buf, &r);
+ buf_move_to_buf(buf2, buf, &r);
tt_int_op(r,OP_EQ, 13692);
for (j=0;j<97;++j) {
- fetch_from_buf(str2, 255, buf2);
+ buf_get_bytes(str2, 255, buf2);
tt_mem_op(str2,OP_EQ, str, 255);
@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ test_buffers_basic(void *arg)
buf = buf_new_with_capacity(5);
cp = "Testing. This is a moderately long Testing string.";
for (j = 0; cp[j]; j++)
- write_to_buf(cp+j, 1, buf);
+ buf_add(cp+j, 1, buf);
tt_int_op(0,OP_EQ, buf_find_string_offset(buf, "Testing", 7));
tt_int_op(1,OP_EQ, buf_find_string_offset(buf, "esting", 6));
tt_int_op(1,OP_EQ, buf_find_string_offset(buf, "est", 3));
@@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ test_buffers_basic(void *arg)
char *mem = tor_malloc_zero(65536);
buf = buf_new();
- write_to_buf(mem, 65536, buf);
+ buf_add(mem, 65536, buf);
tt_int_op(buf_datalen(buf), OP_EQ, 65536);
@@ -233,62 +233,62 @@ test_buffer_pullup(void *arg)
crypto_rand(stuff, 16384);
- write_to_buf(stuff, 3000, buf);
- write_to_buf(stuff+3000, 3000, buf);
+ buf_add(stuff, 3000, buf);
+ buf_add(stuff+3000, 3000, buf);
buf_pullup(buf, 0, &cp, &sz);
tt_ptr_op(cp, OP_NE, NULL);
tt_int_op(sz, OP_LE, 4096);
* can get tested. */
- tt_int_op(fetch_from_buf(tmp, 3000, buf), OP_EQ, 3000);
+ tt_int_op(buf_get_bytes(tmp, 3000, buf), OP_EQ, 3000);
tt_mem_op(tmp,OP_EQ, stuff, 3000);
buf_pullup(buf, 2048, &cp, &sz);
- assert_buf_ok(buf);
+ buf_assert_ok(buf);
tt_ptr_op(cp, OP_NE, NULL);
tt_int_op(sz, OP_GE, 2048);
tt_mem_op(cp,OP_EQ, stuff+3000, 2048);
tt_int_op(3000, OP_EQ, buf_datalen(buf));
- tt_int_op(fetch_from_buf(tmp, 3000, buf), OP_EQ, 0);
+ tt_int_op(buf_get_bytes(tmp, 3000, buf), OP_EQ, 0);
tt_mem_op(tmp,OP_EQ, stuff+3000, 2048);
buf = buf_new_with_capacity(3000);
- write_to_buf(stuff, 4000, buf);
- write_to_buf(stuff+4000, 4000, buf);
- write_to_buf(stuff+8000, 4000, buf);
- write_to_buf(stuff+12000, 4000, buf);
+ buf_add(stuff, 4000, buf);
+ buf_add(stuff+4000, 4000, buf);
+ buf_add(stuff+8000, 4000, buf);
+ buf_add(stuff+12000, 4000, buf);
tt_int_op(buf_datalen(buf), OP_EQ, 16000);
buf_pullup(buf, 0, &cp, &sz);
tt_ptr_op(cp, OP_NE, NULL);
tt_int_op(sz, OP_LE, 4096);
buf_pullup(buf, 12500, &cp, &sz);
- assert_buf_ok(buf);
+ buf_assert_ok(buf);
tt_ptr_op(cp, OP_NE, NULL);
tt_int_op(sz, OP_GE, 12500);
tt_mem_op(cp,OP_EQ, stuff, 12500);
tt_int_op(buf_datalen(buf), OP_EQ, 16000);
- fetch_from_buf(tmp, 12400, buf);
+ buf_get_bytes(tmp, 12400, buf);
tt_mem_op(tmp,OP_EQ, stuff, 12400);
tt_int_op(buf_datalen(buf), OP_EQ, 3600);
- fetch_from_buf(tmp, 3500, buf);
+ buf_get_bytes(tmp, 3500, buf);
tt_mem_op(tmp,OP_EQ, stuff+12400, 3500);
- fetch_from_buf(tmp, 100, buf);
+ buf_get_bytes(tmp, 100, buf);
tt_mem_op(tmp,OP_EQ, stuff+15900, 10);
buf = buf_new_with_capacity(3000);
- write_to_buf(stuff, 4000, buf);
- write_to_buf(stuff+4000, 4000, buf);
- fetch_from_buf(tmp, 100, buf);
+ buf_add(stuff, 4000, buf);
+ buf_add(stuff+4000, 4000, buf);
+ buf_get_bytes(tmp, 100, buf);
buf_pullup(buf, 16000, &cp, &sz);
- assert_buf_ok(buf);
+ buf_assert_ok(buf);
tt_ptr_op(cp, OP_NE, NULL);
tt_int_op(sz, OP_EQ, 7900);
tt_mem_op(cp,OP_EQ, stuff+100, 7900);
@@ -324,23 +324,23 @@ test_buffer_copy(void *arg)
s = "And now comes an act of enormous enormance!";
len = strlen(s);
- write_to_buf(s, len, buf);
+ buf_add(s, len, buf);
tt_int_op(len, OP_EQ, buf_datalen(buf));
- write_to_buf("BLARG", 5, buf2);
+ buf_add("BLARG", 5, buf2);
tt_int_op(0, OP_EQ, buf_set_to_copy(&buf2, buf));
tt_int_op(len, OP_EQ, buf_datalen(buf2));
- fetch_from_buf(b, len, buf2);
+ buf_get_bytes(b, len, buf2);
tt_mem_op(b, OP_EQ, s, len);
buf2 = NULL;
tt_int_op(0, OP_EQ, buf_set_to_copy(&buf2, buf));
tt_int_op(len, OP_EQ, buf_datalen(buf2));
- fetch_from_buf(b, len, buf2);
+ buf_get_bytes(b, len, buf2);
tt_mem_op(b, OP_EQ, s, len);
- fetch_from_buf(b, len, buf);
+ buf_get_bytes(b, len, buf);
@@ -350,13 +350,13 @@ test_buffer_copy(void *arg)
len = strlen(s);
for (i = 0; i < 256; ++i) {
- write_to_buf(b, 1, buf);
- write_to_buf(s, len, buf);
+ buf_add(b, 1, buf);
+ buf_add(s, len, buf);
tt_int_op(0, OP_EQ, buf_set_to_copy(&buf2, buf));
tt_int_op(buf_datalen(buf2), OP_EQ, buf_datalen(buf));
for (i = 0; i < 256; ++i) {
- fetch_from_buf(b, len+1, buf2);
+ buf_get_bytes(b, len+1, buf2);
tt_int_op((unsigned char)b[0],OP_EQ,i);
tt_mem_op(b+1, OP_EQ, s, len);
@@ -381,13 +381,13 @@ test_buffer_ext_or_cmd(void *arg)
tt_ptr_op(NULL, OP_EQ, cmd);
- write_to_buf("\x00\x20\x00", 3, buf);
+ buf_add("\x00\x20\x00", 3, buf);
tt_int_op(0, OP_EQ, fetch_ext_or_command_from_buf(buf, &cmd));
tt_ptr_op(NULL, OP_EQ, cmd);
tt_int_op(3, OP_EQ, buf_datalen(buf));
- write_to_buf("\x00", 1, buf);
+ buf_add("\x00", 1, buf);
tt_int_op(1, OP_EQ, fetch_ext_or_command_from_buf(buf, &cmd));
tt_ptr_op(NULL, OP_NE, cmd);
tt_int_op(0x20, OP_EQ, cmd->cmd);
@@ -397,10 +397,10 @@ test_buffer_ext_or_cmd(void *arg)
cmd = NULL;
- write_to_buf("\x10\x21\x00\x06""abcde", 9, buf);
+ buf_add("\x10\x21\x00\x06""abcde", 9, buf);
tt_int_op(0, OP_EQ, fetch_ext_or_command_from_buf(buf, &cmd));
tt_ptr_op(NULL, OP_EQ, cmd);
- write_to_buf("f", 1, buf);
+ buf_add("f", 1, buf);
tt_int_op(1, OP_EQ, fetch_ext_or_command_from_buf(buf, &cmd));
tt_ptr_op(NULL, OP_NE, cmd);
tt_int_op(0x1021, OP_EQ, cmd->cmd);
@@ -411,7 +411,7 @@ test_buffer_ext_or_cmd(void *arg)
cmd = NULL;
- write_to_buf("\xff\xff\x00\x0aloremipsum\x10\x00\xff\xff", 18, buf);
+ buf_add("\xff\xff\x00\x0aloremipsum\x10\x00\xff\xff", 18, buf);
tt_int_op(1, OP_EQ, fetch_ext_or_command_from_buf(buf, &cmd));
tt_ptr_op(NULL, OP_NE, cmd);
tt_int_op(0xffff, OP_EQ, cmd->cmd);
@@ -425,7 +425,7 @@ test_buffer_ext_or_cmd(void *arg)
* waiting. */
tt_int_op(0, OP_EQ, fetch_ext_or_command_from_buf(buf, &cmd));
tmp = tor_malloc_zero(65535);
- write_to_buf(tmp, 65535, buf);
+ buf_add(tmp, 65535, buf);
tt_int_op(1, OP_EQ, fetch_ext_or_command_from_buf(buf, &cmd));
tt_ptr_op(NULL, OP_NE, cmd);
tt_int_op(0x1000, OP_EQ, cmd->cmd);
@@ -461,36 +461,36 @@ test_buffer_allocation_tracking(void *arg)
tt_int_op(buf_allocation(buf1), OP_EQ, 0);
tt_int_op(buf_get_total_allocation(), OP_EQ, 0);
- write_to_buf(junk, 4000, buf1);
- write_to_buf(junk, 4000, buf1);
- write_to_buf(junk, 4000, buf1);
- write_to_buf(junk, 4000, buf1);
+ buf_add(junk, 4000, buf1);
+ buf_add(junk, 4000, buf1);
+ buf_add(junk, 4000, buf1);
+ buf_add(junk, 4000, buf1);
tt_int_op(buf_allocation(buf1), OP_EQ, 16384);
- fetch_from_buf(junk, 100, buf1);
+ buf_get_bytes(junk, 100, buf1);
tt_int_op(buf_allocation(buf1), OP_EQ, 16384);
tt_int_op(buf_get_total_allocation(), OP_EQ, 16384);
- fetch_from_buf(junk, 4096, buf1);
+ buf_get_bytes(junk, 4096, buf1);
tt_int_op(buf_allocation(buf1), OP_EQ, 3*4096);
tt_int_op(buf_get_total_allocation(), OP_EQ, 12288);
freed. */
- write_to_buf(junk, 4000, buf2);
+ buf_add(junk, 4000, buf2);
tt_int_op(buf_allocation(buf2), OP_EQ, 4096);
* We bounce back up to 16384 by allocating a new chunk.
tt_int_op(buf_get_total_allocation(), OP_EQ, 16384);
- write_to_buf(junk, 4000, buf2);
+ buf_add(junk, 4000, buf2);
tt_int_op(buf_allocation(buf2), OP_EQ, 8192);
OP_EQ, 5*4096);
for (i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) {
- write_to_buf(junk, 4000, buf2);
+ buf_add(junk, 4000, buf2);
tt_int_op(buf_allocation(buf2), OP_GE, 4008000);
tt_int_op(buf_get_total_allocation(), OP_GE, 4008000);
@@ -533,7 +533,7 @@ test_buffer_time_tracking(void *arg)
tt_int_op(0, OP_EQ, buf_get_oldest_chunk_timestamp(buf, START_MSEC));
tt_int_op(0, OP_EQ, buf_get_oldest_chunk_timestamp(buf, START_MSEC+1000));
- write_to_buf("ABCDEFG", 7, buf);
+ buf_add("ABCDEFG", 7, buf);
tt_int_op(1000, OP_EQ, buf_get_oldest_chunk_timestamp(buf, START_MSEC+1000));
buf2 = buf_copy(buf);
@@ -544,7 +544,7 @@ test_buffer_time_tracking(void *arg)
monotime_coarse_set_mock_time_nsec(START_NSEC + 123 * (uint64_t)1000000);
for (i = 0; i < 600; ++i)
- write_to_buf("ABCDEFG", 7, buf);
+ buf_add("ABCDEFG", 7, buf);
tt_int_op(4207, OP_EQ, buf_datalen(buf));
@@ -552,12 +552,12 @@ test_buffer_time_tracking(void *arg)
* timestamp. */
- fetch_from_buf(tmp, 100, buf);
+ buf_get_bytes(tmp, 100, buf);
tt_int_op(2000, OP_EQ, buf_get_oldest_chunk_timestamp(buf, START_MSEC+2000));
* chunk. */
- fetch_from_buf(tmp, 4000, buf);
+ buf_get_bytes(tmp, 4000, buf);
tt_int_op(107, OP_EQ, buf_datalen(buf));
tt_int_op(2000, OP_EQ, buf_get_oldest_chunk_timestamp(buf, START_MSEC+2123));
@@ -565,12 +565,12 @@ test_buffer_time_tracking(void *arg)
its time gets updated */
monotime_coarse_set_mock_time_nsec(START_NSEC + 5617 * (uint64_t)1000000);
for (i = 0; i < 600; ++i)
- write_to_buf("ABCDEFG", 7, buf);
+ buf_add("ABCDEFG", 7, buf);
tt_int_op(4307, OP_EQ, buf_datalen(buf));
tt_int_op(2000, OP_EQ, buf_get_oldest_chunk_timestamp(buf, START_MSEC+2123));
- fetch_from_buf(tmp, 4000, buf);
- fetch_from_buf(tmp, 306, buf);
+ buf_get_bytes(tmp, 4000, buf);
+ buf_get_bytes(tmp, 306, buf);
tt_int_op(0, OP_EQ, buf_get_oldest_chunk_timestamp(buf, START_MSEC+5617));
tt_int_op(383, OP_EQ, buf_get_oldest_chunk_timestamp(buf, START_MSEC+6000));
@@ -596,23 +596,23 @@ test_buffers_compress_fin_at_chunk_end_impl(compress_method_t method,
sz = buf_get_default_chunk_size(buf);
msg = tor_malloc_zero(sz);
- write_to_buf(msg, 1, buf);
+ buf_add(msg, 1, buf);
tt_uint_op(buf->head->memlen, OP_LT, sz);
headerjunk = buf->head->memlen - 7;
- write_to_buf(msg, headerjunk-1, buf);
+ buf_add(msg, headerjunk-1, buf);
tt_uint_op(buf->head->datalen, OP_EQ, headerjunk);
tt_uint_op(buf_datalen(buf), OP_EQ, headerjunk);
compress_state = tor_compress_new(1, method, level);
- tt_int_op(write_to_buf_compress(buf, compress_state, "", 0, 1), OP_EQ, 0);
+ tt_int_op(buf_add_compress(buf, compress_state, "", 0, 1), OP_EQ, 0);
in_len = buf_datalen(buf);
contents = tor_malloc(in_len);
- tt_int_op(fetch_from_buf(contents, in_len, buf), OP_EQ, 0);
+ tt_int_op(buf_get_bytes(contents, in_len, buf), OP_EQ, 0);
if (method == NO_METHOD) {
tt_uint_op(in_len, OP_EQ, headerjunk);
@@ -655,23 +655,23 @@ test_buffers_compress_impl(compress_method_t method,
msg = tor_malloc(512);
crypto_rand(msg, 512);
- tt_int_op(write_to_buf_compress(buf, compress_state,
+ tt_int_op(buf_add_compress(buf, compress_state,
msg, 128, 0), OP_EQ, 0);
- tt_int_op(write_to_buf_compress(buf, compress_state,
+ tt_int_op(buf_add_compress(buf, compress_state,
msg+128, 128, 0), OP_EQ, 0);
- tt_int_op(write_to_buf_compress(buf, compress_state,
+ tt_int_op(buf_add_compress(buf, compress_state,
msg+256, 256, 0), OP_EQ, 0);
done = !finalize_with_nil;
- tt_int_op(write_to_buf_compress(buf, compress_state,
+ tt_int_op(buf_add_compress(buf, compress_state,
"all done", 9, done), OP_EQ, 0);
if (finalize_with_nil) {
- tt_int_op(write_to_buf_compress(buf, compress_state, "", 0, 1), OP_EQ, 0);
+ tt_int_op(buf_add_compress(buf, compress_state, "", 0, 1), OP_EQ, 0);
in_len = buf_datalen(buf);
contents = tor_malloc(in_len);
- tt_int_op(fetch_from_buf(contents, in_len, buf), OP_EQ, 0);
+ tt_int_op(buf_get_bytes(contents, in_len, buf), OP_EQ, 0);
tt_int_op(0, OP_EQ, tor_uncompress(&expanded, &out_len,
contents, in_len,
@@ -765,11 +765,11 @@ test_buffers_tls_read_mocked(void *arg)
buf = buf_new();
next_reply_val[0] = 1024;
- tt_int_op(128, OP_EQ, read_to_buf_tls(NULL, 128, buf));
+ tt_int_op(128, OP_EQ, buf_read_from_tls(NULL, 128, buf));
next_reply_val[0] = 5000;
next_reply_val[1] = 5000;
- tt_int_op(6000, OP_EQ, read_to_buf_tls(NULL, 6000, buf));
+ tt_int_op(6000, OP_EQ, buf_read_from_tls(NULL, 6000, buf));
@@ -849,19 +849,19 @@ test_buffer_peek_startswith(void *arg)
buf = buf_new();
tt_ptr_op(buf, OP_NE, NULL);
- tt_assert(peek_buf_startswith(buf, ""));
- tt_assert(! peek_buf_startswith(buf, "X"));
+ tt_assert(buf_peek_startswith(buf, ""));
+ tt_assert(! buf_peek_startswith(buf, "X"));
- write_to_buf("Tor", 3, buf);
+ buf_add("Tor", 3, buf);
- tt_assert(peek_buf_startswith(buf, ""));
- tt_assert(peek_buf_startswith(buf, "T"));
- tt_assert(peek_buf_startswith(buf, "To"));
- tt_assert(peek_buf_startswith(buf, "Tor"));
- tt_assert(! peek_buf_startswith(buf, "Top"));
- tt_assert(! peek_buf_startswith(buf, "For"));
- tt_assert(! peek_buf_startswith(buf, "Tork"));
- tt_assert(! peek_buf_startswith(buf, "Torpor"));
+ tt_assert(buf_peek_startswith(buf, ""));
+ tt_assert(buf_peek_startswith(buf, "T"));
+ tt_assert(buf_peek_startswith(buf, "To"));
+ tt_assert(buf_peek_startswith(buf, "Tor"));
+ tt_assert(! buf_peek_startswith(buf, "Top"));
+ tt_assert(! buf_peek_startswith(buf, "For"));
+ tt_assert(! buf_peek_startswith(buf, "Tork"));
+ tt_assert(! buf_peek_startswith(buf, "Torpor"));