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Add close_foo functions to TorControl

Nick Mathewson 20 years ago
3 changed files with 110 additions and 1 deletions
  1. 99 0
  2. 10 0
  3. 1 1

+ 99 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+import TorControl
+import threading
+import socket
+import struct
+import random
+circuits = {}
+streams = {}
+def runControl(s):
+    pendingEvents = [] #XXX This tric. should become standard
+    TorControl._event_handler = pendingEvents.append
+    TorControl.set_events(s,
+                          [TorControl.EVENT_TYPE.CIRCSTATUS,
+                           TorControl.EVENT_TYPE.STREAMSTATUS])
+    TorControl.set_option(s,"__LeaveStreamsUnattached 1")
+    while 1:
+        e = pendingEvents[:]
+        del pendingEvents[:]
+        for ev in e:
+            handleEvent(s, ev)
+        _, tp, body = TorControl.receive_message(s)
+        if tp == TorControl.MSG_TYPE.EVENT:
+            handleEvent(s, body)
+def parsePath(name):
+    assert name.endswith(".path")
+    items = name.split(".")
+    try:
+        n = int(items[-2])
+    except:
+        return None,None
+    path = items[-(2+n):-2]
+    host = items[:-(2+n)]
+    print path,host
+    return path,".".join(host)
+def handleEvent(s,body):
+    event, args = TorControl.unpack_event(body)
+    if event == TorControl.EVENT_TYPE.STREAMSTATUS:
+        status, ident, target = args
+        print "Got stream event:",TorControl.STREAM_STATUS.nameOf[status],\
+              ident,target
+        if status in (TorControl.STREAM_STATUS.NEW_CONNECT,
+                      TorControl.STREAM_STATUS.NEW_RESOLVE):
+            target,port=target.split(":")
+            if not target.endswith(".path"):
+                TorControl.attach_stream(s, ident, 0)
+            else:
+                path,host = parsePath(target)
+                #XXXX Don't launch so many circuits!
+                streams[ident] = path,host
+                circid = TorControl.extend_circuit(s, 0, path)
+                circuits[circid] = path
+        elif status == TorControl.STREAM_STATUS.DETACHED:
+            if not streams.has_key(ident):
+                TorControl.attach_stream(s, ident, 0)
+            else:
+                TorControl.close_stream(s, ident, 1)
+    elif event == TorControl.EVENT_TYPE.CIRCSTATUS:
+        status, ident, path = args
+        print "Got circuit event",TorControl.CIRC_STATUS.nameOf[status],\
+              ident,path
+        if not circuits.has_key(ident):
+            return
+        if status in (TorControl.CIRC_STATUS.CLOSED,
+                      TorControl.CIRC_STATUS.FAILED):
+            ok = 0
+        elif status == TorControl.CIRC_STATUS.BUILT:
+            ok = 1
+        else:
+            return
+        ids = [ streamID for (streamID, (path,host)) in streams.items()
+                if path == circuits[ident] ]
+        for streamID in ids:
+            if ok:
+                _,host = streams[streamID]
+                TorControl.redirect_stream(s, streamID, host)
+                TorControl.attach_stream(s, streamID, ident)
+                #XXXX Don't do this twice.
+            else:
+                TorControl.close_stream(s, streamID, 1)
+        if not ok:
+            del circuits[ident]
+def run():
+    s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
+    s.connect(("", 9051))
+    TorControl.authenticate(s)
+    runControl(s)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    run()

+ 10 - 0

@@ -314,6 +314,16 @@ def attach_stream(s, streamid, circid):
     tp,body = receive_reply(s,[MSG_TYPE.DONE])
+def close_stream(s, streamid, reason=0, flags=0):
+    msg = struct.pack("!LBB",streamid,reason,flags)
+    send_message(s,MSG_TYPE.CLOSESTREAM,msg)
+    tp,body = receive_reply(s,[MSG_TYPE.DONE])
+def close_circuit(s, circid, flags=0):
+    msg = struct.pack("!LB",circid,flags)
+    send_message(s,MSG_TYPE.CLOSECIRCUIT,msg)
+    tp,body = receive_reply(s,[MSG_TYPE.DONE])
 def _unterminate(s):
     if s[-1] == '\0':
         return s[:-1]

+ 1 - 1

@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ clean_newlines() {
 clean_localstatedir() {
-    perl -pe 'BEGIN {undef $/;} s/^\n$/\r\n/mg; s/([^\r])\n$/\1\r\n/mg; s{\@LOCALSTATEDIR\@/(lib|log)/tor/}{\\Application Data\\Tor\\}' $1 >$2
+    perl -pe 'BEGIN {undef $/;} s/^\n$/\r\n/mg; s/([^\r])\n$/\1\r\n/mg; s{\@LOCALSTATEDIR\@/(lib|log)/tor/}{C:\\Documents and Settings\\Application Data\\Tor\\}' $1 >$2
 for fn in CLIENTS tor-spec.txt HACKING rend-spec.txt control-spec.txt \