@@ -3252,11 +3252,13 @@ extrainfo_dump_to_string(char **s_out, extrainfo_t *extrainfo,
* extra-info line and one for the router-signature), we can keep removing
- * things. */
- if (smartlist_len(chunks) > 2) {
- element), since we need to keep the router-signature element. */
- int idx = smartlist_len(chunks) - 2;
+ * things. If emit_ed_sigs is true, we also keep 2 additional chunks at the
+ * end for the ed25519 signature. */
+ const int required_chunks = emit_ed_sigs ? 4 : 2;
+ if (smartlist_len(chunks) > required_chunks) {
+ * last element), since we need to keep the router-signature elements. */
+ int idx = smartlist_len(chunks) - required_chunks;
char *e = smartlist_get(chunks, idx);
smartlist_del_keeporder(chunks, idx);
log_warn(LD_GENERAL, "We just generated an extra-info descriptor "