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an in-progress hidden service tutorial

Roger Dingledine 19 anos atrás
1 arquivos alterados com 141 adições e 0 exclusões
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+<h1>Configuring Hidden Services for <a href="">Tor</a></h1>
+<hr />
+<p>Tor allows clients and servers to offer hidden services. That is,
+you can offer a web server, SSH server, etc., without revealing your
+IP to its users. In fact, because you don't need any public address,
+you can run a hidden service from behind your firewall.
+<p>This howto describes the steps for setting up your own hidden service
+<hr />
+<a name="zero"></a>
+<h3>Step Zero: Get Tor and Privoxy working</h3>
+<p>Before you start, you need to make sure 1) Tor is up and running,
+2) Privoxy is up and running, 3) Privoxy is configured to point
+to Tor, and 4) You actually set it up correctly.</p>
+<p>Windows users should follow the <a
+howto</a>, and OS X users should follow the <a
+X howto</a>. Other users can find some hints <a
+<p>Once you've got Tor and Privoxy installed and configured,
+you can see hidden services in action by clicking on <a
+href="http://6sxoyfb3h2nvok2d.onion/">the hidden wiki</a>
+in your browser. It will typically take 10-60 seconds to load
+(or to decide that it is currently unreachable). If it fails
+immediately and your browser pops up an alert saying that that
+"www.6sxoyfb3h2nvok2d.onion could not be found, please check the name and
+try again" then you haven't configured Tor and Privoxy correctly; see <a
+FAQ entry</a> for some help.
+<hr />
+<a name="one"></a>
+<h3>Step One: Configure an example hidden service</h3>
+<p>In this step, you're going to configure a hidden service that points
+to This way we can make sure you've gotten this step
+working before we start thinking about setting up a web server locally.
+<p>First, open your torrc file in your favorite text editor. (See <a
+FAQ entry</a> to learn what this means.) Go to the middle section and
+look for the line<br />
+<tt>############### This section is just for location-hidden services ###</tt><br />
+This section of the file consists of groups of lines, each representing
+one hidden service. Right now they are all commented out (the lines
+start with #), so now hidden services are enabled. Each group of lines
+consists of one HiddenServiceDir line, and one or more HiddenServicePort
+<li><b>HiddenServiceDir</b> is a directory where Tor will store information
+about that hidden service.  In particular, Tor will create a file here named
+<i>hostname</i> which will tell you the onion URL.  You don't need to add any
+files to this directory.</li>
+<li><b>HiddenServicePort</b> lets you specify a virtual port (that is, what
+port people accessing the hidden service will think they're using) and an
+IP address and port for redirecting connections to this virtual port.</li>
+<p>In this example, we're going to set up a hidden service that points to
+Google. So add the following lines to your torrc:
+HiddenServiceDir /home/yourname/hidserv/
+HiddenServicePort 80
+<p>The above directory is for Windows people. OS X or Unix people should
+use <tt>/tmp/hidserv</tt> instead.
+<hr />
+<p>If you have suggestions for improving this document, please <a
+href="">send them to us</a>. Thanks!</p>
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