123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312 |
- 0. Useful tools.
- 0.0 The buildbot.
- http://tor-buildbot.freehaven.net:8010/
- - Down because nickm isn't running services at home any more. ioerror says
- he will resurrect it.
- 0.1. Useful command-lines that are non-trivial to reproduce but can
- help with tracking bugs or leaks.
- 0.1.1. Dmalloc
- dmalloc -l ~/dmalloc.log
- (run the commands it tells you)
- ./configure --with-dmalloc
- 0.2.2. Valgrind
- valgrind --leak-check=yes --error-limit=no --show-reachable=yes src/or/tor
- (Note that if you get a zillion openssl warnings, you will also need to
- pass --undef-value-errors=no to valgrind, or rebuild your openssl
- with -DPURIFY.)
- 0.2. Running gcov for unit test coverage
- make clean
- make CFLAGS='-g -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage'
- ./src/or/test
- cd src/common; gcov *.[ch]
- cd ../or; gcov *.[ch]
- Then, look at the .gcov files. '-' before a line means that the
- compiler generated no code for that line. '######' means that the
- line was never reached. Lines with numbers were called that number
- of times.
- 1. Coding conventions
- 1.0. Whitespace and C conformance
- Invoke "make check-spaces" from time to time, so it can tell you about
- deviations from our C whitespace style. Generally, we use:
- - Unix-style line endings
- - K&R-style indentation
- - No space before newlines
- - A blank line at the end of each file
- - Never more than one blank line in a row
- - Always spaces, never tabs
- - No more than 79-columns per line.
- - Two spaces per indent.
- - A space between control keywords and their corresponding paren
- "if (x)", "while (x)", and "switch (x)", never "if(x)", "while(x)", or
- "switch(x)".
- - A space between anything and an open brace.
- - No space between a function name and an opening paren. "puts(x)", not
- "puts (x)".
- - Function declarations at the start of the line.
- We try hard to build without warnings everywhere. In particular, if you're
- using gcc, you should invoke the configure script with the option
- "--enable-gcc-warnings". This will give a bunch of extra warning flags to
- the compiler, and help us find divergences from our preferred C style.
- 1.0.1. Getting emacs to edit Tor source properly.
- Hi, folks! Nick here. I like to put the following snippet in my .emacs
- file:
- (add-hook 'c-mode-hook
- (lambda ()
- (font-lock-mode 1)
- (set-variable 'show-trailing-whitespace t)
- (let ((fname (expand-file-name (buffer-file-name))))
- (cond
- ((string-match "^/home/nickm/src/libevent" fname)
- (set-variable 'indent-tabs-mode t)
- (set-variable 'c-basic-offset 4)
- (set-variable 'tab-width 4))
- ((string-match "^/home/nickm/src/tor" fname)
- (set-variable 'indent-tabs-mode nil)
- (set-variable 'c-basic-offset 2))
- ((string-match "^/home/nickm/src/openssl" fname)
- (set-variable 'indent-tabs-mode t)
- (set-variable 'c-basic-offset 8)
- (set-variable 'tab-width 8))
- ))))
- You'll note that it defaults to showing all trailing whitespace. The
- "cond" test detects whether the file is one of a few C free software
- projects that I often edit, and sets up the indentation level and tab
- preferences to match what they want.
- If you want to try this out, you'll need to change the filename regex
- patterns to match where you keep your Tor files.
- If you *only* use emacs to edit Tor, you could always just say:
- (add-hook 'c-mode-hook
- (lambda ()
- (font-lock-mode 1)
- (set-variable 'show-trailing-whitespace t)
- (set-variable 'indent-tabs-mode nil)
- (set-variable 'c-basic-offset 2)))
- There is probably a better way to do this. No, we are probably not going
- to clutter the files with emacs stuff.
- 1.1. Details
- Use tor_malloc, tor_free, tor_strdup, and tor_gettimeofday instead of their
- generic equivalents. (They always succeed or exit.)
- You can get a full list of the compatibility functions that Tor provides by
- looking through src/common/util.h and src/common/compat.h. You can see the
- available containers in src/common/containers.h. You should probably
- familiarize yourself with these modules before you write too much code,
- or else you'll wind up reinventing the wheel.
- Use 'INLINE' instead of 'inline', so that we work properly on Windows.
- 1.2. Calling and naming conventions
- Whenever possible, functions should return -1 on error and 0 on success.
- For multi-word identifiers, use lowercase words combined with
- underscores. (e.g., "multi_word_identifier"). Use ALL_CAPS for macros and
- constants.
- Typenames should end with "_t".
- Function names should be prefixed with a module name or object name. (In
- general, code to manipulate an object should be a module with the same
- name as the object, so it's hard to tell which convention is used.)
- Functions that do things should have imperative-verb names
- (e.g. buffer_clear, buffer_resize); functions that return booleans should
- have predicate names (e.g. buffer_is_empty, buffer_needs_resizing).
- If you find that you have four or more possible return code values, it's
- probably time to create an enum. If you find that you are passing three or
- more flags to a function, it's probably time to create a flags argument
- that takes a bitfield.
- 1.3. What To Optimize
- Don't optimize anything if it's not in the critical path. Right now,
- the critical path seems to be AES, logging, and the network itself.
- Feel free to do your own profiling to determine otherwise.
- 1.4. Log conventions
- http://wiki.noreply.org/noreply/TheOnionRouter/TorFAQ#LogLevels
- No error or warning messages should be expected during normal OR or OP
- operation.
- If a library function is currently called such that failure always
- means ERR, then the library function should log WARN and let the caller
- log ERR.
- [XXX Proposed convention: every message of severity INFO or higher should
- either (A) be intelligible to end-users who don't know the Tor source; or
- (B) somehow inform the end-users that they aren't expected to understand
- the message (perhaps with a string like "internal error"). Option (A) is
- to be preferred to option (B). -NM]
- 1.5. Doxygen
- We use the 'doxygen' utility to generate documentation from our
- source code. Here's how to use it:
- 1. Begin every file that should be documented with
- /**
- * \file filename.c
- * \brief Short description of the file.
- **/
- (Doxygen will recognize any comment beginning with /** as special.)
- 2. Before any function, structure, #define, or variable you want to
- document, add a comment of the form:
- /** Describe the function's actions in imperative sentences.
- *
- * Use blank lines for paragraph breaks
- * - and
- * - hyphens
- * - for
- * - lists.
- *
- * Write <b>argument_names</b> in boldface.
- *
- * \code
- * place_example_code();
- * between_code_and_endcode_commands();
- * \endcode
- */
- 3. Make sure to escape the characters "<", ">", "\", "%" and "#" as "\<",
- "\>", "\\", "\%", and "\#".
- 4. To document structure members, you can use two forms:
- struct foo {
- /** You can put the comment before an element; */
- int a;
- int b; /**< Or use the less-than symbol to put the comment
- * after the element. */
- };
- 5. To generate documentation from the Tor source code, type:
- $ doxygen -g
- To generate a file called 'Doxyfile'. Edit that file and run
- 'doxygen' to generate the API documentation.
- 6. See the Doxygen manual for more information; this summary just
- scratches the surface.
- 1.5.1. Doxygen comment conventions
- Say what functions do as a series of one or more imperative sentences, as
- though you were telling somebody how to be the function. In other words,
- DO NOT say:
- /** The strtol function parses a number.
- *
- * nptr -- the string to parse. It can include whitespace.
- * endptr -- a string pointer to hold the first thing that is not part
- * of the number, if present.
- * base -- the numeric base.
- * returns: the resulting number.
- */
- long strtol(const char *nptr, char **nptr, int base);
- Instead, please DO say:
- /** Parse a number in radix <b>base</b> from the string <b>nptr</b>,
- * and return the result. Skip all leading whitespace. If
- * <b>endptr</b> is not NULL, set *<b>endptr</b> to the first character
- * after the number parsed.
- **/
- long strtol(const char *nptr, char **nptr, int base);
- Doxygen comments are the contract in our abstraction-by-contract world: if
- the functions that call your function rely on it doing something, then your
- function should mention that it does that something in the documentation.
- If you rely on a function doing something beyond what is in its
- documentation, then you should watch out, or it might do something else
- later.
- 2. Code notes
- 2.1. Dataflows
- 2.1.1. How Incoming data is handled
- There are two paths for data arriving at Tor over the network: regular
- TCP data, and DNS.
- TCP.
- When Tor takes information over the network, it uses the functions
- read_to_buf() and read_to_buf_tls() in buffers.c. These read from a
- socket or an SSL* into a buffer_t, which is an mbuf-style linkedlist
- of memory chunks.
- read_to_buf() and read_to_buf_tls() are called only from
- connection_read_to_buf() in connection.c. It takes a connection_t
- pointer, and reads data into it over the network, up to the
- connection's current bandwidth limits. It places that data into the
- "inbuf" field of the connection, and then:
- - Adjusts the connection's want-to-read/want-to-write status as
- appropriate.
- - Increments the read and written counts for the connection as
- appropriate.
- - Adjusts bandwidth buckets as appropriate.
- connection_read_to_buf() is called only from connection_handle_read().
- The connection_handle_read() function is called whenever libevent
- decides (based on select, poll, epoll, kqueue, etc) that there is data
- to read from a connection. If any data is read,
- connection_handle_read() calls connection_process_inbuf() to see if
- any of the data can be processed. If the connection was closed,
- connection_handle_read() calls connection_reached_eof().
- Connection_process_inbuf() and connection_reached_eof() both dispatch
- based on the connection type to determine what to do with the data
- that's just arrived on the connection's inbuf field. Each type of
- connection has its own version of these functions. For example,
- directory connections process incoming data in
- connection_dir_process_inbuf(), while OR connections process incoming
- data in connection_or_process_inbuf(). These
- connection_*_process_inbuf() functions extract data from the
- connection's inbuf field (a buffer_t), using functions from buffers.c.
- Some of these accessor functions are straightforward data extractors
- (like fetch_from_buf()); others do protocol-specific parsing.
- Tor launches (and optionally accepts) DNS requests using the code in
- eventdns.c, which is a copy of libevent's evdns.c. (We don't use
- libevent's version because it is not yet in the versions of libevent
- all our users have.) DNS replies are read in nameserver_read();
- DNS queries are read in server_port_read().