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Improve fallback selection and output

Improve the download test:
* Allow IPv4 DirPort checks to be turned off.
* Add a timeout to stem's consensus download.
* Actually check for download errors, rather than ignoring them.
* Simplify the timeout and download error checking logic.

Tweak whitelist/blacklist checks to be more robust.
Improve logging, make it warn by default.

Cleanse fallback comments more thoroughly:
* non-printables (yes, ContactInfo can have these)
* // comments (don't rely on newlines to prevent // */ escapes)
teor (Tim Wilson-Brown) hace 9 años
Se han modificado 1 ficheros con 201 adiciones y 88 borrados
  1. 201 88

+ 201 - 88

@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 # Usage: scripts/maint/updateFallbackDirs.py > src/or/fallback_dirs.inc
+# Needs stem available in your PYTHONPATH, or just ln -s ../stem/stem .
 # Then read the generated list to ensure no-one slipped anything funny into
 # their name or contactinfo
@@ -29,17 +30,28 @@ import dateutil.parser
 from stem.descriptor.remote import DescriptorDownloader
 import logging
+# INFO tells you why each relay was included or excluded
+# WARN tells you about potential misconfigurations
 ## Top-Level Configuration
-# Perform DirPort checks over IPv6?
-# If you know IPv6 works for you, set this to True
 # Output all candidate fallbacks, or only output selected fallbacks?
+# Perform DirPort checks over IPv4?
+# Change this to False if IPv4 doesn't work for you, or if you don't want to
+# download a consensus for each fallback
+# Don't check ~1000 candidates when OUTPUT_CANDIDATES is True
+# Perform DirPort checks over IPv6?
+# If you know IPv6 works for you, set this to True
+# This will exclude IPv6 relays without an IPv6 DirPort configured
+# So it's best left at False until #18394 is implemented
+# Don't check ~1000 candidates when OUTPUT_CANDIDATES is True
 ## OnionOO Settings
 ONIONOO = 'https://onionoo.torproject.org/'
@@ -81,7 +93,7 @@ MAX_LIST_FILE_SIZE = 1024 * 1024
 # Reduced due to a bug in tor where a relay submits a 0 DirPort when restarted
 # This causes OnionOO to (correctly) reset its stability timer
-# This issue is fixed in and master.
+# This issue will be fixed in and
 # Until then, the CUTOFFs below ensure a decent level of stability.
 # What time-weighted-fraction of these flags must FallbackDirs
@@ -157,36 +169,52 @@ def parse_ts(t):
 def remove_bad_chars(raw_string, bad_char_list):
   # Remove each character in the bad_char_list
-  escaped_string = raw_string
+  cleansed_string = raw_string
   for c in bad_char_list:
-    escaped_string = escaped_string.replace(c, '')
-  return escaped_string
+    cleansed_string = cleansed_string.replace(c, '')
+  return cleansed_string
+def cleanse_unprintable(raw_string):
+  # Remove all unprintable characters
+  cleansed_string = ''
+  for c in raw_string:
+    if (c in string.ascii_letters or c in string.digits
+        or c in string.punctuation or c in string.whitespace):
+      cleansed_string += c
+  return cleansed_string
 def cleanse_whitespace(raw_string):
   # Replace all whitespace characters with a space
-  escaped_string = raw_string
+  cleansed_string = raw_string
   for c in string.whitespace:
-    escaped_string = escaped_string.replace(c, ' ')
-  return escaped_string
+    cleansed_string = cleansed_string.replace(c, ' ')
+  return cleansed_string
 def cleanse_c_multiline_comment(raw_string):
+  cleansed_string = raw_string
+  # Embedded newlines should be removed by tor/onionoo, but let's be paranoid
+  cleansed_string = cleanse_whitespace(cleansed_string)
+  # ContactInfo and Version can be arbitrary binary data
+  cleansed_string = cleanse_unprintable(cleansed_string)
   # Prevent a malicious / unanticipated string from breaking out
   # of a C-style multiline comment
-  # This removes '/*' and '*/'
-  # To deal with '//', the end comment must be on its own line
-  bad_char_list = '*'
+  # This removes '/*' and '*/' and '//'
+  bad_char_list = '*/'
   # Prevent a malicious string from using C nulls
   bad_char_list += '\0'
   # Be safer by removing bad characters entirely
-  escaped_string = remove_bad_chars(raw_string, bad_char_list)
-  # Embedded newlines should be removed by tor/onionoo, but let's be paranoid
-  escaped_string = cleanse_whitespace(escaped_string)
+  cleansed_string = remove_bad_chars(cleansed_string, bad_char_list)
   # Some compilers may further process the content of comments
   # There isn't much we can do to cover every possible case
   # But comment-based directives are typically only advisory
-  return escaped_string
+  return cleansed_string
 def cleanse_c_string(raw_string):
+  cleansed_string = raw_string
+  # Embedded newlines should be removed by tor/onionoo, but let's be paranoid
+  cleansed_string = cleanse_whitespace(cleansed_string)
+  # ContactInfo and Version can be arbitrary binary data
+  cleansed_string = cleanse_unprintable(cleansed_string)
   # Prevent a malicious address/fingerprint string from breaking out
   # of a C-style string
   bad_char_list = '"'
@@ -195,13 +223,11 @@ def cleanse_c_string(raw_string):
   # Prevent a malicious string from using C nulls
   bad_char_list += '\0'
   # Be safer by removing bad characters entirely
-  escaped_string = remove_bad_chars(raw_string, bad_char_list)
-  # Embedded newlines should be removed by tor/onionoo, but let's be paranoid
-  escaped_string = cleanse_whitespace(escaped_string)
+  cleansed_string = remove_bad_chars(cleansed_string, bad_char_list)
   # Some compilers may further process the content of strings
   # There isn't much we can do to cover every possible case
   # But this typically only results in changes to the string data
-  return escaped_string
+  return cleansed_string
 ## OnionOO Source Functions
@@ -244,11 +270,11 @@ def write_to_file(str, file_name, max_len):
     with open(file_name, 'w') as f:
   except EnvironmentError, error:
-    logging.debug('Writing file %s failed: %d: %s'%
-                  (file_name,
-                   error.errno,
-                   error.strerror)
-                  )
+    logging.warning('Writing file %s failed: %d: %s'%
+                    (file_name,
+                     error.errno,
+                     error.strerror)
+                    )
 def read_from_file(file_name, max_len):
@@ -256,11 +282,11 @@ def read_from_file(file_name, max_len):
       with open(file_name, 'r') as f:
         return f.read(max_len)
   except EnvironmentError, error:
-    logging.debug('Loading file %s failed: %d: %s'%
-                  (file_name,
-                   error.errno,
-                   error.strerror)
-                  )
+    logging.info('Loading file %s failed: %d: %s'%
+                 (file_name,
+                  error.errno,
+                  error.strerror)
+                 )
   return None
 def load_possibly_compressed_response_json(response):
@@ -699,30 +725,37 @@ class Candidate(object):
       self._badexit = self._avg_generic_history(badexit) / ONIONOO_SCALE_ONE
   def is_candidate(self):
+    must_be_running_now = (PERFORM_IPV4_DIRPORT_CHECKS
+                           or PERFORM_IPV6_DIRPORT_CHECKS)
+    if (must_be_running_now and not self.is_running()):
+      logging.info('%s not a candidate: not running now, unable to check ' +
+                   'DirPort consensus download', self._fpr)
+      return False
     if (self._data['last_changed_address_or_port'] >
-      logging.debug('%s not a candidate: changed address/port recently (%s)',
-        self._fpr, self._data['last_changed_address_or_port'])
+      logging.info('%s not a candidate: changed address/port recently (%s)',
+                   self._fpr, self._data['last_changed_address_or_port'])
       return False
     if self._running < CUTOFF_RUNNING:
-      logging.debug('%s not a candidate: running avg too low (%lf)',
-                    self._fpr, self._running)
+      logging.info('%s not a candidate: running avg too low (%lf)',
+                   self._fpr, self._running)
       return False
     if self._v2dir < CUTOFF_V2DIR:
-      logging.debug('%s not a candidate: v2dir avg too low (%lf)',
-                    self._fpr, self._v2dir)
+      logging.info('%s not a candidate: v2dir avg too low (%lf)',
+                   self._fpr, self._v2dir)
       return False
     if self._badexit is not None and self._badexit > PERMITTED_BADEXIT:
-      logging.debug('%s not a candidate: badexit avg too high (%lf)',
-                    self._fpr, self._badexit)
+      logging.info('%s not a candidate: badexit avg too high (%lf)',
+                   self._fpr, self._badexit)
       return False
     # if the relay doesn't report a version, also exclude the relay
     if (not self._data.has_key('recommended_version')
         or not self._data['recommended_version']):
+      logging.info('%s not a candidate: version not recommended', self._fpr)
       return False
     if self._guard < CUTOFF_GUARD:
-      logging.debug('%s not a candidate: guard avg too low (%lf)',
-                    self._fpr, self._guard)
+      logging.info('%s not a candidate: guard avg too low (%lf)',
+                   self._fpr, self._guard)
       return False
     return True
@@ -736,24 +769,48 @@ class Candidate(object):
         If the fallback has an ipv6 key, the whitelist line must also have
         it, and vice versa, otherwise they don't match. """
     for entry in relaylist:
+      if  entry['id'] != self._fpr:
+        # can't log here, every relay's fingerprint is compared to the entry
+        continue
       if entry['ipv4'] != self.dirip:
+        logging.info('%s is not in the whitelist: fingerprint matches, but ' +
+                     'IPv4 (%s) does not match entry IPv4 (%s)',
+                     self._fpr, self.dirip, entry['ipv4'])
       if int(entry['dirport']) != self.dirport:
+        logging.info('%s is not in the whitelist: fingerprint matches, but ' +
+                     'DirPort (%d) does not match entry DirPort (%d)',
+                     self._fpr, self.dirport, int(entry['dirport']))
       if int(entry['orport']) != self.orport:
+        logging.info('%s is not in the whitelist: fingerprint matches, but ' +
+                     'ORPort (%d) does not match entry ORPort (%d)',
+                     self._fpr, self.orport, int(entry['orport']))
-      if  entry['id'] != self._fpr:
-        continue
-      if (entry.has_key('ipv6')
-          and self.ipv6addr is not None and self.ipv6orport is not None):
+      has_ipv6 = self.ipv6addr is not None and self.ipv6orport is not None
+      if (entry.has_key('ipv6') and has_ipv6):
+        ipv6 = self.ipv6addr + ':' + self.ipv6orport
         # if both entry and fallback have an ipv6 address, compare them
-        if entry['ipv6'] != self.ipv6addr + ':' + self.ipv6orport:
+        if entry['ipv6'] != ipv6:
+          logging.info('%s is not in the whitelist: fingerprint matches, ' +
+                       'but IPv6 (%s) does not match entry IPv6 (%s)',
+                       self._fpr, ipv6, entry['ipv6'])
       # if the fallback has an IPv6 address but the whitelist entry
       # doesn't, or vice versa, the whitelist entry doesn't match
-      elif entry.has_key('ipv6') and self.ipv6addr is None:
+      elif entry.has_key('ipv6') and not has_ipv6:
+        logging.info('%s is not in the whitelist: fingerprint matches, but ' +
+                     'it has no IPv6, and entry has IPv6 (%s)', self._fpr,
+                     entry['ipv6'])
+        logging.warning('%s excluded: has it lost its former IPv6 address %s?',
+                        self._fpr, entry['ipv6'])
-      elif not entry.has_key('ipv6') and self.ipv6addr is not None:
+      elif not entry.has_key('ipv6') and has_ipv6:
+        logging.info('%s is not in the whitelist: fingerprint matches, but ' +
+                     'it has IPv6 (%s), and entry has no IPv6', self._fpr,
+                     ipv6)
+        logging.warning('%s excluded: has it gained an IPv6 address %s?',
+                        self._fpr, ipv6)
       return True
     return False
@@ -773,34 +830,60 @@ class Candidate(object):
     for entry in relaylist:
       for key in entry:
         value = entry[key]
+        if key == 'id' and value == self._fpr:
+          logging.info('%s is in the blacklist: fingerprint matches',
+                       self._fpr)
+          return True
         if key == 'ipv4' and value == self.dirip:
           # if the dirport is present, check it too
           if entry.has_key('dirport'):
             if int(entry['dirport']) == self.dirport:
+              logging.info('%s is in the blacklist: IPv4 (%s) and ' +
+                           'DirPort (%d) match', self._fpr, self.dirip,
+                           self.dirport)
               return True
           # if the orport is present, check it too
           elif entry.has_key('orport'):
             if int(entry['orport']) == self.orport:
+              logging.info('%s is in the blacklist: IPv4 (%s) and ' +
+                           'ORPort (%d) match', self._fpr, self.dirip,
+                           self.orport)
               return True
+            logging.info('%s is in the blacklist: IPv4 (%s) matches, and ' +
+                         'entry has no DirPort or ORPort', self._fpr,
+                         self.dirip)
             return True
-        if key == 'id' and value == self._fpr:
-          return True
-        if (key == 'ipv6'
-            and self.ipv6addr is not None and self.ipv6orport is not None):
+        has_ipv6 = self.ipv6addr is not None and self.ipv6orport is not None
+        ipv6 = (self.ipv6addr + ':' + self.ipv6orport) if has_ipv6 else None
+        if (key == 'ipv6' and has_ipv6):
         # if both entry and fallback have an ipv6 address, compare them,
         # otherwise, disregard ipv6 addresses
-          if value == self.ipv6addr + ':' + self.ipv6orport:
+          if value == ipv6:
             # if the dirport is present, check it too
             if entry.has_key('dirport'):
               if int(entry['dirport']) == self.dirport:
+                logging.info('%s is in the blacklist: IPv6 (%s) and ' +
+                             'DirPort (%d) match', self._fpr, ipv6,
+                             self.dirport)
                 return True
-            # if the orport is present, check it too
-            elif entry.has_key('orport'):
-              if int(entry['orport']) == self.orport:
-                return True
+            # we've already checked the ORPort, it's part of entry['ipv6']
+              logging.info('%s is in the blacklist: IPv6 (%s) matches, and' +
+                           'entry has no DirPort', self._fpr, ipv6)
               return True
+        elif (key == 'ipv6' or has_ipv6):
+          # only log if the fingerprint matches but the IPv6 doesn't
+          if entry.has_key('id') and entry['id'] == self._fpr:
+            logging.info('%s skipping IPv6 blacklist comparison: relay ' +
+                         'has%s IPv6%s, but entry has%s IPv6%s', self._fpr,
+                         '' if has_ipv6 else ' no',
+                         (' (' + ipv6 + ')') if has_ipv6 else  '',
+                         '' if key == 'ipv6' else ' no',
+                         (' (' + value + ')') if key == 'ipv6' else '')
+            logging.warning('Has %s %s IPv6 address %s?', self._fpr,
+                            'gained an' if has_ipv6 else 'lost its former',
+                            ipv6 if has_ipv6 else value)
     return False
   def is_exit(self):
@@ -809,6 +892,9 @@ class Candidate(object):
   def is_guard(self):
     return 'Guard' in self._data['flags']
+  def is_running(self):
+    return 'Running' in self._data['flags']
   def fallback_weight_fraction(self, total_weight):
     return float(self._data['consensus_weight']) / total_weight
@@ -825,53 +911,70 @@ class Candidate(object):
   def fallback_consensus_dl_speed(dirip, dirport, nickname, max_time):
+    download_failed = False
     downloader = DescriptorDownloader()
     start = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
+    # some directory mirrors respond to requests in ways that hang python
+    # sockets, which is why we long this line here
+    logging.info('Initiating consensus download from %s (%s:%d).', nickname,
+                 dirip, dirport)
     # there appears to be about 1 second of overhead when comparing stem's
     # internal trace time and the elapsed time calculated here
-    downloader.get_consensus(endpoints = [(dirip, dirport)]).run()
+    TIMEOUT_SLOP = 1.0
+    try:
+      downloader.get_consensus(endpoints = [(dirip, dirport)],
+                               timeout = (max_time + TIMEOUT_SLOP),
+                               validate = True,
+                               retries = 0,
+                               fall_back_to_authority = False).run()
+    except Exception, stem_error:
+      logging.debug('Unable to retrieve a consensus from %s: %s', nickname,
+                    stem_error)
+      status = 'error: "%s"' % (stem_error)
+      level = logging.WARNING
+      download_failed = True
     elapsed = (datetime.datetime.utcnow() - start).total_seconds()
     if elapsed > max_time:
       status = 'too slow'
+      level = logging.WARNING
+      download_failed = True
       status = 'ok'
-    logging.debug(('Consensus download: %0.2fs %s from %s (%s:%d), '
-                   + 'max download time %0.2fs.') % (elapsed, status,
-                                                     nickname, dirip, dirport,
-                                                     max_time))
-    return elapsed
+      level = logging.DEBUG
+    logging.log(level, 'Consensus download: %0.1fs %s from %s (%s:%d), ' +
+                 'max download time %0.1fs.', elapsed, status, nickname,
+                 dirip, dirport, max_time)
+    return download_failed
   def fallback_consensus_dl_check(self):
-    ipv4_speed = Candidate.fallback_consensus_dl_speed(self.dirip,
+    # include the relay if we're not doing a check, or we can't check (IPv6)
+    ipv4_failed = False
+    ipv6_failed = False
+      ipv4_failed = Candidate.fallback_consensus_dl_speed(self.dirip,
     if self.ipv6addr is not None and PERFORM_IPV6_DIRPORT_CHECKS:
       # Clients assume the IPv6 DirPort is the same as the IPv4 DirPort
-      ipv6_speed = Candidate.fallback_consensus_dl_speed(self.ipv6addr,
+      ipv6_failed = Candidate.fallback_consensus_dl_speed(self.ipv6addr,
-    else:
-      ipv6_speed = None
     # Now retry the relay if it took too long the first time
-    if (ipv4_speed > CONSENSUS_DOWNLOAD_SPEED_MAX
+    if (PERFORM_IPV4_DIRPORT_CHECKS and ipv4_failed
-      ipv4_speed = Candidate.fallback_consensus_dl_speed(self.dirip,
+      ipv4_failed = Candidate.fallback_consensus_dl_speed(self.dirip,
     if (self.ipv6addr is not None and PERFORM_IPV6_DIRPORT_CHECKS
-        and ipv6_speed > CONSENSUS_DOWNLOAD_SPEED_MAX
-      ipv6_speed = Candidate.fallback_consensus_dl_speed(self.ipv6addr,
+        and ipv6_failed and CONSENSUS_DOWNLOAD_RETRY):
+      ipv6_failed = Candidate.fallback_consensus_dl_speed(self.ipv6addr,
-    return (ipv4_speed <= CONSENSUS_DOWNLOAD_SPEED_MAX
-            and (not PERFORM_IPV6_DIRPORT_CHECKS
-                 or ipv6_speed <= CONSENSUS_DOWNLOAD_SPEED_MAX))
+    return ((not ipv4_failed) and (not ipv6_failed))
   def fallbackdir_line(self, total_weight, original_total_weight, dl_speed_ok):
     # /*
@@ -1071,8 +1174,8 @@ class CandidateList(dict):
           # exclude
           excluded_count += 1
-          logging.debug('Excluding %s: in both blacklist and whitelist.' %
-                        f._fpr)
+          logging.warning('Excluding %s: in both blacklist and whitelist.',
+                          f._fpr)
           # include
@@ -1082,8 +1185,7 @@ class CandidateList(dict):
       elif in_blacklist:
         # exclude
         excluded_count += 1
-        logging.debug('Excluding %s: in blacklist.' %
-                      f._fpr)
+        logging.debug('Excluding %s: in blacklist.', f._fpr)
           # include
@@ -1091,8 +1193,8 @@ class CandidateList(dict):
           # exclude
           excluded_count += 1
-          logging.debug('Excluding %s: in neither blacklist nor whitelist.' %
-                        f._fpr)
+          logging.info('Excluding %s: in neither blacklist nor whitelist.',
+                       f._fpr)
     self.fallbacks = filtered_fallbacks
     return excluded_count
@@ -1173,15 +1275,14 @@ class CandidateList(dict):
     # Integers don't need escaping in C comments
     fallback_count = len(self.fallbacks)
-      fallback_proportion = ''
+      fallback_proportion = ' (none)'
-      fallback_proportion = ' (%d * %f)'%(guard_count,
+      fallback_proportion = '%d (%d * %f)'%(target_count, guard_count,
     s += 'Final Count:  %d (Eligible %d, Usable %d, Target %d%s'%(
             min(max_count, fallback_count),
-            target_count,
     if MAX_FALLBACK_COUNT is not None:
       s += ', Clamped to %d'%(MAX_FALLBACK_COUNT)
@@ -1242,6 +1343,16 @@ class CandidateList(dict):
         s += '#error ' + error_str
         s += '/* ' + error_str + ' */'
+    s += '\n'
+      s += '/* Checked %s%s%s DirPorts served a consensus within %.1fs. */'%(
+            'IPv4' if PERFORM_IPV4_DIRPORT_CHECKS else '',
+            ' and ' if (PERFORM_IPV4_DIRPORT_CHECKS
+                        and PERFORM_IPV6_DIRPORT_CHECKS) else '',
+            'IPv6' if PERFORM_IPV6_DIRPORT_CHECKS else '',
+    else:
+      s += '/* Did not check IPv4 or IPv6 DirPort consensus downloads. */'
     return s
 ## Main Function
@@ -1250,9 +1361,11 @@ def list_fallbacks():
   """ Fetches required onionoo documents and evaluates the
       fallback directory criteria for each of the relays """
+  # find relays that could be fallbacks
   candidates = CandidateList()
+  # work out how many fallbacks we want
   guard_count = candidates.count_guards()
     target_count = guard_count
@@ -1268,10 +1381,10 @@ def list_fallbacks():
+  # filter with the whitelist and blacklist
   initial_count = len(candidates.fallbacks)
   excluded_count = candidates.apply_filter_lists()
   print candidates.summarise_filters(initial_count, excluded_count)
   eligible_count = len(candidates.fallbacks)
   eligible_weight = candidates.fallback_weight_total()