/* Copyright (c) 2001 Matej Pfajfar. * Copyright (c) 2001-2004, Roger Dingledine. * Copyright (c) 2004-2006, Roger Dingledine, Nick Mathewson. * Copyright (c) 2007-2014, The Tor Project, Inc. */ /* See LICENSE for licensing information */ /** * \file buffers.c * \brief Implements a generic interface buffer. Buffers are * fairly opaque string holders that can read to or flush from: * memory, file descriptors, or TLS connections. **/ #define BUFFERS_PRIVATE #include "or.h" #include "addressmap.h" #include "buffers.h" #include "config.h" #include "connection_edge.h" #include "connection_or.h" #include "control.h" #include "reasons.h" #include "ext_orport.h" #include "../common/util.h" #include "../common/torlog.h" #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H #include <unistd.h> #endif //#define PARANOIA #ifdef PARANOIA /** Helper: If PARANOIA is defined, assert that the buffer in local variable * <b>buf</b> is well-formed. */ #define check() STMT_BEGIN assert_buf_ok(buf); STMT_END #else #define check() STMT_NIL #endif /* Implementation notes: * * After flirting with memmove, and dallying with ring-buffers, we're finally * getting up to speed with the 1970s and implementing buffers as a linked * list of small chunks. Each buffer has such a list; data is removed from * the head of the list, and added at the tail. The list is singly linked, * and the buffer keeps a pointer to the head and the tail. * * Every chunk, except the tail, contains at least one byte of data. Data in * each chunk is contiguous. * * When you need to treat the first N characters on a buffer as a contiguous * string, use the buf_pullup function to make them so. Don't do this more * than necessary. * * The major free Unix kernels have handled buffers like this since, like, * forever. */ static void socks_request_set_socks5_error(socks_request_t *req, socks5_reply_status_t reason); static int parse_socks(const char *data, size_t datalen, socks_request_t *req, int log_sockstype, int safe_socks, ssize_t *drain_out, size_t *want_length_out); static int parse_socks_client(const uint8_t *data, size_t datalen, int state, char **reason, ssize_t *drain_out); /* Chunk manipulation functions */ #define CHUNK_HEADER_LEN STRUCT_OFFSET(chunk_t, mem[0]) /** Return the number of bytes needed to allocate a chunk to hold * <b>memlen</b> bytes. */ #define CHUNK_ALLOC_SIZE(memlen) (CHUNK_HEADER_LEN + (memlen)) /** Return the number of usable bytes in a chunk allocated with * malloc(<b>memlen</b>). */ #define CHUNK_SIZE_WITH_ALLOC(memlen) ((memlen) - CHUNK_HEADER_LEN) /** Return the next character in <b>chunk</b> onto which data can be appended. * If the chunk is full, this might be off the end of chunk->mem. */ static INLINE char * CHUNK_WRITE_PTR(chunk_t *chunk) { return chunk->data + chunk->datalen; } /** Return the number of bytes that can be written onto <b>chunk</b> without * running out of space. */ static INLINE size_t CHUNK_REMAINING_CAPACITY(const chunk_t *chunk) { return (chunk->mem + chunk->memlen) - (chunk->data + chunk->datalen); } /** Move all bytes stored in <b>chunk</b> to the front of <b>chunk</b>->mem, * to free up space at the end. */ static INLINE void chunk_repack(chunk_t *chunk) { if (chunk->datalen && chunk->data != &chunk->mem[0]) { memmove(chunk->mem, chunk->data, chunk->datalen); } chunk->data = &chunk->mem[0]; } /** Keep track of total size of allocated chunks for consistency asserts */ static size_t total_bytes_allocated_in_chunks = 0; #if defined(ENABLE_BUF_FREELISTS) || defined(RUNNING_DOXYGEN) /** A freelist of chunks. */ typedef struct chunk_freelist_t { size_t alloc_size; /**< What size chunks does this freelist hold? */ int max_length; /**< Never allow more than this number of chunks in the * freelist. */ int slack; /**< When trimming the freelist, leave this number of extra * chunks beyond lowest_length.*/ int cur_length; /**< How many chunks on the freelist now? */ int lowest_length; /**< What's the smallest value of cur_length since the * last time we cleaned this freelist? */ uint64_t n_alloc; uint64_t n_free; uint64_t n_hit; chunk_t *head; /**< First chunk on the freelist. */ } chunk_freelist_t; /** Macro to help define freelists. */ #define FL(a,m,s) { a, m, s, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL } /** Static array of freelists, sorted by alloc_len, terminated by an entry * with alloc_size of 0. */ static chunk_freelist_t freelists[] = { FL(4096, 256, 8), FL(8192, 128, 4), FL(16384, 64, 4), FL(32768, 32, 2), FL(0, 0, 0) }; #undef FL /** How many times have we looked for a chunk of a size that no freelist * could help with? */ static uint64_t n_freelist_miss = 0; static void assert_freelist_ok(chunk_freelist_t *fl); /** Return the freelist to hold chunks of size <b>alloc</b>, or NULL if * no freelist exists for that size. */ static INLINE chunk_freelist_t * get_freelist(size_t alloc) { int i; for (i=0; (freelists[i].alloc_size <= alloc && freelists[i].alloc_size); ++i ) { if (freelists[i].alloc_size == alloc) { return &freelists[i]; } } return NULL; } /** Deallocate a chunk or put it on a freelist */ static void chunk_free_unchecked(chunk_t *chunk) { size_t alloc; chunk_freelist_t *freelist; alloc = CHUNK_ALLOC_SIZE(chunk->memlen); freelist = get_freelist(alloc); if (freelist && freelist->cur_length < freelist->max_length) { chunk->next = freelist->head; freelist->head = chunk; ++freelist->cur_length; } else { if (freelist) ++freelist->n_free; #ifdef DEBUG_CHUNK_ALLOC tor_assert(alloc == chunk->DBG_alloc); #endif tor_assert(total_bytes_allocated_in_chunks >= alloc); total_bytes_allocated_in_chunks -= alloc; tor_free(chunk); } } /** Allocate a new chunk with a given allocation size, or get one from the * freelist. Note that a chunk with allocation size A can actually hold only * CHUNK_SIZE_WITH_ALLOC(A) bytes in its mem field. */ static INLINE chunk_t * chunk_new_with_alloc_size(size_t alloc) { chunk_t *ch; chunk_freelist_t *freelist; tor_assert(alloc >= sizeof(chunk_t)); freelist = get_freelist(alloc); if (freelist && freelist->head) { ch = freelist->head; freelist->head = ch->next; if (--freelist->cur_length < freelist->lowest_length) freelist->lowest_length = freelist->cur_length; ++freelist->n_hit; } else { if (freelist) ++freelist->n_alloc; else ++n_freelist_miss; ch = tor_malloc(alloc); #ifdef DEBUG_CHUNK_ALLOC ch->DBG_alloc = alloc; #endif total_bytes_allocated_in_chunks += alloc; } ch->next = NULL; ch->datalen = 0; ch->memlen = CHUNK_SIZE_WITH_ALLOC(alloc); ch->data = &ch->mem[0]; return ch; } #else static void chunk_free_unchecked(chunk_t *chunk) { if (!chunk) return; #ifdef DEBUG_CHUNK_ALLOC tor_assert(CHUNK_ALLOC_SIZE(chunk->memlen) == chunk->DBG_alloc); #endif tor_assert(total_bytes_allocated_in_chunks >= CHUNK_ALLOC_SIZE(chunk->memlen)); total_bytes_allocated_in_chunks -= CHUNK_ALLOC_SIZE(chunk->memlen); tor_free(chunk); } static INLINE chunk_t * chunk_new_with_alloc_size(size_t alloc) { chunk_t *ch; ch = tor_malloc(alloc); ch->next = NULL; ch->datalen = 0; #ifdef DEBUG_CHUNK_ALLOC ch->DBG_alloc = alloc; #endif ch->memlen = CHUNK_SIZE_WITH_ALLOC(alloc); total_bytes_allocated_in_chunks += alloc; ch->data = &ch->mem[0]; return ch; } #endif /** Expand <b>chunk</b> until it can hold <b>sz</b> bytes, and return a * new pointer to <b>chunk</b>. Old pointers are no longer valid. */ static INLINE chunk_t * chunk_grow(chunk_t *chunk, size_t sz) { off_t offset; size_t memlen_orig = chunk->memlen; tor_assert(sz > chunk->memlen); offset = chunk->data - chunk->mem; chunk = tor_realloc(chunk, CHUNK_ALLOC_SIZE(sz)); chunk->memlen = sz; chunk->data = chunk->mem + offset; #ifdef DEBUG_CHUNK_ALLOC tor_assert(chunk->DBG_alloc == CHUNK_ALLOC_SIZE(memlen_orig)); chunk->DBG_alloc = CHUNK_ALLOC_SIZE(sz); #endif total_bytes_allocated_in_chunks += CHUNK_ALLOC_SIZE(sz) - CHUNK_ALLOC_SIZE(memlen_orig); return chunk; } /** If a read onto the end of a chunk would be smaller than this number, then * just start a new chunk. */ #define MIN_READ_LEN 8 /** Every chunk should take up at least this many bytes. */ #define MIN_CHUNK_ALLOC 256 /** No chunk should take up more than this many bytes. */ #define MAX_CHUNK_ALLOC 65536 /** Return the allocation size we'd like to use to hold <b>target</b> * bytes. */ static INLINE size_t preferred_chunk_size(size_t target) { size_t sz = MIN_CHUNK_ALLOC; while (CHUNK_SIZE_WITH_ALLOC(sz) < target) { sz <<= 1; } return sz; } /** Remove from the freelists most chunks that have not been used since the * last call to buf_shrink_freelists(). Return the amount of memory * freed. */ size_t buf_shrink_freelists(int free_all) { #ifdef ENABLE_BUF_FREELISTS int i; size_t total_freed = 0; disable_control_logging(); for (i = 0; freelists[i].alloc_size; ++i) { int slack = freelists[i].slack; assert_freelist_ok(&freelists[i]); if (free_all || freelists[i].lowest_length > slack) { int n_to_free = free_all ? freelists[i].cur_length : (freelists[i].lowest_length - slack); int n_to_skip = freelists[i].cur_length - n_to_free; int orig_length = freelists[i].cur_length; int orig_n_to_free = n_to_free, n_freed=0; int orig_n_to_skip = n_to_skip; int new_length = n_to_skip; chunk_t **chp = &freelists[i].head; chunk_t *chunk; while (n_to_skip) { if (!(*chp) || ! (*chp)->next) { log_warn(LD_BUG, "I wanted to skip %d chunks in the freelist for " "%d-byte chunks, but only found %d. (Length %d)", orig_n_to_skip, (int)freelists[i].alloc_size, orig_n_to_skip-n_to_skip, freelists[i].cur_length); assert_freelist_ok(&freelists[i]); goto done; } // tor_assert((*chp)->next); chp = &(*chp)->next; --n_to_skip; } chunk = *chp; *chp = NULL; while (chunk) { chunk_t *next = chunk->next; #ifdef DEBUG_CHUNK_ALLOC tor_assert(chunk->DBG_alloc == CHUNK_ALLOC_SIZE(chunk->memlen)); #endif tor_assert(total_bytes_allocated_in_chunks >= CHUNK_ALLOC_SIZE(chunk->memlen)); total_bytes_allocated_in_chunks -= CHUNK_ALLOC_SIZE(chunk->memlen); total_freed += CHUNK_ALLOC_SIZE(chunk->memlen); tor_free(chunk); chunk = next; --n_to_free; ++n_freed; ++freelists[i].n_free; } if (n_to_free) { log_warn(LD_BUG, "Freelist length for %d-byte chunks may have been " "messed up somehow.", (int)freelists[i].alloc_size); log_warn(LD_BUG, "There were %d chunks at the start. I decided to " "keep %d. I wanted to free %d. I freed %d. I somehow think " "I have %d left to free.", freelists[i].cur_length, n_to_skip, orig_n_to_free, n_freed, n_to_free); } // tor_assert(!n_to_free); freelists[i].cur_length = new_length; tor_assert(orig_n_to_skip == new_length); log_info(LD_MM, "Cleaned freelist for %d-byte chunks: original " "length %d, kept %d, dropped %d. New length is %d", (int)freelists[i].alloc_size, orig_length, orig_n_to_skip, orig_n_to_free, new_length); } freelists[i].lowest_length = freelists[i].cur_length; assert_freelist_ok(&freelists[i]); } done: enable_control_logging(); return total_freed; #else (void) free_all; return 0; #endif } /** Describe the current status of the freelists at log level <b>severity</b>. */ void buf_dump_freelist_sizes(int severity) { #ifdef ENABLE_BUF_FREELISTS int i; tor_log(severity, LD_MM, "====== Buffer freelists:"); for (i = 0; freelists[i].alloc_size; ++i) { uint64_t total = ((uint64_t)freelists[i].cur_length) * freelists[i].alloc_size; tor_log(severity, LD_MM, U64_FORMAT" bytes in %d %d-byte chunks ["U64_FORMAT " misses; "U64_FORMAT" frees; "U64_FORMAT" hits]", U64_PRINTF_ARG(total), freelists[i].cur_length, (int)freelists[i].alloc_size, U64_PRINTF_ARG(freelists[i].n_alloc), U64_PRINTF_ARG(freelists[i].n_free), U64_PRINTF_ARG(freelists[i].n_hit)); } tor_log(severity, LD_MM, U64_FORMAT" allocations in non-freelist sizes", U64_PRINTF_ARG(n_freelist_miss)); #else (void)severity; #endif } /** Collapse data from the first N chunks from <b>buf</b> into buf->head, * growing it as necessary, until buf->head has the first <b>bytes</b> bytes * of data from the buffer, or until buf->head has all the data in <b>buf</b>. * * If <b>nulterminate</b> is true, ensure that there is a 0 byte in * buf->head->mem right after all the data. */ STATIC void buf_pullup(buf_t *buf, size_t bytes, int nulterminate) { /* XXXX nothing uses nulterminate; remove it. */ chunk_t *dest, *src; size_t capacity; if (!buf->head) return; check(); if (buf->datalen < bytes) bytes = buf->datalen; if (nulterminate) { capacity = bytes + 1; if (buf->head->datalen >= bytes && CHUNK_REMAINING_CAPACITY(buf->head)) { *CHUNK_WRITE_PTR(buf->head) = '\0'; return; } } else { capacity = bytes; if (buf->head->datalen >= bytes) return; } if (buf->head->memlen >= capacity) { /* We don't need to grow the first chunk, but we might need to repack it.*/ size_t needed = capacity - buf->head->datalen; if (CHUNK_REMAINING_CAPACITY(buf->head) < needed) chunk_repack(buf->head); tor_assert(CHUNK_REMAINING_CAPACITY(buf->head) >= needed); } else { chunk_t *newhead; size_t newsize; /* We need to grow the chunk. */ chunk_repack(buf->head); newsize = CHUNK_SIZE_WITH_ALLOC(preferred_chunk_size(capacity)); newhead = chunk_grow(buf->head, newsize); tor_assert(newhead->memlen >= capacity); if (newhead != buf->head) { if (buf->tail == buf->head) buf->tail = newhead; buf->head = newhead; } } dest = buf->head; while (dest->datalen < bytes) { size_t n = bytes - dest->datalen; src = dest->next; tor_assert(src); if (n > src->datalen) { memcpy(CHUNK_WRITE_PTR(dest), src->data, src->datalen); dest->datalen += src->datalen; dest->next = src->next; if (buf->tail == src) buf->tail = dest; chunk_free_unchecked(src); } else { memcpy(CHUNK_WRITE_PTR(dest), src->data, n); dest->datalen += n; src->data += n; src->datalen -= n; tor_assert(dest->datalen == bytes); } } if (nulterminate) { tor_assert(CHUNK_REMAINING_CAPACITY(buf->head)); *CHUNK_WRITE_PTR(buf->head) = '\0'; } check(); } #ifdef TOR_UNIT_TESTS void buf_get_first_chunk_data(const buf_t *buf, const char **cp, size_t *sz) { if (!buf || !buf->head) { *cp = NULL; *sz = 0; } else { *cp = buf->head->data; *sz = buf->head->datalen; } } #endif /** Resize buf so it won't hold extra memory that we haven't been * using lately. */ void buf_shrink(buf_t *buf) { (void)buf; } /** Remove the first <b>n</b> bytes from buf. */ static INLINE void buf_remove_from_front(buf_t *buf, size_t n) { tor_assert(buf->datalen >= n); while (n) { tor_assert(buf->head); if (buf->head->datalen > n) { buf->head->datalen -= n; buf->head->data += n; buf->datalen -= n; return; } else { chunk_t *victim = buf->head; n -= victim->datalen; buf->datalen -= victim->datalen; buf->head = victim->next; if (buf->tail == victim) buf->tail = NULL; chunk_free_unchecked(victim); } } check(); } /** Create and return a new buf with default chunk capacity <b>size</b>. */ buf_t * buf_new_with_capacity(size_t size) { buf_t *b = buf_new(); b->default_chunk_size = preferred_chunk_size(size); return b; } /** Allocate and return a new buffer with default capacity. */ buf_t * buf_new(void) { buf_t *buf = tor_malloc_zero(sizeof(buf_t)); buf->magic = BUFFER_MAGIC; buf->default_chunk_size = 4096; return buf; } size_t buf_get_default_chunk_size(const buf_t *buf) { return buf->default_chunk_size; } /** Remove all data from <b>buf</b>. */ void buf_clear(buf_t *buf) { chunk_t *chunk, *next; buf->datalen = 0; for (chunk = buf->head; chunk; chunk = next) { next = chunk->next; chunk_free_unchecked(chunk); } buf->head = buf->tail = NULL; } /** Return the number of bytes stored in <b>buf</b> */ MOCK_IMPL(size_t, buf_datalen, (const buf_t *buf)) { return buf->datalen; } /** Return the total length of all chunks used in <b>buf</b>. */ size_t buf_allocation(const buf_t *buf) { size_t total = 0; const chunk_t *chunk; for (chunk = buf->head; chunk; chunk = chunk->next) { total += CHUNK_ALLOC_SIZE(chunk->memlen); } return total; } /** Return the number of bytes that can be added to <b>buf</b> without * performing any additional allocation. */ size_t buf_slack(const buf_t *buf) { if (!buf->tail) return 0; else return CHUNK_REMAINING_CAPACITY(buf->tail); } /** Release storage held by <b>buf</b>. */ void buf_free(buf_t *buf) { if (!buf) return; buf_clear(buf); buf->magic = 0xdeadbeef; tor_free(buf); } /** Return a new copy of <b>in_chunk</b> */ static chunk_t * chunk_copy(const chunk_t *in_chunk) { chunk_t *newch = tor_memdup(in_chunk, CHUNK_ALLOC_SIZE(in_chunk->memlen)); total_bytes_allocated_in_chunks += CHUNK_ALLOC_SIZE(in_chunk->memlen); #ifdef DEBUG_CHUNK_ALLOC newch->DBG_alloc = CHUNK_ALLOC_SIZE(in_chunk->memlen); #endif newch->next = NULL; if (in_chunk->data) { off_t offset = in_chunk->data - in_chunk->mem; newch->data = newch->mem + offset; } return newch; } /** Return a new copy of <b>buf</b> */ buf_t * buf_copy(const buf_t *buf) { chunk_t *ch; buf_t *out = buf_new(); out->default_chunk_size = buf->default_chunk_size; for (ch = buf->head; ch; ch = ch->next) { chunk_t *newch = chunk_copy(ch); if (out->tail) { out->tail->next = newch; out->tail = newch; } else { out->head = out->tail = newch; } } out->datalen = buf->datalen; return out; } /** Append a new chunk with enough capacity to hold <b>capacity</b> bytes to * the tail of <b>buf</b>. If <b>capped</b>, don't allocate a chunk bigger * than MAX_CHUNK_ALLOC. */ static chunk_t * buf_add_chunk_with_capacity(buf_t *buf, size_t capacity, int capped) { chunk_t *chunk; struct timeval now; if (CHUNK_ALLOC_SIZE(capacity) < buf->default_chunk_size) { chunk = chunk_new_with_alloc_size(buf->default_chunk_size); } else if (capped && CHUNK_ALLOC_SIZE(capacity) > MAX_CHUNK_ALLOC) { chunk = chunk_new_with_alloc_size(MAX_CHUNK_ALLOC); } else { chunk = chunk_new_with_alloc_size(preferred_chunk_size(capacity)); } tor_gettimeofday_cached_monotonic(&now); chunk->inserted_time = (uint32_t)tv_to_msec(&now); if (buf->tail) { tor_assert(buf->head); buf->tail->next = chunk; buf->tail = chunk; } else { tor_assert(!buf->head); buf->head = buf->tail = chunk; } check(); return chunk; } /** Return the age of the oldest chunk in the buffer <b>buf</b>, in * milliseconds. Requires the current time, in truncated milliseconds since * the epoch, as its input <b>now</b>. */ uint32_t buf_get_oldest_chunk_timestamp(const buf_t *buf, uint32_t now) { if (buf->head) { return now - buf->head->inserted_time; } else { return 0; } } size_t buf_get_total_allocation(void) { return total_bytes_allocated_in_chunks; } /** Read up to <b>at_most</b> bytes from the socket <b>fd</b> into * <b>chunk</b> (which must be on <b>buf</b>). If we get an EOF, set * *<b>reached_eof</b> to 1. Return -1 on error, 0 on eof or blocking, * and the number of bytes read otherwise. */ static INLINE int read_to_chunk(buf_t *buf, chunk_t *chunk, tor_socket_t fd, size_t at_most, int *reached_eof, int *socket_error) { ssize_t read_result; if (at_most > CHUNK_REMAINING_CAPACITY(chunk)) at_most = CHUNK_REMAINING_CAPACITY(chunk); read_result = tor_socket_recv(fd, CHUNK_WRITE_PTR(chunk), at_most, 0); if (read_result < 0) { int e = tor_socket_errno(fd); if (!ERRNO_IS_EAGAIN(e)) { /* it's a real error */ #ifdef _WIN32 if (e == WSAENOBUFS) log_warn(LD_NET,"recv() failed: WSAENOBUFS. Not enough ram?"); #endif *socket_error = e; return -1; } return 0; /* would block. */ } else if (read_result == 0) { log_debug(LD_NET,"Encountered eof on fd %d", (int)fd); *reached_eof = 1; return 0; } else { /* actually got bytes. */ buf->datalen += read_result; chunk->datalen += read_result; log_debug(LD_NET,"Read %ld bytes. %d on inbuf.", (long)read_result, (int)buf->datalen); tor_assert(read_result < INT_MAX); return (int)read_result; } } /** As read_to_chunk(), but return (negative) error code on error, blocking, * or TLS, and the number of bytes read otherwise. */ static INLINE int read_to_chunk_tls(buf_t *buf, chunk_t *chunk, tor_tls_t *tls, size_t at_most) { int read_result; tor_assert(CHUNK_REMAINING_CAPACITY(chunk) >= at_most); read_result = tor_tls_read(tls, CHUNK_WRITE_PTR(chunk), at_most); if (read_result < 0) return read_result; buf->datalen += read_result; chunk->datalen += read_result; return read_result; } /** Read from socket <b>s</b>, writing onto end of <b>buf</b>. Read at most * <b>at_most</b> bytes, growing the buffer as necessary. If recv() returns 0 * (because of EOF), set *<b>reached_eof</b> to 1 and return 0. Return -1 on * error; else return the number of bytes read. */ /* XXXX024 indicate "read blocked" somehow? */ int read_to_buf(tor_socket_t s, size_t at_most, buf_t *buf, int *reached_eof, int *socket_error) { /* XXXX024 It's stupid to overload the return values for these functions: * "error status" and "number of bytes read" are not mutually exclusive. */ int r = 0; size_t total_read = 0; check(); tor_assert(reached_eof); tor_assert(SOCKET_OK(s)); while (at_most > total_read) { size_t readlen = at_most - total_read; chunk_t *chunk; if (!buf->tail || CHUNK_REMAINING_CAPACITY(buf->tail) < MIN_READ_LEN) { chunk = buf_add_chunk_with_capacity(buf, at_most, 1); if (readlen > chunk->memlen) readlen = chunk->memlen; } else { size_t cap = CHUNK_REMAINING_CAPACITY(buf->tail); chunk = buf->tail; if (cap < readlen) readlen = cap; } r = read_to_chunk(buf, chunk, s, readlen, reached_eof, socket_error); check(); if (r < 0) return r; /* Error */ tor_assert(total_read+r < INT_MAX); total_read += r; if ((size_t)r < readlen) { /* eof, block, or no more to read. */ break; } } return (int)total_read; } /** As read_to_buf, but reads from a TLS connection, and returns a TLS * status value rather than the number of bytes read. * * Using TLS on OR connections complicates matters in two ways. * * First, a TLS stream has its own read buffer independent of the * connection's read buffer. (TLS needs to read an entire frame from * the network before it can decrypt any data. Thus, trying to read 1 * byte from TLS can require that several KB be read from the network * and decrypted. The extra data is stored in TLS's decrypt buffer.) * Because the data hasn't been read by Tor (it's still inside the TLS), * this means that sometimes a connection "has stuff to read" even when * poll() didn't return POLLIN. The tor_tls_get_pending_bytes function is * used in connection.c to detect TLS objects with non-empty internal * buffers and read from them again. * * Second, the TLS stream's events do not correspond directly to network * events: sometimes, before a TLS stream can read, the network must be * ready to write -- or vice versa. */ int read_to_buf_tls(tor_tls_t *tls, size_t at_most, buf_t *buf) { int r = 0; size_t total_read = 0; check_no_tls_errors(); check(); while (at_most > total_read) { size_t readlen = at_most - total_read; chunk_t *chunk; if (!buf->tail || CHUNK_REMAINING_CAPACITY(buf->tail) < MIN_READ_LEN) { chunk = buf_add_chunk_with_capacity(buf, at_most, 1); if (readlen > chunk->memlen) readlen = chunk->memlen; } else { size_t cap = CHUNK_REMAINING_CAPACITY(buf->tail); chunk = buf->tail; if (cap < readlen) readlen = cap; } r = read_to_chunk_tls(buf, chunk, tls, readlen); check(); if (r < 0) return r; /* Error */ tor_assert(total_read+r < INT_MAX); total_read += r; if ((size_t)r < readlen) /* eof, block, or no more to read. */ break; } return (int)total_read; } /** Helper for flush_buf(): try to write <b>sz</b> bytes from chunk * <b>chunk</b> of buffer <b>buf</b> onto socket <b>s</b>. On success, deduct * the bytes written from *<b>buf_flushlen</b>. Return the number of bytes * written on success, 0 on blocking, -1 on failure. */ static INLINE int flush_chunk(tor_socket_t s, buf_t *buf, chunk_t *chunk, size_t sz, size_t *buf_flushlen) { ssize_t write_result; if (sz > chunk->datalen) sz = chunk->datalen; write_result = tor_socket_send(s, chunk->data, sz, 0); if (write_result < 0) { int e = tor_socket_errno(s); if (!ERRNO_IS_EAGAIN(e)) { /* it's a real error */ #ifdef _WIN32 if (e == WSAENOBUFS) log_warn(LD_NET,"write() failed: WSAENOBUFS. Not enough ram?"); #endif return -1; } log_debug(LD_NET,"write() would block, returning."); return 0; } else { *buf_flushlen -= write_result; buf_remove_from_front(buf, write_result); tor_assert(write_result < INT_MAX); return (int)write_result; } } /** Helper for flush_buf_tls(): try to write <b>sz</b> bytes from chunk * <b>chunk</b> of buffer <b>buf</b> onto socket <b>s</b>. (Tries to write * more if there is a forced pending write size.) On success, deduct the * bytes written from *<b>buf_flushlen</b>. Return the number of bytes * written on success, and a TOR_TLS error code on failure or blocking. */ static INLINE int flush_chunk_tls(tor_tls_t *tls, buf_t *buf, chunk_t *chunk, size_t sz, size_t *buf_flushlen) { int r; size_t forced; char *data; forced = tor_tls_get_forced_write_size(tls); if (forced > sz) sz = forced; if (chunk) { data = chunk->data; tor_assert(sz <= chunk->datalen); } else { data = NULL; tor_assert(sz == 0); } r = tor_tls_write(tls, data, sz); if (r < 0) return r; if (*buf_flushlen > (size_t)r) *buf_flushlen -= r; else *buf_flushlen = 0; buf_remove_from_front(buf, r); log_debug(LD_NET,"flushed %d bytes, %d ready to flush, %d remain.", r,(int)*buf_flushlen,(int)buf->datalen); return r; } /** Write data from <b>buf</b> to the socket <b>s</b>. Write at most * <b>sz</b> bytes, decrement *<b>buf_flushlen</b> by * the number of bytes actually written, and remove the written bytes * from the buffer. Return the number of bytes written on success, * -1 on failure. Return 0 if write() would block. */ int flush_buf(tor_socket_t s, buf_t *buf, size_t sz, size_t *buf_flushlen) { /* XXXX024 It's stupid to overload the return values for these functions: * "error status" and "number of bytes flushed" are not mutually exclusive. */ int r; size_t flushed = 0; tor_assert(buf_flushlen); tor_assert(SOCKET_OK(s)); tor_assert(*buf_flushlen <= buf->datalen); tor_assert(sz <= *buf_flushlen); check(); while (sz) { size_t flushlen0; tor_assert(buf->head); if (buf->head->datalen >= sz) flushlen0 = sz; else flushlen0 = buf->head->datalen; r = flush_chunk(s, buf, buf->head, flushlen0, buf_flushlen); check(); if (r < 0) return r; flushed += r; sz -= r; if (r == 0 || (size_t)r < flushlen0) /* can't flush any more now. */ break; } tor_assert(flushed < INT_MAX); return (int)flushed; } /** As flush_buf(), but writes data to a TLS connection. Can write more than * <b>flushlen</b> bytes. */ int flush_buf_tls(tor_tls_t *tls, buf_t *buf, size_t flushlen, size_t *buf_flushlen) { int r; size_t flushed = 0; ssize_t sz; tor_assert(buf_flushlen); tor_assert(*buf_flushlen <= buf->datalen); tor_assert(flushlen <= *buf_flushlen); sz = (ssize_t) flushlen; /* we want to let tls write even if flushlen is zero, because it might * have a partial record pending */ check_no_tls_errors(); check(); do { size_t flushlen0; if (buf->head) { if ((ssize_t)buf->head->datalen >= sz) flushlen0 = sz; else flushlen0 = buf->head->datalen; } else { flushlen0 = 0; } r = flush_chunk_tls(tls, buf, buf->head, flushlen0, buf_flushlen); check(); if (r < 0) return r; flushed += r; sz -= r; if (r == 0) /* Can't flush any more now. */ break; } while (sz > 0); tor_assert(flushed < INT_MAX); return (int)flushed; } /** Append <b>string_len</b> bytes from <b>string</b> to the end of * <b>buf</b>. * * Return the new length of the buffer on success, -1 on failure. */ int write_to_buf(const char *string, size_t string_len, buf_t *buf) { if (!string_len) return (int)buf->datalen; check(); while (string_len) { size_t copy; if (!buf->tail || !CHUNK_REMAINING_CAPACITY(buf->tail)) buf_add_chunk_with_capacity(buf, string_len, 1); copy = CHUNK_REMAINING_CAPACITY(buf->tail); if (copy > string_len) copy = string_len; memcpy(CHUNK_WRITE_PTR(buf->tail), string, copy); string_len -= copy; string += copy; buf->datalen += copy; buf->tail->datalen += copy; } check(); tor_assert(buf->datalen < INT_MAX); return (int)buf->datalen; } /** Helper: copy the first <b>string_len</b> bytes from <b>buf</b> * onto <b>string</b>. */ static INLINE void peek_from_buf(char *string, size_t string_len, const buf_t *buf) { chunk_t *chunk; tor_assert(string); /* make sure we don't ask for too much */ tor_assert(string_len <= buf->datalen); /* assert_buf_ok(buf); */ chunk = buf->head; while (string_len) { size_t copy = string_len; tor_assert(chunk); if (chunk->datalen < copy) copy = chunk->datalen; memcpy(string, chunk->data, copy); string_len -= copy; string += copy; chunk = chunk->next; } } /** Remove <b>string_len</b> bytes from the front of <b>buf</b>, and store * them into <b>string</b>. Return the new buffer size. <b>string_len</b> * must be \<= the number of bytes on the buffer. */ int fetch_from_buf(char *string, size_t string_len, buf_t *buf) { /* There must be string_len bytes in buf; write them onto string, * then memmove buf back (that is, remove them from buf). * * Return the number of bytes still on the buffer. */ check(); peek_from_buf(string, string_len, buf); buf_remove_from_front(buf, string_len); check(); tor_assert(buf->datalen < INT_MAX); return (int)buf->datalen; } /** True iff the cell command <b>command</b> is one that implies a * variable-length cell in Tor link protocol <b>linkproto</b>. */ static INLINE int cell_command_is_var_length(uint8_t command, int linkproto) { /* If linkproto is v2 (2), CELL_VERSIONS is the only variable-length cells * work as implemented here. If it's 1, there are no variable-length cells. * Tor does not support other versions right now, and so can't negotiate * them. */ switch (linkproto) { case 1: /* Link protocol version 1 has no variable-length cells. */ return 0; case 2: /* In link protocol version 2, VERSIONS is the only variable-length cell */ return command == CELL_VERSIONS; case 0: case 3: default: /* In link protocol version 3 and later, and in version "unknown", * commands 128 and higher indicate variable-length. VERSIONS is * grandfathered in. */ return command == CELL_VERSIONS || command >= 128; } } /** Check <b>buf</b> for a variable-length cell according to the rules of link * protocol version <b>linkproto</b>. If one is found, pull it off the buffer * and assign a newly allocated var_cell_t to *<b>out</b>, and return 1. * Return 0 if whatever is on the start of buf_t is not a variable-length * cell. Return 1 and set *<b>out</b> to NULL if there seems to be the start * of a variable-length cell on <b>buf</b>, but the whole thing isn't there * yet. */ int fetch_var_cell_from_buf(buf_t *buf, var_cell_t **out, int linkproto) { char hdr[VAR_CELL_MAX_HEADER_SIZE]; var_cell_t *result; uint8_t command; uint16_t length; const int wide_circ_ids = linkproto >= MIN_LINK_PROTO_FOR_WIDE_CIRC_IDS; const int circ_id_len = get_circ_id_size(wide_circ_ids); const unsigned header_len = get_var_cell_header_size(wide_circ_ids); check(); *out = NULL; if (buf->datalen < header_len) return 0; peek_from_buf(hdr, header_len, buf); command = get_uint8(hdr + circ_id_len); if (!(cell_command_is_var_length(command, linkproto))) return 0; length = ntohs(get_uint16(hdr + circ_id_len + 1)); if (buf->datalen < (size_t)(header_len+length)) return 1; result = var_cell_new(length); result->command = command; if (wide_circ_ids) result->circ_id = ntohl(get_uint32(hdr)); else result->circ_id = ntohs(get_uint16(hdr)); buf_remove_from_front(buf, header_len); peek_from_buf((char*) result->payload, length, buf); buf_remove_from_front(buf, length); check(); *out = result; return 1; } #ifdef USE_BUFFEREVENTS /** Try to read <b>n</b> bytes from <b>buf</b> at <b>pos</b> (which may be * NULL for the start of the buffer), copying the data only if necessary. Set * *<b>data_out</b> to a pointer to the desired bytes. Set <b>free_out</b> * to 1 if we needed to malloc *<b>data</b> because the original bytes were * noncontiguous; 0 otherwise. Return the number of bytes actually available * at *<b>data_out</b>. */ static ssize_t inspect_evbuffer(struct evbuffer *buf, char **data_out, size_t n, int *free_out, struct evbuffer_ptr *pos) { int n_vecs, i; if (evbuffer_get_length(buf) < n) n = evbuffer_get_length(buf); if (n == 0) return 0; n_vecs = evbuffer_peek(buf, n, pos, NULL, 0); tor_assert(n_vecs > 0); if (n_vecs == 1) { struct evbuffer_iovec v; i = evbuffer_peek(buf, n, pos, &v, 1); tor_assert(i == 1); *data_out = v.iov_base; *free_out = 0; return v.iov_len; } else { ev_ssize_t copied; *data_out = tor_malloc(n); *free_out = 1; copied = evbuffer_copyout(buf, *data_out, n); tor_assert(copied >= 0 && (size_t)copied == n); return copied; } } /** As fetch_var_cell_from_buf, buf works on an evbuffer. */ int fetch_var_cell_from_evbuffer(struct evbuffer *buf, var_cell_t **out, int linkproto) { char *hdr = NULL; int free_hdr = 0; size_t n; size_t buf_len; uint8_t command; uint16_t cell_length; var_cell_t *cell; int result = 0; const int wide_circ_ids = linkproto >= MIN_LINK_PROTO_FOR_WIDE_CIRC_IDS; const int circ_id_len = get_circ_id_size(wide_circ_ids); const unsigned header_len = get_var_cell_header_size(wide_circ_ids); *out = NULL; buf_len = evbuffer_get_length(buf); if (buf_len < header_len) return 0; n = inspect_evbuffer(buf, &hdr, header_len, &free_hdr, NULL); tor_assert(n >= header_len); command = get_uint8(hdr + circ_id_len); if (!(cell_command_is_var_length(command, linkproto))) { goto done; } cell_length = ntohs(get_uint16(hdr + circ_id_len + 1)); if (buf_len < (size_t)(header_len+cell_length)) { result = 1; /* Not all here yet. */ goto done; } cell = var_cell_new(cell_length); cell->command = command; if (wide_circ_ids) cell->circ_id = ntohl(get_uint32(hdr)); else cell->circ_id = ntohs(get_uint16(hdr)); evbuffer_drain(buf, header_len); evbuffer_remove(buf, cell->payload, cell_length); *out = cell; result = 1; done: if (free_hdr && hdr) tor_free(hdr); return result; } #endif /** Move up to *<b>buf_flushlen</b> bytes from <b>buf_in</b> to * <b>buf_out</b>, and modify *<b>buf_flushlen</b> appropriately. * Return the number of bytes actually copied. */ int move_buf_to_buf(buf_t *buf_out, buf_t *buf_in, size_t *buf_flushlen) { /* We can do way better here, but this doesn't turn up in any profiles. */ char b[4096]; size_t cp, len; len = *buf_flushlen; if (len > buf_in->datalen) len = buf_in->datalen; cp = len; /* Remember the number of bytes we intend to copy. */ tor_assert(cp < INT_MAX); while (len) { /* This isn't the most efficient implementation one could imagine, since * it does two copies instead of 1, but I kinda doubt that this will be * critical path. */ size_t n = len > sizeof(b) ? sizeof(b) : len; fetch_from_buf(b, n, buf_in); write_to_buf(b, n, buf_out); len -= n; } *buf_flushlen -= cp; return (int)cp; } /** Internal structure: represents a position in a buffer. */ typedef struct buf_pos_t { const chunk_t *chunk; /**< Which chunk are we pointing to? */ int pos;/**< Which character inside the chunk's data are we pointing to? */ size_t chunk_pos; /**< Total length of all previous chunks. */ } buf_pos_t; /** Initialize <b>out</b> to point to the first character of <b>buf</b>.*/ static void buf_pos_init(const buf_t *buf, buf_pos_t *out) { out->chunk = buf->head; out->pos = 0; out->chunk_pos = 0; } /** Advance <b>out</b> to the first appearance of <b>ch</b> at the current * position of <b>out</b>, or later. Return -1 if no instances are found; * otherwise returns the absolute position of the character. */ static off_t buf_find_pos_of_char(char ch, buf_pos_t *out) { const chunk_t *chunk; int pos; tor_assert(out); if (out->chunk) { if (out->chunk->datalen) { tor_assert(out->pos < (off_t)out->chunk->datalen); } else { tor_assert(out->pos == 0); } } pos = out->pos; for (chunk = out->chunk; chunk; chunk = chunk->next) { char *cp = memchr(chunk->data+pos, ch, chunk->datalen - pos); if (cp) { out->chunk = chunk; tor_assert(cp - chunk->data < INT_MAX); out->pos = (int)(cp - chunk->data); return out->chunk_pos + out->pos; } else { out->chunk_pos += chunk->datalen; pos = 0; } } return -1; } /** Advance <b>pos</b> by a single character, if there are any more characters * in the buffer. Returns 0 on success, -1 on failure. */ static INLINE int buf_pos_inc(buf_pos_t *pos) { ++pos->pos; if (pos->pos == (off_t)pos->chunk->datalen) { if (!pos->chunk->next) return -1; pos->chunk_pos += pos->chunk->datalen; pos->chunk = pos->chunk->next; pos->pos = 0; } return 0; } /** Return true iff the <b>n</b>-character string in <b>s</b> appears * (verbatim) at <b>pos</b>. */ static int buf_matches_at_pos(const buf_pos_t *pos, const char *s, size_t n) { buf_pos_t p; if (!n) return 1; memcpy(&p, pos, sizeof(p)); while (1) { char ch = p.chunk->data[p.pos]; if (ch != *s) return 0; ++s; /* If we're out of characters that don't match, we match. Check this * _before_ we test incrementing pos, in case we're at the end of the * string. */ if (--n == 0) return 1; if (buf_pos_inc(&p)<0) return 0; } } /** Return the first position in <b>buf</b> at which the <b>n</b>-character * string <b>s</b> occurs, or -1 if it does not occur. */ STATIC int buf_find_string_offset(const buf_t *buf, const char *s, size_t n) { buf_pos_t pos; buf_pos_init(buf, &pos); while (buf_find_pos_of_char(*s, &pos) >= 0) { if (buf_matches_at_pos(&pos, s, n)) { tor_assert(pos.chunk_pos + pos.pos < INT_MAX); return (int)(pos.chunk_pos + pos.pos); } else { if (buf_pos_inc(&pos)<0) return -1; } } return -1; } /** There is a (possibly incomplete) http statement on <b>buf</b>, of the * form "\%s\\r\\n\\r\\n\%s", headers, body. (body may contain NULs.) * If a) the headers include a Content-Length field and all bytes in * the body are present, or b) there's no Content-Length field and * all headers are present, then: * * - strdup headers into <b>*headers_out</b>, and NUL-terminate it. * - memdup body into <b>*body_out</b>, and NUL-terminate it. * - Then remove them from <b>buf</b>, and return 1. * * - If headers or body is NULL, discard that part of the buf. * - If a headers or body doesn't fit in the arg, return -1. * (We ensure that the headers or body don't exceed max len, * _even if_ we're planning to discard them.) * - If force_complete is true, then succeed even if not all of the * content has arrived. * * Else, change nothing and return 0. */ int fetch_from_buf_http(buf_t *buf, char **headers_out, size_t max_headerlen, char **body_out, size_t *body_used, size_t max_bodylen, int force_complete) { char *headers, *p; size_t headerlen, bodylen, contentlen; int crlf_offset; check(); if (!buf->head) return 0; crlf_offset = buf_find_string_offset(buf, "\r\n\r\n", 4); if (crlf_offset > (int)max_headerlen || (crlf_offset < 0 && buf->datalen > max_headerlen)) { log_debug(LD_HTTP,"headers too long."); return -1; } else if (crlf_offset < 0) { log_debug(LD_HTTP,"headers not all here yet."); return 0; } /* Okay, we have a full header. Make sure it all appears in the first * chunk. */ if ((int)buf->head->datalen < crlf_offset + 4) buf_pullup(buf, crlf_offset+4, 0); headerlen = crlf_offset + 4; headers = buf->head->data; bodylen = buf->datalen - headerlen; log_debug(LD_HTTP,"headerlen %d, bodylen %d.", (int)headerlen, (int)bodylen); if (max_headerlen <= headerlen) { log_warn(LD_HTTP,"headerlen %d larger than %d. Failing.", (int)headerlen, (int)max_headerlen-1); return -1; } if (max_bodylen <= bodylen) { log_warn(LD_HTTP,"bodylen %d larger than %d. Failing.", (int)bodylen, (int)max_bodylen-1); return -1; } #define CONTENT_LENGTH "\r\nContent-Length: " p = (char*) tor_memstr(headers, headerlen, CONTENT_LENGTH); if (p) { int i; i = atoi(p+strlen(CONTENT_LENGTH)); if (i < 0) { log_warn(LD_PROTOCOL, "Content-Length is less than zero; it looks like " "someone is trying to crash us."); return -1; } contentlen = i; /* if content-length is malformed, then our body length is 0. fine. */ log_debug(LD_HTTP,"Got a contentlen of %d.",(int)contentlen); if (bodylen < contentlen) { if (!force_complete) { log_debug(LD_HTTP,"body not all here yet."); return 0; /* not all there yet */ } } if (bodylen > contentlen) { bodylen = contentlen; log_debug(LD_HTTP,"bodylen reduced to %d.",(int)bodylen); } } /* all happy. copy into the appropriate places, and return 1 */ if (headers_out) { *headers_out = tor_malloc(headerlen+1); fetch_from_buf(*headers_out, headerlen, buf); (*headers_out)[headerlen] = 0; /* NUL terminate it */ } if (body_out) { tor_assert(body_used); *body_used = bodylen; *body_out = tor_malloc(bodylen+1); fetch_from_buf(*body_out, bodylen, buf); (*body_out)[bodylen] = 0; /* NUL terminate it */ } check(); return 1; } #ifdef USE_BUFFEREVENTS /** As fetch_from_buf_http, buf works on an evbuffer. */ int fetch_from_evbuffer_http(struct evbuffer *buf, char **headers_out, size_t max_headerlen, char **body_out, size_t *body_used, size_t max_bodylen, int force_complete) { struct evbuffer_ptr crlf, content_length; size_t headerlen, bodylen, contentlen; /* Find the first \r\n\r\n in the buffer */ crlf = evbuffer_search(buf, "\r\n\r\n", 4, NULL); if (crlf.pos < 0) { /* We didn't find one. */ if (evbuffer_get_length(buf) > max_headerlen) return -1; /* Headers too long. */ return 0; /* Headers not here yet. */ } else if (crlf.pos > (int)max_headerlen) { return -1; /* Headers too long. */ } headerlen = crlf.pos + 4; /* Skip over the \r\n\r\n */ bodylen = evbuffer_get_length(buf) - headerlen; if (bodylen > max_bodylen) return -1; /* body too long */ /* Look for the first occurrence of CONTENT_LENGTH insize buf before the * crlfcrlf */ content_length = evbuffer_search_range(buf, CONTENT_LENGTH, strlen(CONTENT_LENGTH), NULL, &crlf); if (content_length.pos >= 0) { /* We found a content_length: parse it and figure out if the body is here * yet. */ struct evbuffer_ptr eol; char *data = NULL; int free_data = 0; int n, i; n = evbuffer_ptr_set(buf, &content_length, strlen(CONTENT_LENGTH), EVBUFFER_PTR_ADD); tor_assert(n == 0); eol = evbuffer_search_eol(buf, &content_length, NULL, EVBUFFER_EOL_CRLF); tor_assert(eol.pos > content_length.pos); tor_assert(eol.pos <= crlf.pos); inspect_evbuffer(buf, &data, eol.pos - content_length.pos, &free_data, &content_length); i = atoi(data); if (free_data) tor_free(data); if (i < 0) { log_warn(LD_PROTOCOL, "Content-Length is less than zero; it looks like " "someone is trying to crash us."); return -1; } contentlen = i; /* if content-length is malformed, then our body length is 0. fine. */ log_debug(LD_HTTP,"Got a contentlen of %d.",(int)contentlen); if (bodylen < contentlen) { if (!force_complete) { log_debug(LD_HTTP,"body not all here yet."); return 0; /* not all there yet */ } } if (bodylen > contentlen) { bodylen = contentlen; log_debug(LD_HTTP,"bodylen reduced to %d.",(int)bodylen); } } if (headers_out) { *headers_out = tor_malloc(headerlen+1); evbuffer_remove(buf, *headers_out, headerlen); (*headers_out)[headerlen] = '\0'; } if (body_out) { tor_assert(headers_out); tor_assert(body_used); *body_used = bodylen; *body_out = tor_malloc(bodylen+1); evbuffer_remove(buf, *body_out, bodylen); (*body_out)[bodylen] = '\0'; } return 1; } #endif /** * Wait this many seconds before warning the user about using SOCKS unsafely * again (requires that WarnUnsafeSocks is turned on). */ #define SOCKS_WARN_INTERVAL 5 /** Warn that the user application has made an unsafe socks request using * protocol <b>socks_protocol</b> on port <b>port</b>. Don't warn more than * once per SOCKS_WARN_INTERVAL, unless <b>safe_socks</b> is set. */ static void log_unsafe_socks_warning(int socks_protocol, const char *address, uint16_t port, int safe_socks) { static ratelim_t socks_ratelim = RATELIM_INIT(SOCKS_WARN_INTERVAL); const or_options_t *options = get_options(); if (! options->WarnUnsafeSocks) return; if (safe_socks) { log_fn_ratelim(&socks_ratelim, LOG_WARN, LD_APP, "Your application (using socks%d to port %d) is giving " "Tor only an IP address. Applications that do DNS resolves " "themselves may leak information. Consider using Socks4A " "(e.g. via privoxy or socat) instead. For more information, " "please see https://wiki.torproject.org/TheOnionRouter/" "TorFAQ#SOCKSAndDNS.%s", socks_protocol, (int)port, safe_socks ? " Rejecting." : ""); } control_event_client_status(LOG_WARN, "DANGEROUS_SOCKS PROTOCOL=SOCKS%d ADDRESS=%s:%d", socks_protocol, address, (int)port); } /** Do not attempt to parse socks messages longer than this. This value is * actually significantly higher than the longest possible socks message. */ #define MAX_SOCKS_MESSAGE_LEN 512 /** Return a new socks_request_t. */ socks_request_t * socks_request_new(void) { return tor_malloc_zero(sizeof(socks_request_t)); } /** Free all storage held in the socks_request_t <b>req</b>. */ void socks_request_free(socks_request_t *req) { if (!req) return; if (req->username) { memwipe(req->username, 0x10, req->usernamelen); tor_free(req->username); } if (req->password) { memwipe(req->password, 0x04, req->passwordlen); tor_free(req->password); } memwipe(req, 0xCC, sizeof(socks_request_t)); tor_free(req); } /** There is a (possibly incomplete) socks handshake on <b>buf</b>, of one * of the forms * - socks4: "socksheader username\\0" * - socks4a: "socksheader username\\0 destaddr\\0" * - socks5 phase one: "version #methods methods" * - socks5 phase two: "version command 0 addresstype..." * If it's a complete and valid handshake, and destaddr fits in * MAX_SOCKS_ADDR_LEN bytes, then pull the handshake off the buf, * assign to <b>req</b>, and return 1. * * If it's invalid or too big, return -1. * * Else it's not all there yet, leave buf alone and return 0. * * If you want to specify the socks reply, write it into <b>req->reply</b> * and set <b>req->replylen</b>, else leave <b>req->replylen</b> alone. * * If <b>log_sockstype</b> is non-zero, then do a notice-level log of whether * the connection is possibly leaking DNS requests locally or not. * * If <b>safe_socks</b> is true, then reject unsafe socks protocols. * * If returning 0 or -1, <b>req->address</b> and <b>req->port</b> are * undefined. */ int fetch_from_buf_socks(buf_t *buf, socks_request_t *req, int log_sockstype, int safe_socks) { int res; ssize_t n_drain; size_t want_length = 128; if (buf->datalen < 2) /* version and another byte */ return 0; do { n_drain = 0; buf_pullup(buf, want_length, 0); tor_assert(buf->head && buf->head->datalen >= 2); want_length = 0; res = parse_socks(buf->head->data, buf->head->datalen, req, log_sockstype, safe_socks, &n_drain, &want_length); if (n_drain < 0) buf_clear(buf); else if (n_drain > 0) buf_remove_from_front(buf, n_drain); } while (res == 0 && buf->head && want_length < buf->datalen && buf->datalen >= 2); return res; } #ifdef USE_BUFFEREVENTS /* As fetch_from_buf_socks(), but targets an evbuffer instead. */ int fetch_from_evbuffer_socks(struct evbuffer *buf, socks_request_t *req, int log_sockstype, int safe_socks) { char *data; ssize_t n_drain; size_t datalen, buflen, want_length; int res; buflen = evbuffer_get_length(buf); if (buflen < 2) return 0; { /* See if we can find the socks request in the first chunk of the buffer. */ struct evbuffer_iovec v; int i; n_drain = 0; i = evbuffer_peek(buf, -1, NULL, &v, 1); tor_assert(i == 1); data = v.iov_base; datalen = v.iov_len; want_length = 0; res = parse_socks(data, datalen, req, log_sockstype, safe_socks, &n_drain, &want_length); if (n_drain < 0) evbuffer_drain(buf, evbuffer_get_length(buf)); else if (n_drain > 0) evbuffer_drain(buf, n_drain); if (res) return res; } /* Okay, the first chunk of the buffer didn't have a complete socks request. * That means that either we don't have a whole socks request at all, or * it's gotten split up. We're going to try passing parse_socks() bigger * and bigger chunks until either it says "Okay, I got it", or it says it * will need more data than we currently have. */ /* Loop while we have more data that we haven't given parse_socks() yet. */ do { int free_data = 0; const size_t last_wanted = want_length; n_drain = 0; data = NULL; datalen = inspect_evbuffer(buf, &data, want_length, &free_data, NULL); want_length = 0; res = parse_socks(data, datalen, req, log_sockstype, safe_socks, &n_drain, &want_length); if (free_data) tor_free(data); if (n_drain < 0) evbuffer_drain(buf, evbuffer_get_length(buf)); else if (n_drain > 0) evbuffer_drain(buf, n_drain); if (res == 0 && n_drain == 0 && want_length <= last_wanted) { /* If we drained nothing, and we didn't ask for more than last time, * then we probably wanted more data than the buffer actually had, * and we're finding out that we're not satisified with it. It's * time to break until we have more data. */ break; } buflen = evbuffer_get_length(buf); } while (res == 0 && want_length <= buflen && buflen >= 2); return res; } #endif /** The size of the header of an Extended ORPort message: 2 bytes for * COMMAND, 2 bytes for BODYLEN */ #define EXT_OR_CMD_HEADER_SIZE 4 /** Read <b>buf</b>, which should contain an Extended ORPort message * from a transport proxy. If well-formed, create and populate * <b>out</b> with the Extended ORport message. Return 0 if the * buffer was incomplete, 1 if it was well-formed and -1 if we * encountered an error while parsing it. */ int fetch_ext_or_command_from_buf(buf_t *buf, ext_or_cmd_t **out) { char hdr[EXT_OR_CMD_HEADER_SIZE]; uint16_t len; check(); if (buf->datalen < EXT_OR_CMD_HEADER_SIZE) return 0; peek_from_buf(hdr, sizeof(hdr), buf); len = ntohs(get_uint16(hdr+2)); if (buf->datalen < (unsigned)len + EXT_OR_CMD_HEADER_SIZE) return 0; *out = ext_or_cmd_new(len); (*out)->cmd = ntohs(get_uint16(hdr)); (*out)->len = len; buf_remove_from_front(buf, EXT_OR_CMD_HEADER_SIZE); fetch_from_buf((*out)->body, len, buf); return 1; } #ifdef USE_BUFFEREVENTS /** Read <b>buf</b>, which should contain an Extended ORPort message * from a transport proxy. If well-formed, create and populate * <b>out</b> with the Extended ORport message. Return 0 if the * buffer was incomplete, 1 if it was well-formed and -1 if we * encountered an error while parsing it. */ int fetch_ext_or_command_from_evbuffer(struct evbuffer *buf, ext_or_cmd_t **out) { char hdr[EXT_OR_CMD_HEADER_SIZE]; uint16_t len; size_t buf_len = evbuffer_get_length(buf); if (buf_len < EXT_OR_CMD_HEADER_SIZE) return 0; evbuffer_copyout(buf, hdr, EXT_OR_CMD_HEADER_SIZE); len = ntohs(get_uint16(hdr+2)); if (buf_len < (unsigned)len + EXT_OR_CMD_HEADER_SIZE) return 0; *out = ext_or_cmd_new(len); (*out)->cmd = ntohs(get_uint16(hdr)); (*out)->len = len; evbuffer_drain(buf, EXT_OR_CMD_HEADER_SIZE); evbuffer_remove(buf, (*out)->body, len); return 1; } #endif /** Create a SOCKS5 reply message with <b>reason</b> in its REP field and * have Tor send it as error response to <b>req</b>. */ static void socks_request_set_socks5_error(socks_request_t *req, socks5_reply_status_t reason) { req->replylen = 10; memset(req->reply,0,10); req->reply[0] = 0x05; // VER field. req->reply[1] = reason; // REP field. req->reply[3] = 0x01; // ATYP field. } /** Implementation helper to implement fetch_from_*_socks. Instead of looking * at a buffer's contents, we look at the <b>datalen</b> bytes of data in * <b>data</b>. Instead of removing data from the buffer, we set * <b>drain_out</b> to the amount of data that should be removed (or -1 if the * buffer should be cleared). Instead of pulling more data into the first * chunk of the buffer, we set *<b>want_length_out</b> to the number of bytes * we'd like to see in the input buffer, if they're available. */ static int parse_socks(const char *data, size_t datalen, socks_request_t *req, int log_sockstype, int safe_socks, ssize_t *drain_out, size_t *want_length_out) { unsigned int len; char tmpbuf[TOR_ADDR_BUF_LEN+1]; tor_addr_t destaddr; uint32_t destip; uint8_t socksver; char *next, *startaddr; unsigned char usernamelen, passlen; struct in_addr in; if (datalen < 2) { /* We always need at least 2 bytes. */ *want_length_out = 2; return 0; } if (req->socks_version == 5 && !req->got_auth) { /* See if we have received authentication. Strictly speaking, we should also check whether we actually negotiated username/password authentication. But some broken clients will send us authentication even if we negotiated SOCKS_NO_AUTH. */ if (*data == 1) { /* username/pass version 1 */ /* Format is: authversion [1 byte] == 1 usernamelen [1 byte] username [usernamelen bytes] passlen [1 byte] password [passlen bytes] */ usernamelen = (unsigned char)*(data + 1); if (datalen < 2u + usernamelen + 1u) { *want_length_out = 2u + usernamelen + 1u; return 0; } passlen = (unsigned char)*(data + 2u + usernamelen); if (datalen < 2u + usernamelen + 1u + passlen) { *want_length_out = 2u + usernamelen + 1u + passlen; return 0; } req->replylen = 2; /* 2 bytes of response */ req->reply[0] = 1; /* authversion == 1 */ req->reply[1] = 0; /* authentication successful */ log_debug(LD_APP, "socks5: Accepted username/password without checking."); if (usernamelen) { req->username = tor_memdup(data+2u, usernamelen); req->usernamelen = usernamelen; } if (passlen) { req->password = tor_memdup(data+3u+usernamelen, passlen); req->passwordlen = passlen; } *drain_out = 2u + usernamelen + 1u + passlen; req->got_auth = 1; *want_length_out = 7; /* Minimal socks5 command. */ return 0; } else if (req->auth_type == SOCKS_USER_PASS) { /* unknown version byte */ log_warn(LD_APP, "Socks5 username/password version %d not recognized; " "rejecting.", (int)*data); return -1; } } socksver = *data; switch (socksver) { /* which version of socks? */ case 5: /* socks5 */ if (req->socks_version != 5) { /* we need to negotiate a method */ unsigned char nummethods = (unsigned char)*(data+1); int have_user_pass, have_no_auth; int r=0; tor_assert(!req->socks_version); if (datalen < 2u+nummethods) { *want_length_out = 2u+nummethods; return 0; } if (!nummethods) return -1; req->replylen = 2; /* 2 bytes of response */ req->reply[0] = 5; /* socks5 reply */ have_user_pass = (memchr(data+2, SOCKS_USER_PASS, nummethods) !=NULL); have_no_auth = (memchr(data+2, SOCKS_NO_AUTH, nummethods) !=NULL); if (have_user_pass && !(have_no_auth && req->socks_prefer_no_auth)) { req->auth_type = SOCKS_USER_PASS; req->reply[1] = SOCKS_USER_PASS; /* tell client to use "user/pass" auth method */ req->socks_version = 5; /* remember we've already negotiated auth */ log_debug(LD_APP,"socks5: accepted method 2 (username/password)"); r=0; } else if (have_no_auth) { req->reply[1] = SOCKS_NO_AUTH; /* tell client to use "none" auth method */ req->socks_version = 5; /* remember we've already negotiated auth */ log_debug(LD_APP,"socks5: accepted method 0 (no authentication)"); r=0; } else { log_warn(LD_APP, "socks5: offered methods don't include 'no auth' or " "username/password. Rejecting."); req->reply[1] = '\xFF'; /* reject all methods */ r=-1; } /* Remove packet from buf. Some SOCKS clients will have sent extra * junk at this point; let's hope it's an authentication message. */ *drain_out = 2u + nummethods; return r; } if (req->auth_type != SOCKS_NO_AUTH && !req->got_auth) { log_warn(LD_APP, "socks5: negotiated authentication, but none provided"); return -1; } /* we know the method; read in the request */ log_debug(LD_APP,"socks5: checking request"); if (datalen < 7) {/* basic info plus >=1 for addr plus 2 for port */ *want_length_out = 7; return 0; /* not yet */ } req->command = (unsigned char) *(data+1); if (req->command != SOCKS_COMMAND_CONNECT && req->command != SOCKS_COMMAND_RESOLVE && req->command != SOCKS_COMMAND_RESOLVE_PTR) { /* not a connect or resolve or a resolve_ptr? we don't support it. */ socks_request_set_socks5_error(req,SOCKS5_COMMAND_NOT_SUPPORTED); log_warn(LD_APP,"socks5: command %d not recognized. Rejecting.", req->command); return -1; } switch (*(data+3)) { /* address type */ case 1: /* IPv4 address */ case 4: /* IPv6 address */ { const int is_v6 = *(data+3) == 4; const unsigned addrlen = is_v6 ? 16 : 4; log_debug(LD_APP,"socks5: ipv4 address type"); if (datalen < 6+addrlen) {/* ip/port there? */ *want_length_out = 6+addrlen; return 0; /* not yet */ } if (is_v6) tor_addr_from_ipv6_bytes(&destaddr, data+4); else tor_addr_from_ipv4n(&destaddr, get_uint32(data+4)); tor_addr_to_str(tmpbuf, &destaddr, sizeof(tmpbuf), 1); if (strlen(tmpbuf)+1 > MAX_SOCKS_ADDR_LEN) { socks_request_set_socks5_error(req, SOCKS5_GENERAL_ERROR); log_warn(LD_APP, "socks5 IP takes %d bytes, which doesn't fit in %d. " "Rejecting.", (int)strlen(tmpbuf)+1,(int)MAX_SOCKS_ADDR_LEN); return -1; } strlcpy(req->address,tmpbuf,sizeof(req->address)); req->port = ntohs(get_uint16(data+4+addrlen)); *drain_out = 6+addrlen; if (req->command != SOCKS_COMMAND_RESOLVE_PTR && !addressmap_have_mapping(req->address,0)) { log_unsafe_socks_warning(5, req->address, req->port, safe_socks); if (safe_socks) { socks_request_set_socks5_error(req, SOCKS5_NOT_ALLOWED); return -1; } } return 1; } case 3: /* fqdn */ log_debug(LD_APP,"socks5: fqdn address type"); if (req->command == SOCKS_COMMAND_RESOLVE_PTR) { socks_request_set_socks5_error(req, SOCKS5_ADDRESS_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED); log_warn(LD_APP, "socks5 received RESOLVE_PTR command with " "hostname type. Rejecting."); return -1; } len = (unsigned char)*(data+4); if (datalen < 7+len) { /* addr/port there? */ *want_length_out = 7+len; return 0; /* not yet */ } if (len+1 > MAX_SOCKS_ADDR_LEN) { socks_request_set_socks5_error(req, SOCKS5_GENERAL_ERROR); log_warn(LD_APP, "socks5 hostname is %d bytes, which doesn't fit in " "%d. Rejecting.", len+1,MAX_SOCKS_ADDR_LEN); return -1; } memcpy(req->address,data+5,len); req->address[len] = 0; req->port = ntohs(get_uint16(data+5+len)); *drain_out = 5+len+2; if (string_is_valid_ipv4_address(req->address) || string_is_valid_ipv6_address(req->address)) { log_unsafe_socks_warning(5,req->address,req->port,safe_socks); if (safe_socks) { socks_request_set_socks5_error(req, SOCKS5_NOT_ALLOWED); return -1; } } if (!string_is_valid_hostname(req->address)) { socks_request_set_socks5_error(req, SOCKS5_GENERAL_ERROR); log_warn(LD_PROTOCOL, "Your application (using socks5 to port %d) gave Tor " "a malformed hostname: %s. Rejecting the connection.", req->port, escaped(req->address)); return -1; } if (log_sockstype) log_notice(LD_APP, "Your application (using socks5 to port %d) instructed " "Tor to take care of the DNS resolution itself if " "necessary. This is good.", req->port); return 1; default: /* unsupported */ socks_request_set_socks5_error(req, SOCKS5_ADDRESS_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED); log_warn(LD_APP,"socks5: unsupported address type %d. Rejecting.", (int) *(data+3)); return -1; } tor_assert(0); case 4: { /* socks4 */ enum {socks4, socks4a} socks4_prot = socks4a; const char *authstart, *authend; /* http://ss5.sourceforge.net/socks4.protocol.txt */ /* http://ss5.sourceforge.net/socks4A.protocol.txt */ req->socks_version = 4; if (datalen < SOCKS4_NETWORK_LEN) {/* basic info available? */ *want_length_out = SOCKS4_NETWORK_LEN; return 0; /* not yet */ } // buf_pullup(buf, 1280, 0); req->command = (unsigned char) *(data+1); if (req->command != SOCKS_COMMAND_CONNECT && req->command != SOCKS_COMMAND_RESOLVE) { /* not a connect or resolve? we don't support it. (No resolve_ptr with * socks4.) */ log_warn(LD_APP,"socks4: command %d not recognized. Rejecting.", req->command); return -1; } req->port = ntohs(get_uint16(data+2)); destip = ntohl(get_uint32(data+4)); if ((!req->port && req->command!=SOCKS_COMMAND_RESOLVE) || !destip) { log_warn(LD_APP,"socks4: Port or DestIP is zero. Rejecting."); return -1; } if (destip >> 8) { log_debug(LD_APP,"socks4: destip not in form 0.0.0.x."); in.s_addr = htonl(destip); tor_inet_ntoa(&in,tmpbuf,sizeof(tmpbuf)); if (strlen(tmpbuf)+1 > MAX_SOCKS_ADDR_LEN) { log_debug(LD_APP,"socks4 addr (%d bytes) too long. Rejecting.", (int)strlen(tmpbuf)); return -1; } log_debug(LD_APP, "socks4: successfully read destip (%s)", safe_str_client(tmpbuf)); socks4_prot = socks4; } authstart = data + SOCKS4_NETWORK_LEN; next = memchr(authstart, 0, datalen-SOCKS4_NETWORK_LEN); if (!next) { if (datalen >= 1024) { log_debug(LD_APP, "Socks4 user name too long; rejecting."); return -1; } log_debug(LD_APP,"socks4: Username not here yet."); *want_length_out = datalen+1024; /* More than we need, but safe */ return 0; } authend = next; tor_assert(next < data+datalen); startaddr = NULL; if (socks4_prot != socks4a && !addressmap_have_mapping(tmpbuf,0)) { log_unsafe_socks_warning(4, tmpbuf, req->port, safe_socks); if (safe_socks) return -1; } if (socks4_prot == socks4a) { if (next+1 == data+datalen) { log_debug(LD_APP,"socks4: No part of destaddr here yet."); *want_length_out = datalen + 1024; /* More than we need, but safe */ return 0; } startaddr = next+1; next = memchr(startaddr, 0, data + datalen - startaddr); if (!next) { if (datalen >= 1024) { log_debug(LD_APP,"socks4: Destaddr too long."); return -1; } log_debug(LD_APP,"socks4: Destaddr not all here yet."); *want_length_out = datalen + 1024; /* More than we need, but safe */ return 0; } if (MAX_SOCKS_ADDR_LEN <= next-startaddr) { log_warn(LD_APP,"socks4: Destaddr too long. Rejecting."); return -1; } // tor_assert(next < buf->cur+buf->datalen); if (log_sockstype) log_notice(LD_APP, "Your application (using socks4a to port %d) instructed " "Tor to take care of the DNS resolution itself if " "necessary. This is good.", req->port); } log_debug(LD_APP,"socks4: Everything is here. Success."); strlcpy(req->address, startaddr ? startaddr : tmpbuf, sizeof(req->address)); if (!tor_strisprint(req->address) || strchr(req->address,'\"')) { log_warn(LD_PROTOCOL, "Your application (using socks4 to port %d) gave Tor " "a malformed hostname: %s. Rejecting the connection.", req->port, escaped(req->address)); return -1; } if (authend != authstart) { req->got_auth = 1; req->usernamelen = authend - authstart; req->username = tor_memdup(authstart, authend - authstart); } /* next points to the final \0 on inbuf */ *drain_out = next - data + 1; return 1; } case 'G': /* get */ case 'H': /* head */ case 'P': /* put/post */ case 'C': /* connect */ strlcpy((char*)req->reply, "HTTP/1.0 501 Tor is not an HTTP Proxy\r\n" "Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\r\n\r\n" "<html>\n" "<head>\n" "<title>Tor is not an HTTP Proxy</title>\n" "</head>\n" "<body>\n" "<h1>Tor is not an HTTP Proxy</h1>\n" "<p>\n" "It appears you have configured your web browser to use Tor as an HTTP proxy." "\n" "This is not correct: Tor is a SOCKS proxy, not an HTTP proxy.\n" "Please configure your client accordingly.\n" "</p>\n" "<p>\n" "See <a href=\"https://www.torproject.org/documentation.html\">" "https://www.torproject.org/documentation.html</a> for more " "information.\n" "<!-- Plus this comment, to make the body response more than 512 bytes, so " " IE will be willing to display it. Comment comment comment comment " " comment comment comment comment comment comment comment comment.-->\n" "</p>\n" "</body>\n" "</html>\n" , MAX_SOCKS_REPLY_LEN); req->replylen = strlen((char*)req->reply)+1; /* fall through */ default: /* version is not socks4 or socks5 */ log_warn(LD_APP, "Socks version %d not recognized. (Tor is not an http proxy.)", *(data)); { /* Tell the controller the first 8 bytes. */ char *tmp = tor_strndup(data, datalen < 8 ? datalen : 8); control_event_client_status(LOG_WARN, "SOCKS_UNKNOWN_PROTOCOL DATA=\"%s\"", escaped(tmp)); tor_free(tmp); } return -1; } } /** Inspect a reply from SOCKS server stored in <b>buf</b> according * to <b>state</b>, removing the protocol data upon success. Return 0 on * incomplete response, 1 on success and -1 on error, in which case * <b>reason</b> is set to a descriptive message (free() when finished * with it). * * As a special case, 2 is returned when user/pass is required * during SOCKS5 handshake and user/pass is configured. */ int fetch_from_buf_socks_client(buf_t *buf, int state, char **reason) { ssize_t drain = 0; int r; if (buf->datalen < 2) return 0; buf_pullup(buf, MAX_SOCKS_MESSAGE_LEN, 0); tor_assert(buf->head && buf->head->datalen >= 2); r = parse_socks_client((uint8_t*)buf->head->data, buf->head->datalen, state, reason, &drain); if (drain > 0) buf_remove_from_front(buf, drain); else if (drain < 0) buf_clear(buf); return r; } #ifdef USE_BUFFEREVENTS /** As fetch_from_buf_socks_client, buf works on an evbuffer */ int fetch_from_evbuffer_socks_client(struct evbuffer *buf, int state, char **reason) { ssize_t drain = 0; uint8_t *data; size_t datalen; int r; /* Linearize the SOCKS response in the buffer, up to 128 bytes. * (parse_socks_client shouldn't need to see anything beyond that.) */ datalen = evbuffer_get_length(buf); if (datalen > MAX_SOCKS_MESSAGE_LEN) datalen = MAX_SOCKS_MESSAGE_LEN; data = evbuffer_pullup(buf, datalen); r = parse_socks_client(data, datalen, state, reason, &drain); if (drain > 0) evbuffer_drain(buf, drain); else if (drain < 0) evbuffer_drain(buf, evbuffer_get_length(buf)); return r; } #endif /** Implementation logic for fetch_from_*_socks_client. */ static int parse_socks_client(const uint8_t *data, size_t datalen, int state, char **reason, ssize_t *drain_out) { unsigned int addrlen; *drain_out = 0; if (datalen < 2) return 0; switch (state) { case PROXY_SOCKS4_WANT_CONNECT_OK: /* Wait for the complete response */ if (datalen < 8) return 0; if (data[1] != 0x5a) { *reason = tor_strdup(socks4_response_code_to_string(data[1])); return -1; } /* Success */ *drain_out = 8; return 1; case PROXY_SOCKS5_WANT_AUTH_METHOD_NONE: /* we don't have any credentials */ if (data[1] != 0x00) { *reason = tor_strdup("server doesn't support any of our " "available authentication methods"); return -1; } log_info(LD_NET, "SOCKS 5 client: continuing without authentication"); *drain_out = -1; return 1; case PROXY_SOCKS5_WANT_AUTH_METHOD_RFC1929: /* we have a username and password. return 1 if we can proceed without * providing authentication, or 2 otherwise. */ switch (data[1]) { case 0x00: log_info(LD_NET, "SOCKS 5 client: we have auth details but server " "doesn't require authentication."); *drain_out = -1; return 1; case 0x02: log_info(LD_NET, "SOCKS 5 client: need authentication."); *drain_out = -1; return 2; /* fall through */ } *reason = tor_strdup("server doesn't support any of our available " "authentication methods"); return -1; case PROXY_SOCKS5_WANT_AUTH_RFC1929_OK: /* handle server reply to rfc1929 authentication */ if (data[1] != 0x00) { *reason = tor_strdup("authentication failed"); return -1; } log_info(LD_NET, "SOCKS 5 client: authentication successful."); *drain_out = -1; return 1; case PROXY_SOCKS5_WANT_CONNECT_OK: /* response is variable length. BND.ADDR, etc, isn't needed * (don't bother with buf_pullup()), but make sure to eat all * the data used */ /* wait for address type field to arrive */ if (datalen < 4) return 0; switch (data[3]) { case 0x01: /* ip4 */ addrlen = 4; break; case 0x04: /* ip6 */ addrlen = 16; break; case 0x03: /* fqdn (can this happen here?) */ if (datalen < 5) return 0; addrlen = 1 + data[4]; break; default: *reason = tor_strdup("invalid response to connect request"); return -1; } /* wait for address and port */ if (datalen < 6 + addrlen) return 0; if (data[1] != 0x00) { *reason = tor_strdup(socks5_response_code_to_string(data[1])); return -1; } *drain_out = 6 + addrlen; return 1; } /* shouldn't get here... */ tor_assert(0); return -1; } /** Return 1 iff buf looks more like it has an (obsolete) v0 controller * command on it than any valid v1 controller command. */ int peek_buf_has_control0_command(buf_t *buf) { if (buf->datalen >= 4) { char header[4]; uint16_t cmd; peek_from_buf(header, sizeof(header), buf); cmd = ntohs(get_uint16(header+2)); if (cmd <= 0x14) return 1; /* This is definitely not a v1 control command. */ } return 0; } #ifdef USE_BUFFEREVENTS int peek_evbuffer_has_control0_command(struct evbuffer *buf) { int result = 0; if (evbuffer_get_length(buf) >= 4) { int free_out = 0; char *data = NULL; size_t n = inspect_evbuffer(buf, &data, 4, &free_out, NULL); uint16_t cmd; tor_assert(n >= 4); cmd = ntohs(get_uint16(data+2)); if (cmd <= 0x14) result = 1; if (free_out) tor_free(data); } return result; } #endif /** Return the index within <b>buf</b> at which <b>ch</b> first appears, * or -1 if <b>ch</b> does not appear on buf. */ static off_t buf_find_offset_of_char(buf_t *buf, char ch) { chunk_t *chunk; off_t offset = 0; for (chunk = buf->head; chunk; chunk = chunk->next) { char *cp = memchr(chunk->data, ch, chunk->datalen); if (cp) return offset + (cp - chunk->data); else offset += chunk->datalen; } return -1; } /** Try to read a single LF-terminated line from <b>buf</b>, and write it * (including the LF), NUL-terminated, into the *<b>data_len</b> byte buffer * at <b>data_out</b>. Set *<b>data_len</b> to the number of bytes in the * line, not counting the terminating NUL. Return 1 if we read a whole line, * return 0 if we don't have a whole line yet, and return -1 if the line * length exceeds *<b>data_len</b>. */ int fetch_from_buf_line(buf_t *buf, char *data_out, size_t *data_len) { size_t sz; off_t offset; if (!buf->head) return 0; offset = buf_find_offset_of_char(buf, '\n'); if (offset < 0) return 0; sz = (size_t) offset; if (sz+2 > *data_len) { *data_len = sz + 2; return -1; } fetch_from_buf(data_out, sz+1, buf); data_out[sz+1] = '\0'; *data_len = sz+1; return 1; } /** Compress on uncompress the <b>data_len</b> bytes in <b>data</b> using the * zlib state <b>state</b>, appending the result to <b>buf</b>. If * <b>done</b> is true, flush the data in the state and finish the * compression/uncompression. Return -1 on failure, 0 on success. */ int write_to_buf_zlib(buf_t *buf, tor_zlib_state_t *state, const char *data, size_t data_len, int done) { char *next; size_t old_avail, avail; int over = 0; do { int need_new_chunk = 0; if (!buf->tail || ! CHUNK_REMAINING_CAPACITY(buf->tail)) { size_t cap = data_len / 4; buf_add_chunk_with_capacity(buf, cap, 1); } next = CHUNK_WRITE_PTR(buf->tail); avail = old_avail = CHUNK_REMAINING_CAPACITY(buf->tail); switch (tor_zlib_process(state, &next, &avail, &data, &data_len, done)) { case TOR_ZLIB_DONE: over = 1; break; case TOR_ZLIB_ERR: return -1; case TOR_ZLIB_OK: if (data_len == 0) over = 1; break; case TOR_ZLIB_BUF_FULL: if (avail) { /* Zlib says we need more room (ZLIB_BUF_FULL). Start a new chunk * automatically, whether were going to or not. */ need_new_chunk = 1; } break; } buf->datalen += old_avail - avail; buf->tail->datalen += old_avail - avail; if (need_new_chunk) { buf_add_chunk_with_capacity(buf, data_len/4, 1); } } while (!over); check(); return 0; } #ifdef USE_BUFFEREVENTS int write_to_evbuffer_zlib(struct evbuffer *buf, tor_zlib_state_t *state, const char *data, size_t data_len, int done) { char *next; size_t old_avail, avail; int over = 0, n; struct evbuffer_iovec vec[1]; do { { size_t cap = data_len / 4; if (cap < 128) cap = 128; /* XXXX NM this strategy is fragmentation-prone. We should really have * two iovecs, and write first into the one, and then into the * second if the first gets full. */ n = evbuffer_reserve_space(buf, cap, vec, 1); tor_assert(n == 1); } next = vec[0].iov_base; avail = old_avail = vec[0].iov_len; switch (tor_zlib_process(state, &next, &avail, &data, &data_len, done)) { case TOR_ZLIB_DONE: over = 1; break; case TOR_ZLIB_ERR: return -1; case TOR_ZLIB_OK: if (data_len == 0) over = 1; break; case TOR_ZLIB_BUF_FULL: if (avail) { /* Zlib says we need more room (ZLIB_BUF_FULL). Start a new chunk * automatically, whether were going to or not. */ } break; } /* XXXX possible infinite loop on BUF_FULL. */ vec[0].iov_len = old_avail - avail; evbuffer_commit_space(buf, vec, 1); } while (!over); check(); return 0; } #endif /** Set *<b>output</b> to contain a copy of the data in *<b>input</b> */ int generic_buffer_set_to_copy(generic_buffer_t **output, const generic_buffer_t *input) { #ifdef USE_BUFFEREVENTS struct evbuffer_ptr ptr; size_t remaining = evbuffer_get_length(input); if (*output) { evbuffer_drain(*output, evbuffer_get_length(*output)); } else { if (!(*output = evbuffer_new())) return -1; } evbuffer_ptr_set((struct evbuffer*)input, &ptr, 0, EVBUFFER_PTR_SET); while (remaining) { struct evbuffer_iovec v[4]; int n_used, i; n_used = evbuffer_peek((struct evbuffer*)input, -1, &ptr, v, 4); if (n_used < 0) return -1; for (i=0;i<n_used;++i) { evbuffer_add(*output, v[i].iov_base, v[i].iov_len); tor_assert(v[i].iov_len <= remaining); remaining -= v[i].iov_len; evbuffer_ptr_set((struct evbuffer*)input, &ptr, v[i].iov_len, EVBUFFER_PTR_ADD); } } #else if (*output) buf_free(*output); *output = buf_copy(input); #endif return 0; } /** Log an error and exit if <b>buf</b> is corrupted. */ void assert_buf_ok(buf_t *buf) { tor_assert(buf); tor_assert(buf->magic == BUFFER_MAGIC); if (! buf->head) { tor_assert(!buf->tail); tor_assert(buf->datalen == 0); } else { chunk_t *ch; size_t total = 0; tor_assert(buf->tail); for (ch = buf->head; ch; ch = ch->next) { total += ch->datalen; tor_assert(ch->datalen <= ch->memlen); tor_assert(ch->data >= &ch->mem[0]); tor_assert(ch->data < &ch->mem[0]+ch->memlen); tor_assert(ch->data+ch->datalen <= &ch->mem[0] + ch->memlen); if (!ch->next) tor_assert(ch == buf->tail); } tor_assert(buf->datalen == total); } } #ifdef ENABLE_BUF_FREELISTS /** Log an error and exit if <b>fl</b> is corrupted. */ static void assert_freelist_ok(chunk_freelist_t *fl) { chunk_t *ch; int n; tor_assert(fl->alloc_size > 0); n = 0; for (ch = fl->head; ch; ch = ch->next) { tor_assert(CHUNK_ALLOC_SIZE(ch->memlen) == fl->alloc_size); ++n; } tor_assert(n == fl->cur_length); tor_assert(n >= fl->lowest_length); tor_assert(n <= fl->max_length); } #endif