Sfoglia il codice sorgente

Merge branch 'tor-github/pr/1366'

George Kadianakis 5 anni fa

+ 5 - 0

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+  o Documentation:
+    - The Tor source code repository now includes a (somewhat dated)
+      description of Tor's modular architecture, in doc/HACKING/design.
+      This is based on the old "tor-guts.git" repository, which we are
+      adopting and superseding.  Closes ticket 31849.

+ 124 - 0

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+## Overview ##
+This document describes the general structure of the Tor codebase, how
+it fits together, what functionality is available for extending Tor,
+and gives some notes on how Tor got that way.
+Tor remains a work in progress: We've been working on it for more than a
+decade, and we've learned a lot about good coding since we first
+started.  This means, however, that some of the older pieces of Tor will
+have some "code smell" in them that could sure stand a brisk
+refactoring.  So when I describe a piece of code, I'll sometimes give a
+note on how it got that way, and whether I still think that's a good
+The first drafts of this document were written in the Summer and Fall of
+2015, when Tor 0.2.6 was the most recent stable version, and Tor 0.2.7
+was under development.  If you're reading this far in the future, some
+things may have changed.  Caveat haxxor!
+This document is not an overview of the Tor protocol.  For that, see the
+design paper and the specifications at https://spec.torproject.org/ .
+For more information about Tor's coding standards and some helpful
+development tools, see doc/HACKING in the Tor repository.
+For more information about writing tests, see doc/HACKING/WritingTests.txt
+in the Tor repository.
+### The very high level ###
+Ultimately, Tor runs as an event-driven network daemon: it responds to
+network events, signals, and timers by sending and receiving things over
+the network.  Clients, relays, and directory authorities all use the
+same codebase: the Tor process will run as a client, relay, or authority
+depending on its configuration.
+Tor has a few major dependencies, including Libevent (used to tell which
+sockets are readable and writable), OpenSSL (used for many encryption
+functions, and to implement the TLS protocol), and zlib (used to
+compress and uncompress directory information).
+Most of Tor's work today is done in a single event-driven main thread.
+Tor also spawns one or more worker threads to handle CPU-intensive
+tasks.  (Right now, this only includes circuit encryption.)
+On startup, Tor initializes its libraries, reads and responds to its
+configuration files, and launches a main event loop.  At first, the only
+events that Tor listens for are a few signals (like TERM and HUP), and
+one or more listener sockets (for different kinds of incoming
+connections).  Tor also configures a timer function to run once per
+second to handle periodic events.  As Tor runs over time, other events
+will open, and new events will be scheduled.
+The codebase is divided into a few main subdirectories:
+   src/common -- utility functions, not necessarily tor-specific.
+   src/or -- implements the Tor protocols.
+   src/test -- unit and regression tests
+   src/ext -- Code maintained elsewhere that we include in the Tor
+   source distribution.
+   src/trunnel -- automatically generated code (from the Trunnel)
+   tool: used to parse and encode binary formats.
+### Some key high-level abstractions ###
+The most important abstractions at Tor's high-level are Connections,
+Channels, Circuits, and Nodes.
+A 'Connection' represents a stream-based information flow.  Most
+connections are TCP connections to remote Tor servers and clients. (But
+as a shortcut, a relay will sometimes make a connection to itself
+without actually using a TCP connection.  More details later on.)
+Connections exist in different varieties, depending on what
+functionality they provide.  The principle types of connection are
+"edge" (eg a socks connection or a connection from an exit relay to a
+destination), "OR" (a TLS stream connecting to a relay), "Directory" (an
+HTTP connection to learn about the network), and "Control" (a connection
+from a controller).
+A 'Circuit' is persistent tunnel through the Tor network, established
+with public-key cryptography, and used to send cells one or more hops.
+Clients keep track of multi-hop circuits, and the cryptography
+associated with each hop.  Relays, on the other hand, keep track only of
+their hop of each circuit.
+A 'Channel' is an abstract view of sending cells to and from a Tor
+relay.  Currently, all channels are implemented using OR connections.
+If we switch to other strategies in the future, we'll have more
+connection types.
+A 'Node' is a view of a Tor instance's current knowledge and opinions
+about a Tor relay orbridge.
+### The rest of this document. ###
+> **Note**: This section describes the eventual organization of this
+> document, which is not yet complete.
+We'll begin with an overview of the various utility functions available
+in Tor's 'common' directory.  Knowing about these is key to writing
+portable, simple code in Tor.
+Then we'll go on and talk about the main data-flow of the Tor network:
+how Tor generates and responds to network traffic.  This will occupy a
+chapter for the main overview, with other chapters for special topics.
+After that, we'll mention the main modules in Tor, and describe the
+function of each.
+We'll cover the directory subsystem next: how Tor learns about other
+relays, and how relays advertise themselves.
+Then we'll cover a few specialized modules, such as hidden services,
+sandboxing, hibernation, accounting, statistics, guards, path
+generation, pluggable transports, and how they integrate with the rest of Tor.
+We'll close with a meandering overview of important pending issues in
+the Tor codebase, and how they affect the future of the Tor software.

+ 121 - 0

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+## Utility code in Tor
+Most of Tor's utility code is in modules in the src/common subdirectory.
+These are divided, broadly, into _compatibility_ functions, _utility_
+functions, _containers_, and _cryptography_.  (Someday in the future, it
+would be great to split these modules into separate directories.  Also, some
+functions are probably put in the wrong modules)
+### Compatibility code
+These functions live in src/common/compat\*.c; some corresponding macros live
+in src/common/compat\*.h.  They serve as wrappers around platform-specific or
+compiler-specific logic functionality.
+In general, the rest of the Tor code *should not* be calling platform-specific
+or otherwise non-portable functions.  Instead, they should call wrappers from
+compat.c, which implement a common cross-platform API.  (If you don't know
+whether a function is portable, it's usually good enough to see whether it
+exists on OSX, Linux, and Windows.)
+Other compatibility modules include backtrace.c, which generates stack traces
+for crash reporting; sandbox.c, which implements the Linux seccomp2 sandbox;
+and procmon.c, which handles monitoring a child process.
+Parts of address.c are compatibility code for handling network addressing
+issues; other parts are in util.c.
+Notable compatibility areas are:
+   * mmap support for mapping files into the address space (read-only)
+   * Code to work around the intricacies
+   * Workaround code for Windows's horrible winsock incompatibilities and
+     Linux's intricate socket extensions.
+   * Helpful string functions like memmem, memstr, asprintf, strlcpy, and
+     strlcat that not all platforms have.
+   * Locale-ignoring variants of the ctypes functions.
+   * Time-manipulation functions
+   * File locking function
+   * IPv6 functions for platforms that don't have enough IPv6 support
+   * Endianness functions
+   * OS functions
+   * Threading and locking functions.
+=== Utility functions
+General-purpose utilities are in util.c; they include higher-level wrappers
+around many of the compatibility functions to provide things like
+file-at-once access, memory management functions, math, string manipulation,
+time manipulation, filesystem manipulation, etc.
+(Some functionality, like daemon-launching, would be better off in a
+compatibility module.)
+In util_format.c, we have code to implement stuff like base-32 and base-64
+The address.c module interfaces with the system resolver and implements
+address parsing and formatting functions.  It converts sockaddrs to and from
+a more compact tor_addr_t type.
+The di_ops.c module provides constant-time comparison and associative-array
+operations, for side-channel avoidance.
+The logging subsystem in log.c supports logging to files, to controllers, to
+stdout/stderr, or to the system log.
+The abstraction in memarea.c is used in cases when a large amount of
+temporary objects need to be allocated, and they can all be freed at the same
+The torgzip.c module wraps the zlib library to implement compression.
+Workqueue.c provides a simple multithreaded work-queue implementation.
+### Containers
+The container.c module defines these container types, used throughout the Tor
+There is a dynamic array called **smartlist**, used as our general resizeable
+array type.  It supports sorting, searching, common set operations, and so
+on.  It has specialized functions for smartlists of strings, and for
+heap-based priority queues.
+There's a bit-array type.
+A set of mapping types to map strings, 160-bit digests, and 256-bit digests
+to void \*.  These are what we generally use when we want O(1) lookup.
+Additionally, for containers, we use the ht.h and tor_queue.h headers, in
+src/ext.  These provide intrusive hashtable and linked-list macros.
+###  Cryptography
+Once, we tried to keep our cryptography code in a single "crypto.c" file,
+with an "aes.c" module containing an AES implementation for use with older
+Now, our practice has become to introduce crypto_\*.c modules when adding new
+cryptography backend code.  We have modules for Ed25519, Curve25519,
+secret-to-key algorithms, and password-based boxed encryption.
+Our various TLS compatibility code, wrappers, and hacks are kept in
+tortls.c, which is probably too full of Tor-specific kludges.  I'm
+hoping we can eliminate most of those kludges when we finally remove
+support for older versions of our TLS handshake.

+ 93 - 0

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+## Memory management
+### Heap-allocation functions
+Tor imposes a few light wrappers over C's native malloc and free
+functions, to improve convenience, and to allow wholescale replacement
+of malloc and free as needed.
+You should never use 'malloc', 'calloc', 'realloc, or 'free' on their
+own; always use the variants prefixed with 'tor_'.
+They are the same as the standard C functions, with the following
+   * tor_free(NULL) is a no-op.
+   * tor_free() is a macro that takes an lvalue as an argument and sets it to
+     NULL after freeing it.  To avoid this behavior, you can use tor_free_()
+     instead.
+   * tor_malloc() and friends fail with an assertion if they are asked to
+     allocate a value so large that it is probably an underflow.
+   * It is always safe to tor_malloc(0), regardless of whether your libc
+     allows it.
+   * tor_malloc(), tor_realloc(), and friends are never allowed to fail.
+     Instead, Tor will die with an assertion.  This means that you never
+     need to check their return values.  See the next subsection for
+     information on why we think this is a good idea.
+We define additional general-purpose memory allocation functions as well:
+   * tor_malloc_zero(x) behaves as calloc(1, x), except the it makes clear
+     the intent to allocate a single zeroed-out value.
+   * tor_reallocarray(x,y) behaves as the OpenBSD reallocarray function.
+     Use it for cases when you need to realloc() in a multiplication-safe
+     way.
+And specific-purpose functions as well:
+   * tor_strdup() and tor_strndup() behaves as the underlying libc functions,
+     but use tor_malloc() instead of the underlying function.
+   * tor_memdup() copies a chunk of memory of a given size.
+   * tor_memdup_nulterm() copies a chunk of memory of a given size, then
+     NUL-terminates it just to be safe.
+#### Why assert on failure?
+Why don't we allow tor_malloc() and its allies to return NULL?
+First, it's error-prone.  Many programmers forget to check for NULL return
+values, and testing for malloc() failures is a major pain.
+Second, it's not necessarily a great way to handle OOM conditions. It's
+probably better (we think) to have a memory target where we dynamically free
+things ahead of time in order to stay under the target.  Trying to respond to
+an OOM at the point of tor_malloc() failure, on the other hand, would involve
+a rare operation invoked from deep in the call stack.  (Again, that's
+error-prone and hard to debug.)
+Third, thanks to the rise of Linux and other operating systems that allow
+memory to be overcommitted, you can't actually ever rely on getting a NULL
+from malloc() when you're out of memory; instead you have to use an approach
+closer to tracking the total memory usage.
+#### Conventions for your own allocation functions.
+Whenever you create a new type, the convention is to give it a pair of
+x_new() and x_free() functions, named after the type.
+Calling x_free(NULL) should always be a no-op.
+### Grow-only memory allocation: memarea.c
+It's often handy to allocate a large number of tiny objects, all of which
+need to disappear at the same time.  You can do this in tor using the
+memarea.c abstraction, which uses a set of grow-only buffers for allocation,
+and only supports a single "free" operation at the end.
+Using memareas also helps you avoid memory fragmentation.  You see, some libc
+malloc implementations perform badly on the case where a large number of
+small temporary objects are allocated at the same time as a few long-lived
+objects of similar size.  But if you use tor_malloc() for the long-lived ones
+and a memarea for the temporary object, the malloc implementation is likelier
+to do better.
+To create a new memarea, use memarea_new().  To drop all the storage from a
+memarea, and invalidate its pointers, use memarea_drop_all().
+The allocation functions memarea_alloc(), memarea_alloc_zero(),
+memarea_memdup(), memarea_strdup(), and memarea_strndup() are analogous to
+the similarly-named malloc() functions.  There is intentionally no
+memarea_free() or memarea_realloc().

+ 43 - 0

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+## Collections in tor
+### Smartlists: Neither lists, nor especially smart.
+For historical reasons, we call our dynamic-allocated array type
+"smartlist_t".  It can grow or shrink as elements are added and removed.
+All smartlists hold an array of void \*.  Whenever you expose a smartlist
+in an API you *must* document which types its pointers actually hold.
+<!-- It would be neat to fix that, wouldn't it? -NM  -->
+Smartlists are created empty with smartlist_new() and freed with
+smartlist_free().  See the containers.h module documentation for more
+information; there are many convenience functions for commonly needed
+### Digest maps, string maps, and more.
+Tor makes frequent use of maps from 160-bit digests, 256-bit digests,
+or nul-terminated strings to void \*. These types are digestmap_t,
+digest256map_t, and strmap_t respectively.  See the containers.h
+module documentation for more information.
+### Intrusive lists and hashtables
+For performance-sensitive cases, we sometimes want to use "intrusive"
+collections: ones where the bookkeeping pointers are stuck inside the
+structures that belong to the collection.  If you've used the
+BSD-style sys/queue.h macros, you'll be familiar with these.
+Unfortunately, the sys/queue.h macros vary significantly between the
+platforms that have them, so we provide our own variants in
+src/ext/tor_queue.h .
+We also provide an intrusive hashtable implementation in src/ext/ht.h
+. When you're using it, you'll need to define your own hash
+functions. If attacker-induced collisions are a worry here, use the
+cryptographic siphash24g function to extract hashes.

+ 75 - 0

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+## Time in tor ##
+### What time is it? ###
+We have several notions of the current time in Tor.
+The *wallclock time* is available from time(NULL) with
+second-granularity and tor_gettimeofday() with microsecond
+granularity.  It corresponds most closely to "the current time and date".
+The *monotonic time* is available with the set of monotime_\*
+functions declared in compat_time.h.  Unlike the wallclock time, it
+can only move forward. It does not necessarily correspond to a real
+world time, and it is not portable between systems.
+The *coarse monotonic time* is available from the set of
+monotime_coarse_\* functions in compat_time.h. It is the same as
+monotime_\* on some platforms. On others, it gives a monotonic timer
+with less precision, but which it's more efficient to access.
+### Cached views of time. ###
+On some systems (like Linux), many time functions use a VDSO to avoid
+the overhead of a system call.  But on other systems, gettimeofday()
+and time() can be costly enough that you wouldn't want to call them
+tens of thousands of times.  To get a recent, but not especially
+accurate, view of the current time, see approx_time() and
+### Parsing and encoding time values ###
+Tor has functions to parse and format time in these formats:
+   * RFC1123 format. ("Fri, 29 Sep 2006 15:54:20 GMT").  For this,
+     use format_rfc1123_time() and parse_rfc1123_time.
+   * ISO8601 format. ("2006-10-29 10:57:20") For this, use
+     format_local_iso_time and format_iso_time.  We also support the
+     variant format "2006-10-29T10:57:20" with format_iso_time_nospace, and
+     "2006-10-29T10:57:20.123456" with format_iso_time_nospace_usec.
+   * HTTP format collections (preferably "Mon, 25 Jul 2016 04:01:11
+     GMT" or possibly "Wed Jun 30 21:49:08 1993" or even "25-Jul-16
+     04:01:11 GMT"). For this, use parse_http_time.  Don't generate anything
+     but the first format.
+Some of these functions use struct tm. You can use the standard
+tor_localtime_r and tor_gmtime_r() to wrap these in a safe way. We
+also have a tor_timegm() function.
+### Scheduling events ###
+The main way to schedule a not-too-frequent periodic event with
+respect to the Tor mainloop is via the mechanism in periodic.c.
+There's a big table of periodic_events in main.c, each of which gets
+invoked on its own schedule.  You should not expect more than about
+one second of accuracy with these timers.
+You can create an independent timer using libevent directly, or using
+the periodic_timer_new() function.  But you should avoid doing this
+for per-connection or per-circuit timers: Libevent's internal timer
+implementation uses a min-heap, and those tend to start scaling poorly
+once you have a few thousand entries.
+If you need to create a large number of fine-grained timers for some
+purpose, you should consider the mechanism in src/common/timers.c,
+which is optimized for the case where you have a large number of
+timers with not-too-long duration, many of which will be deleted
+before they actually expire. These timers should be reasonably
+accurate within a handful of milliseconds -- possibly better on some
+platforms.  (The timers.c module uses William Ahern's timeout.c
+implementation as its backend, which is based on a hierarchical timing
+wheel algorithm. It's cool stuff; check it out.)

+ 169 - 0

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+## Lower-level cryptography functionality in Tor ##
+Generally speaking, Tor code shouldn't be calling OpenSSL (or any
+other crypto library) directly.  Instead, we should indirect through
+one of the functions in src/common/crypto\*.c or src/common/tortls.c.
+Cryptography functionality that's available is described below.
+### RNG facilities ###
+The most basic RNG capability in Tor is the crypto_rand() family of
+functions. These currently use OpenSSL's RAND_() backend, but may use
+something faster in the future.
+In addition to crypto_rand(), which fills in a buffer with random
+bytes, we also have functions to produce random integers in certain
+ranges; to produce random hostnames; to produce random doubles, etc.
+When you're creating a long-term cryptographic secret, you might want
+to use crypto_strongest_rand() instead of crypto_rand().  It takes the
+operating system's entropy source and combines it with output from
+crypto_rand().  This is a pure paranoia measure, but it might help us
+You can use smartlist_choose() to pick a random element from a smartlist
+and smartlist_shuffle() to randomize the order of a smartlist.  Both are
+potentially a bit slow.
+### Cryptographic digests and related functions ###
+We treat digests as separate types based on the length of their
+outputs.  We support one 160-bit digest (SHA1), two 256-bit digests
+(SHA256 and SHA3-256), and two 512-bit digests (SHA512 and SHA3-512).
+You should not use SHA1 for anything new.
+The crypto_digest\*() family of functions manipulates digests.  You
+can either compute a digest of a chunk of memory all at once using
+crypto_digest(), crypto_digest256(), or crypto_digest512().  Or you
+can create a crypto_digest_t object with
+crypto_digest{,256,512}_new(), feed information to it in chunks using
+crypto_digest_add_bytes(), and then extract the final digest using
+crypto_digest_get_digest().  You can copy the state of one of these
+objects using crypto_digest_dup() or crypto_digest_assign().
+We support the HMAC hash-based message authentication code
+instantiated using SHA256. See crypto_hmac_sha256.  (You should not
+add any HMAC users with SHA1, and HMAC is not necessary with SHA3.)
+We also support the SHA3 cousins, SHAKE128 and SHAKE256.  Unlike
+digests, these are extendable output functions (or XOFs) where you can
+get any amount of output.  Use the crypto_xof_\*() functions to access
+We have several ways to derive keys from cryptographically strong secret
+inputs (like diffie-hellman outputs). The old
+crypto_expand_key_material-TAP() performs an ad-hoc KDF based on SHA1 -- you
+shouldn't use it for implementing anything but old versions of the Tor
+protocol.  You can use HKDF-SHA256 (as defined in RFC5869) for more modern
+protocols.  Also consider SHAKE256.
+If your input is potentially weak, like a password or passphrase, use a salt
+along with the secret_to_key() functions as defined in crypto_s2k.c.  Prefer
+scrypt over other hashing methods when possible.  If you're using a password
+to encrypt something, see the "boxed file storage" section below.
+Finally, in order to store objects in hash tables, Tor includes the
+randomized SipHash 2-4 function.  Call it via the siphash24g() function in
+src/ext/siphash.h whenever you're creating a hashtable whose keys may be
+manipulated by an attacker in order to DoS you with collisions.
+### Stream ciphers ###
+You can create instances of a stream cipher using crypto_cipher_new().
+These are stateful objects of type crypto_cipher_t.  Note that these
+objects only support AES-128 right now; a future version should add
+support for AES-128 and/or ChaCha20.
+You can encrypt/decrypt with crypto_cipher_encrypt or
+crypto_cipher_decrypt. The crypto_cipher_crypt_inplace function performs
+an encryption without a copy.
+Note that sensible people should not use raw stream ciphers; they should
+probably be using some kind of AEAD. Sorry.
+### Public key functionality ###
+We support four public key algorithms: DH1024, RSA, Curve25519, and
+We support DH1024 over two prime groups.  You access these via the
+crypto_dh_\*() family of functions.
+We support RSA in many bit sizes for signing and encryption.  You access
+it via the crypto_pk_*() family of functions.  Note that a crypto_pk_t
+may or may not include a private key.  See the crypto_pk_* functions in
+crypto.c for a full list of functions here.
+For Curve25519 functionality, see the functions and types in
+crypto_curve25519.c. Curve25519 is generally suitable for when you need
+a secure fast elliptic-curve diffie hellman implementation. When
+designing new protocols, prefer it over DH in Z_p.
+For Ed25519 functionality, see the functions and types in
+crypto_ed25519.c. Ed25519 is a generally suitable as a secure fast
+elliptic curve signature method. For new protocols, prefer it over RSA
+### Metaformats for storage ###
+When OpenSSL manages the storage of some object, we use whatever format
+OpenSSL provides -- typically, some kind of PEM-wrapped base 64 encoding
+that starts with "----- BEGIN CRYPTOGRAPHIC OBJECT ----".
+When we manage the storage of some cryptographic object, we prefix the
+object with 32-byte NUL-padded prefix in order to avoid accidental
+object confusion; see the crypto_read_tagged_contents_from_file() and
+crypto_write_tagged_contents_to_file() functions for manipulating
+these. The prefix is "== type: tag ==", where type describes the object
+and its encoding, and tag indicates which one it is.
+### Boxed-file storage ###
+When managing keys, you frequently want to have some way to write a
+secret object to disk, encrypted with a passphrase.  The crypto_pwbox
+and crypto_unpwbox functions do so in a way that's likely to be
+readable by future versions of Tor.
+### Certificates ###
+We have, alas, several certificate types in Tor.
+The tor_x509_cert_t type represents an X.509 certificate. This document
+won't explain X.509 to you -- possibly, no document can. (OTOH, Peter
+Gutmann's "x.509 style guide", though severely dated, does a good job of
+explaining how awful x.509 can be.)  Do not introduce any new usages of
+X.509. Right now we only use it in places where TLS forces us to do so.
+The authority_cert_t type is used only for directory authority keys. It
+has a medium-term signing key (which the authorities actually keep
+online) signed by a long-term identity key (which the authority operator
+had really better be keeping offline).  Don't use it for any new kind of
+For new places where you need a certificate, consider tor_cert_t: it
+represents a typed and dated _something_ signed by an Ed25519 key.  The
+format is described in tor-spec. Unlike x.509, you can write it on a
+(Additionally, the Tor directory design uses a fairly wide variety of
+documents that include keys and which are signed by keys. You can
+consider these documents to be an additional kind of certificate if you
+### TLS ###
+Tor's TLS implementation is more tightly coupled to OpenSSL than we'd
+prefer.  You can read most of it in tortls.c.
+Unfortunately, TLS's state machine and our requirement for nonblocking
+IO support means that using TLS in practice is a bit hairy, since
+logical writes can block on a physical reads, and vice versa.
+If you are lucky, you will never have to look at the code here.

+ 50 - 0

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+## OS compatibility functions ##
+We've got a bunch of functions to wrap differences between various
+operating systems where we run.
+### The filesystem ###
+We wrap the most important filesystem functions with load-file,
+save-file, and map-file abstractions declared in util.c or compat.c.  If
+you're messing about with file descriptors yourself, you might be doing
+things wrong.  Most of the time, write_str_to_file() and
+read_str_from_file() are all you need.
+Use the check_private_directory() function to create or verify the
+presence of directories, and tor_listdir() to list the files in a
+Those modules also have functions for manipulating paths a bit.
+### Networking ###
+Nearly all the world is on a Berkeley sockets API, except for
+windows, whose version of the Berkeley API was corrupted by late-90s
+insistence on backward compatibility with the
+sort-of-berkeley-sort-of-not add-on *thing* that was WinSocks.
+What's more, everybody who implemented sockets realized that select()
+wasn't a very good way to do nonblocking IO... and then the various
+implementations all decided to so something different.
+You can forget about most of these differences, fortunately: We use
+libevent to hide most of the differences between the various networking
+backends, and we add a few of our own functions to hide the differences
+that Libevent doesn't.
+To create a network connection, the right level of abstraction to look
+at is probably the connection_t system in connection.c.  Most of the
+lower level work has already been done for you.  If you need to
+instantiate something that doesn't fit well with connection_t, you
+should see whether you can instantiate it with connection_t anyway -- or
+you might need to refactor connection.c a little.
+Whenever possible, represent network addresses as tor_addr_t.
+### Process launch and monitoring ###
+Launching and/or monitoring a process is tricky business. You can use
+the mechanisms in procmon.c and tor_spawn_background(), but they're both
+a bit wonky.  A refactoring would not be out of order.

+ 26 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+## Threads in Tor ##
+Tor is based around a single main thread and one or more worker
+threads.  We aim (with middling success) to use worker threads for
+CPU-intensive activities and the main thread for our networking.
+Fortunately (?) we have enough cryptography that moving what we can of the
+cryptographic processes to the workers should achieve good parallelism under most
+loads.  Unfortunately, we only have a small fraction of our
+cryptography done in our worker threads right now.
+Our threads-and-workers abstraction is defined in workqueue.c, which
+combines a work queue with a thread pool, and integrates the
+signalling with libevent.  Tor main instance of a work queue is
+instantiated in cpuworker.c.  It will probably need some refactoring
+as more types of work are added.
+On a lower level, we provide locks with tor_mutex_t, conditions with
+tor_cond_t, and thread-local storage with tor_threadlocal_t, all of
+which are specified in compat_threads.h and implemented in an OS-
+specific compat_\*threads.h module.
+Try to minimize sharing between threads: it is usually best to simply
+make the worker "own" all the data it needs while the work is in
+progress, and to give up ownership when it's complete.

+ 95 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+## String processing in Tor ##
+Since you're reading about a C program, you probably expected this
+section: it's full of functions for manipulating the (notoriously
+dubious) C string abstraction.  I'll describe some often-missed
+highlights here.
+### Comparing strings and memory chunks ###
+We provide strcmpstart() and strcmpend() to perform a strcmp with the start
+or end of a string.
+	tor_assert(!strcmpstart("Hello world","Hello"));
+	tor_assert(!strcmpend("Hello world","world"));
+	tor_assert(!strcasecmpstart("HELLO WORLD","Hello"));
+	tor_assert(!strcasecmpend("HELLO WORLD","world"));
+To compare two string pointers, either of which might be NULL, use
+To search for a string or a chunk of memory within a non-null
+terminated memory block, use tor_memstr or tor_memmem respectively.
+We avoid using memcmp() directly, since it tends to be used in cases
+when having a constant-time operation would be better.  Instead, we
+recommend tor_memeq() and tor_memneq() for when you need a
+constant-time operation.  In cases when you need a fast comparison,
+and timing leaks are not a danger, you can use fast_memeq() and
+It's a common pattern to take a string representing one or more lines
+of text, and search within it for some other string, at the start of a
+line.  You could search for "\\ntarget", but that would miss the first
+line.  Instead, use find_str_at_start_of_line.
+### Parsing text ###
+Over the years, we have accumulated lots of ways to parse text --
+probably too many. Refactoring them to be safer and saner could be a
+good project!  The one that seems most error-resistant is tokenizing
+text with smartlist_split_strings().  This function takes a smartlist,
+a string, and a separator, and splits the string along occurrences of
+the separator, adding new strings for the sub-elements to the given
+To handle time, you can use one of the functions mentioned above in
+"Parsing and encoding time values".
+For numbers in general, use the tor_parse_{long,ulong,double,uint64}
+family of functions.  Each of these can be called in a few ways.  The
+most general is as follows:
+      const int BASE = 10;
+      const int MINVAL = 10, MAXVAL = 10000;
+      const char *next;
+      int ok;
+      long lng = tor_parse_long("100", BASE, MINVAL, MAXVAL, &ok, &next);
+The return value should be ignored if "ok" is set to false.  The input
+string needs to contain an entire number, or it's considered
+invalid... unless the "next" pointer is available, in which case extra
+characters at the end are allowed, and "next" is set to point to the
+first such character.
+### Generating blocks of text ###
+For not-too-large blocks of text, we provide tor_asprintf(), which
+behaves like other members of the sprintf() family, except that it
+always allocates enough memory on the heap for its output.
+For larger blocks: Rather than using strlcat and strlcpy to build
+text, or keeping pointers to the interior of a memory block, we
+recommend that you use the smartlist_* functions to build a smartlist
+full of substrings in order.  Then you can concatenate them into a
+single string with smartlist_join_strings(), which also takes optional
+separator and terminator arguments.
+As a convenience, we provide smartlist_add_asprintf(), which combines
+the two methods above together.  Many of the cryptographic digest
+functions also accept a not-yet-concatenated smartlist of strings.
+### Logging helpers ###
+Often we'd like to log a value that comes from an untrusted source.
+To do this, use escaped() to escape the nonprintable characters and
+other confusing elements in a string, and surround it by quotes.  (Use
+esc_for_log() if you need to allocate a new string.)
+It's also handy to put memory chunks into hexadecimal before logging;
+you can use hex_str(memory, length) for that.
+The escaped() and hex_str() functions both provide outputs that are
+only valid till they are next invoked; they are not threadsafe.

+ 236 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
+## Data flow in the Tor process ##
+We read bytes from the network, we write bytes to the network.  For the
+most part, the bytes we write correspond roughly to bytes we have read,
+with bits of cryptography added in.
+The rest is a matter of details.
+![Diagram of main data flows in Tor](./diagrams/02/02-dataflow.png "Diagram of main data flows in Tor")
+### Connections and buffers: reading, writing, and interpreting. ###
+At a low level, Tor's networking code is based on "connections".  Each
+connection represents an object that can send or receive network-like
+events.  For the most part, each connection has a single underlying TCP
+stream (I'll discuss counterexamples below).
+A connection that behaves like a TCP stream has an input buffer and an
+output buffer.  Incoming data is
+written into the input buffer ("inbuf"); data to be written to the
+network is queued on an output buffer ("outbuf").
+Buffers are implemented in buffers.c.  Each of these buffers is
+implemented as a linked queue of memory extents, in the style of classic
+BSD mbufs, or Linux skbufs.
+A connection's reading and writing can be enabled or disabled.  Under
+the hood, this functionality is implemented using libevent events: one
+for reading, one for writing.  These events are turned on/off in
+main.c, in the functions connection_{start,stop}_{reading,writing}.
+When a read or write event is turned on, the main libevent loop polls
+the kernel, asking which sockets are ready to read or write.  (This
+polling happens in the event_base_loop() call in run_main_loop_once()
+in main.c.)  When libevent finds a socket that's ready to read or write,
+it invokes conn_{read,write}_callback(), also in main.c
+These callback functions delegate to connection_handle_read() and
+connection_handle_write() in connection.c, which read or write on the
+network as appropriate, possibly delegating to openssl.
+After data is read or written, or other event occurs, these
+connection_handle_read_write() functions call logic functions whose job is
+to respond to the information.  Some examples included:
+   * connection_flushed_some() -- called after a connection writes any
+     amount of data from its outbuf.
+   * connection_finished_flushing() -- called when a connection has
+     emptied its outbuf.
+   * connection_finished_connecting() -- called when an in-process connection
+     finishes making a remote connection.
+   * connection_reached_eof() -- called after receiving a FIN from the
+     remote server.
+   * connection_process_inbuf() -- called when more data arrives on
+     the inbuf.
+These functions then call into specific implementations depending on
+the type of the connection.  For example, if the connection is an
+edge_connection_t, connection_reached_eof() will call
+> **Note:** "Also there are bufferevents!"  We have vestigial
+> code for an alternative low-level networking
+> implementation, based on Libevent's evbuffer and bufferevent
+> code.  These two object types take on (most of) the roles of
+> buffers and connections respectively. It isn't working in today's
+> Tor, due to code rot and possible lingering libevent bugs.  More
+> work is needed; it would be good to get this working efficiently
+> again, to have IOCP support on Windows.
+#### Controlling connections ####
+A connection can have reading or writing enabled or disabled for a
+wide variety of reasons, including:
+   * Writing is disabled when there is no more data to write
+   * For some connection types, reading is disabled when the inbuf is
+     too full.
+   * Reading/writing is temporarily disabled on connections that have
+     recently read/written enough data up to their bandwidth 
+   * Reading is disabled on connections when reading more data from them
+     would require that data to be buffered somewhere else that is
+     already full.
+Currently, these conditions are checked in a diffuse set of
+increasingly complex conditional expressions.  In the future, it could
+be helpful to transition to a unified model for handling temporary
+read/write suspensions.
+#### Kinds of connections ####
+Today Tor has the following connection and pseudoconnection types.
+For the most part, each type of channel has an associated C module
+that implements its underlying logic.
+**Edge connections** receive data from and deliver data to points
+outside the onion routing network.  See `connection_edge.c`. They fall into two types:
+**Entry connections** are a type of edge connection. They receive data
+from the user running a Tor client, and deliver data to that user.
+They are used to implement SOCKSPort, TransPort, NATDPort, and so on.
+Sometimes they are called "AP" connections for historical reasons (it
+used to stand for "Application Proxy").
+**Exit connections** are a type of edge connection. They exist at an
+exit node, and transmit traffic to and from the network.
+(Entry connections and exit connections are also used as placeholders
+when performing a remote DNS request; they are not decoupled from the
+notion of "stream" in the Tor protocol. This is implemented partially
+in `connection_edge.c`, and partially in `dnsserv.c` and `dns.c`.)
+**OR connections** send and receive Tor cells over TLS, using some
+version of the Tor link protocol.  Their implementation is spread
+across `connection_or.c`, with a bit of logic in `command.c`,
+`relay.c`, and `channeltls.c`.
+**Extended OR connections** are a type of OR connection for use on
+bridges using pluggable transports, so that the PT can tell the bridge
+some information about the incoming connection before passing on its
+data.  They are implemented in `ext_orport.c`.
+**Directory connections** are server-side or client-side connections
+that implement Tor's HTTP-based directory protocol.  These are
+instantiated using a socket when Tor is making an unencrypted HTTP
+connection.  When Tor is tunneling a directory request over a Tor
+circuit, directory connections are implemented using a linked
+connection pair (see below).  Directory connections are implemented in
+`directory.c`; some of the server-side logic is implemented in
+**Controller connections** are local connections to a controller
+process implementing the controller protocol from
+control-spec.txt. These are in `control.c`.
+**Listener connections** are not stream oriented!  Rather, they wrap a
+listening socket in order to detect new incoming connections.  They
+bypass most of stream logic.  They don't have associated buffers.
+They are implemented in `connection.c`.
+![structure hierarchy for connection types](./diagrams/02/02-connection-types.png "structure hierarchy for connection types")
+>**Note**: "History Time!" You might occasionally find reference to a couple types of connections
+> which no longer exist in modern Tor.  A *CPUWorker connection*
+>connected the main Tor process to a thread or process used for
+>computation.  (Nowadays we use in-process communication.)  Even more
+>anciently, a *DNSWorker connection* connected the main tor process to
+>a separate thread or process used for running `gethostbyname()` or
+>`getaddrinfo()`.  (Nowadays we use Libevent's evdns facility to
+>perform DNS requests asynchronously.)
+#### Linked connections ####
+Sometimes two channels are joined together, such that data which the
+Tor process sends on one should immediately be received by the same
+Tor process on the other.  (For example, when Tor makes a tunneled
+directory connection, this is implemented on the client side as a
+directory connection whose output goes, not to the network, but to a
+local entry connection. And when a directory receives a tunnelled
+directory connection, this is implemented as an exit connection whose
+output goes, not to the network, but to a local directory connection.)
+The earliest versions of Tor to support linked connections used
+socketpairs for the purpose.  But using socketpairs forced us to copy
+data through kernelspace, and wasted limited file descriptors.  So
+instead, a pair of connections can be linked in-process.  Each linked
+connection has a pointer to the other, such that data written on one
+is immediately readable on the other, and vice versa.
+### From connections to channels ###
+There's an abstraction layer above OR connections (the ones that
+handle cells) and below cells called **Channels**.  A channel's
+purpose is to transmit authenticated cells from one Tor instance
+(relay or client) to another.
+Currently, only one implementation exists: Channel_tls, which sends
+and receiveds cells over a TLS-based OR connection.
+Cells are sent on a channel using
+`channel_write_{,packed_,var_}cell()`. Incoming cells arrive on a
+channel from its backend using `channel_queue*_cell()`, and are
+immediately processed using `channel_process_cells()`.
+Some cell types are handled below the channel layer, such as those
+that affect handshaking only.  And some others are passed up to the
+generic cross-channel code in `command.c`: cells like `DESTROY` and
+`CREATED` are all trivial to handle.  But relay cells
+require special handling...
+### From channels through circuits ###
+When a relay cell arrives on an existing circuit, it is handled in
+`circuit_receive_relay_cell()` -- one of the innermost functions in
+Tor.  This function encrypts or decrypts the relay cell as
+appropriate, and decides whether the cell is intended for the current
+hop of the circuit.
+If the cell *is* intended for the current hop, we pass it to
+`connection_edge_process_relay_cell()` in `relay.c`, which acts on it
+based on its relay command, and (possibly) queues its data on an
+If the cell *is not* intended for the current hop, we queue it for the
+next channel in sequence with `append cell_to_circuit_queue()`.  This
+places the cell on a per-circuit queue for cells headed out on that
+particular channel.
+### Sending cells on circuits: the complicated bit. ###
+Relay cells are queued onto circuits from one of two (main) sources:
+reading data from edge connections, and receiving a cell to be relayed
+on a circuit.  Both of these sources place their cells on cell queue:
+each circuit has one cell queue for each direction that it travels.
+A naive implementation would skip using cell queues, and instead write
+each outgoing relay cell.  (Tor did this in its earlier versions.)
+But such an approach tends to give poor performance, because it allows
+high-volume circuits to clog channels, and it forces the Tor server to
+send data queued on a circuit even after that circuit has been closed.
+So by using queues on each circuit, we can add cells to each channel
+on a just-in-time basis, choosing the cell at each moment based on
+a performance-aware algorithm.
+This logic is implemented in two main modules: `scheduler.c` and
+`circuitmux*.c`.  The scheduler code is responsible for determining
+globally, across all channels that could write cells, which one should
+next receive queued cells.  The circuitmux code determines, for all
+of the circuits with queued cells for a channel, which one should
+queue the next cell.
+(This logic applies to outgoing relay cells only; incoming relay cells
+are processed as they arrive.)

+ 247 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
+## Tor's modules ##
+### Generic modules ###
+: Implements the `buf_t` buffered data type for connections, and several
+low-level data handling functions to handle network protocols on it.
+: Generic channel implementation. Channels handle sending and receiving cells
+among tor nodes.
+: Channel implementation for TLS-based OR connections. Uses `connection_or.c`.
+: Code for constructing circuits and choosing their paths.  (*Note*:
+this module could plausibly be split into handling the client side,
+the server side, and the path generation aspects of circuit building.)
+: Code for maintaining and navigating the global list of circuits.
+: Generic circuitmux implementation. A circuitmux handles deciding, for a
+particular channel, which circuit should write next.
+: A circuitmux implementation based on the EWMA (exponentially
+weighted moving average) algorithm.
+: Code to actually send and receive data on circuits.
+: Handles incoming cells on channels.
+: Parses options from torrc, and uses them to configure the rest of Tor.
+: Generic torrc-style parser. Used to parse torrc and state files.
+: Generic and common connection tools, and implementation for the simpler
+connection types.
+: Implementation for entry and exit connections.
+: Implementation for OR connections (the ones that send cells over TLS).
+: Principal entry point, main loops, scheduled events, and network
+management for Tor.
+: Implements Tor as a Windows service. (Not very well.)
+: Generic code for generating and responding to CREATE and CREATED
+cells, and performing the appropriate onion handshakes. Also contains
+code to manage the server-side onion queue.
+: Implements the old SHA1-based CREATE_FAST/CREATED_FAST circuit
+creation handshake. (Now deprecated.)
+: Implements the Curve25519-based NTOR circuit creation handshake.
+: Implements the old RSA1024/DH1024-based TAP circuit creation handshake. (Now
+: Handles particular types of relay cells, and provides code to receive,
+encrypt, route, and interpret relay cells.
+: Decides which channel/circuit pair is ready to receive the next cell.
+: Handles loading and storing Tor's state file.
+: Contains the actual `main()` function.  (This is placed in a separate
+file so that the unit tests can have their own `main()`.)
+### Node-status modules ###
+: Implements the HTTP-based directory protocol, including sending,
+receiving, and handling most request types.  (*Note*: The client parts
+of this, and the generic-HTTP parts of this, could plausibly be split
+: Implements the compact "microdescriptor" format for keeping track of
+what we know about a router.
+: Code for fetching, storing, and interpreting consensus vote documents.
+: Higher-level view of our knowledge of which Tor servers exist.  Each
+`node_t` corresponds to a router we know about.
+: Code for storing and retrieving router descriptors and extrainfo
+: Generic and specific code for parsing all Tor directory information
+: Parses and interprets a specification for a set of routers (by IP
+range, fingerprint, nickname (deprecated), or country).
+### Client modules ###
+: Handles client-side associations between one address and another.
+These are used to implement client-side DNS caching (NOT RECOMMENDED),
+MapAddress directives, Automapping, and more.
+: Path bias attack detection for circuits: tracks whether
+connections made through a particular guard have an unusually high failure rate.
+: Code to track circuit performance statistics in order to adapt our behavior.
+Notably includes an algorithm to track circuit build times.
+: Implements DNSPort for clients. (Note that in spite of the word
+"server" in this module's name, it is used for Tor clients.  It
+implements a DNS server, not DNS for servers.)
+: Chooses, monitors, and remembers guard nodes.  Also contains some
+bridge-related code.
+: Code to interpret and generate Ed25519-based certificates.
+### Server modules ###
+: Server-side DNS code.  Handles sending and receiving DNS requests on
+exit nodes, and implements the server-side DNS cache.
+: Implements part of directory caches that handles responding to
+client requests.
+: Implements the extended ORPort protocol for communication between
+server-side pluggable transports and Tor servers.
+: Performs bandwidth accounting, and puts Tor relays into hibernation
+when their bandwidth is exhausted.
+: Management code for running a Tor server. In charge of RSA key
+maintenance, descriptor generation and uploading.
+: Key handling code for a Tor server. (Currently handles only the
+Ed25519 keys, but the RSA keys could be moved here too.)
+### Onion service modules ###
+: Stores onion service descriptors.
+: Client-side implementation of the onion service protocol.
+: Parts of the onion service protocol that are shared by clients,
+services, and/or Tor servers.
+: Tor-server-side implementation of the onion service protocol. (Handles
+acting as an introduction point or a rendezvous point.)
+: Service-side implementation of the onion service protocol.
+: Backend to check introduce2 requests for replay attempts.
+### Authority modules ###
+: Helper for `dirvote.c`: Given a set of votes, each containing a list
+of Tor nodes, determines which entries across all the votes correspond
+to the same nodes, and yields them in a useful order.
+: Implements the directory voting algorithms that authorities use.
+: Implements a persistent key-pinning mechanism to tie RSA1024
+identities to ed25519 identities.
+### Miscellaneous modules ###
+: Implements the Tor controller protocol.
+: Implements the inner work queue function.  We use this to move the
+work of circuit creation (on server-side) to other CPUs.
+: Types for handling 2-tuples of 20-byte fingerprints.
+: Parses geoip files (which map IP addresses to country codes), and
+performs lookups on the internal geoip table.  Also stores some
+geoip-related statistics.
+: Parses and implements Tor exit policies.
+: Maps internal reason-codes to human-readable strings.
+: Tracks Tor servers' performance over time.
+: Writes periodic "heartbeat" status messages about the state of the Tor
+: Implements management for the pluggable transports subsystem.

+ 34 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+HTML= \
+	00-overview.html \
+	01-common-utils.html \
+	01a-memory.html \
+	01b-collections.html \
+	01c-time.html \
+	01d-crypto.html \
+	01e-os-compat.html \
+	01f-threads.html \
+	01g-strings.html \
+	02-dataflow.html \
+	03-modules.html \
+	this-not-that.html
+PNG = \
+	diagrams/02/02-dataflow.png \
+	diagrams/02/02-connection-types.png
+all: generated
+generated: $(HTML) $(PNG)
+%.html: %.md
+	maruku $< -o $@
+%.png: %.dia
+	dia $< --export=$@
+	rm -f $(HTML)
+	rm -f $(PNG)

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+Don't use memcmp.  Use {tor,fast}_{memeq,memneq,memcmp}.
+Don't use assert.  Use tor_assert or tor_assert_nonfatal or BUG.  Prefer
+nonfatal assertions or BUG()s.
+Don't use sprintf or snprintf.  Use tor_asprintf or tor_snprintf.
+Don't write hand-written binary parsers.  Use trunnel.
+Don't use malloc, realloc, calloc, free, strdup, etc. Use tor_malloc,
+tor_realloc, tor_calloc, tor_free, tor_strdup, etc.
+Don't use tor_realloc(x, y\*z). Use tor_reallocarray(x, y, z);
+Don't say "if (x) foo_free(x)".  Just foo_free(x) and make sure that
+foo_free(NULL) is a no-op.
+Don't use toupper or tolower; use TOR_TOUPPER and TOR_TOLOWER.
+Don't use isalpha, isalnum, etc.  Instead use TOR_ISALPHA, TOR_ISALNUM, etc.
+Don't use strcat, strcpy, strncat, or strncpy. Use strlcat and strlcpy
+Don't use tor_asprintf then smartlist_add; use smartlist_add_asprintf.
+Don't use any of these functions: they aren't portable. Use the
+version prefixed with `tor_` instead: strtok_r, memmem, memstr,
+asprintf, localtime_r, gmtime_r, inet_aton, inet_ntop, inet_pton,
+getpass, ntohll, htonll, strdup,   (This list is incomplete.)
+Don't create or close sockets directly. Instead use the wrappers in
+When creating new APIs, only use 'char \*' to represent 'pointer to a
+nul-terminated string'.  Represent 'pointer to a chunk of memory' as
+'uint8_t \*'.  (Many older Tor APIs ignore this rule.)
+Don't encode/decode u32, u64, or u16 to byte arrays by casting
+pointers. That can crash if the pointers aren't aligned, and can cause
+endianness problems.  Instead say something more like set_uint32(ptr,
+htonl(foo)) to encode, and ntohl(get_uint32(ptr)) to decode.
+Don't declare a 0-argument function with "void foo()".  That's C++
+syntax. In C you say "void foo(void)".
+When creating new APIs, use const everywhere you reasonably can.
+Sockets should have type tor_socket_t, not int.