@@ -244,11 +244,11 @@ Tor Rendezvous Spec
PK_ID Identifier for Bob's PK [20 octets]
Encrypted to Bob's PK:
- RP Rendezvous point's nickname [variable]
+ RP Rendezvous point's nickname [20 octets]
RC Rendezvous cookie [20 octets]
g^x Diffie-Hellman data, part 1 [128 octetes]
- PK_ID is the hash of Bob's public key. RP is NUL-terminated.
+ PK_ID is the hash of Bob's public key. RP is NUL-padded.
The data is encrypted to Bob's PK as follows: Suppose Bob's PK is L octets
long. If the data to be encrypted is shorter than L-42, then it is