1. $Id$
  2. Legend:
  3. SPEC!! - Not specified
  4. SPEC - Spec not finalized
  5. N - nick claims
  6. R - arma claims
  7. P - phobos claims
  8. - Not done
  9. * Top priority
  10. . Partially done
  11. o Done
  12. d Deferrable
  13. D Deferred
  14. X Abandoned
  15. Things we'd like to do in 0.2.0.x:
  16. - See also Flyspray tasks.
  17. - See also all items marked XXXX020 and DOCDOC in the code
  18. - doesn't mention
  19. licenses for other components of the bundles.
  20. - Bugs.
  21. - Bug reports Roger has heard along that way that don't have enough
  22. details/attention to solve them yet.
  23. - tup said that when he set FetchUselessDescriptors, after
  24. 24 or 48 hours he wasn't fetching any descriptors at all
  25. anymore. This was in 0.2.0 but worked fine in 0.1.2.
  26. - arma noticed that when his network went away and he tried
  27. a new guard node and the connect() syscall failed to it,
  28. the guard wasn't being marked as down. 0.2.0.x.
  29. - after being without network for 12 hours, arma's tor decided
  30. it couldn't fetch any network statuses, and never tried again
  31. even when the network came back and arma clicked on things.
  32. also 0.2.0.
  33. - phobos says relaybandwidth* sometimes don't do what we expect.
  35. - this notion of authorities notifying servers that they're
  36. unreachable is bunk -- it's leftover from the time when all
  37. servers ran 24/7. now it triggers every time a server goes
  38. away and then returns before the old descriptor has expired.
  39. o 0.2.0.x dir authorities have stopped giving people Authority
  40. flags.
  41. - add a --quiet commandline option that suppresses logs. useful
  42. for --hashed-password and maybe others.
  43. - Tor logs the libevent version on startup, for debugging purposes.
  44. This is great. But it does this before configuring the logs, so
  45. it only goes to stdout and is then lost.
  46. o Aug 30 [...] wmtbf 4:6:16
  47. The wmtbf time value is missing some zero-pads.
  48. - Proposals:
  49. . 101: Voting on the Tor Directory System (plus 103)
  50. . Finalize proposal
  51. * Describe schedule in copious detail.
  52. . Get authorities voting
  53. o Code to manage key certificates
  54. o Download as needed.
  55. o Code to download
  56. . Code to retry download.
  57. o Schedule download times on failure
  58. - Reattempt downloads periodically
  59. o Code to generate consensus from a list of votes
  60. o Detect whether votes are really all for the same period.
  61. o Push/pull documents as appropriate.
  62. o Pull votes and signatures if we don't get them.
  63. o Cache votes and signatures on disk?
  64. o Code to keep consensus docs in limbo if they don't have
  65. have enough signatures.
  66. D Save votes on disk.
  67. o Have clients know which authorities are v3 authorities, and what
  68. their keys are.
  69. - While we're at it, let v3 authorities have fqdns lines.
  70. - Fix all XXXX020s in vote code
  71. . Validate information properly.
  72. o Warn if we get a vote with different authorities than we know.
  73. o Don't count votes with a different valid-after when generating
  74. the same consensus.
  75. - Dump certificates with the wrong time. Or just warn?
  76. o Warn authority ops when their certs are nearly invalid.
  77. - When checking a consensus, make sure that its times are plausible.
  78. o Add a function that will eventually tell us about our clock skew.
  79. For now, just require that authorities not be skewed.
  80. . Start caching consensus documents once authorities make them;
  81. start downloading consensus documents once caches serve
  82. them
  83. o Download code
  84. o Code to schedule downloads
  85. - Code to retry failed downloads
  86. - Code to delay next download while fetching certificates
  87. o Code to download routers listed in v3 networkstatus consensuses.
  88. - Enable for non-caches
  89. - Code to use v3 networkstatus documents once clients are
  90. fetching them
  91. - Implement
  92. - Enable
  93. - Controller support
  94. - GETINFO to get consensus
  95. - Event when new consensus arrives
  96. o 104: Long and Short Router Descriptors
  97. o Drop bandwidth history from router-descriptors around September 10,
  98. once torstatus and weasel have upgraded.
  99. - 105: Version negotiation for the Tor protocol
  100. . 111: Prioritize local traffic over relayed.
  101. o Implement
  102. - Merge into tor-spec.txt.
  103. - Refactoring:
  104. . Make cells get buffered on circuit, not on the or_conn.
  105. . Switch to pool-allocation for cells?
  106. - Benchmark pool-allocation vs straightforward malloc.
  107. - Adjust memory allocation logic in pools to favor a little less
  108. slack memory.
  109. . Remove socketpair-based bridges conns, and the word "bridge". (Use
  110. shared (or connected) buffers for communication, rather than sockets.)
  111. . Implement
  112. - Handle rate-limiting on directory writes to linked directory
  113. connections in a more sensible manner.
  114. - Find more ways to test this.
  115. - Have clients do TLS connection rotation less often than "every 10
  116. minutes" in the thrashy case, and more often than "once a week" in the
  117. extra-stable case.
  118. - Streamline how we pick entry nodes: Make choose_random_entry() have
  119. less magic and less control logic.
  120. o Maybe move NT services into their own module.
  121. - Refactor networkstatus generation:
  122. - Include "v" line in getinfo values.
  123. - Bridges:
  124. . Bridges users (rudimentary version)
  125. o Ability to specify bridges manually
  126. o Config option 'UseBridges' that bridge users can turn on.
  127. o uses bridges as first hop rather than entry guards.
  128. o if you don't have any routerinfos for your bridges, or you don't
  129. like the ones you have, ask a new bridge for its server/authority.
  130. . Ask all directory questions to bridge via BEGIN_DIR.
  131. - use the bridges for dir fetches even when our dirport is open.
  132. R - drop 'authority' queries if they're to our own identity key; accept
  133. them otherwise.
  134. X Design/implement the "local-status" or something like it, from the
  135. "Descriptor purposes: how to tell them apart" section of
  137. o timeout and retry schedules for fetching bridge descriptors
  138. - give extend_info_t a router_purpose again
  139. o react faster to download networkstatuses after the first bridge
  140. descriptor arrives
  141. o be more robust to bridges being marked as down and leaving us
  142. stranded without any known "running" bridges.
  143. N . Cache for bridge descriptors
  144. o Annotated router store
  145. o Accept annotations before routers
  146. o Preserve and ignore unexpected annotations
  147. o Mechanism to add annotations when we first add a descriptor
  148. o Don't serve annotations
  149. o Reject annotations that appear in things we've downloaded
  150. o Name the router store something different: cached-descriptors?
  151. o But load from cached-routers if no cached-descriptors is
  152. found.
  153. o Document this.
  154. o Add a few example annotations to make sure this works: source
  155. and downloaded/uploaded-at seem like a good start
  156. - Drop this later as needed.
  157. o Use annotations to denote router purpose
  158. o Learn purpose from annotations
  159. o Set annotations based on purpose
  160. o Preserve routers with unrecognized purpose.
  161. R - Stop setting the do-not-cache flag based on purpose.
  162. - Disable and mark as obsolete the setrouterpurpose controller
  163. command.
  164. - Bridges operators (rudimentary version)
  165. - Ability to act as dir cache without a dir port.
  166. o Bridges publish to bridge authorities
  167. o Fix BEGIN_DIR so that you connect to bridge of which you only
  168. know IP (and optionally fingerprint), and then use BEGIN_DIR to learn
  169. more about it.
  170. - look at server_mode() and decide if it always applies to bridges too.
  171. - Bridges authorities (rudimentary version)
  172. o Rudimentary "do not publish networkstatus" option for bridge
  173. authorities.
  174. - Clients can ask bridge authorities for more bridges.
  175. - Bridges
  176. o Clients can ask bridge authorities for updates on known bridges.
  177. - More TLS normalization work: make Tor less easily
  178. fingerprinted.
  179. - Directory system improvements
  180. - Misc
  181. - Make BEGIN_DIR mandatory for asking questions of bridge authorities?
  182. - Features (other than bridges):
  183. - Blocking-resistance.
  184. - Write a proposal; make this part of 105.
  185. - Audit how much RAM we're using for buffers and cell pools; try to
  186. trim down a lot.
  187. o Accept \n as end of lines in the control protocol in addition to \r\n.
  188. o Use fetch_from_buf_line_lf in control.c instead of fetch_from_buf_line.
  189. o Fix up read escaped_data to accept LF instead of CRLF, and to
  190. always translate_newlines (since that's the only way it's called).
  191. - Base relative control socket paths on datadir.
  192. - We should ship with a list of stable dir mirrors -- they're not
  193. trusted like the authorities, but they'll provide more robustness
  194. and diversity for bootstrapping clients.
  195. - Better estimates in the directory of whether servers have good uptime
  196. (high expected time to failure) or good guard qualities (high
  197. fractional uptime).
  198. - AKA Track uptime as %-of-time-up, as well as time-since-last-down
  199. o Implement tracking
  200. - Make uptime info persist too.
  201. - Base Guard on weighted fractional uptime.
  202. - Make TrackHostExits expire TrackHostExitsExpire seconds after their
  203. *last* use, not their *first* use.
  204. - Limit to 2 dir, 2 OR, N SOCKS connections per IP.
  205. - Or maybe close connections from same IP when we get a lot from one.
  206. - Or maybe block IPs that connect too many times at once.
  207. - add an AuthDirBadexit torrc option if we decide we want one.
  208. o Add a GuardsSelectedByVersion line to the state file so we know
  209. not to drop guards we added.
  210. o Have it include the date too.
  211. - Testing
  212. N - Hack up a client that gives out weird/no certificates, so we can
  213. test to make sure that this doesn't cause servers to crash.
  214. - Deprecations:
  215. - can we deprecate 'getinfo network-status'?
  216. - can we deprecate the FastFirstHopPK config option?
  217. - Documentation
  218. - HOWTO for DNSPort.
  219. - Quietly document NT Service options
  220. - More prominently, we should have a recommended apps list.
  221. - recommend pidgin (gaim is renamed)
  222. - unrecommend IE because of ftp:// bug.
  223. - we should add a preamble to tor-design saying it's out of date.
  224. . Document transport and natdport in a good HOWTO.
  225. - Publicize torel. (What else?
  226. . Finish path-spec.txt
  227. P - Packaging:
  228. P - Can we switch to polipo? Please?
  229. P - Make documentation realize that location of system configuration file
  230. will depend on location of system defaults, and isn't always /etc/torrc.
  231. P - If we haven't replaced privoxy, lock down its configuration in all
  232. packages, as documented in tor-doc-unix.html
  233. P - Figure out why dll's compiled in mingw don't work right in WinXP.
  234. P - Create packages for Nokia 800, requested by Chris Soghoian
  235. P - Consider creating special Tor-Polipo-Vidalia test packages,
  236. requested by Dmitri Vitalev
  237. - Get Vidalia supporting protocolinfo and using auth by default.
  238. Nice-to-have items for 0.2.0.x, time permitting:
  239. - Proposals
  240. - 113: Simplifying directory authority administration
  241. - 110: prevent infinite-length circuits (phase one)
  242. . Robust decentralized storage for hidden service descriptors.
  243. (Karsten is working on this; proposal 114.)
  244. - 118: Listen on and advertise multiple ports:
  245. - Tor should be able to have a pool of outgoing IP addresses that it is
  246. able to rotate through. (maybe. Possible overlap with proposal 118.)
  247. - config option to publish what ports you listen on, beyond
  248. ORPort/DirPort. It should support ranges and bit prefixes (?) too.
  249. (This is very similar to proposal 118.)
  250. - 117: IPv6 Exits
  251. - Internal code support for ipv6:
  252. o Clone ipv6 functions (inet_ntop, inet_pton) where they don't exist.
  253. - Most address variables need to become tor_addr_t
  254. - Teach resolving code how to handle ipv6.
  255. - Teach exit policies about ipv6 (consider ipv4/ipv6 interaction!)
  256. - Features
  257. - Let controller set router flags for authority to transmit, and for
  258. client to use.
  259. - add an 'exit-address' line in the descriptor for servers that exit
  260. from something that isn't their published address.
  261. - Clients should estimate their skew as median of skew from servers
  262. over last N seconds.
  263. - More work on AvoidDiskWrites?
  264. - Protocol work
  265. - MAYBE kill stalled circuits rather than stalled connections. This is
  266. possible thanks to cell queues, but we need to consider the anonymity
  267. implications.
  268. - Implement TLS shutdown properly when possible.
  269. - Low-priority bugs:
  270. - we try to build 4 test circuits to break them over different
  271. servers. but sometimes our entry node is the same for multiple
  272. test circuits. this defeats the point.
  273. - If the client's clock is too far in the past, it will drop (or just not
  274. try to get) descriptors, so it'll never build circuits.
  275. - Refactoring:
  276. - Move all status info out of routerinfo into local_routerstatus. Make
  277. "who can change what" in local_routerstatus explicit. Make
  278. local_routerstatus (or equivalent) subsume all places to go for "what
  279. router is this?"
  280. - Build:
  281. - Detect correct version of libraries from autoconf script.
  282. - Documentation:
  283. - Review torrc.sample to make it more discursive.
  284. Deferred from 0.2.0.x:
  285. - Features
  286. - Make a TCP DNSPort
  287. - Refactoring
  288. - Make resolves no longer use edge_connection_t unless they are actually
  289. _on_ a socks connection: have edge_connection_t and (say)
  290. dns_request_t both extend an edge_stream_t, and have p_streams and
  291. n_streams both be linked lists of edge_stream_t.
  292. - Generate torrc.{complete|sample}.in,, the HTML manual, and the
  293. online config documentation from a single source.
  294. - Blocking/scanning-resistance
  295. - It would be potentially helpful to https requests on the OR port by
  296. acting like an HTTPS server.
  297. - Do we want to maintain our own set of entryguards that we use as
  298. next hop after the bridge? Open research question; let's say no
  299. for 0.2.0 unless we learn otherwise.
  300. - Should do reachability testing but only on the purpose==bridge
  301. descriptors we have.
  302. - Some mechanism for specifying that we want to stop using a cached
  303. bridge.
  304. Future versions:
  305. - See also Flyspray tasks.
  306. - See also all OPEN/ACCEPTED proposals.
  307. - See also all items marked XXXX and FFFF in the code.
  308. - Protocol:
  309. - Our current approach to block attempts to use Tor as a single-hop proxy
  310. is pretty lame; we should get a better one.
  311. - Allow small cells and large cells on the same network?
  312. - Cell buffering and resending. This will allow us to handle broken
  313. circuits as long as the endpoints don't break, plus will allow
  314. connection (tls session key) rotation.
  315. - Implement Morphmix, so we can compare its behavior, complexity,
  316. etc. But see paper breaking morphmix.
  317. - Other transport. HTTP, udp, rdp, airhook, etc. May have to do our own
  318. link crypto, unless we can bully DTLS into it.
  319. - Need a relay teardown cell, separate from one-way ends.
  320. (Pending a user who needs this)
  321. - Handle half-open connections: right now we don't support all TCP
  322. streams, at least according to the protocol. But we handle all that
  323. we've seen in the wild.
  324. (Pending a user who needs this)
  325. - Directory system
  326. - BEGIN_DIR items
  327. - turn the received socks addr:port into a digest for setting .exit
  328. - handle connect-dir streams that don't have a chosen_exit_name set.
  329. - Have a "Faster" status flag that means it. Fast2, Fast4, Fast8?
  330. - Add an option (related to AvoidDiskWrites) to disable directory
  331. caching. (Is this actually a good idea??)
  332. - Add d64 and fp64 along-side d and fp so people can paste status
  333. entries into a url. since + is a valid base64 char, only allow one
  334. at a time. Consider adding to controller as well.
  335. - Some back-out mechanism for auto-approval on authorities
  336. - a way of rolling back approvals to before a timestamp
  337. - Consider minion-like fingerprint file/log combination.
  338. - Have new people be in limbo and need to demonstrate usefulness
  339. before we approve them.
  340. - Hidden services:
  341. - Standby/hotswap/redundant hidden services.
  342. . Update the hidden service stuff for the new dir approach. (Much
  343. of this will be superseded by 114.)
  344. - switch to an ascii format, maybe sexpr?
  345. - authdirservers publish blobs of them.
  346. - other authdirservers fetch these blobs.
  347. - hidserv people have the option of not uploading their blobs.
  348. - you can insert a blob via the controller.
  349. - and there's some amount of backwards compatibility.
  350. - teach clients, intro points, and hidservs about auth mechanisms.
  351. - come up with a few more auth mechanisms.
  352. - auth mechanisms to let hidden service midpoint and responder filter
  353. connection requests.
  354. - Let each hidden service (or other thing) specify its own
  355. OutboundBindAddress?
  356. - Hidserv offerers shouldn't need to define a SocksPort
  357. - Server operation
  358. - When we notice a 'Rejected: There is already a named server with
  359. this nickname' message... or maybe instead when we see in the
  360. networkstatuses that somebody else is Named with the name we
  361. want: warn the user, send a STATUS_SERVER message, and fall back
  362. to unnamed.
  363. - If the server is spewing complaints about raising your ulimit -n,
  364. we should add a note about this to the server descriptor so other
  365. people can notice too.
  366. - When we hit a funny error from a dir request (eg 403 forbidden),
  367. but tor is working and happy otherwise, and we haven't seen many
  368. such errors recently, then don't warn about it.
  369. - Controller
  370. - A way to adjust router flags from the controller. (How do we
  371. prevent the authority from clobbering them soon afterward?)
  372. - Implement missing status events and accompanying getinfos
  374. - BAD_DIR_RESPONSE (Unexpected directory response; maybe we're behind
  375. a firewall.)
  376. - BAD_PROXY (Bad http or https proxy)
  377. - UNRECOGNIZED_ROUTER (a nickname we asked for is unavailable)
  378. - Status events related to hibernation
  379. - something about failing to parse our address?
  380. from resolve_my_address() in config.c
  381. - sketchy OS, sketchy threading
  382. - too many onions queued: threading problems or slow CPU?
  383. - Implement missing status event fields:
  385. - GETINFO status/client, status/server, status/general: There should be
  386. some way to learn which status events are currently "in effect."
  387. We should specify which these are, what format they appear in, and so
  388. on.
  389. - More information in events:
  390. - Include bandwidth breakdown by conn->type in BW events.
  391. - Change circuit status events to give more details, like purpose,
  392. whether they're internal, when they become dirty, when they become
  393. too dirty for further circuits, etc.
  394. - Change stream status events analogously.
  395. - Expose more information via getinfo:
  396. - import and export rendezvous descriptors
  397. - Review all static fields for additional candidates
  398. - Allow EXTENDCIRCUIT to unknown server.
  399. - We need some way to adjust server status, and to tell tor not to
  400. download directories/network-status, and a way to force a download.
  401. - Make everything work with hidden services
  402. - Performance/resources
  403. - per-conn write buckets
  404. - separate config options for read vs write limiting
  405. (It's hard to support read > write, since we need better
  406. congestion control to avoid overfull buffers there. So,
  407. defer the whole thing.)
  408. - Investigate RAM use in directory authorities.
  409. - Look into pulling serverdescs off buffers as they arrive.
  410. - Rate limit exit connections to a given destination -- this helps
  411. us play nice with websites when Tor users want to crawl them; it
  412. also introduces DoS opportunities.
  413. - Consider truncating rather than destroying failed circuits,
  414. in order to save the effort of restarting. There are security
  415. issues here that need thinking, though.
  416. - Handle full buffers without totally borking
  417. - Rate-limit OR and directory connections overall and per-IP and
  418. maybe per subnet.
  419. - Misc
  420. - Hold-open-until-flushed now works by accident; it should work by
  421. design.
  422. - Display the reasons in 'destroy' and 'truncated' cells under
  423. some circumstances?
  424. - Make router_is_general_exit() a bit smarter once we're sure what
  425. it's for.
  426. - Automatically determine what ports are reachable and start using
  427. those, if circuits aren't working and it's a pattern we
  428. recognize ("port 443 worked once and port 9001 keeps not
  429. working").
  430. - Security
  431. - don't do dns hijacking tests if we're reject *:* exit policy?
  432. (deferred until 0.1.1.x is less common)
  433. - Directory guards
  434. - Mini-SoaT:
  435. - Servers might check certs for known-good ssl websites, and if
  436. they come back self-signed, declare themselves to be
  437. non-exits. Similar to how we test for broken/evil dns now.
  438. - Authorities should try using exits for http to connect to some
  439. URLS (specified in a configuration file, so as not to make the
  440. List Of Things Not To Censor completely obvious) and ask them
  441. for results. Exits that don't give good answers should have
  442. the BadExit flag set.
  443. - Alternatively, authorities should be able to import opinions
  444. from Snakes on a Tor.
  445. - More consistent error checking in router_parse_entry_from_string().
  446. I can say "banana" as my bandwidthcapacity, and it won't even squeak.
  447. - Bind to random port when making outgoing connections to Tor servers,
  448. to reduce remote sniping attacks.
  449. - Audit everything to make sure rend and intro points are just as
  450. likely to be us as not.
  451. - Do something to prevent spurious EXTEND cells from making
  452. middleman nodes connect all over. Rate-limit failed
  453. connections, perhaps?
  454. - DoS protection: TLS puzzles, public key ops, bandwidth exhaustion.
  455. - Bridges
  456. - Tolerate clock skew on bridge relays.
  457. - Needs thinking
  458. - Now that we're avoiding exits when picking non-exit positions,
  459. we need to consider how to pick nodes for internal circuits. If
  460. we avoid exits for all positions, we skew the load balancing. If
  461. we accept exits for all positions, we leak whether it's an
  462. internal circuit at every step. If we accept exits only at the
  463. last hop, we reintroduce Lasse's attacks from the Oakland paper.
  464. - Windows server usability
  465. - Solve the ENOBUFS problem.
  466. - make tor's use of openssl operate on buffers rather than sockets,
  467. so we can make use of libevent's buffer paradigm once it has one.
  468. - make tor's use of libevent tolerate either the socket or the
  469. buffer paradigm; includes unifying the functions in connect.c.
  470. - We need a getrlimit equivalent on Windows so we can reserve some
  471. file descriptors for saving files, etc. Otherwise we'll trigger
  472. asserts when we're out of file descriptors and crash.
  473. - Merge code from Urz into libevent
  474. - Make Tor use evbuffers.
  475. - Documentation
  476. - a way to generate the website diagrams from source, so we can
  477. translate them as utf-8 text rather than with gimp. (svg? or
  478. imagemagick?)
  479. . Flesh out options_description array in src/or/config.c
  480. . multiple sample torrc files
  481. . figure out how to make nt service stuff work?
  482. . Document it.
  483. - Refactor tor man page to divide generally useful options from
  484. less useful ones?
  485. - Add a doxygen style checker to make check-spaces so nick doesn't drift
  486. too far from arma's undocumented styleguide. Also, document that
  487. styleguide in HACKING. (See r9634 for example.)
  488. - exactly one space at beginning and at end of comments, except i
  489. guess when there's line-length pressure.
  490. - if we refer to a function name, put a () after it.
  491. - only write <b>foo</b> when foo is an argument to this function.
  492. - doxygen comments must always end in some form of punctuation.
  493. - capitalize the first sentence in the doxygen comment, except
  494. when you shouldn't.
  495. - avoid spelling errors and incorrect comments. ;)
  496. - Packaging
  497. - The Debian package now uses --verify-config when (re)starting,
  498. to distinguish configuration errors from other errors. Perhaps
  499. the RPM and other startup scripts should too?
  500. - add a "default.action" file to the tor/vidalia bundle so we can
  501. fix the https thing in the default configuration:
  503. - Related tools
  504. - Patch privoxy and socks protocol to pass strings to the browser.
  505. Documentation, non-version-specific.
  506. - Specs
  507. - Mark up spec; note unclear points about servers
  508. NR - write a spec appendix for 'being nice with tor'
  509. - Specify the keys and key rotation schedules and stuff
  510. - Mention controller libs someplace.
  511. - Remove need for HACKING file.
  512. P - document on freebsd and osx
  513. P - figure out why x86_64 won't build rpms from tor.spec
  514. P - figure out spec files for bundles of vidalia-tor-polipo
  515. P - figure out polipo install scripts for bundles of vidalia-tor-polipo on osx, win32
  516. P - figure out selinux policy for tor
  517. P - change packaging system to more automated and specific for each
  518. platform, suggested by Paul Wouter
  519. P - Setup repos for redhat and suse rpms & start signing the rpms the
  520. way package management apps prefer
  521. Website:
  522. P - tor-in-the-media page
  523. - more pictures from ren. he wants to describe the tor handshake
  524. - Figure out licenses for website material.
  525. P - and remove home and make the "Tor" picture be the link to home.
  526. P - put the logo on the website, in source form, so people can put it on
  527. stickers directly, etc.
  528. P - put the source image for the stickers on the website, so people can
  529. print their own
  530. P - figure out a license for the logos and docs we publish
  531. R - make a page with the hidden service diagrams.
  532. P - ask Jan/Jens to be the translation coordinator? add to volunteer page.
  533. - add a page for localizing all tor's components.
  534. - It would be neat if we had a single place that described _all_ the
  535. tor-related tools you can use, and what they give you, and how well they
  536. work. Right now, we don't give a lot of guidance wrt
  537. torbutton/foxproxy/privoxy/polipo in any consistent place.