@@ -376,17 +376,21 @@ service_intro_point_free_void(void *obj)
- * given extend_info_t ei if non NULL. If is_legacy is true, we also generate
- * the legacy key. On error, NULL is returned.
+ * given extend_info_t ei if non NULL.
+ * If is_legacy is true, we also generate the legacy key.
+ * If supports_ed25519_link_handshake_any is true, we add the relay's ed25519
+ * key to the link specifiers.
* If ei is NULL, returns a hs_service_intro_point_t with an empty link
* specifier list and no onion key. (This is used for testing.)
+ * On any other error, NULL is returned.
* ei must be an extend_info_t containing an IPv4 address. (We will add supoort
* for IPv6 in a later release.) When calling extend_info_from_node(), pass
* 0 in for_direct_connection to make sure ei always has an IPv4 address. */
STATIC hs_service_intro_point_t *
-service_intro_point_new(const extend_info_t *ei, unsigned int is_legacy)
+service_intro_point_new(const extend_info_t *ei, unsigned int is_legacy,
+ unsigned int supports_ed25519_link_handshake_any)
hs_desc_link_specifier_t *ls;
hs_service_intro_point_t *ip;
@@ -453,10 +457,13 @@ service_intro_point_new(const extend_info_t *ei, unsigned int is_legacy)
smartlist_add(ip->base.link_specifiers, ls);
- ls = hs_desc_link_specifier_new(ei, LS_ED25519_ID);
- if (ls) {
- smartlist_add(ip->base.link_specifiers, ls);
+ * ed25519 link authentication, we include it. */
+ if (supports_ed25519_link_handshake_any) {
+ ls = hs_desc_link_specifier_new(ei, LS_ED25519_ID);
+ if (ls) {
+ smartlist_add(ip->base.link_specifiers, ls);
+ }
@@ -1586,8 +1593,12 @@ pick_intro_point(unsigned int direct_conn, smartlist_t *exclude_nodes)
- ip = service_intro_point_new(info, !node_supports_ed25519_hs_intro(node));
+ * We don't care if the intro's link auth is compatible with us, because
+ * we are sending the ed25519 key to a remote client via the descriptor. */
+ ip = service_intro_point_new(info, !node_supports_ed25519_hs_intro(node),
+ node_supports_ed25519_link_authentication(node,
+ 0));
if (ip == NULL) {
goto err;