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- How to make rendezvous points work
- 1-11Jun2003
+ How to make rendezvous points work with tor
0. Overview
- Rendezvous points are an implementation of server anonymity /
- location-hidden servers in the onion routing network. There are
- three components needed for rendezvous points:
- A) A means for the client ("Alice") to tell a server ("Bob") where
- to contact her in order to establish a connection. (Introduction)
- B) A means for Bob to contact Alice to actually establish the
- connection, and for them to communicate later. (Meeting)
- C) Necessary glue code so that Alice can view webpages on a
- location-hidden webserver, and Bob can run a location-hidden
- server with minimal invasive changes. (Application)
- We'll tackle these in order. In all cases, we'll assume that both
- Alice and Bob run local OPs.
+ Rendezvous points are an implementation of location-hidden services
+ (server anonymity) in the onion routing network. Location-hidden
+ services means Bob can offer a tcp service (say, a webserver) via the
+ onion routing network, without revealing the IP of that service.
+ The basic idea is to provide censorship resistance for Bob by allowing
+ him to advertise a variety of onion routers as his public location
+ (nodes known as his Introduction Points, see Section 1). Alice,
+ the client, chooses a node known as a Meeting Point (see Section
+ 2). This extra level of indirection is needed so Bob doesn't serve
+ files directly from his public locations (so these nodes don't open
+ themselves up to abuse, eg from serving Nazi propaganda in France). The
+ extra level of indirection also allows Bob to choose which requests
+ to respond to, and which to ignore.
+ We also provide the necessary glue code so that Alice can view webpages
+ on a location-hidden webserver, and Bob can run a location-hidden
+ server, with minimal invasive changes (see Section 3). Both Alice
+ and Bob must run local onion proxies (OPs).
+ The big picture follows. We direct the reader to the rest of the
+ document for more details and explanation.
+ 1) Bob chooses some Introduction Points, and advertises them on a DHT.
+ 2) Bob establishes onion routing connections to each of his
+ Introduction Points, and waits.
+ 3) Alice learns about Bob's service out of band (perhaps Bob gave her
+ a pointer, or she found it on a website). She looks up the details
+ of Bob's service from the DHT.
+ 4) Alice chooses and establishes a Meeting Point for this transaction.
+ 5) Alice goes to one of Bob's Introduction Points, and gives it a blob
+ (encrypted for Bob) which tells him about herself and the Meeting
+ Point she chose.
+ 6) IP sends the blob to Bob.
+ 7) Bob chooses whether to ignore the blob, or to onion route to MP.
+ 8) MP plugs together Alice and Bob. Note that MP doesn't know (or care)
+ who Alice is, or who Bob is; and it can't read anything they
+ transmit either, because they share a session key.
+ 9) Alice sends a 'begin' cell along the circuit. It makes its way
+ to Bob's onion proxy. Bob's onion proxy connects to Bob's webserver.
+ 10) Data goes back and forth as usual.
1. Introduction service
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When establishing such an introduction point, Bob provides the onion
router with a public "introduction" key. The hash of this public
- key uniquely identifies Bob, and prevents anybody else from
- usurping Bob's introduction point in the future. Additionally, Bob
- can use the same public key to establish an introduction point on
- another OR, and Alice can still be confident that Bob is the same
- server.
+ key identifies a unique Bob, and (since Bob is required to sign his
+ messages) prevents anybody else from usurping Bob's introduction
+ point in the future. Additionally, Bob can use the same public key
+ to establish an introduction point on another onion router (OR),
+ and Alice can still be confident that Bob is the same server.
(The set-up-an-introduction-point command should come via a
RELAY_BIND_INTRODUCTION cell. This cell creates a new stream on the
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[98 bytes] g^x part 1 (inside the RSA)
[30 bytes] g^x part 2 (symmetrically encrypted)
The meeting point and meeting cookie allow Bob to contact Alice and
- prove his identity; the end-to-end authentication enables Bob to
+ prove his identity; the end-to-end authentication enables Bob to
decide whether to talk to Alice; the initial authentication enables
- the meeting point to pre-screen introduction requests before
- sending them to Bob. (See 3 for a discussion of meeting points;
- see 2.1 for a proposed authentication mechanism.)
+ the meeting point to pre-screen introduction requests before sending
+ them to Bob. (See Section 2 for a discussion of meeting points;
+ see Section 1.1 for an example authentication mechanism.)
The authentication steps are the appropriate places for the
introduction server or Bob to do replay prevention, if desired.
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[Maybe] Each 'A' has an expiration time built in to it.
+ In reality, we'll want to pick a scheme that (a) wasn't invented from
+ scratch in an evening, and (b) doesn't require Alice to remember this
+ many bits (see section 3.2).
2. Meeting points
For Bob to actually reply to Alice, Alice first establishes a
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We assume the existence of a robust decentralized efficient lookup
system (call it "DHT"). Bob publishes
* Bob's Public Key for that service
- * Timestamp
+ * Expiration date ("don't use after")
* Introduction server 0 ... Introduction server N
(All signed by Bob's Public Key)
into DHT, indexed by the hash of Bob's Public Key. Bob should
periodically republish his introduction information with a new
- timestamp (and possibly with new/different introduction servers if
- he wants), so Alice can trust that DHT is giving her an up-to-date
- version.
+ expiration date (and possibly with new/different introduction servers
+ if he wants), so Alice can trust that DHT is giving her an up-to-date
+ version. The Chord CFS paper describes a sample DHT that allows
+ authenticated updating.
3.2. Application interface: client side
We require that the client interface remain a SOCKS proxy, and we
require that Alice shouldn't have to modify her applications. Thus
- we encode all of the necessary information into the hostname that
- Alice uses (eg when clicking on a url in her browser, etc).
+ we encode all of the necessary information into the hostname (more
+ correctly, fqdn) that Alice uses, eg when clicking on a url in her
+ browser.
To establish a connection to Bob, Alice needs to know an Introduction
point, Bob's PK, and some authentication cookie. Because encoding this
@@ -161,7 +192,6 @@
13 characters.
Alice's onion proxy examines hostnames and recognizes when they're
- destined for a hidden server. If so, it decodes the PK, looks it up in
- the DHT, chooses and connects to a meeting place, chooses and connects
- to one of Bob's introduction servers, and then waits to hear from Bob.
+ destined for a hidden server. If so, it decodes the PK and performs
+ the steps in Section 0 above.