How to review a patch ===================== Some folks have said that they'd like to review patches more often, but they don't know how. So, here are a bunch of things to check for when reviewing a patch! Note that if you can't do every one of these, that doesn't mean you can't do a good review! Just make it clear what you checked for and what you didn't. Top-level smell-checks ---------------------- (Difficulty: easy) - Does it compile with `--enable-fatal-warnings`? - Does `make check-spaces` pass? - Does `make check-changes` pass? - Does it have a reasonable amount of tests? Do they pass? Do they leak memory? - Do all the new functions, global variables, types, and structure members have documentation? - Do all the functions, global variables, types, and structure members with modified behavior have modified documentation? - Do all the new torrc options have documentation? - If this changes Tor's behavior on the wire, is there a design proposal? - If this changes anything in the code, is there a "changes" file? Let's look at the code! ----------------------- - Does the code conform to CodingStandards.txt? - Does the code leak memory? - If two or more pointers ever point to the same object, is it clear which pointer "owns" the object? - Are all allocated resources freed? - Are all pointers that should be const, const? - Are `#defines` used for 'magic' numbers? - Can you understand what the code is trying to do? - Can you convince yourself that the code really does that? - Is there duplicated code that could be turned into a function? Let's look at the documentation! -------------------------------- - Does the documentation conform to CodingStandards.txt? - Does it make sense? - Can you predict what the function will do from its documentation? Let's think about security! --------------------------- - If there are any arrays, buffers, are you 100% sure that they cannot overflow? - If there is any integer math, can it overflow or underflow? - If there are any allocations, are you sure there are corresponding deallocations? - Is there a safer pattern that could be used in any case? - Have they used one of the Forbidden Functions? (Also see your favorite secure C programming guides.)