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Merge remote-tracking branch 'teor/feature17327-v4'

Nick Mathewson 9 år sedan
11 ändrade filer med 280 tillägg och 30 borttagningar
  1. 4 0
  2. 5 0
  3. 6 3
  4. 42 7
  5. 5 3
  6. 2 0
  7. 1 0
  8. 24 3
  9. 2 0
  10. 175 0
  11. 14 14

+ 4 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+  o Minor features:
+    - Allow users to configure directory authorities and fallback
+      directory servers with IPv6 addresses and ORPorts.  Resolves
+      ticket 6027.

+ 5 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+  o Minor feature (IPv6):
+    - Add a flag ipv6=address:orport to the DirAuthority and FallbackDir torrc
+      options. Add hard-coded ipv6 addresses for directory authorities with
+      ipv6 lines in their descriptors.
+      Closes ticket 17327; patch from Nick Mathewson / "teor".

+ 6 - 3

@@ -358,7 +358,7 @@ GENERAL OPTIONS
     DataDirectory. If the option is set to 1, make the DataDirectory readable
     by the default GID. (Default: 0)
-[[FallbackDir]] **FallbackDir** __address__:__port__ orport=__port__ id=__fingerprint__ [weight=__num__]::
+[[FallbackDir]] **FallbackDir** __address__:__port__ orport=__port__ id=__fingerprint__ [weight=__num__] [ipv6=__address__:__orport__]::
     When we're unable to connect to any directory cache for directory info
     (usually because we don't know about any yet) we try a directory authority.
     Clients also simultaneously try a FallbackDir, to avoid hangs on client
@@ -384,9 +384,12 @@ GENERAL OPTIONS
     "bridge" flag is set. If a flag "orport=**port**" is given, Tor will use the
     given port when opening encrypted tunnels to the dirserver. If a flag
     "weight=**num**" is given, then the directory server is chosen randomly
-    with probability proportional to that weight (default 1.0). Lastly, if a
+    with probability proportional to that weight (default 1.0). If a
     flag "v3ident=**fp**" is given, the dirserver is a v3 directory authority
-    whose v3 long-term signing key has the fingerprint **fp**. +
+    whose v3 long-term signing key has the fingerprint **fp**. Lastly,
+    if an "ipv6=__address__:__orport__" flag is present, then the directory
+    authority is listening for IPv6 connections on the indicated IPv6 address
+    and OR Port. +
     If no **DirAuthority** line is given, Tor will use the default directory
     authorities. NOTE: this option is intended for setting up a private Tor

+ 42 - 7

@@ -600,9 +600,6 @@ static int options_transition_affects_descriptor(
 static int check_nickname_list(char **lst, const char *name, char **msg);
 static char *get_bindaddr_from_transport_listen_line(const char *line,
                                                      const char *transport);
-static int parse_dir_authority_line(const char *line,
-                                 dirinfo_type_t required_type,
-                                 int validate_only);
 static int parse_ports(or_options_t *options, int validate_only,
                               char **msg_out, int *n_ports_out,
                               int *world_writable_control_socket);
@@ -907,6 +904,7 @@ static const char *default_authorities[] = {
     " 9695 DFC3 5FFE B861 329B 9F1A B04C 4639 7020 CE31",
   "tor26 orport=443 "
     "v3ident=14C131DFC5C6F93646BE72FA1401C02A8DF2E8B4 "
+    "ipv6=[2001:858:2:2:aabb:0:563b:1526]:443 "
     " 847B 1F85 0344 D787 6491 A548 92F9 0493 4E4E B85D",
   "dizum orport=443 "
     "v3ident=E8A9C45EDE6D711294FADF8E7951F4DE6CA56B58 "
@@ -915,21 +913,26 @@ static const char *default_authorities[] = {
     " 4A0C CD2D DC79 9508 3D73 F5D6 6710 0C8A 5831 F16D",
   "gabelmoo orport=443 "
     "v3ident=ED03BB616EB2F60BEC80151114BB25CEF515B226 "
+    "ipv6=[2001:638:a000:4140::ffff:189]:443 "
     " F204 4413 DAC2 E02E 3D6B CF47 35A1 9BCA 1DE9 7281",
   "dannenberg orport=443 "
     "v3ident=585769C78764D58426B8B52B6651A5A71137189A "
     " 7BE6 83E6 5D48 1413 21C5 ED92 F075 C553 64AC 7123",
   "urras orport=80 "
     "v3ident=80550987E1D626E3EBA5E5E75A458DE0626D088C "
-    " 0AD3 FA88 4D18 F89E EA2D 89C0 1937 9E0E 7FD9 4417",
+    " 0AD3 FA88 4D18 F89E EA2D 89C0 1937 9E0E 7FD9 4417"
+    /* XX/teor - urras may have an IPv6 address, but it's not in urras'
+     * descriptor as of 11 Dec 2015. See #17813. */,
   "maatuska orport=80 "
     "v3ident=49015F787433103580E3B66A1707A00E60F2D15B "
+    "ipv6=[2001:67c:289c::9]:80 "
     " BD6A 8292 55CB 08E6 6FBE 7D37 4836 3586 E46B 3810",
   "Faravahar orport=443 "
     "v3ident=EFCBE720AB3A82B99F9E953CD5BF50F7EEFC7B97 "
     " CF6D 0AAF B385 BE71 B8E1 11FC 5CFF 4B47 9237 33BC",
   "longclaw orport=443 "
     "v3ident=23D15D965BC35114467363C165C4F724B64B4F66 "
+    "ipv6=[2620:13:4000:8000:60:f3ff:fea1:7cff]:443 "
     " 74A9 1064 6BCE EFBC D2E8 74FC 1DC9 9743 0F96 8145",
@@ -938,7 +941,7 @@ static const char *default_authorities[] = {
  * but only add them insofar as they share bits with <b>type</b>.
  * Each authority's bits are restricted to the bits shared with <b>type</b>.
  * If <b>type</b> is ALL_DIRINFO or NO_DIRINFO (zero), add all authorities. */
-static void
+STATIC void
 add_default_trusted_dir_authorities(dirinfo_type_t type)
   int i;
@@ -5634,13 +5637,14 @@ get_options_for_server_transport(const char *transport)
  * (minus whatever bits it's missing) as a valid authority.
  * Return 0 on success or filtering out by type,
  * or -1 if the line isn't well-formed or if we can't add it. */
-static int
 parse_dir_authority_line(const char *line, dirinfo_type_t required_type,
                          int validate_only)
   smartlist_t *items = NULL;
   int r;
   char *addrport=NULL, *address=NULL, *nickname=NULL, *fingerprint=NULL;
+  tor_addr_port_t ipv6_addrport, *ipv6_addrport_ptr = NULL;
   uint16_t dir_port = 0, or_port = 0;
   char digest[DIGEST_LEN];
   char v3_digest[DIGEST_LEN];
@@ -5697,6 +5701,20 @@ parse_dir_authority_line(const char *line, dirinfo_type_t required_type,
       } else {
+    } else if (!strcasecmpstart(flag, "ipv6=")) {
+      if (ipv6_addrport_ptr) {
+        log_warn(LD_CONFIG, "Redundant ipv6 addr/port on DirAuthority line");
+      } else {
+        if (tor_addr_port_parse(LOG_WARN, flag+strlen("ipv6="),
+                                &ipv6_addrport.addr, &ipv6_addrport.port,
+                                -1) < 0
+            || tor_addr_family(&ipv6_addrport.addr) != AF_INET6) {
+          log_warn(LD_CONFIG, "Bad ipv6 addr/port %s on DirAuthority line",
+                   escaped(flag));
+          goto err;
+        }
+        ipv6_addrport_ptr = &ipv6_addrport;
+      }
     } else {
       log_warn(LD_CONFIG, "Unrecognized flag '%s' on DirAuthority line",
@@ -5739,6 +5757,7 @@ parse_dir_authority_line(const char *line, dirinfo_type_t required_type,
     log_debug(LD_DIR, "Trusted %d dirserver at %s:%d (%s)", (int)type,
               address, (int)dir_port, (char*)smartlist_get(items,0));
     if (!(ds = trusted_dir_server_new(nickname, address, dir_port, or_port,
+                                      ipv6_addrport_ptr,
                                       digest, v3_digest, type, weight)))
       goto err;
@@ -5776,6 +5795,7 @@ parse_dir_fallback_line(const char *line,
   int ok;
   char id[DIGEST_LEN];
   char *address=NULL;
+  tor_addr_port_t ipv6_addrport, *ipv6_addrport_ptr = NULL;
   double weight=1.0;
   memset(id, 0, sizeof(id));
@@ -5794,6 +5814,20 @@ parse_dir_fallback_line(const char *line,
     } else if (!strcmpstart(cp, "id=")) {
       ok = !base16_decode(id, DIGEST_LEN,
                           cp+strlen("id="), strlen(cp)-strlen("id="));
+    } else if (!strcasecmpstart(cp, "ipv6=")) {
+      if (ipv6_addrport_ptr) {
+        log_warn(LD_CONFIG, "Redundant ipv6 addr/port on FallbackDir line");
+      } else {
+        if (tor_addr_port_parse(LOG_WARN, cp+strlen("ipv6="),
+                                &ipv6_addrport.addr, &ipv6_addrport.port,
+                                -1) < 0
+            || tor_addr_family(&ipv6_addrport.addr) != AF_INET6) {
+          log_warn(LD_CONFIG, "Bad ipv6 addr/port %s on FallbackDir line",
+                   escaped(cp));
+          goto end;
+        }
+        ipv6_addrport_ptr = &ipv6_addrport;
+      }
     } else if (!strcmpstart(cp, "weight=")) {
       int ok;
       const char *wstring = cp + strlen("weight=");
@@ -5835,7 +5869,8 @@ parse_dir_fallback_line(const char *line,
   if (!validate_only) {
     dir_server_t *ds;
-    ds = fallback_dir_server_new(&addr, dirport, orport, id, weight);
+    ds = fallback_dir_server_new(&addr, dirport, orport, ipv6_addrport_ptr,
+                                 id, weight);
     if (!ds) {
       log_warn(LD_CONFIG, "Couldn't create FallbackDir %s", escaped(line));
       goto end;

+ 5 - 3

@@ -152,10 +152,12 @@ STATIC int parse_transport_line(const or_options_t *options,
                                 int server);
 STATIC int consider_adding_dir_servers(const or_options_t *options,
                                        const or_options_t *old_options);
+STATIC void add_default_trusted_dir_authorities(dirinfo_type_t type);
 MOCK_DECL(STATIC void, add_default_fallback_dir_servers, (void));
-parse_dir_fallback_line(const char *line,
-                        int validate_only);
+STATIC int parse_dir_authority_line(const char *line,
+                                    dirinfo_type_t required_type,
+                                    int validate_only);
+STATIC int parse_dir_fallback_line(const char *line, int validate_only);

+ 2 - 0

@@ -5118,9 +5118,11 @@ typedef struct dir_server_t {
   char *description;
   char *nickname;
   char *address; /**< Hostname. */
+  tor_addr_t ipv6_addr; /**< IPv6 address if present; AF_UNSPEC if not */
   uint32_t addr; /**< IPv4 address. */
   uint16_t dir_port; /**< Directory port. */
   uint16_t or_port; /**< OR port: Used for tunneling connections. */
+  uint16_t ipv6_orport; /**< OR port corresponding to ipv6_addr. */
   double weight; /** Weight used when selecting this node at random */
   char digest[DIGEST_LEN]; /**< Digest of identity key. */
   char v3_identity_digest[DIGEST_LEN]; /**< Digest of v3 (authority only,

+ 1 - 0

@@ -1026,6 +1026,7 @@ init_keys(void)
     ds = trusted_dir_server_new(options->Nickname, NULL,
                                 router_get_advertised_dir_port(options, 0),
+                                NULL,
                                 type, 0.0);

+ 24 - 3

@@ -4063,6 +4063,7 @@ dir_server_new(int is_authority,
                const tor_addr_t *addr,
                const char *hostname,
                uint16_t dir_port, uint16_t or_port,
+               const tor_addr_port_t *addrport_ipv6,
                const char *digest, const char *v3_auth_digest,
                dirinfo_type_t type,
                double weight)
@@ -4079,7 +4080,7 @@ dir_server_new(int is_authority,
   if (tor_addr_family(addr) == AF_INET)
     a = tor_addr_to_ipv4h(addr);
-    return NULL; /*XXXX Support IPv6 */
+    return NULL;
   if (!hostname)
     hostname_ = tor_dup_addr(addr);
@@ -4096,6 +4097,18 @@ dir_server_new(int is_authority,
   ent->is_authority = is_authority;
   ent->type = type;
   ent->weight = weight;
+  if (addrport_ipv6) {
+    if (tor_addr_family(&addrport_ipv6->addr) != AF_INET6) {
+      log_warn(LD_BUG, "Hey, I got a non-ipv6 addr as addrport_ipv6.");
+      tor_addr_make_unspec(&ent->ipv6_addr);
+    } else {
+      tor_addr_copy(&ent->ipv6_addr, &addrport_ipv6->addr);
+      ent->ipv6_orport = addrport_ipv6->port;
+    }
+  } else {
+    tor_addr_make_unspec(&ent->ipv6_addr);
+  }
   memcpy(ent->digest, digest, DIGEST_LEN);
   if (v3_auth_digest && (type & V3_DIRINFO))
     memcpy(ent->v3_identity_digest, v3_auth_digest, DIGEST_LEN);
@@ -4108,6 +4121,7 @@ dir_server_new(int is_authority,
                  hostname, (int)dir_port);
   ent->fake_status.addr = ent->addr;
+  tor_addr_copy(&ent->fake_status.ipv6_addr, &ent->ipv6_addr);
   memcpy(ent->fake_status.identity_digest, digest, DIGEST_LEN);
   if (nickname)
     strlcpy(ent->fake_status.nickname, nickname,
@@ -4116,6 +4130,7 @@ dir_server_new(int is_authority,
     ent->fake_status.nickname[0] = '\0';
   ent->fake_status.dir_port = ent->dir_port;
   ent->fake_status.or_port = ent->or_port;
+  ent->fake_status.ipv6_orport = ent->ipv6_orport;
   return ent;
@@ -4127,6 +4142,7 @@ dir_server_new(int is_authority,
 dir_server_t *
 trusted_dir_server_new(const char *nickname, const char *address,
                        uint16_t dir_port, uint16_t or_port,
+                       const tor_addr_port_t *ipv6_addrport,
                        const char *digest, const char *v3_auth_digest,
                        dirinfo_type_t type, double weight)
@@ -4157,7 +4173,9 @@ trusted_dir_server_new(const char *nickname, const char *address,
   tor_addr_from_ipv4h(&addr, a);
   result = dir_server_new(1, nickname, &addr, hostname,
-                          dir_port, or_port, digest,
+                          dir_port, or_port,
+                          ipv6_addrport,
+                          digest,
                           v3_auth_digest, type, weight);
   return result;
@@ -4169,9 +4187,12 @@ trusted_dir_server_new(const char *nickname, const char *address,
 dir_server_t *
 fallback_dir_server_new(const tor_addr_t *addr,
                         uint16_t dir_port, uint16_t or_port,
+                        const tor_addr_port_t *addrport_ipv6,
                         const char *id_digest, double weight)
-  return dir_server_new(0, NULL, addr, NULL, dir_port, or_port, id_digest,
+  return dir_server_new(0, NULL, addr, NULL, dir_port, or_port,
+                        addrport_ipv6,
+                        id_digest,
                         NULL, ALL_DIRINFO, weight);

+ 2 - 0

@@ -171,10 +171,12 @@ int router_exit_policy_rejects_all(const routerinfo_t *router);
 dir_server_t *trusted_dir_server_new(const char *nickname, const char *address,
                        uint16_t dir_port, uint16_t or_port,
+                       const tor_addr_port_t *addrport_ipv6,
                        const char *digest, const char *v3_auth_digest,
                        dirinfo_type_t type, double weight);
 dir_server_t *fallback_dir_server_new(const tor_addr_t *addr,
                                       uint16_t dir_port, uint16_t or_port,
+                                      const tor_addr_port_t *addrport_ipv6,
                                       const char *id_digest, double weight);
 void dir_server_add(dir_server_t *ent);

+ 175 - 0

@@ -1445,6 +1445,176 @@ test_config_resolve_my_address(void *arg)
+static void
+test_config_adding_trusted_dir_server(void *arg)
+  (void)arg;
+  const char digest[DIGEST_LEN] = "";
+  dir_server_t *ds = NULL;
+  tor_addr_port_t ipv6;
+  int rv = -1;
+  clear_dir_servers();
+  routerlist_free_all();
+  /* create a trusted ds without an IPv6 address and port */
+  ds = trusted_dir_server_new("ds", "", 9059, 9060, NULL, digest,
+                              NULL, V3_DIRINFO, 1.0);
+  tt_assert(ds);
+  dir_server_add(ds);
+  tt_assert(get_n_authorities(V3_DIRINFO) == 1);
+  tt_assert(smartlist_len(router_get_fallback_dir_servers()) == 1);
+  /* create a trusted ds with an IPv6 address and port */
+  rv = tor_addr_port_parse(LOG_WARN, "[::1]:9061", &ipv6.addr, &ipv6.port, -1);
+  tt_assert(rv == 0);
+  ds = trusted_dir_server_new("ds", "", 9059, 9060, &ipv6, digest,
+                              NULL, V3_DIRINFO, 1.0);
+  tt_assert(ds);
+  dir_server_add(ds);
+  tt_assert(get_n_authorities(V3_DIRINFO) == 2);
+  tt_assert(smartlist_len(router_get_fallback_dir_servers()) == 2);
+ done:
+  clear_dir_servers();
+  routerlist_free_all();
+static void
+test_config_adding_fallback_dir_server(void *arg)
+  (void)arg;
+  const char digest[DIGEST_LEN] = "";
+  dir_server_t *ds = NULL;
+  tor_addr_t ipv4;
+  tor_addr_port_t ipv6;
+  int rv = -1;
+  clear_dir_servers();
+  routerlist_free_all();
+  rv = tor_addr_parse(&ipv4, "");
+  tt_assert(rv == AF_INET);
+  /* create a trusted ds without an IPv6 address and port */
+  ds = fallback_dir_server_new(&ipv4, 9059, 9060, NULL, digest, 1.0);
+  tt_assert(ds);
+  dir_server_add(ds);
+  tt_assert(smartlist_len(router_get_fallback_dir_servers()) == 1);
+  /* create a trusted ds with an IPv6 address and port */
+  rv = tor_addr_port_parse(LOG_WARN, "[::1]:9061", &ipv6.addr, &ipv6.port, -1);
+  tt_assert(rv == 0);
+  ds = fallback_dir_server_new(&ipv4, 9059, 9060, &ipv6, digest, 1.0);
+  tt_assert(ds);
+  dir_server_add(ds);
+  tt_assert(smartlist_len(router_get_fallback_dir_servers()) == 2);
+ done:
+  clear_dir_servers();
+  routerlist_free_all();
+/* No secrets here:
+ * v3ident is `echo "onion" | shasum | cut -d" " -f1 | tr "a-f" "A-F"`
+ * fingerprint is `echo "unionem" | shasum | cut -d" " -f1 | tr "a-f" "A-F"`
+ * with added spaces
+ */
+#define TEST_DIR_AUTH_LINE_START                                        \
+                    "foobar orport=12345 "                              \
+                    "v3ident=14C131DFC5C6F93646BE72FA1401C02A8DF2E8B4 "
+#define TEST_DIR_AUTH_LINE_END                                          \
+                    " "                                    \
+                    "FDB2 FBD2 AAA5 25FA 2999 E617 5091 5A32 C777 3B17"
+#define TEST_DIR_AUTH_IPV6_FLAG                                         \
+                    "ipv6=[feed::beef]:9 "
+static void
+test_config_parsing_trusted_dir_server(void *arg)
+  (void)arg;
+  int rv = -1;
+  /* parse a trusted dir server without an IPv6 address and port */
+  rv = parse_dir_authority_line(TEST_DIR_AUTH_LINE_START
+                                TEST_DIR_AUTH_LINE_END,
+                                V3_DIRINFO, 1);
+  tt_assert(rv == 0);
+  /* parse a trusted dir server with an IPv6 address and port */
+  rv = parse_dir_authority_line(TEST_DIR_AUTH_LINE_START
+                                TEST_DIR_AUTH_IPV6_FLAG
+                                TEST_DIR_AUTH_LINE_END,
+                                V3_DIRINFO, 1);
+  tt_assert(rv == 0);
+  /* Since we are only validating, there is no cleanup. */
+ done:
+  ;
+/* No secrets here:
+ * id is `echo "syn-propanethial-S-oxide" | shasum | cut -d" " -f1`
+ */
+#define TEST_DIR_FALLBACK_LINE                                     \
+                    " orport=12345 "                  \
+                    "id=50e643986f31ea1235bcc1af17a1c5c5cfc0ee54 "
+#define TEST_DIR_FALLBACK_IPV6_FLAG                                \
+                    "ipv6=[2015:c0de::deed]:9"
+static void
+test_config_parsing_fallback_dir_server(void *arg)
+  (void)arg;
+  int rv = -1;
+  /* parse a trusted dir server without an IPv6 address and port */
+  rv = parse_dir_fallback_line(TEST_DIR_FALLBACK_LINE, 1);
+  tt_assert(rv == 0);
+  /* parse a trusted dir server with an IPv6 address and port */
+  rv = parse_dir_fallback_line(TEST_DIR_FALLBACK_LINE
+                               TEST_DIR_FALLBACK_IPV6_FLAG,
+                               1);
+  tt_assert(rv == 0);
+  /* Since we are only validating, there is no cleanup. */
+ done:
+  ;
+static void
+test_config_adding_default_trusted_dir_servers(void *arg)
+  (void)arg;
+  clear_dir_servers();
+  routerlist_free_all();
+  /* Assume we only have one bridge authority */
+  add_default_trusted_dir_authorities(BRIDGE_DIRINFO);
+  tt_assert(get_n_authorities(BRIDGE_DIRINFO) == 1);
+  tt_assert(smartlist_len(router_get_fallback_dir_servers()) == 1);
+  /* Assume we have nine V3 authorities */
+  add_default_trusted_dir_authorities(V3_DIRINFO);
+  tt_assert(get_n_authorities(V3_DIRINFO) == 9);
+  tt_assert(smartlist_len(router_get_fallback_dir_servers()) == 10);
+ done:
+  clear_dir_servers();
+  routerlist_free_all();
 static int n_add_default_fallback_dir_servers_known_default = 0;
@@ -3326,6 +3496,11 @@ test_config_use_multiple_directories(void *arg)
   { #name, test_config_ ## name, flags, NULL, NULL }
 struct testcase_t config_tests[] = {
+  CONFIG_TEST(adding_trusted_dir_server, TT_FORK),
+  CONFIG_TEST(adding_fallback_dir_server, TT_FORK),
+  CONFIG_TEST(parsing_trusted_dir_server, 0),
+  CONFIG_TEST(parsing_fallback_dir_server, 0),
+  CONFIG_TEST(adding_default_trusted_dir_servers, TT_FORK),
   CONFIG_TEST(adding_dir_servers, TT_FORK),
   CONFIG_TEST(default_dir_servers, TT_FORK),
   CONFIG_TEST(resolve_my_address, TT_FORK),

+ 14 - 14

@@ -1242,8 +1242,8 @@ test_dir_handle_get_server_keys_all(void* data)
   /* create a trusted ds */
-  ds = trusted_dir_server_new("ds", "", 9059, 9060, digest, NULL,
-                              V3_DIRINFO, 1.0);
+  ds = trusted_dir_server_new("ds", "", 9059, 9060, NULL, digest,
+                              NULL, V3_DIRINFO, 1.0);
@@ -1400,8 +1400,8 @@ test_dir_handle_get_server_keys_fp(void* data)
   /* create a trusted ds */
-  ds = trusted_dir_server_new("ds", "", 9059, 9060, digest, NULL,
-                              V3_DIRINFO, 1.0);
+  ds = trusted_dir_server_new("ds", "", 9059, 9060, NULL, digest,
+                              NULL, V3_DIRINFO, 1.0);
@@ -1554,8 +1554,8 @@ test_dir_handle_get_server_keys_fpsk(void* data)
   /* create a trusted ds */
-  ds = trusted_dir_server_new("ds", "", 9059, 9060, digest, NULL,
-                              V3_DIRINFO, 1.0);
+  ds = trusted_dir_server_new("ds", "", 9059, 9060, NULL, digest,
+                              NULL, V3_DIRINFO, 1.0);
   /* ds v3_identity_digest is the certificate's identity_key */
@@ -1610,8 +1610,8 @@ test_dir_handle_get_server_keys_busy(void* data)
   /* create a trusted ds */
-  ds = trusted_dir_server_new("ds", "", 9059, 9060, digest, NULL,
-                              V3_DIRINFO, 1.0);
+  ds = trusted_dir_server_new("ds", "", 9059, 9060, NULL, digest,
+                              NULL, V3_DIRINFO, 1.0);
   /* ds v3_identity_digest is the certificate's identity_key */
@@ -2005,8 +2005,8 @@ test_dir_handle_get_status_vote_d(void* data)
   /* create a trusted ds */
-  ds = trusted_dir_server_new("ds", "", 9059, 9060, digest, NULL,
-                              V3_DIRINFO, 1.0);
+  ds = trusted_dir_server_new("ds", "", 9059, 9060, NULL, digest,
+                              NULL, V3_DIRINFO, 1.0);
@@ -2353,8 +2353,8 @@ test_dir_handle_get_status_vote_next_authority(void* data)
   mock_cert = authority_cert_parse_from_string(TEST_CERTIFICATE, NULL);
   /* create a trusted ds */
-  ds = trusted_dir_server_new("ds", "", 9059, 9060, digest, NULL,
-                              V3_DIRINFO, 1.0);
+  ds = trusted_dir_server_new("ds", "", 9059, 9060, NULL, digest,
+                              NULL, V3_DIRINFO, 1.0);
@@ -2431,8 +2431,8 @@ test_dir_handle_get_status_vote_current_authority(void* data)
   mock_cert = authority_cert_parse_from_string(TEST_CERTIFICATE, NULL);
   /* create a trusted ds */
-  ds = trusted_dir_server_new("ds", "", 9059, 9060, digest, NULL,
-                              V3_DIRINFO, 1.0);
+  ds = trusted_dir_server_new("ds", "", 9059, 9060, NULL, digest,
+                              NULL, V3_DIRINFO, 1.0);