/* * File: dclxvi-20130329/fp2e.h * Author: Ruben Niederhagen, Peter Schwabe * Public Domain */ #ifndef FP2E_H #define FP2E_H #include #include "fpe.h" #include "mydouble.h" // Elements from F_{p^2}= F_p[X] / (x^2 - alpha)F_p[X] are represented as aX + b typedef struct fp2e_struct { // Arrangement in memory: (b0, a0, b1, a1, ... b11,a11) mydouble v[24]; } __attribute__ ((aligned (16))) fp2e_struct_t; typedef fp2e_struct_t fp2e_t[1]; void fp2e_to_2fpe(fpe_t ropa, fpe_t ropb, const fp2e_t op); void _2fpe_to_fp2e(fp2e_t rop, const fpe_t opa, const fpe_t opb); #ifdef QHASM #define fp2e_short_coeffred fp2e_short_coeffred_qhasm #else #define fp2e_short_coeffred fp2e_short_coeffred_c #endif void fp2e_short_coeffred(fp2e_t rop); // Set fp2e_t rop to given value: void fp2e_set(fp2e_t rop, const fp2e_t op); /* Communicate the fact that the fp2e is reduced (and that we don't know anything more about it) */ void fp2e_isreduced(fp2e_t rop); // Set fp2e_t rop to given value contained in the subfield F_p: void fp2e_set_fpe(fp2e_t rop, const fpe_t op); // Set rop to one void fp2e_setone(fp2e_t rop); // Set rop to zero void fp2e_setzero(fp2e_t rop); // Compare for equality: int fp2e_iseq(const fp2e_t op1, const fp2e_t op2); int fp2e_isone(const fp2e_t op); int fp2e_iszero(const fp2e_t op); void fp2e_cmov(fp2e_t rop, const fp2e_t op, int c); #ifdef QHASM #define fp2e_double fp2e_double_qhasm #else #define fp2e_double fp2e_double_c #endif // Double an fp2e: void fp2e_double(fp2e_t rop, const fp2e_t op); // Double an fp2e: #ifdef QHASM #define fp2e_double2 fp2e_double2_qhasm #else #define fp2e_double2 fp2e_double2_c #endif void fp2e_double2(fp2e_t rop); #ifdef QHASM #define fp2e_triple fp2e_triple_qhasm #else #define fp2e_triple fp2e_triple_c #endif // Triple an fp2e: void fp2e_triple(fp2e_t rop, const fp2e_t op); // Triple an fp2e: #ifdef QHASM #define fp2e_triple2 fp2e_triple2_qhasm #else #define fp2e_triple2 fp2e_triple2_c #endif void fp2e_triple2(fp2e_t rop); void fp2e_mul_scalar(fp2e_t rop, const fp2e_t op, const int s); #ifdef QHASM #define fp2e_add fp2e_add_qhasm #else #define fp2e_add fp2e_add_c #endif // Add two fp2e, store result in rop: void fp2e_add(fp2e_t rop, const fp2e_t op1, const fp2e_t op2); // Add rop to up, store result in rop: #ifdef QHASM #define fp2e_add2 fp2e_add2_qhasm #else #define fp2e_add2 fp2e_add2_c #endif void fp2e_add2(fp2e_t rop, const fp2e_t op); // Load from mem void fp2e_load(fp2e_struct_t *rop, const fp2e_t op); //void fp2e_load(fp2e_t rop, const fp2e_t op); // store to mem void fp2e_store(fp2e_struct_t *rop, const fp2e_t op); //void fp2e_store(fp2e_t rop, const fp2e_t op); #ifdef QHASM #define fp2e_sub fp2e_sub_qhasm #else #define fp2e_sub fp2e_sub_c #endif // Subtract op2 from op1, store result in rop: void fp2e_sub(fp2e_t rop, const fp2e_t op1, const fp2e_t op2); #ifdef QHASM #define fp2e_sub2 fp2e_sub2_qhasm #else #define fp2e_sub2 fp2e_sub2_c #endif // Subtract op from rop, store result in rop: void fp2e_sub2(fp2e_t rop, const fp2e_t op); #ifdef QHASM #define fp2e_neg2 fp2e_neg2_qhasm #else #define fp2e_neg2 fp2e_neg2_c #endif void fp2e_neg2(fp2e_t op); #ifdef QHASM #define fp2e_neg fp2e_neg_qhasm #else #define fp2e_neg fp2e_neg_c #endif void fp2e_neg(fp2e_t rop, const fp2e_t op); #ifdef QHASM #define fp2e_conjugate fp2e_conjugate_qhasm #else #define fp2e_conjugate fp2e_conjugate_c #endif // Conjugates: aX+b to -aX+b void fp2e_conjugate(fp2e_t rop, const fp2e_t op); #ifdef QHASM #define fp2e_mul fp2e_mul_qhasm #else #define fp2e_mul fp2e_mul_c #endif // Multiply two fp2e, store result in rop: void fp2e_mul(fp2e_t rop, const fp2e_t op1, const fp2e_t op2); // Square an fp2e, store result in rop: #ifdef QHASM #define fp2e_square fp2e_square_qhasm #else #define fp2e_square fp2e_square_c #endif void fp2e_square(fp2e_t rop, const fp2e_t op); // Multiply by xi which is used to construct F_p^6 #ifdef QHASM #define fp2e_mulxi fp2e_mulxi_qhasm #else #define fp2e_mulxi fp2e_mulxi_c #endif void fp2e_mulxi(fp2e_t rop, const fp2e_t op); // Multiple of an fp2e, store result in rop: #ifdef QHASM #define fp2e_mul_fpe fp2e_mul_fpe_qhasm #else #define fp2e_mul_fpe fp2e_mul_fpe_c #endif void fp2e_mul_fpe(fp2e_t rop, const fp2e_t op1, const fpe_t op2); #ifdef QHASM #define fp2e_parallel_coeffmul fp2e_parallel_coeffmul_qhasm #else #define fp2e_parallel_coeffmul fp2e_parallel_coeffmul_c #endif /* computes (op1->m_a*op2->m_a, op1->m_b*op2->m_b) */ void fp2e_parallel_coeffmul(fp2e_t rop, const fp2e_t op1, const fp2e_t op2); // Inverse multiple of an fp2e, store result in rop: void fp2e_invert(fp2e_t rop, const fp2e_t op1); // Print the element to stdout: void fp2e_print(FILE * outfile, const fp2e_t op); #endif // ifndef FP2E_H