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Generic mechaism for "post-loop" callbacks

We've been labeling some events as happening "outside the event
loop", to avoid Libevent starvation.  This patch provides a cleaner
mechanism to avoid that starvation.

For background, the problem here is that Libevent only scans for new
events once it has run all its active callbacks.  So if the
callbacks keep activating new callbacks, they could potentially
starve Libevent indefinitely and keep it from ever checking for
timed, socket, or signal events.

To solve this, we add the ability to label some events as
"post-loop".  The rule for a "post-loop" event is that any events
_it_ activates can only be run after libevent has re-scanned for new
events at least once.
Nick Mathewson 7 år sedan
2 ändrade filer med 110 tillägg och 8 borttagningar
  1. 107 8
  2. 3 0

+ 107 - 8

@@ -79,6 +79,43 @@ tor_event_free_(struct event *ev)
 /** Global event base for use by the main thread. */
 static struct event_base *the_event_base = NULL;
+ * @defgroup postloop post-loop event helpers
+ *
+ * If we're not careful, Libevent can susceptible to infinite event chains:
+ * one event can activate another, whose callback activates another, whose
+ * callback activates another, ad infinitum.  While this is happening,
+ * Libevent won't be checking timeouts, socket-based events, signals, and so
+ * on.
+ *
+ * We solve this problem by marking some events as "post-loop".  A post-loop
+ * event behaves like any ordinary event, but any events that _it_ activates
+ * cannot run until Libevent has checked for other events at least once.
+ *
+ * @{ */
+ * An event that stops Libevent from running any more events on the current
+ * iteration of its loop, until it has re-checked for socket events, signal
+ * events, timeouts, etc.
+ */
+static struct event *rescan_mainloop_ev = NULL;
+ * Callback to implement rescan_mainloop_ev: it simply exits the mainloop,
+ * and relies on Tor to re-enter the mainloop since no error has occurred.
+ */
+static void
+rescan_mainloop_cb(evutil_socket_t fd, short events, void *arg)
+  (void)fd;
+  (void)events;
+  struct event_base *the_base = arg;
+  event_base_loopbreak(the_base);
+/** @} */
 /* This is what passes for version detection on OSX.  We set
  * MACOSX_KQUEUE_IS_BROKEN to true iff we're on a version of OSX before
  * 10.4.0 (aka 1040). */
@@ -130,6 +167,15 @@ tor_libevent_initialize(tor_libevent_cfg *torcfg)
     /* LCOV_EXCL_STOP */
+  rescan_mainloop_ev = event_new(the_event_base, -1, 0,
+                                 rescan_mainloop_cb, the_event_base);
+  if (!rescan_mainloop_ev) {
+    /* LCOV_EXCL_START */
+    log_err(LD_GENERAL, "Unable to create rescan event: cannot continue.");
+    exit(1); // exit ok: libevent is broken.
+    /* LCOV_EXCL_STOP */
+  }
       "Initialized libevent version %s using method %s. Good.",
       event_get_version(), tor_libevent_get_method());
@@ -250,6 +296,52 @@ mainloop_event_cb(evutil_socket_t fd, short what, void *arg)
   mev->cb(mev, mev->userdata);
+ * As mainloop_event_cb, but implements a post-loop event.
+ */
+static void
+mainloop_event_postloop_cb(evutil_socket_t fd, short what, void *arg)
+  (void)fd;
+  (void)what;
+  /* Note that if rescan_mainloop_ev is already activated,
+   * event_active() will do nothing: only the first post-loop event that
+   * happens each time through the event loop will cause it to be
+   * activated.
+   *
+   * Because event_active() puts events on a FIFO queue, every event
+   * that is made active _after_ rescan_mainloop_ev will get its
+   * callback run after rescan_mainloop_cb is called -- that is, on the
+   * next iteration of the loop.
+   */
+  event_active(rescan_mainloop_ev, EV_READ, 1);
+  mainloop_event_t *mev = arg;
+  mev->cb(mev, mev->userdata);
+ * Helper for mainloop_event_new() and mainloop_event_postloop_new().
+ */
+static mainloop_event_t *
+mainloop_event_new_impl(int postloop,
+                        void (*cb)(mainloop_event_t *, void *),
+                        void *userdata)
+  tor_assert(cb);
+  struct event_base *base = tor_libevent_get_base();
+  mainloop_event_t *mev = tor_malloc_zero(sizeof(mainloop_event_t));
+  mev->ev = tor_event_new(base, -1, 0,
+                  postloop ? mainloop_event_postloop_cb : mainloop_event_cb,
+                  mev);
+  tor_assert(mev->ev);
+  mev->cb = cb;
+  mev->userdata = userdata;
+  return mev;
  * Create and return a new mainloop_event_t to run the function <b>cb</b>.
@@ -265,15 +357,21 @@ mainloop_event_t *
 mainloop_event_new(void (*cb)(mainloop_event_t *, void *),
                    void *userdata)
-  tor_assert(cb);
+  return mainloop_event_new_impl(0, cb, userdata);
-  struct event_base *base = tor_libevent_get_base();
-  mainloop_event_t *mev = tor_malloc_zero(sizeof(mainloop_event_t));
-  mev->ev = tor_event_new(base, -1, 0, mainloop_event_cb, mev);
-  tor_assert(mev->ev);
-  mev->cb = cb;
-  mev->userdata = userdata;
-  return mev;
+ * As mainloop_event_new(), but create a post-loop event.
+ *
+ * A post-loop event behaves like any ordinary event, but any events
+ * that _it_ activates cannot run until Libevent has checked for other
+ * events at least once.
+ */
+mainloop_event_t *
+mainloop_event_postloop_new(void (*cb)(mainloop_event_t *, void *),
+                            void *userdata)
+  return mainloop_event_new_impl(1, cb, userdata);
@@ -358,6 +456,7 @@ tor_init_libevent_rng(void)
+  tor_event_free(rescan_mainloop_ev);
   if (the_event_base)
   the_event_base = NULL;

+ 3 - 0

@@ -37,6 +37,9 @@ void periodic_timer_free_(periodic_timer_t *);
 typedef struct mainloop_event_t mainloop_event_t;
 mainloop_event_t *mainloop_event_new(void (*cb)(mainloop_event_t *, void *),
                                      void *userdata);
+mainloop_event_t * mainloop_event_postloop_new(
+                                     void (*cb)(mainloop_event_t *, void *),
+                                     void *userdata);
 void mainloop_event_activate(mainloop_event_t *event);
 int mainloop_event_schedule(mainloop_event_t *event,
                             const struct timeval *delay);