scalar1024.hpp 479 B

  1. #ifndef SCALAR1024_H
  2. #define SCALAR1024_H
  3. #include <stdio.h>
  4. #include "mul.h"
  5. extern "C" {
  6. #include "fp12e.h"
  7. }
  8. typedef unsigned long long scalar1024[16] ;
  9. int scalar1024_getbit(const scalar1024 s, unsigned int pos);
  10. // Returns the position of the most significant set bit
  11. int scalar1024_scanb(const scalar1024 s);
  12. void scalar1024_print(FILE *fh, const scalar1024 t);
  13. void fp12e_pow_vartime1024(fp12e_t rop, const fp12e_t op, const scalar1024 exp); //NB rajout
  14. #endif