#!/usr/bin/python # # Copyright (c) 2008 The Tor Project, Inc. # See LICENSE for licensing information. # # Hi! # I'm redox.py, the Tor redocumentation tool! # I am a horrible hack! # I read the output of doxygen from stderr, and add missing DOCDOC comments # to tell you where documentation should go! # To use me, edit the stuff below... # ...and run 'make doxygen 2>doxygen.stderr' ... # ...and run ./contrib/redox.py < doxygen.stderr ! # I'll make a bunch of new files by adding missing DOCDOC comments to your # source. Those files will have names like ./src/common/util.c.newdoc. # You will want to look over the changes by hand before checking them in. # # So, here's your workflow: # # 0. Make sure you're running a bourne shell for the redirects below. # 1. make doxygen 1>doxygen.stdout 2>doxygen.stderr. # 2. grep Warning doxygen.stderr | grep -v 'is not documented' | less # [This will tell you about all the bogus doxygen output you have] # 3. python ./contrib/redox.py <doxygen.stderr # [This will make lots of .newdoc files with DOCDOC comments for # whatever was missing documentation.] # 4. Look over those .newdoc files, and see which docdoc comments you # want to merge into the main file. If it's all good, just run # "mv fname.c.newdoc fname.c". Otherwise, you'll need to merge # the parts you like by hand. # Which files should we ignore warning from? Mostly, these are external # files that we've snarfed in from somebody else, whose C we do no intend # to document for them. SKIP_FILES = [ "OpenBSD_malloc_Linux.c", "eventdns.c", "eventdns.h", "strlcat.c", "strlcpy.c", "aes.c", "aes.h" ] # What names of things never need javadoc SKIP_NAME_PATTERNS = [ r'^.*_c_id$', r'^.*_H_ID$' ] # Which types of things should get DOCDOC comments added if they are # missing documentation? Recognized types are in KINDS below. #ADD_DOCDOCS_TO_TYPES = [ 'function', 'type', 'typedef' ] ADD_DOCDOCS_TO_TYPES = [ 'variable' ] # ==================== # The rest of this should not need hacking. import re import sys KINDS = [ "type", "field", "typedef", "define", "function", "variable" ] NODOC_LINE_RE = re.compile(r'^([^:]+):(\d+): (\w+): (.*) is not documented\.$') THING_RE = re.compile(r'^Member ([a-zA-Z0-9_]+).*\((typedef|define|function|variable)\) of (file|class) ') SKIP_NAMES = [re.compile(s) for s in SKIP_NAME_PATTERNS] def parsething(thing): """I figure out what 'foobar baz in quux quum is not documented' means, and return: the name of the foobar, and the kind of the foobar. """ if thing.startswith("Compound "): tp, name = "type", thing.split()[1] else: m = THING_RE.match(thing) if not m: print thing return None, None else: name, tp, parent = m.groups() if parent == 'class': if tp == 'variable' or tp == 'function': tp = 'field' return name, tp def read(): """I snarf doxygen stderr from stdin, and parse all the "foo has no documentation messages. I return a map from filename to lists of tuples of (alleged line number, name of thing, kind of thing) """ errs = {} for line in sys.stdin: m = NODOC_LINE_RE.match(line) if m: file, line, tp, thing = m.groups() assert tp == 'Warning' name, kind = parsething(thing) errs.setdefault(file, []).append((int(line), name, kind)) return errs def findline(lines, lineno, ident): """Given a list of all the lines in the file (adjusted so 1-indexing works), a line number that ident is alledgedly on, and ident, I figure out the line where ident was really declared.""" for lineno in xrange(lineno, 0, -1): if ident in lines[lineno]: return lineno return None FUNC_PAT = re.compile(r"^[A-Za-z0-9_]+\(") def hascomment(lines, lineno, kind): """I return true if it looks like there's already a good comment about the thing on lineno of lines of type kind. """ if "*/" in lines[lineno-1]: return True if kind == 'function' and FUNC_PAT.match(lines[lineno]): if "*/" in lines[lineno-2]: return True return False def hasdocdoc(lines, lineno, kind): """I return true if it looks like there's already a docdoc comment about the thing on lineno of lines of type kind.""" if "DOCDOC" in lines[lineno] or "DOCDOC" in lines[lineno-1]: return True if kind == 'function' and FUNC_PAT.match(lines[lineno]): if "DOCDOC" in lines[lineno-2]: return True return False def checkf(fn, errs): """I go through the output of read() for a single file, and build a list of tuples of things that want DOCDOC comments. Each tuple has: the line number where the comment goes; the kind of thing; its name. """ for skip in SKIP_FILES: if fn.endswith(skip): print "Skipping",fn return comments = [] lines = [ None ] try: lines.extend( open(fn, 'r').readlines() ) except IOError: return for line, name, kind in errs: if any(pat.match(name) for pat in SKIP_NAMES): continue if kind not in ADD_DOCDOCS_TO_TYPES: continue ln = findline(lines, line, name) if ln == None: print "Couldn't find the definition of %s allegedly on %s of %s"%( name, line, fn) else: if hasdocdoc(lines, line, kind): # print "Has a DOCDOC" # print fn, line, name, kind # print "\t",lines[line-2], # print "\t",lines[line-1], # print "\t",lines[line], # print "-------" pass else: if kind == 'function' and FUNC_PAT.match(lines[ln]): ln = ln - 1 comments.append((ln, kind, name)) return comments def applyComments(fn, entries): """I apply lots of comments to the file in fn, making a new .newdoc file. """ N = 0 lines = [ None ] try: lines.extend( open(fn, 'r').readlines() ) except IOError: return # Process the comments in reverse order by line number, so that # the line numbers for the ones we haven't added yet remain valid # until we add them. Standard trick. entries.sort() entries.reverse() for ln, kind, name in entries: lines.insert(ln, "/* DOCDOC %s */\n"%name) N += 1 outf = open(fn+".newdoc", 'w') for line in lines[1:]: outf.write(line) outf.close() print "Added %s DOCDOCs to %s" %(N, fn) e = read() for fn, errs in e.iteritems(): comments = checkf(fn, errs) if comments: applyComments(fn, comments)