@@ -24,19 +24,11 @@ Important bugfixes in 0.1.2.x:
until we've fetched correct ones.
- If the client's clock is too far in the past, it will drop (or
just not try to get) descriptors, so it'll never build circuits.
- o bug #308: if Tor writes a bad datestamp to its datadir files, it
- will then refuse to start even if you fix your clock.
Items for 0.1.2.x:
- o bug #280: getaddrinfo does not set hints
- o bug #314: is the fix for this just to check not only
- address_is_in_virtual_range(req->address) but also to check whether
- ent = strmap_get(addressmap, address) and ent->new_address is set?
- when we start, remove any entryguards that are listed in excludenodes.
. start calling dev releases, not -cvs. Do we need
to change the code in any way for this?
- o find functions like print_cvs_version() and update them to think
- about svn instead.
- enumerate events of important things that occur in tor, so vidalia can
- We should ship with a list of stable dir mirrors -- they're not
@@ -63,24 +55,6 @@ Items for 0.1.2.x:
- Write-limit directory responses (need to research)
N . Improve memory usage on tight-memory machines.
. Directory-related fixes.
- o Remember offset and location of each descriptor in the cache/journal
- o When sending a big pile of descs to a client, don't shove them all
- on the buffer at once. Keep a list of the descriptor digests for
- the descriptors we still want to send. We might end up truncating
- some replies by returning fewer descriptors than were requested (if
- somebody requests a desc that we throw away before we deliver it),
- but this happens only when somebody wants an obsolete desc, and
- clients can already handle truncated replies.
- o But what do we do about compression? That's the part that makes
- stuff hard.
- o Implement compress/decompress-on-the-fly support.
- o Use it for returning lists of descriptors.
- o Use it for returning lists of network status docs. (This will
- take a hybrid approach; let's get the other bits working first.)
- o Make clients handle missing Content-Length tags. (Oh, they do.)
- o Verify that this has happened for a long time.
- o Try a similar trick for spooling out v1 directories. These we
- _uncompress_ on the fly.
. Mmap cache files where possible.
o Mmap cached-routers file; when building it, go oldest-to-newest.
- More unit tests and asserts for cached-routers file: ensure digest
@@ -95,12 +69,6 @@ N . Improve memory usage on tight-memory machines.
Windows, I have doubts. Do we need to keep multiple files?)
D What do we do about the fact that people can't read zlib-
compressed files manually?
- o Be a little more OO to save memory in frequently
- replicated structs.
- o Split circuit_t into origin circuits and or circuits
- o Move as many fields as reasonable out of base class.
- o Re-pack structs to avoid wasted bytes.
- o Split connection_t based on type field.
- Look into pulling serverdescs off buffers as they arrive.
- "bandwidth classes", for incoming vs initiated-here conns.