123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180 |
- // g++ -lgmp -lgmpxx -I ../dclxvi-20130329 -I ../update -o ../bin/bilintest ../dclxvi-20130329/bilintest.c ../dclxvi-20130329/fpe.c ../dclxvi-20130329/fp2e.c ../dclxvi-20130329/curvepoint_fp.c ../dclxvi-20130329/twistpoint_fp2.c ../dclxvi-20130329/scalar.c ../dclxvi-20130329/parameters.c ../dclxvi-20130329/mul.c ../dclxvi-20130329/mydouble.c ../update/parameters_512.c ../update/fp2e_512.c ../update/scalar_512.c ../update/complete_addition.c ../update/test_functions.cpp ../dclxvi-20130329/optate.c ../dclxvi-20130329/fp6e.c ../dclxvi-20130329/linefunction.c ../dclxvi-20130329/fp12e.c ../dclxvi-20130329/final_expo.c ../update/final_expo_512.c -DNTESTS=10 && ../bin/bilintest
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include "test_functions.hpp" //ajouté pour la mise à jour vers une clef 512 bits
- #include "mydouble.h"
- extern "C" {
- #include "fpe.h"
- #include "fp2e.h"
- #include "fp6e.h"
- #include "fp12e.h"
- }
- #include "curvepoint_fp.h"
- #include "twistpoint_fp2.h"
- #include "optate.h"
- #include <unistd.h> //fonction sleep
- extern const curvepoint_fp_t bn_curvegen;
- extern const twistpoint_fp2_t bn_twistgen;
- extern const scalar_t bn_n;
- int main(int argc, char* argv[])
- {
- titre(Bilintest);
- //zout(!0,!1,!456465);
- //return 0;
- fp12e_t e1, e2, e3;
- curvepoint_fp_t p1;
- twistpoint_fp2_t p2;
- scalar_t s1, s2;
- int i;
- // Test with neutral element as argument
- scalar_setrandom(s1, bn_n);
- //scalar_print(stdout, s1);
- //exit(0);
- curvepoint_fp_set(p1, bn_curvegen);
- //curvepoint_fp_print(stdout,p1);
- //exit(0);
- twistpoint_fp2_setneutral(p2);
- fpe_isreduced(p1->m_x);
- fpe_isreduced(p1->m_y);
- //abc;
- //curvepoint_fp_print(stdout,p1);
- //scalar_print(stdout,s1);
- //where;
- curvepoint_fp_scalarmult_vartime(p1, p1, s1); //64 additions
- //xyz;
- curvepoint_fp_makeaffine(p1);
- optate(e1, p2, p1);
- if(!fp12e_isone(e1))
- printf("Error in optimal ate: e(infty,P) != 1\n");
- scalar_setrandom(s2, bn_n);
- curvepoint_fp_setneutral(p1);
- twistpoint_fp2_set(p2, bn_twistgen);
- fp2e_isreduced(p2->m_x);
- fp2e_isreduced(p2->m_y);
- twistpoint_fp2_scalarmult_vartime(p2, p2, s2);
- twistpoint_fp2_makeaffine(p2);
- optate(e1, p2, p1);
- if(!fp12e_isone(e1))
- printf("Error in optimal ate: e(Q,infty) != 1\n");
- // Bilinearity test of optimal ate Pairing:
- for(i=0;i<NTESTS;i++)
- {
- #if (NTESTS > 100)
- if(!(i%(NTESTS/100)) && i!=0) printf("Number of tests: %d\n",i);
- #else
- if(i>=0) printf("Number of tests: %d\n",i);
- #endif
- //ecris(bn_n = );
- //scalar_print(stdout,bn_n);
- scalar_setrandom(s1, bn_n);
- scalar_setrandom(s2, bn_n);
- //unsigned long long tab[4]={0x8ae69c5bcb039b07, 0x58549b8019d00d7b, 0x1102df67a4a9ace2, 0xc36d19fe776fac9f};
- //scalar_set_lluarray(s1,tab);
- //unsigned long long tab2[4]={0xad89b6fb63df1643, 0x354658972be46274, 0x4df1d15eaa4d2322, 0x10bf308f77d3d38d};
- //scalar_set_lluarray(s2,tab2);
- //unsigned long long tab[4]={8,0,0,0};
- //unsigned long long tab2[4]={1,0,0,0};
- //scalar_set_lluarray(s1,tab);
- //scalar_set_lluarray(s2,tab2);
- curvepoint_fp_set(p1, bn_curvegen);
- twistpoint_fp2_set(p2, bn_twistgen);
- //twistpoint_fp2_print(stdout,bn_twistgen);
- fpe_isreduced(p1->m_x);
- fpe_isreduced(p1->m_y);
- fp2e_isreduced(p2->m_x);
- fp2e_isreduced(p2->m_y);
- curvepoint_fp_scalarmult_vartime(p1, p1, s1);
- curvepoint_fp_makeaffine(p1);
- twistpoint_fp2_scalarmult_vartime(p2, p2, s2);
- twistpoint_fp2_makeaffine(p2);
- //printf("s1p1 affine: ");
- //curvepoint_fp_print(stdout,p1);
- //printf("\n");
- //printf("s2p2 affine: ");
- //twistpoint_fp2_print(stdout,p2);
- //printf("\n");
- optate(e1, p2, p1);
- curvepoint_fp_set(p1, bn_curvegen);
- twistpoint_fp2_set(p2, bn_twistgen);
- fpe_isreduced(p1->m_x);
- fpe_isreduced(p1->m_y);
- fp2e_isreduced(p2->m_x);
- fp2e_isreduced(p2->m_y);
- curvepoint_fp_scalarmult_vartime(p1, p1, s2);
- curvepoint_fp_makeaffine(p1);
- twistpoint_fp2_scalarmult_vartime(p2, p2, s1);
- twistpoint_fp2_makeaffine(p2);
- //printf("s2p1 affine: ");
- //curvepoint_fp_print(stdout,p1);
- //printf("\n");
- //printf("s1p2 affine: ");
- //twistpoint_fp2_print(stdout,p2);
- //printf("\n");
- optate(e2, p2, p1);
- curvepoint_fp_set(p1, bn_curvegen);
- twistpoint_fp2_set(p2, bn_twistgen);
- optate(e3, p2, p1);
- fp12e_pow_vartime(e3, e3, s1);
- fp12e_pow_vartime(e3, e3, s2);
- if(!fp12e_iseq(e1,e2))
- {
- printf("Error in optimal ate: e1 != e2\n");
- //printf("e1: ");
- //fp12e_print(stdout, e1);
- //printf("\ne2: ");
- //fp12e_print(stdout, e2);
- //printf("\nScalars:\n");
- //printf("s1= ");
- //scalar_print(stdout, s1);
- //printf("\ns2= ");
- //scalar_print(stdout, s2);
- //printf("\n");
- }
- else if(!fp12e_iseq(e2,e3))
- {
- printf("Error in optimal ate: e2 != e3\n");
- printf("e2: ");
- fp12e_print(stdout, e2);
- printf("\ne3: ");
- fp12e_print(stdout, e3);
- printf("\nScalars:\n");
- printf("s1= ");
- scalar_print(stdout, s1);
- printf("\ns2= ");
- scalar_print(stdout, s2);
- printf("\n");
- }
- else if(fp12e_iszero(e2))
- printf("Error: Pairing value is zero\n");
- else if(fp12e_isone(e2))
- printf("Warning: Pairing value is one\n");
- }
- return 0;
- }