control-spec.txt 29 KB

  1. $Id$
  2. TC: A Tor control protocol (Version 1)
  3. 0. Scope
  4. This document describes an implementation-specific protocol that is used
  5. for other programs (such as frontend user-interfaces) to communicate with a
  6. locally running Tor process. It is not part of the Tor onion routing
  7. protocol.
  8. This protocol replaces version 0 of TC, which is now deprecated. For
  9. reference, TC is described in "control-spec-v0.txt". Implementors are
  10. recommended to avoid using TC directly, but instead to use a library that
  11. can easily be updated to use the newer protocol. (Version 0 is used by Tor
  12. versions 0.1.0.x; the protocol in this document only works with Tor
  13. versions in the 0.1.1.x series and later.)
  14. 1. Protocol outline
  15. TC is a bidirectional message-based protocol. It assumes an underlying
  16. stream for communication between a controlling process (the "client"
  17. or "controller") and a Tor process (or "server"). The stream may be
  18. implemented via TCP, TLS-over-TCP, a Unix-domain socket, or so on,
  19. but it must provide reliable in-order delivery. For security, the
  20. stream should not be accessible by untrusted parties.
  21. In TC, the client and server send typed messages to each other over the
  22. underlying stream. The client sends "commands" and the server sends
  23. "replies".
  24. By default, all messages from the server are in response to messages from
  25. the client. Some client requests, however, will cause the server to send
  26. messages to the client indefinitely far into the future. Such
  27. "asynchronous" replies are marked as such.
  28. Servers respond to messages in the order messages are received.
  29. 2. Message format
  30. 2.1. Description format
  31. The message formats listed below use ABNF as described in RFC2234.
  32. The protocol itself is loosely based on SMTP (see RFC 2821).
  33. We use the following nonterminals from RFC2822: atom, qcontent
  34. We define the following general-use nonterminals:
  35. String = DQUOTE *qcontent DQUOTE
  36. There are explicitly no limits on line length. All 8-bit characters are
  37. permitted unless explicitly disallowed.
  38. 2.2. Commands from controller to Tor
  39. Command = Keyword Arguments CRLF / "+" Keyword Arguments CRLF Data
  40. Keyword = 1*ALPHA
  41. Arguments = *(SP / VCHAR)
  42. Specific commands and their arguments are described below in section 3.
  43. 2.3. Replies from Tor to the controller
  44. Reply = *(MidReplyLine / DataReplyLine) EndReplyLine
  45. MidReplyLine = "-" ReplyLine
  46. DataReplyLine = "+" ReplyLine Data
  47. EndReplyLine = SP ReplyLine
  48. ReplyLine = StatusCode [ SP ReplyText ] CRLF
  49. ReplyText = XXXX
  50. StatusCode = XXXX
  51. Specific replies are mentioned below in section 3, and described more fully
  52. in section 4.
  53. 2.4. General-use tokens
  54. ; Identifiers for servers.
  55. ServerID = Nickname / Fingerprint
  56. Nickname = 1*19 NicknameChar
  57. NicknameChar = "a"-"z" / "A"-"Z" / "0" - "9"
  58. Fingerprint = "$" 40*HEXDIG
  59. ; Unique identifiers for streams or circuits. Currently, Tor only
  60. ; uses digits, but this may change
  61. StreamID = 1*16 IDChar
  62. CircuitID = 1*16 IDChar
  63. IDChar = ALPHA / DIGIT
  64. Address = ip4-address / ip6-address / hostname (XXXX Define these)
  65. ; A "Data" section is a sequence of octets concluded by the terminating
  66. ; sequence CRLF "." CRLF. The terminating sequence may not appear in the
  67. ; body of the data. Leading periods on lines in the data are escaped with
  68. ; an additional leading period as in RFC2821 section 4.5.2
  69. Data = *DataLine "." CRLF
  70. DataLine = CRLF / "." 1*LineItem CRLF / NonDotItem *LineItem CRLF
  71. LineItem = NonCR / 1*CR NonCRLF
  72. NonDotItem = NonDotCR / 1*CR NonCRLF
  73. 3. Commands
  74. All commands and other keywords are case-insensitive.
  75. 3.1. SETCONF
  76. Change the value of one or more configuration variables. The syntax is:
  77. "SETCONF" 1*(SP keyword ["=" String]) CRLF
  78. Tor behaves as though it had just read each of the key-value pairs
  79. from its configuration file. Keywords with no corresponding values have
  80. their configuration values reset to 0 or NULL (use RESETCONF if you want
  81. to set it back to its default). SETCONF is all-or-nothing: if there
  82. is an error in any of the configuration settings, Tor sets none of them.
  83. Tor responds with a "250 configuration values set" reply on success.
  84. If some of the listed keywords can't be found, Tor replies with a
  85. "552 Unrecognized option" message. Otherwise, Tor responds with a
  86. "513 syntax error in configuration values" reply on syntax error, or a
  87. "553 impossible configuration setting" reply on a semantic error.
  88. When a configuration option takes multiple values, or when multiple
  89. configuration keys form a context-sensitive group (see GETCONF below), then
  90. setting _any_ of the options in a SETCONF command is taken to reset all of
  91. the others. For example, if two ORBindAddress values are configured, and a
  92. SETCONF command arrives containing a single ORBindAddress value, the new
  93. command's value replaces the two old values.
  94. 3.2. RESETCONF
  95. Remove all settings for a given configuration option entirely, assign
  96. its default value (if any), and then assign the String provided.
  97. Typically the String is left empty, to simply set an option back to
  98. its default. The syntax is:
  99. "RESETCONF" 1*(SP keyword ["=" String]) CRLF
  100. Otherwise it behaves like SETCONF above.
  101. 3.3. GETCONF
  102. Request the value of a configuration variable. The syntax is:
  103. "GETCONF" 1*(SP keyword) CRLF
  104. If all of the listed keywords exist in the Tor configuration, Tor replies
  105. with a series of reply lines of the form:
  106. 250 keyword=value
  107. If any option is set to a 'default' value semantically different from an
  108. empty string, Tor may reply with a reply line of the form:
  109. 250 keyword
  110. If some of the listed keywords can't be found, Tor replies with a
  111. "552 unknown configuration keyword" message.
  112. If an option appears multiple times in the configuration, all of its
  113. key-value pairs are returned in order.
  114. Some options are context-sensitive, and depend on other options with
  115. different keywords. These cannot be fetched directly. Currently there
  116. is only one such option: clients should use the "HiddenServiceOptions"
  117. virtual keyword to get all HiddenServiceDir, HiddenServicePort,
  118. HiddenServiceNodes, and HiddenServiceExcludeNodes option settings.
  119. 3.4. SETEVENTS
  120. Request the server to inform the client about interesting events. The
  121. syntax is:
  122. "SETEVENTS" [SP "EXTENDED"] *(SP EventCode) CRLF
  123. EventCode = "CIRC" / "STREAM" / "ORCONN" / "BW" / "DEBUG" /
  124. "INFO" / "NOTICE" / "WARN" / "ERR" / "NEWDESC" / "ADDRMAP" /
  126. Any events *not* listed in the SETEVENTS line are turned off; thus, sending
  127. SETEVENTS with an empty body turns off all event reporting.
  128. The server responds with a "250 OK" reply on success, and a "552
  129. Unrecognized event" reply if one of the event codes isn't recognized. (On
  130. error, the list of active event codes isn't changed.)
  131. If the flag string "EXTENDED" is provided, Tor may provide extra
  132. information with events for this connection; see 4.1 for more information.
  133. NOTE: All events on a given connection will be provided in extended format,
  134. or none.
  135. NOTE: "EXTENDED" is only supported in Tor or later.
  136. 3.5. AUTHENTICATE
  137. Sent from the client to the server. The syntax is:
  138. "AUTHENTICATE" [ SP 1*HEXDIG / QuotedString ] CRLF
  139. The server responds with "250 OK" on success or "515 Bad authentication" if
  140. the authentication cookie is incorrect.
  141. The format of the 'cookie' is implementation-dependent; see 5.1 below for
  142. information on how the standard Tor implementation handles it.
  143. If Tor requires authentication and the controller has not yet sent an
  144. AUTHENTICATE message, Tor sends a "514 authentication required" reply to
  145. any other kind of message.
  146. 3.6. SAVECONF
  147. Sent from the client to the server. The syntax is:
  149. Instructs the server to write out its config options into its torrc. Server
  150. returns "250 OK" if successful, or "551 Unable to write configuration
  151. to disk" if it can't write the file or some other error occurs.
  152. 3.7. SIGNAL
  153. Sent from the client to the server. The syntax is:
  154. "SIGNAL" SP Signal CRLF
  155. Signal = "RELOAD" / "SHUTDOWN" / "DUMP" / "DEBUG" / "HALT" /
  156. "HUP" / "INT" / "USR1" / "USR2" / "TERM"
  157. The meaning of the signals are:
  158. RELOAD -- Reload: reload config items, refetch directory. (like HUP)
  159. SHUTDOWN -- Controlled shutdown: if server is an OP, exit immediately.
  160. If it's an OR, close listeners and exit after 30 seconds.
  161. (like INT)
  162. DUMP -- Dump stats: log information about open connections and
  163. circuits. (like USR1)
  164. DEBUG -- Debug: switch all open logs to loglevel debug. (like USR2)
  165. HALT -- Immediate shutdown: clean up and exit now. (like TERM)
  166. The server responds with "250 OK" if the signal is recognized (or simply
  167. closes the socket if it was asked to close immediately), or "552
  168. Unrecognized signal" if the signal is unrecognized.
  169. 3.8. MAPADDRESS
  170. Sent from the client to the server. The syntax is:
  171. "MAPADDRESS" 1*(Address "=" Address SP) CRLF
  172. The first address in each pair is an "original" address; the second is a
  173. "replacement" address. The client sends this message to the server in
  174. order to tell it that future SOCKS requests for connections to the original
  175. address should be replaced with connections to the specified replacement
  176. address. If the addresses are well-formed, and the server is able to
  177. fulfill the request, the server replies with a 250 message:
  178. 250-OldAddress1=NewAddress1
  179. 250 OldAddress2=NewAddress2
  180. containing the source and destination addresses. If request is
  181. malformed, the server replies with "512 syntax error in command
  182. argument". If the server can't fulfill the request, it replies with
  183. "451 resource exhausted."
  184. The client may decline to provide a body for the original address, and
  185. instead send a special null address ("" for IPv4, "::0" for IPv6, or
  186. "." for hostname), signifying that the server should choose the original
  187. address itself, and return that address in the reply. The server
  188. should ensure that it returns an element of address space that is unlikely
  189. to be in actual use. If there is already an address mapped to the
  190. destination address, the server may reuse that mapping.
  191. If the original address is already mapped to a different address, the old
  192. mapping is removed. If the original address and the destination address
  193. are the same, the server removes any mapping in place for the original
  194. address.
  195. Example:
  197. S:
  198. S: 250
  199. {Note: This feature is designed to be used to help Tor-ify applications
  200. that need to use SOCKS4 or hostname-less SOCKS5. There are three
  201. approaches to doing this:
  202. 1. Somehow make them use SOCKS4a or SOCKS5-with-hostnames instead.
  203. 2. Use tor-resolve (or another interface to Tor's resolve-over-SOCKS
  204. feature) to resolve the hostname remotely. This doesn't work
  205. with special addresses like x.onion or x.y.exit.
  206. 3. Use MAPADDRESS to map an IP address to the desired hostname, and then
  207. arrange to fool the application into thinking that the hostname
  208. has resolved to that IP.
  209. This functionality is designed to help implement the 3rd approach.}
  210. Mappings set by the controller last until the Tor process exits:
  211. they never expire. If the controller wants the mapping to last only
  212. a certain time, then it must explicitly un-map the address when that
  213. time has elapsed.
  214. 3.9. GETINFO
  215. Sent from the client to the server. The syntax is as for GETCONF:
  216. "GETINFO" 1*(SP keyword) CRLF
  217. one or more NL-terminated strings. The server replies with an INFOVALUE
  218. message.
  219. Unlike GETCONF, this message is used for data that are not stored in the Tor
  220. configuration file, and that may be longer than a single line. On success,
  221. one ReplyLine is sent for each requested value, followed by a final 250 OK
  222. ReplyLine. If a value fits on a single line, the format is:
  223. 250-keyword=value
  224. If a value must be split over multiple lines, the format is:
  225. 250+keyword=
  226. value
  227. .
  228. Recognized keys and their values include:
  229. "version" -- The version of the server's software, including the name
  230. of the software. (example: "Tor")
  231. "config-file" -- The location of Tor's configuration file ("torrc").
  232. "desc/id/<OR identity>" or "desc/name/<OR nickname>" -- the latest server
  233. descriptor for a given OR, NUL-terminated. If no such OR is known, the
  234. corresponding value is an empty string.
  235. "desc/all-recent" -- the latest server descriptor for every router that
  236. Tor knows about.
  237. "network-status" -- a space-separated list of all known OR identities.
  238. This is in the same format as the router-status line in directories;
  239. see tor-spec.txt for details.
  240. "addr-mappings/all"
  241. "addr-mappings/config"
  242. "addr-mappings/cache"
  243. "addr-mappings/control" -- a space-separated list of address
  244. mappings, each in the form of "from-address=to-address".
  245. The 'config' key returns those address mappings set in the
  246. configuration; the 'cache' key returns the mappings in the
  247. client-side DNS cache; the 'control' key returns the mappings set
  248. via the control interface; the 'all' target returns the mappings
  249. set through any mechanism.
  250. "circuit-status"
  251. A series of lines as for a circuit status event. Each line is of
  252. the form:
  253. CircuitID SP CircStatus SP Path CRLF
  254. "stream-status"
  255. A series of lines as for a stream status event. Each is of the form:
  256. StreamID SP StreamStatus SP CircID SP Target CRLF
  257. "orconn-status"
  258. A series of lines as for an OR connection status event. Each is of the
  259. form:
  260. ServerID SP ORStatus CRLF
  261. "entry-guards"
  262. A series of lines listing the currently chosen entry guards, if any.
  263. Each is of the form:
  264. ServerID SP (Status-with-time / Status) CRLF
  265. Status-with-time = ("down" / "unlisted") SP ISOTime
  266. Status = ("up" / "never-connected")
  267. [From to, this was called "helper-nodes".
  268. Tor still supports calling it that for now, but support will be
  269. removed in the future.]
  270. "accounting/enabled"
  271. "accounting/hibernating"
  272. "accounting/bytes"
  273. "accounting/bytes-left"
  274. "accounting/interval-start"
  275. "accounting/interval-wake"
  276. "accounting/interval-end"
  277. Information about accounting status. If accounting is enabled,
  278. "enabled" is 1; otherwise it is 0. The "hibernating" field is "hard"
  279. if we are accepting no data; "soft" if we're accepting no new
  280. connections, and "awake" if we're not hibernating at all. The "bytes"
  281. and "bytes-left" fields contain (read-bytes SP write-bytes), for the
  282. start and the rest of the interval respectively. The 'interval-start'
  283. and 'interval-end' fields are the borders of the current interval; the
  284. 'interval-wake' field is the time within the current interval (if any)
  285. where we plan[ned] to start being active.
  286. "config/names"
  287. A series of lines listing the available configuration options. Each is
  288. of the form:
  289. OptionName SP OptionType [ SP Documentation ] CRLF
  290. OptionName = Keyword
  291. OptionType = "Integer" / "TimeInterval" / "DataSize" / "Float" /
  292. "Boolean" / "Time" / "CommaList" / "Dependant" / "Virtual" /
  293. "String" / "LineList"
  294. Documentation = Text
  295. "info/names"
  296. A series of lines listing the available GETINFO options. Each is of
  297. one of these forms:
  298. OptionName SP Documentation CRLF
  299. OptionPrefix SP Documentation CRLF
  300. OptionPrefix = OptionName "/*"
  301. "dir/status/authority"
  302. "dir/status/fp/<F>"
  303. "dir/status/fp/<F1>+<F2>+<F3>"
  304. "dir/status/all"
  305. "dir/server/fp/<F>"
  306. "dir/server/fp/<F1>+<F2>+<F3>"
  307. "dir/server/d/<D>"
  308. "dir/server/d/<D1>+<D2>+<D3>"
  309. "dir/server/authority"
  310. "dir/server/all"
  311. [DRAFT] [Not Implemented] A series of lines listing directory
  312. contents, provided according to the specification for the URLs listed
  313. in Section 4.4 of dir-spec.txt. Note that Tor MUST NOT provide
  314. private information, such as descriptors for routers not marked as
  315. general-purpose.
  316. Examples:
  317. C: GETINFO version desc/name/moria1
  318. S: 250+desc/name/moria=
  319. S: [Descriptor for moria]
  320. S: .
  321. S: 250-version=Tor
  322. S: 250 OK
  323. 3.10. EXTENDCIRCUIT
  324. Sent from the client to the server. The format is:
  326. ServerID *("," ServerID) SP
  327. ("purpose=" Purpose) CRLF
  328. This request takes one of two forms: either the CircuitID is zero, in
  329. which case it is a request for the server to build a new circuit according
  330. to the specified path, or the CircuitID is nonzero, in which case it is a
  331. request for the server to extend an existing circuit with that ID according
  332. to the specified path.
  333. If CircuitID is 0 and "purpose=" is specified, then the circuit's
  334. purpose is set. Two choices are recognized: "general" and
  335. "controller". If not specified, circuits are created as "general".
  336. If the request is successful, the server sends a reply containing a
  337. message body consisting of the CircuitID of the (maybe newly created)
  338. circuit. The syntax is "250" SP "EXTENDED" SP CircuitID CRLF.
  340. Sent from the client to the server. The format is:
  342. This changes the circuit's purpose. See EXTENDCIRCUIT above for details.
  343. 3.12. ATTACHSTREAM
  344. Sent from the client to the server. The syntax is:
  346. This message informs the server that the specified stream should be
  347. associated with the specified circuit. Each stream may be associated with
  348. at most one circuit, and multiple streams may share the same circuit.
  349. Streams can only be attached to completed circuits (that is, circuits that
  350. have sent a circuit status 'BUILT' event or are listed as built in a
  351. GETINFO circuit-status request).
  352. If the circuit ID is 0, responsibility for attaching the given stream is
  353. returned to Tor.
  354. Tor responds with "250 OK" if it can attach the stream, 552 if the circuit
  355. or stream didn't exist, or 551 if the stream couldn't be attached for
  356. another reason.
  357. {Implementation note: Tor will close unattached streams by itself,
  358. roughly two minutes after they are born. Let the developers know if
  359. that turns out to be a problem.}
  360. {Implementation note: By default, Tor automatically attaches streams to
  361. circuits itself, unless the configuration variable
  362. "__LeaveStreamsUnattached" is set to "1". Attempting to attach streams
  363. via TC when "__LeaveStreamsUnattached" is false may cause a race between
  364. Tor and the controller, as both attempt to attach streams to circuits.}
  366. Sent from the client to the server. The syntax is:
  367. "+POSTDESCRIPTOR" CRLF Descriptor CRLF "." CRLF
  368. This message informs the server about a new descriptor.
  369. The descriptor, when parsed, must contain a number of well-specified
  370. fields, including fields for its nickname and identity.
  371. If there is an error in parsing the descriptor, the server must send a "554
  372. Invalid descriptor" reply. If the descriptor is well-formed but the server
  373. chooses not to add it, it must reply with a 251 message whose body explains
  374. why the server was not added. If the descriptor is added, Tor replies with
  375. "250 OK".
  377. Sent from the client to the server. The syntax is:
  378. "REDIRECTSTREAM" SP StreamID SP Address (SP Port) CRLF
  379. Tells the server to change the exit address on the specified stream. If
  380. Port is specified, changes the destination port as well. No remapping
  381. is performed on the new provided address.
  382. To be sure that the modified address will be used, this event must be sent
  383. after a new stream event is received, and before attaching this stream to
  384. a circuit.
  385. Tor replies with "250 OK" on success.
  386. 3.15. CLOSESTREAM
  387. Sent from the client to the server. The syntax is:
  388. "CLOSESTREAM" SP StreamID SP Reason *(SP Flag) CRLF
  389. Tells the server to close the specified stream. The reason should be one
  390. of the Tor RELAY_END reasons given in tor-spec.txt, as a decimal. Flags is
  391. not used currently; Tor servers SHOULD ignore unrecognized flags. Tor may
  392. hold the stream open for a while to flush any data that is pending.
  393. Tor replies with "250 OK" on success, or a 512 if there aren't enough
  394. arguments, or a 552 if it doesn't recognize the StreamID or reason.
  395. 3.16. CLOSECIRCUIT
  396. The syntax is:
  397. CLOSECIRCUIT SP CircuitID *(SP Flag) CRLF
  398. Flag = "IfUnused"
  399. Tells the server to close the specified circuit. If "IfUnused" is
  400. provided, do not close the circuit unless it is unused.
  401. Other flags may be defined in the future; Tor SHOULD ignore unrecognized
  402. flags.
  403. Tor replies with "250 OK" on success, or a 512 if there aren't enough
  404. arguments, or a 552 if it doesn't recognize the CircuitID.
  405. 3.17. QUIT
  406. Tells the server to hang up on this controller connection. This command
  407. can be used before authenticating.
  408. 4. Replies
  409. Reply codes follow the same 3-character format as used by SMTP, with the
  410. first character defining a status, the second character defining a
  411. subsystem, and the third designating fine-grained information.
  412. The TC protocol currently uses the following first characters:
  413. 2yz Positive Completion Reply
  414. The command was successful; a new request can be started.
  415. 4yz Temporary Negative Completion reply
  416. The command was unsuccessful but might be reattempted later.
  417. 5yz Permanent Negative Completion Reply
  418. The command was unsuccessful; the client should not try exactly
  419. that sequence of commands again.
  420. 6yz Asynchronous Reply
  421. Sent out-of-order in response to an earlier SETEVENTS command.
  422. The following second characters are used:
  423. x0z Syntax
  424. Sent in response to ill-formed or nonsensical commands.
  425. x1z Protocol
  426. Refers to operations of the Tor Control protocol.
  427. x5z Tor
  428. Refers to actual operations of Tor system.
  429. The following codes are defined:
  430. 250 OK
  431. 251 Operation was unnecessary
  432. [Tor has declined to perform the operation, but no harm was done.]
  433. 451 Resource exhausted
  434. 500 Syntax error: protocol
  435. 510 Unrecognized command
  436. 511 Unimplemented command
  437. 512 Syntax error in command argument
  438. 513 Unrecognized command argument
  439. 514 Authentication required
  440. 515 Bad authentication
  441. 550 Unspecified Tor error
  442. 551 Internal error
  443. [Something went wrong inside Tor, so that the client's
  444. request couldn't be fulfilled.]
  445. 552 Unrecognized entity
  446. [A configuration key, a stream ID, circuit ID, event,
  447. mentioned in the command did not actually exist.]
  448. 553 Invalid configuration value
  449. [The client tried to set a configuration option to an
  450. incorrect, ill-formed, or impossible value.]
  451. 554 Invalid descriptor
  452. 555 Unmanaged entity
  453. 650 Asynchronous event notification
  454. Unless specified to have specific contents, the human-readable messages
  455. in error replies should not be relied upon to match those in this document.
  456. 4.1. Asynchronous events
  457. These replies can be sent after a corresponding SETEVENTS command has been
  458. received. They will not be interleaved with other Reply elements, but they
  459. can appear between a command and its corresponding reply. For example,
  460. this sequence is possible:
  462. S: 250 OK
  464. S: 650 CIRC 1000 EXTENDED moria1,moria2
  465. S: 250-SOCKSPORT=9050
  466. S: 250 ORPORT=0
  467. But this sequence is disallowed:
  469. S: 250 OK
  471. S: 250-SOCKSPORT=9050
  472. S: 650 CIRC 1000 EXTENDED moria1,moria2
  473. S: 250 ORPORT=0
  474. Clients SHOULD tolerate more arguments in an asynchonous reply than
  475. expected, and SHOULD tolerate more lines in an asynchronous reply than
  476. expected. For instance, a client that expects a CIRC message like:
  477. 650 CIRC 1000 EXTENDED moria1,moria2
  478. should tolerate:
  479. 650-CIRC 1000 EXTENDED moria1,moria2 0xBEEF
  480. 650-EXTRAMAGIC=99
  481. 650 ANONYMITY=high
  482. If clients ask for extended events, then each event line as specified below
  483. will be followed by additional extensions. Clients that do so MUST
  484. tolerate additional arguments and lines. Additional lines will be of the
  485. form
  486. "650" ("-"/" ") KEYWORD ["=" ARGUMENTS] CRLF
  487. Additional arguments will be of the form
  488. SP KEYWORD ["=" ( QuotedString / * NonSpDquote ) ]
  489. Such clients MUST tolerate lines with keywords they do not recognize.
  490. 4.1.1. Circuit status changed
  491. The syntax is:
  492. "650" SP "CIRC" SP CircuitID SP CircStatus SP Path
  493. CircStatus =
  494. "LAUNCHED" / ; circuit ID assigned to new circuit
  495. "BUILT" / ; all hops finished, can now accept streams
  496. "EXTENDED" / ; one more hop has been completed
  497. "FAILED" / ; circuit closed (was not built)
  498. "CLOSED" ; circuit closed (was built)
  499. Path = ServerID *("," ServerID)
  500. 4.1.2. Stream status changed
  501. The syntax is:
  502. "650" SP "STREAM" SP StreamID SP StreamStatus SP CircID SP Target
  503. StreamStatus =
  504. "NEW" / ; New request to connect
  505. "NEWRESOLVE" / ; New request to resolve an address
  506. "SENTCONNECT" / ; Sent a connect cell along a circuit
  507. "SENTRESOLVE" / ; Sent a resolve cell along a circuit
  508. "SUCCEEDED" / ; Received a reply; stream established
  509. "FAILED" / ; Stream failed and not retriable.
  510. "CLOSED" / ; Stream closed
  511. "DETACHED" ; Detached from circuit; still retriable.
  512. Target = Address ":" Port
  513. The circuit ID designates which circuit this stream is attached to. If
  514. the stream is unattached, the circuit ID "0" is given.
  515. 4.1.3. OR Connection status changed
  516. The syntax is:
  517. "650" SP "ORCONN" SP ServerID SP ORStatus
  518. ORStatus = "LAUNCHED" / "CONNECTED" / "FAILED" / "CLOSED"
  519. 4.1.4. Bandwidth used in the last second
  520. The syntax is:
  521. "650" SP "BW" SP BytesRead SP BytesWritten
  522. BytesRead = 1*DIGIT
  523. BytesWritten = 1*DIGIT
  524. 4.1.5. Log message
  525. The syntax is:
  526. "650" SP Severity SP ReplyText
  527. or
  528. "650+" Severity CRLF Data
  529. Severity = "DEBUG" / "INFO" / "NOTICE" / "WARN"/ "ERR"
  530. 4.1.6. New descriptors available
  531. Syntax:
  532. "650" SP "NEWDESC" 1*(SP ServerID)
  533. 4.1.7. New Address mapping
  534. Syntax:
  535. "650" SP "ADDRMAP" SP Address SP Address SP Expiry
  536. Expiry = DQOUTE ISOTime DQUOTE / "NEVER"
  537. 4.1.8. Descriptors uploaded to us in our role as authoritative dirserver
  538. Syntax:
  539. "650" "+" "AUTHDIR_NEWDESCS" CRLF Action CRLF Message CRLF
  540. Descriptor CRLF "." CRLF
  541. Action = "ACCEPTED" / "DROPPED" / "REJECTED"
  542. Message = Text
  543. 5. Implementation notes
  544. 5.1. Authentication
  545. By default, the current Tor implementation trusts all local users.
  546. If the 'CookieAuthentication' option is true, Tor writes a "magic cookie"
  547. file named "control_auth_cookie" into its data directory. To authenticate,
  548. the controller must send the contents of this file.
  549. If the 'HashedControlPassword' option is set, it must contain the salted
  550. hash of a secret password. The salted hash is computed according to the
  551. S2K algorithm in RFC 2440 (OpenPGP), and prefixed with the s2k specifier.
  552. This is then encoded in hexadecimal, prefixed by the indicator sequence
  553. "16:". Thus, for example, the password 'foo' could encode to:
  554. 16:660537E3E1CD49996044A3BF558097A981F539FEA2F9DA662B4626C1C2
  555. ++++++++++++++++**^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  556. salt hashed value
  557. indicator
  558. You can generate the salt of a password by calling
  559. 'tor --hash-password <password>'
  560. or by using the example code in the Python and Java controller libraries.
  561. To authenticate under this scheme, the controller sends Tor the original
  562. secret that was used to generate the password.
  563. 5.2. Don't let the buffer get too big.
  564. If you ask for lots of events, and 16MB of them queue up on the buffer,
  565. the Tor process will close the socket.
  566. 5.3. Backward compatibility
  567. For backward compatibility with the "version 0" control protocol, Tor checks
  568. whether the third octet the first command is zero. If it is, Tor
  569. assumes that version 0 is in use. This feature is deprecated, and will be
  570. removed in the 0.1.2.x Tor development series.
  571. In order to detect which version of the protocol is supported controllers
  572. should send the sequence [00 00 0D 0A]. This is a valid and unrecognized
  573. command in both protocol versions, and implementations can detect which
  574. error they have received.