@@ -1757,6 +1757,39 @@ circuit_build_failed(origin_circuit_t *circ)
* the last hop or an earlier hop. then use this info below.
int failed_at_last_hop = 0;
+ * failure.
+ *
+ * Note that we deliberately use circuit_get_cpath_len() (and not
+ * circuit_get_cpath_opened_len()) because we only want to ensure
+ * that a full path is *chosen*. This is different than a full path
+ * being *built*. We only want to count *build* failures below.
+ *
+ * Path selection failures can happen spuriously for a number
+ * of reasons (such as aggressive/invalid user-specified path
+ * restrictions in the torrc, insufficient microdescriptors, and
+ * non-user reasons like exitpolicy issues), and so should not be
+ * counted as failures below.
+ */
+ if (circuit_get_cpath_len(circ) < circ->build_state->desired_path_len) {
+ static ratelim_t pathfail_limit = RATELIM_INIT(3600);
+ log_fn_ratelim(&pathfail_limit, LOG_NOTICE, LD_CIRC,
+ "Our circuit %u (id: %" PRIu32 ") died due to an invalid "
+ "selected path, purpose %s. This may be a torrc "
+ "configuration issue, or a bug.",
+ TO_CIRCUIT(circ)->n_circ_id, circ->global_identifier,
+ circuit_purpose_to_string(TO_CIRCUIT(circ)->purpose));
+ hs_circ_retry_service_rendezvous_point(circ);
+ * that we don't want to do */
+ return;
+ }
* at the last hop. */
if (circ->cpath &&
@@ -1806,18 +1839,8 @@ circuit_build_failed(origin_circuit_t *circ)
* If we have guard state (new guard API) and our path selection
* code actually chose a full path, then blame the failure of this
* circuit on the guard.
- *
- * Note that we deliberately use circuit_get_cpath_len() (and not
- * circuit_get_cpath_opened_len()) because we only want to ensure
- * that a full path is *chosen*. This is different than a full path
- * being *built*. We only want to blame *build* failures on this
- * guard. Path selection failures can happen spuriously for a number
- * of reasons (such as aggressive/invalid user-specified path
- * restrictions in the torrc, as well as non-user reasons like
- * exitpolicy issues), and so should not be counted here.
- if (circ->guard_state &&
- circuit_get_cpath_len(circ) >= circ->build_state->desired_path_len)
+ if (circ->guard_state)
* them now so they can retry elsewhere. */