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  11. <h1><a href="">Tor</a> documentation</h1>
  12. <p>Tor provides a distributed network of servers ("onion routers"). Users
  13. bounce their communications (web requests, IM, IRC, SSH, etc.) around
  14. the routers. This makes it hard for recipients, observers, and even the
  15. onion routers themselves to track the source of the stream.</p>
  16. <a name="why"></a>
  17. <h2>Why should I use Tor?</h2>
  18. <p>Individuals need Tor for privacy:
  19. <ul>
  20. <li>Privacy in web browsing -- both from the remote website (so it can't
  21. track and sell your behavior), and similarly from your local ISP.
  22. <li>Safety in web browsing: if your local government doesn't approve
  23. of its citizens visiting certain websites, they may monitor the sites
  24. and put readers on a list of suspicious persons.
  25. <li>Circumvention of local censorship: connect to resources (news
  26. sites, instant messaging, etc.) that are restricted from your
  27. ISP/school/company/government.
  28. <li>Socially sensitive communication: chat rooms and web forums for
  29. rape and abuse survivors, or people with illnesses.
  30. </ul>
  31. <p>Journalists and NGOs need Tor for safety:
  32. <ul>
  33. <li>Allowing dissidents and whistleblowers to communicate more safely.
  34. <li>Censorship-resistant publication, such as making available your
  35. home-made movie anonymously via a Tor <a href="#hidden-service">hidden
  36. service</a>; and reading, e.g. of news sites not permitted in some
  37. countries.
  38. <li>Allowing your workers to check back with your home website while
  39. they're in a foreign country, without notifying everybody nearby that
  40. they're working with your organization.
  41. </ul>
  42. <p>Companies need Tor for business security:
  43. <ul>
  44. <li>Competitive analysis: browse the competition's website safely.
  45. <li>Protecting collaborations of sensitive business units or partners.
  46. <li>Protecting procurement suppliers or patterns.
  47. <li>Putting the "P" back in "VPN": traditional VPNs reveal the exact
  48. amount and frequency of communication. Which locations have employees
  49. working late? Which locations have employees consulting job-hunting
  50. websites? Which research groups are communicating with your company's
  51. patent lawyers?
  52. </ul>
  53. <p>Governments need Tor for traffic-analysis-resistant communication:
  54. <ul>
  55. <li>Open source intelligence gathering (hiding individual analysts is
  56. not enough -- the organization itself may be sensitive).
  57. <li>Defense in depth on open <em>and classified</em> networks -- networks
  58. with a million users (even if they're all cleared) can't be made safe just
  59. by hardening them to external threat.
  60. <li>Dynamic and semi-trusted international coalitions: the network can
  61. be shared without revealing the existence or amount of communication
  62. between all parties.
  63. <li>Networks partially under known hostile control: to block
  64. communications, the enemy must take down the whole network.
  65. <li>Politically sensitive negotiations.
  66. <li>Road warriors.
  67. <li>Protecting procurement patterns.
  68. <li>Anonymous tips.
  69. </ul>
  70. <p>Law enforcement needs Tor for safety:
  71. <ul>
  72. <li>Allowing anonymous tips or crime reporting
  73. <li>Allowing agents to observe websites without notifying them that
  74. they're being observed (or, more broadly, without having it be an
  75. official visit from law enforcement).
  76. <li>Surveillance and honeypots (sting operations)
  77. </ul>
  78. <p>Does the idea of sharing the Tor network with
  79. all of these groups bother you? It shouldn't -- <a
  80. href="">you need them for
  81. your security</a>.</p>
  82. <a name="client-or-server"></a>
  83. <h2>Should I run a client or a server?</h2>
  84. <p>You can run Tor in either client mode or server mode. By default,
  85. everybody is a <i>client</i>. This means you don't relay traffic for
  86. anybody but yourself.</p>
  87. <p>If your computer doesn't have a routable IP address or you're using
  88. a modem, you should stay a client. Otherwise, please consider being
  89. a server, to help out the network. (Currently each server uses 20-500
  90. gigabytes of traffic per month, depending on its capacity and its rate
  91. limiting configuration.)</p>
  92. <p>Note that you can be a server without allowing users to make
  93. connections from your computer to the outside world. This is called being
  94. a middleman server.</p>
  95. <p> Benefits of running a server include:
  96. <ul>
  97. <li>You may get stronger anonymity, since your destination can't know
  98. whether connections relayed through your computer originated at your
  99. computer or not.
  100. <li>You can also get stronger anonymity by configuring your Tor clients
  101. to use your Tor server for entry or for exit.
  102. <li>You're helping the Tor staff with development and scalability testing.
  103. <li>You're helping your fellow Internet users by providing a larger
  104. network. Also, having servers in many different pieces of the Internet
  105. gives users more robustness against curious telcos and brute force
  106. attacks.
  107. </ul>
  108. <p>Other things to note:</p>
  109. <ul>
  110. <li>Tor has built-in support for rate limiting; see BandwidthRate
  111. and BandwidthBurst config options. Further, if you have
  112. lots of capacity but don't want to spend that many bytes per
  113. month, check out the Accounting and Hibernation features. See <a
  114. href="">the FAQ</a>
  115. for details.</li>
  116. <li>It's fine if the server goes offline sometimes. The directories
  117. notice this quickly and stop advertising the server. Just try to make
  118. sure it's not too often, since connections using the server when it
  119. disconnects will break.</li>
  120. <li>We can handle servers with dynamic IPs just fine, as long as the
  121. server itself knows its IP. Have a look at this
  122. <a href="">
  123. entry in the FAQ</a>.</li>
  124. <li>If your server is behind a NAT and it doesn't
  125. know its public IP (e.g. it has an IP of 192.168.x.y), you need to set
  126. up port forwarding. Forwarding TCP connections is system dependent but
  127. <a href="">
  128. this entry</a> offers some examples on how to do this.</li>
  129. <li>Your server will passively estimate and advertise its recent
  130. bandwidth capacity.
  131. Clients choose paths weighted by this capacity, so high-bandwidth
  132. servers will attract more paths than low-bandwidth ones. That's why
  133. having even low-bandwidth servers is useful too.</li>
  134. </ul>
  135. <p>You can read more about setting up Tor as a
  136. server <a href="#server">below</a>.</p>
  137. <a name="installing"></a>
  138. <h2>Installing Tor</h2>
  139. <p>We have installers for Windows, Mac OS X 10.3, and Red Hat. We
  140. have contributed packages for Debian, Gentoo, and *BSD. See <a href="">the download page</a> for pointers and details.
  141. <p>If you got Tor from a tarball, unpack it: <tt>tar xzf
  142. tor-; cd tor-</tt>. Run <tt>./configure</tt>, then
  143. <tt>make</tt>, and then <tt>make install</tt> (as root if necessary). Then
  144. you can launch tor from the command-line by running <tt>tor</tt>.
  145. Otherwise, if you got it prepackaged, these steps are already done
  146. for you, and you may even already have Tor started in the background
  147. (logging to /var/log/something).</p>
  148. <p>In any case, see the <a href="#client">next section</a> for what to
  149. <i>do</i> with it now that you've got it running.</p>
  150. <a name="client"></a>
  151. <h2>Configuring a client</h2>
  152. <p>Tor comes configured as a client by default. It uses a built-in
  153. default configuration file, and most people won't need to change any of
  154. the settings.</p>
  155. <p>
  156. After installing Tor, you should install <a
  157. href="">privoxy</a>, which is a filtering web
  158. proxy that integrates well with Tor. (If you installed the Win32 or OS
  159. X package, see those instructions instead.)
  160. To configure privoxy to use Tor, add the line <br>
  161. <tt>forward-socks4a / localhost:9050 .</tt><br>
  162. (don't forget the dot) to privoxy's config file (you can just add it to the
  163. top). Then change your browser to http proxy at localhost port 8118.
  164. (In Mozilla, this is in Edit|Preferences|Advanced|Proxies.)
  165. You should also set your SSL proxy to the same
  166. thing, to hide your SSL traffic. Using privoxy is <b>necessary</b> because
  167. <a
  168. href="">most
  169. browsers leak your
  170. DNS requests when they use a SOCKS proxy directly</a>. Privoxy also gives
  171. you good html scrubbing.</p>
  172. <p>To test if it's working, you need to know your normal IP address so you can
  173. verify that the address really changes when running Tor.
  174. If you are using Linux or OS X your local IP address is shown by the <tt>ifconfig</tt>
  175. command. Under Windows go to the Start menu, click Run and enter <tt>cmd</tt>.
  176. At the command prompt, enter <tt>ipconfig</tt>. If you are behind a NAT/Firewall
  177. you can use one of the sites listed below to check which IP you are using.
  178. When that is done, start Tor and Privoxy and visit any of the sites again.
  179. If everything works, your IP address should have changed.
  180. </p>
  181. <p>
  182. <!--<a href="">peertech</a>, -->
  183. <a href=""></a> and
  184. <a href=""></a>
  185. are sites that show your current IP so you can see
  186. what address and country you're coming from.
  187. </p>
  188. <p>
  189. If you have a personal firewall that limits your computer's ability
  190. to connect to itself, be sure to allow connections from your local
  191. applications to
  192. local port 8118 and port 9050. If your firewall blocks outgoing connections,
  193. punch a hole so it can connect to at least TCP ports 80, 443, and 9001-9033.
  194. <!--If you're
  195. using Safari as your browser, keep in mind that OS X before 10.3 claims
  196. to support SOCKS but does not. -->
  197. For more troubleshooting suggestions, see <a
  198. href="">the FAQ</a>.
  199. </p>
  200. <p>To Torify an application that supports http, just point it at Privoxy
  201. (that is, localhost port 8118). To use SOCKS directly (for example, for
  202. instant messaging, Jabber, IRC, etc.), point your application directly at
  203. Tor (localhost port 9050). For applications that support neither SOCKS
  204. nor http, you should look at
  205. using <a href="">tsocks</a>
  206. to dynamically replace the system calls in your program to
  207. route through Tor. If you want to use SOCKS 4A, consider using <a
  208. href="">socat</a> (specific instructions
  209. are on <a href="http://6sxoyfb3h2nvok2d.onion/tor/SocatHelp">this hidden
  210. service url</a>).</p>
  211. <p>(Windows doesn't have tsocks; see the bottom of the
  212. <a href="tor-doc-win32.html">Win32 instructions</a> for alternatives.)
  213. </p>
  214. <a name="server"></a>
  215. <h2>Configuring a server</h2>
  216. <p>We're looking for people with reasonably reliable Internet connections,
  217. that have at least 20 kilobytes/s each way. If you frequently have a
  218. lot of packet loss or really high latency, we can't handle your server
  219. yet. Otherwise, please help out!
  220. </p>
  221. <p>
  222. To read more about whether you should be a server, check out <a
  223. href="#client-or-server">the section above</a>.
  224. </p>
  225. <p>To set up a Tor server, do the following steps after installing Tor.
  226. (These instructions are Unix-centric; but Tor and later is running
  227. as a server on Windows now as well.)
  228. </p>
  229. <ul>
  230. <li>0. Verify that your clock is set correctly. If possible, synchronize
  231. your clock with public time servers.</li>
  232. <li>1. Edit the bottom part of your torrc (if you installed from source,
  233. you will need to copy torrc.sample to torrc first. Look for them in
  234. /usr/local/etc/tor/ on Unix). If you installed a package, you should look
  235. for torrc:
  236. <ul><li>in <tt>/etc/torrc</tt> or <tt>/etc/tor/torrc</tt> on Unix.</li>
  237. <li>in <tt>/Library/Tor/torrc</tt> on Macintosh OS X.</li>
  238. <li>in <tt>\Application Data\tor\torrc</tt> or in
  239. <tt>\Application Data\</tt><i>username</i><tt>\tor\torrc</tt>
  240. on Windows.</li>
  241. </ul>
  242. Make sure to define at least Nickname and ORPort.
  243. Create the DataDirectory if necessary, and make
  244. sure it's owned by the user that will be running tor.
  245. Make sure name resolution works.
  246. <li>2. If you are using a firewall, open a hole in your firewall so
  247. incoming connections can reach the ports you configured (i.e. ORPort,
  248. plus DirPort if you enabled it). Make sure you allow outgoing connections,
  249. to get to other onion routers plus any other addresses or ports your
  250. exit policy allows.
  251. <li>3. Start your server: if you installed from source you can just
  252. run <tt>tor</tt>, whereas packages typically launch Tor from their
  253. initscripts or startup scripts. If it logs any warnings, address them. (By
  254. default Tor logs to stdout, but some packages log to <tt>/var/log/tor/</tt>
  255. instead. You can edit your torrc to configure log locations.)
  256. <li>4. <b>Register your server.</b> Send mail to <a
  257. href=""></a> with the
  258. following information:
  259. <ul>
  260. <li>Your server's nickname.</li>
  261. <li>The fingerprint for your server's key (the contents of the
  262. "fingerprint" file in your DataDirectory -- look in /usr/local/var/lib/tor
  263. or /var/lib/tor on many platforms).</li>
  264. <li>Who you are, so we know whom to contact if a problem arises,
  265. and</li>
  266. <li>What kind of connectivity the new server will have.</li>
  267. </ul>
  268. If possible, sign your mail using PGP.<br />
  269. Registering your server improves the anonymity of the network quite a bit.
  270. If you don't register your server default users will only use you for the
  271. middle hop of their circuits.
  272. If you are running a registered middleman server, clients will be willing to
  273. choose your node as an entry node as well as a middleman.
  274. <li>5. Subscribe to the <a href="">or-announce</a>
  275. mailing list. It is very low volume, and it will keep you informed
  276. of new stable releases. You might also consider subscribing to <a
  277. href="">or-talk</a> (higher volume),
  278. where new development releases are announced.</li>
  279. </ul>
  280. <p>Here's where Tor puts its files on many common platforms:</p>
  281. <table>
  282. <tr><th></th><th>Unix</th><th>Windows</th><th>Mac OS X</th></tr>
  283. <tr><th>Configuration</th>
  284. <td><tt>/etc/torrc</tt> <br />or <tt>/usr/local/etc/torrc</tt></td>
  285. <td><tt>\Application&nbsp;Data\</tt><i>username</i><tt>\tor\torrc</tt> <br />or
  286. <tt>\Application&nbsp;Data\tor\torrc</tt></td>
  287. <td><tt>/Library/Tor/torrc</tt></td></tr>
  288. <tr><th>Fingerprint</th>
  289. <td><tt>/var/lib/tor/fingerprint</tt>
  290. or <tt>/usr/local/var/lib/tor/fingerprint</tt></td>
  291. <td><tt>\Application&nbsp;Data\</tt><i>username</i><tt>\tor\fingerprint</tt>
  292. or <tt>\Application&nbsp;Data\tor\fingerprint</tt></td>
  293. <td><tt>/Library/Tor/var/lib/tor/fingerprint</tt></td></tr>
  294. <tr><th>Logs</th>
  295. <td><tt>/var/log/tor</tt>
  296. or <tt>/usr/local/var/log/tor</tt></td>
  297. <td><tt>\Application&nbsp;Data\</tt><i>username</i><tt>\tor\log</tt>
  298. or <tt>\Application&nbsp;Data\tor\log</tt></td>
  299. <td><tt>/var/log/tor</tt></td></tr>
  300. </table>
  301. <p>
  302. Optionally, we recommend the following steps as well:
  303. </p>
  304. <ul>
  305. <li>6 (Unix only). Make a separate user to run the server. If you
  306. installed the deb or the rpm, this is already done. Otherwise,
  307. you can do it by hand. (The Tor server doesn't need to be run as
  308. root, so it's good practice to not run it as root. Running as a
  309. 'tor' user avoids issues with identd and other services that
  310. detect user name. If you're the paranoid sort, feel free to <a
  311. href="">put Tor
  312. into a chroot jail</a>.)
  313. <li>7. Decide what exit policy you want. By default your server allows
  314. access to many popular services, but we restrict some (such as port 25)
  315. due to abuse potential. You might want an exit policy that is
  316. less restrictive or more restrictive; edit your torrc appropriately.
  317. If you choose a particularly open exit policy, you might want to make
  318. sure your upstream or ISP is ok with that choice.
  319. <li>8. If you installed from source, you may find the initscripts in
  320. contrib/ or contrib/torctl useful if you want to set up Tor to
  321. start at boot.
  322. <li>9. Consider setting your hostname to 'anonymous' or
  323. 'proxy' or 'tor-proxy' if you can, so when other people see the address
  324. in their web logs or whatever, they will more quickly understand what's
  325. going on.
  326. <li>10. If you're not running anything else on port 80 or port 443,
  327. please consider setting up port-forwarding and advertising these
  328. low-numbered ports as your Tor server. This will help allow users behind
  329. particularly restrictive firewalls to access the Tor network. Win32
  330. servers can simply set their ORPort and DirPort directly. Other servers
  331. need to rig some sort of port forwarding; see <a
  332. href="">the
  333. FAQ</a> for details of how to set this up.
  334. </ul>
  335. <p>You can click <a href="">here</a> or <a
  336. href="">here</a> and look at the router-status
  337. line to see if your server is part of the network. It will be listed by
  338. nickname once we have added your server to the list of known servers;
  339. otherwise it is listed only by its fingerprint.</p>
  340. <a name="hidden-service"></a>
  341. <h2>Configuring a hidden service</h2>
  342. <p>Tor allows clients and servers to offer hidden services. That is,
  343. you can offer a web server, SSH server, etc., without revealing your IP to its
  344. users. You can even have your application listen on localhost only, yet
  345. remote Tor connections can access it. This works via Tor's rendezvous
  346. point design: both sides build a Tor circuit out, and they meet in
  347. the middle.</p>
  348. <p>If you're using Tor and <a href="">Privoxy</a>,
  349. you can <a href="http://6sxoyfb3h2nvok2d.onion/">go to the hidden wiki</a>
  350. to see hidden services in action.</p>
  351. <p>To set up a hidden service, copy torrc.sample to torrc (by default it's
  352. in /usr/local/etc/tor/), and edit the middle part. Then run Tor. It will
  353. create each HiddenServiceDir you have configured, and it will create a
  354. 'hostname' file which specifies the url (xyz.onion) for that service. You
  355. can tell people the url, and they can connect to it via their Tor client,
  356. assuming they're using a proxy (such as Privoxy) that speaks SOCKS 4A.</p>
  357. <p>Let's consider an example.
  358. Assume you want to set up a hidden service to allow people to access your
  359. Apache web server through Tor. By doing this, they can access your server
  360. but won't know who they are connecting to. You want clients to use the
  361. standard port 80 when accessing your server. However, if your Apache
  362. server is actually running on port 8080 locally, client connections need
  363. to be redirected.</p>
  364. <p><b>HiddenServiceDir</b> is a directory where Tor will store information
  365. about that hidden service. In particular, Tor will create a file here named
  366. <i>hostname</i> which will tell you the onion URL. You don't need to add any
  367. files to this directory.</p>
  368. <p><b>HiddenServicePort</b> is where you specify a virtual port and where
  369. to redirect connections to this virtual port. For instance, you tell
  370. Tor there's a virtual port 80 and then redirect traffic to your local
  371. webserver at</p>
  372. <p>Example lines from a torrc file</p>
  373. <pre>
  374. HiddenServiceDir /usr/local/etc/tor/hidden_service/
  375. HiddenServicePort 80
  376. </pre>
  377. <p>This tells Tor to store its files in <tt>/usr/local/etc/tor/hidden_service/</tt>
  378. and allow people to connect to your onion address on port 80. It
  379. will then redirect requests to your localhost webserver on port 8080.
  380. </p>
  381. <p>To let people access your hidden service, look at the file
  382. <tt>/usr/local/etc/tor/hidden_service/hostname</tt> which will tell you what the
  383. hostname is (such as xyz.onion). Then, as long as they have Tor and Privoxy
  384. configured, they can access your webserver with a web browser by connecting
  385. to http://xyz.onion/</p>
  386. <p>You can have multiple tor hidden services by repeating Dir and Ports:</p>
  387. <pre>
  388. HiddenServiceDir /usr/local/etc/tor/hidden_service/
  389. HiddenServicePort 80
  390. HiddenServiceDir /usr/local/etc/tor/other_hidden_service/
  391. HiddenServicePort 6667
  392. HiddenServicePort 22
  393. </pre>
  394. <p>The above example will allow people to connect to the hostname in
  395. <tt>/usr/local/etc/tor/hidden_service/hostname</tt> for an HTTP server and
  396. to a different hostname in
  397. <tt>/usr/local/etc/tor/other_hidden_service/hostname</tt> for an IRC and
  398. SSH server. To an end user, this appears to be two separate hosts with
  399. one running an HTTP server and another running an IRC/SSH server.</p>
  400. <a name="own-network"></a>
  401. <h2>Setting up your own network</h2>
  402. <p>
  403. If you want to experiment locally with your own network, or you're cut
  404. off from the Internet and want to be able to mess with Tor still, then
  405. you may want to set up your own separate Tor network.
  406. <p>
  407. To set up your own Tor network, you need to run your own directory
  408. servers, and you need to configure each client and server so it knows
  409. about your directory servers rather than the default ones.
  410. <ul>
  411. <li>1: Grab the latest release. Use at least
  412. <li>2: For each directory server you want,
  413. <ul>
  414. <li>2a: Set it up as a server (see <a href="#server">"setting up a
  415. server"</a> above), with a least ORPort, DirPort, DataDirectory, and Nickname
  416. defined. Set "AuthoritativeDirectory 1".
  417. <li>2b: Set "RecommendedVersions" to a comma-separated list of acceptable
  418. versions of the code for clients and servers to be running.
  419. <li>2c: Run it: <tt>tor --list-fingerprint</tt> if your torrc is in
  420. the default place, or <tt>tor -f torrc --list-fingerprint</tt> to
  421. specify one. This will generate your keys and output a fingerprint
  422. line.
  423. </ul>
  424. <li>3: Now you need to teach clients and servers to use the new
  425. dirservers. For each fingerprint, add a line like<br>
  426. <tt>DirServer 719B E45D E224 B607 C537 07D0 E214 3E2D 423E 74CF</tt><br>
  427. to the torrc of each client and server who will be using your network.
  428. <li>4: Create a file called approved-routers in the DataDirectory
  429. of each directory server. Collect the 'fingerprint' lines from
  430. each server (including directory servers), and include them (one per
  431. line) in each approved-routers file. You can hup the tor process for
  432. each directory server to reload the approved-routers file (so you don't
  433. have to restart the process).
  434. </ul>
  435. <!--<h2>Other doc resources</h2>
  436. <ul>
  437. <li>Design paper
  438. <li>Spec and rend-spec
  439. <li>others
  440. </ul> -->
  441. </body>
  442. </html>