@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ extern or_options_t options; /* command-line and config-file options */
struct cpath_build_state_t {
int desired_path_len;
+ char *chosen_exit; /* nicknames */
static int count_acceptable_routers(routerinfo_t **rarray, int rarray_len);
@@ -223,6 +224,95 @@ static int new_route_len(double cw, routerinfo_t **rarray, int rarray_len) {
return routelen;
+static routerinfo_t *choose_good_exit_server(directory_t *dir)
+ int *n_supported;
+ int *n_maybe_supported;
+ int i, j;
+ int n_pending_connections = 0;
+ connection_t **carray;
+ int n_connections;
+ int best_support = -1;
+ int best_maybe_support = -1;
+ int best_support_idx = -1;
+ int best_maybe_support_idx = -1;
+ int n_best_support=0, n_best_maybe_support=0;
+ get_connection_array(&carray, &n_connections);
+ for (i = 0; i < n_connections; ++i) {
+ if (carray[i]->type == CONN_TYPE_AP && carray[i]->state == AP_CONN_STATE_CIRCUIT_WAIT)
+ ++n_pending_connections;
+ }
+ log_fn(LOG_DEBUG, "Choosing exit node; %d connections are pending",
+ n_pending_connections);
+ n_supported = tor_malloc(sizeof(int)*dir->n_routers);
+ n_maybe_supported = tor_malloc(sizeof(int)*dir->n_routers);
+ for (i = 0; i < dir->n_routers; ++i) {
+ n_supported[i] = n_maybe_supported[i] = 0;
+ for (j = 0; j < n_pending_connections; ++j) {
+ if (carray[i]->type != CONN_TYPE_AP ||
+ carray[i]->state == AP_CONN_STATE_CIRCUIT_WAIT ||
+ carray[i]->marked_for_close)
+ continue;
+ switch (connection_ap_can_use_exit(carray[j], dir->routers[i]))
+ {
+ case -1:
+ break;
+ case 0:
+ ++n_supported[i];
+ case 1:
+ ++n_maybe_supported[i];
+ }
+ }
+ if (n_supported[i] > best_support) {
+ best_support = n_supported[i]; best_support_idx = i; n_best_support=1;
+ } else if (n_supported[i] == best_support) {
+ ++n_best_support;
+ }
+ if (n_maybe_supported[i] > best_maybe_support) {
+ best_maybe_support = n_maybe_supported[i]; best_maybe_support_idx = i;
+ n_best_maybe_support = 1;
+ } else if (n_maybe_supported[i] == best_maybe_support) {
+ ++n_best_maybe_support;
+ }
+ }
+ log_fn(LOG_WARN, "Found %d servers that will definitely support %d/%d pending connections, and %d that might support %d/%d.",
+ n_best_support, best_support, n_pending_connections,
+ n_best_maybe_support, best_maybe_support, n_pending_connections);
+ if (best_support) {
+ i = crypto_pseudo_rand_int(n_best_support);
+ for (j = best_support_idx; j < dir->n_routers; ++j) {
+ if (n_supported[j] == best_support) {
+ if (i)
+ --i;
+ else {
+ tor_free(n_supported); tor_free(n_maybe_supported);
+ return dir->routers[i];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (best_maybe_support) {
+ i = crypto_pseudo_rand_int(n_best_maybe_support);
+ for (j = best_maybe_support_idx; j < dir->n_routers; ++j) {
+ if (n_maybe_supported[j] == best_maybe_support) {
+ if (i)
+ --i;
+ else {
+ tor_free(n_supported); tor_free(n_maybe_supported);
+ return dir->routers[i];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ tor_free(n_supported);
+ tor_free(n_maybe_supported);
+ i = crypto_pseudo_rand_int(dir->n_routers);
+ log_fn(LOG_DEBUG, "Chose exit server '%s'", dir->routers[i]->nickname);
+ return dir->routers[i];
cpath_build_state_t *onion_new_cpath_build_state(void) {
directory_t *dir;
int r;
@@ -234,6 +324,8 @@ cpath_build_state_t *onion_new_cpath_build_state(void) {
return NULL;
info = tor_malloc(sizeof(cpath_build_state_t));
info->desired_path_len = r;
+ /* XXX This is leaked */
+ info->chosen_exit = tor_strdup(choose_good_exit_server(dir)->nickname);
return info;
@@ -272,12 +364,11 @@ int onion_extend_cpath(crypt_path_t **head_ptr, cpath_build_state_t *state, rout
int cur_len;
crypt_path_t *cpath, *hop;
routerinfo_t **rarray, *r;
- unsigned int choice;
+ routerinfo_t *choice;
int rarray_len;
int i;
directory_t *dir;
- char **nicknames;
- int num_nicknames;
+ int n_failures;
@@ -302,28 +393,51 @@ int onion_extend_cpath(crypt_path_t **head_ptr, cpath_build_state_t *state, rout
log_fn(LOG_DEBUG, "Path is %d long; we want %d", cur_len,
+ n_failures = 0;
+ goto start;
+ log_fn(LOG_DEBUG, "Picked an already-selected router for hop %d; retrying.",
+ cur_len);
+ ++n_failures;
+ if (n_failures == 25) {
+ /* This actually happens with P=1/30,000,000 when we _could_ build a
+ * circuit. For now, let's leave it in.
+ */
+ log_fn(LOG_ERR, "Infinite loop in exit path selection");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ start:
if(cur_len == 0) { /* picking entry node */
+ log_fn(LOG_DEBUG, "Contemplating first hop: random choice.");
+ choice = rarray[crypto_pseudo_rand_int(rarray_len)];
+ } else if (cur_len == state->desired_path_len - 1) { /* Picking last node */
+ log_fn(LOG_DEBUG, "Contemplating last hop: choice already made.");
+ choice = router_get_by_nickname(state->chosen_exit);
+ } else {
+ log_fn(LOG_DEBUG, "Contemplating intermediate hop: random choice.");
+ choice = rarray[crypto_pseudo_rand_int(rarray_len)];
- choice = crypto_pseudo_rand_int(rarray_len);
- log_fn(LOG_DEBUG,"Contemplating router %s for hop %d",
- rarray[choice]->nickname, cur_len);
+ log_fn(LOG_DEBUG,"Contemplating router %s for hop %d (exit is %s)",
+ choice->nickname, cur_len, state->chosen_exit);
+ if (cur_len != state->desired_path_len-1 &&
+ !strcasecmp(choice->nickname, state->chosen_exit)) {
+ goto again;
+ }
for (i = 0, cpath = *head_ptr; i < cur_len; ++i, cpath=cpath->next) {
r = router_get_by_addr_port(cpath->addr, cpath->port);
- if ((r && !crypto_pk_cmp_keys(r->onion_pkey, rarray[choice]->onion_pkey))
- || (cpath->addr == rarray[choice]->addr &&
- cpath->port == rarray[choice]->or_port)
+ if ((r && !crypto_pk_cmp_keys(r->onion_pkey, choice->onion_pkey))
+ || (cur_len != state->desired_path_len-1 &&
+ !strcasecmp(choice->nickname, state->chosen_exit))
+ || (cpath->addr == choice->addr &&
+ cpath->port == choice->or_port)
|| (options.OnionRouter &&
- !(connection_twin_get_by_addr_port(rarray[choice]->addr,
- rarray[choice]->or_port)))) {
- log_fn(LOG_DEBUG, "Picked an already-selected router for hop %d; retrying.",
- cur_len);
+ !(connection_twin_get_by_addr_port(choice->addr,
+ choice->or_port)))) {
goto again;
/* Okay, so we haven't used 'choice' before. */
hop = (crypt_path_t *)tor_malloc(sizeof(crypt_path_t));
memset(hop, 0, sizeof(crypt_path_t));
@@ -341,16 +455,16 @@ int onion_extend_cpath(crypt_path_t **head_ptr, cpath_build_state_t *state, rout
hop->state = CPATH_STATE_CLOSED;
- hop->port = rarray[choice]->or_port;
- hop->addr = rarray[choice]->addr;
+ hop->port = choice->or_port;
+ hop->addr = choice->addr;
hop->package_window = CIRCWINDOW_START;
hop->deliver_window = CIRCWINDOW_START;
log_fn(LOG_DEBUG, "Extended circuit path with %s for hop %d",
- rarray[choice]->nickname, cur_len);
+ choice->nickname, cur_len);
- *router_out = rarray[choice];
+ *router_out = choice;
return 0;