@@ -10,15 +10,13 @@ ARMA - arma claims
D Deferred
X Abandoned
-Tor 0.0.9rc1:
- o Weasel wants to say 50GB rather than 50000000 in config ints.
- o Nick wants to say "1 hour" instead of 3600 in config ints.
- o Better hibernation flexibility
- o Add hibernation intervals for weeks, days.
- o Start at a time other than 0:00 GMT.
- o Document
- o Integrate NT service patch
+For 0.0.9:
+ - bring tor-spec up to date
+ - cache and serve running-routers on other nodes?
+ - pump up periods for fetching things
. make loglevels info,debug less noisy
+ - fix dfc/weasel's intro point bug
+ - add goodell's .exit tld
Beyond 0.0.9:
- server descriptor declares min log level, clients avoid servers