@@ -1320,6 +1320,176 @@ rep_hist_note_bytes_read(size_t num_bytes, time_t when)
add_obs(read_array, when, num_bytes);
+/* Some constants */
+/** How long are the intervals for measuring exit stats? */
+#define EXIT_STATS_INTERVAL_SEC (24 * 60 * 60)
+/** To what multiple should byte numbers be rounded up? */
+/** To what multiple should stream counts be rounded up? */
+/** Number of TCP ports */
+#define EXIT_STATS_NUM_PORTS 65536
+/* The following data structures are arrays and no fancy smartlists or maps,
+ * so that all write operations can be done in constant time. This comes at
+ * the price of some memory (1.25 MB) and linear complexity when writing
+ * stats. */
+/** Number of bytes read in current period by exit port */
+static uint64_t exit_bytes_read[EXIT_STATS_NUM_PORTS];
+/** Number of bytes written in current period by exit port */
+static uint64_t exit_bytes_written[EXIT_STATS_NUM_PORTS];
+/** Number of streams opened in current period by exit port */
+static uint32_t exit_streams[EXIT_STATS_NUM_PORTS];
+/** When does the current exit stats period end? */
+static time_t end_of_current_exit_stats_period = 0;
+/** Write exit stats for the current period to disk and reset counters. */
+static void
+write_exit_stats(time_t when)
+ char t[ISO_TIME_LEN+1];
+ int r, i, comma;
+ uint64_t *b;
+ char *filename = get_datadir_fname("exit-stats");
+ open_file_t *open_file = NULL;
+ FILE *out = NULL;
+ log_debug(LD_HIST, "Considering writing exit port statistics to disk..");
+ while (when > end_of_current_exit_stats_period) {
+ format_iso_time(t, end_of_current_exit_stats_period);
+ log_info(LD_HIST, "Writing exit port statistics to disk for period "
+ "ending at %s.", t);
+ if (!open_file) {
+ out = start_writing_to_stdio_file(filename, OPEN_FLAGS_APPEND,
+ 0600, &open_file);
+ if (!out) {
+ log_warn(LD_HIST, "Couldn't open '%s'.", filename);
+ goto done;
+ }
+ }
+ /* written yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS (n s) */
+ if (fprintf(out, "written %s (%d s)\n", t, EXIT_STATS_INTERVAL_SEC) < 0)
+ goto done;
+ /* kibibytes-(read|written) port=kibibytes,.. */
+ for (r = 0; r < 2; r++) {
+ b = r ? exit_bytes_read : exit_bytes_written;
+ tor_assert(b);
+ if (fprintf(out, "%s ",
+ r == 0 ? "kibibytes-read" : "kibibytes-written")<0)
+ goto done;
+ comma = 0;
+ for (i = 1; i < EXIT_STATS_NUM_PORTS; i++) {
+ if (b[i] > 0) {
+ uint64_t num = b[i];
+ num /= 1024;
+ if (fprintf(out, "%s%d="U64_FORMAT,
+ comma++ ? "," : "", i,
+ U64_PRINTF_ARG(num)) < 0)
+ goto done;
+ }
+ }
+ if (fprintf(out, "\n")<0)
+ goto done;
+ /* Reset counters */
+ memset(b, 0, EXIT_STATS_NUM_PORTS*sizeof(uint64_t));
+ }
+ /* streams-opened port=num,.. */
+ if (fprintf(out, "streams-opened ")<0)
+ goto done;
+ comma = 0;
+ for (i = 1; i < EXIT_STATS_NUM_PORTS; i++) {
+ if (exit_streams[i] > 0) {
+ uint32_t num = exit_streams[i];
+ if (fprintf(out, "%s%d=%d",
+ comma++ ? "," : "", i, num)<0)
+ goto done;
+ }
+ }
+ if (fprintf(out, "\n")<0)
+ goto done;
+ /* Reset counters */
+ memset(exit_streams, 0, sizeof(exit_streams));
+ end_of_current_exit_stats_period += EXIT_STATS_INTERVAL_SEC;
+ }
+ if (open_file)
+ finish_writing_to_file(open_file);
+ open_file = NULL;
+ done:
+ if (open_file)
+ abort_writing_to_file(open_file);
+ tor_free(filename);
+/** Prepare to add an exit stats observation at second <b>when</b> by
+ * checking whether this observation lies in the current observation
+ * period; if not, shift the current period forward by one until the
+ * reported event fits it and write all results in between to disk. */
+static void
+add_exit_obs(time_t when)
+ if (when > end_of_current_exit_stats_period) {
+ if (end_of_current_exit_stats_period)
+ write_exit_stats(when);
+ else
+ end_of_current_exit_stats_period = when + EXIT_STATS_INTERVAL_SEC;
+ }
+/** Note that we wrote <b>num_bytes</b> to an exit connection to
+ * <b>port</b> in second <b>when</b>. */
+rep_hist_note_exit_bytes_written(uint16_t port, size_t num_bytes,
+ time_t when)
+ if (!get_options()->ExitPortStatistics)
+ return;
+ add_exit_obs(when);
+ exit_bytes_written[port] += num_bytes;
+ log_debug(LD_HIST, "Written %lu bytes to exit connection to port %d.",
+ (unsigned long)num_bytes, port);
+/** Note that we read <b>num_bytes</b> from an exit connection to
+ * <b>port</b> in second <b>when</b>. */
+rep_hist_note_exit_bytes_read(uint16_t port, size_t num_bytes,
+ time_t when)
+ if (!get_options()->ExitPortStatistics)
+ return;
+ add_exit_obs(when);
+ exit_bytes_read[port] += num_bytes;
+ log_debug(LD_HIST, "Read %lu bytes from exit connection to port %d.",
+ (unsigned long)num_bytes, port);
+/** Note that we opened an exit stream to <b>port</b> in second
+ * <b>when</b>. */
+rep_hist_note_exit_stream_opened(uint16_t port, time_t when)
+ if (!get_options()->ExitPortStatistics)
+ return;
+ add_exit_obs(when);
+ exit_streams[port]++;
+ log_debug(LD_HIST, "Opened exit stream to port %d", port);
/** Helper: Return the largest value in b->maxima. (This is equal to the
* most bandwidth used in any NUM_SECS_ROLLING_MEASURE period for the last