@@ -518,14 +518,17 @@ connection_edge_end_reason_sock5_response(char *payload, uint16_t length) {
+ * decided that their sockets interface should be a permakludge.
+ * E_CASE is for errors where windows has both a EFOO and a WSAEFOO
+ * version, and S_CASE is for errors where windows has only a WSAEFOO
+ * version. (The E is for 'error', the S is for 'socket'). */
#define E_CASE(s) case s: case WSA ## s
#define S_CASE(s) case WSA ## s
-#define W_CASE(s) case s:
#define E_CASE(s) case s
#define S_CASE(s) case s
-#define W_CASE(s)