Bladeren bron

plots are now being generated

Stan Gurtler 3 jaren geleden
5 gewijzigde bestanden met toevoegingen van 385 en 0 verwijderingen
  1. 1 0
  2. 26 0
  3. BIN
  4. BIN
  5. 358 0

+ 1 - 0

@@ -4,3 +4,4 @@

+ 26 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+    {
+        "data": "server",
+        "dataParts": ["", "2", "10", "50"],
+        "lineVariable": "workload",
+        "xVariable": "numClients",
+        "whichGraph": "overall_epoch_wall",
+        "xLabel": "Number of clients",
+        "yLabel": "Wall clock time to calculate an epoch (s)",
+        "title": "Comparing wall clock time for epochs across workloads",
+        "fileNameStr": "workloads-wall-2-50",
+        "legendLoc": "upper left"
+    },
+    {
+        "data": "server",
+        "dataParts": ["", "2", "10", "50"],
+        "lineVariable": "workload",
+        "xVariable": "numClients",
+        "whichGraph": "overall_epoch_cpu",
+        "xLabel": "Number of clients",
+        "yLabel": "CPU time to calculate an epoch (s)",
+        "title": "Comparing CPU time for epochs across workloads",
+        "fileNameStr": "workloads-cpu-2-50",
+        "legendLoc": "upper left"
+    }



+ 358 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,358 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import os
+import sys
+import json
+from math import sqrt
+import numpy as np
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+from contextlib import contextmanager
+Z_STAR = 1.96
+# This functionality allows us to temporarily change our working directory
+# @input newdir - the new directory (relative to our current position) we want to be in
+def cd(newdir, makenew):
+    prevdir = os.getcwd()
+    directory = os.path.expanduser(newdir)
+    if not os.path.exists(directory) and makenew:
+        os.makedirs(directory)
+    os.chdir(directory)
+    try:
+        yield
+    finally:
+        os.chdir(prevdir)
+def readData(dataDirectory):
+    serverData = {}
+    clientData = {}
+    realDirectory = os.path.expanduser(dataDirectory)
+    for test in os.listdir(realDirectory):
+        if not test.startswith('.') and not test.endswith('.tar.gz') and test.find("default") == -1:
+            testParts = test.split("-")
+            if not testParts[0] in serverData:
+                serverData[testParts[0]] = {}
+            if not testParts[0] in clientData:
+                clientData[testParts[0]] = {}
+            if not testParts[1] in serverData[testParts[0]]:
+                serverData[testParts[0]][testParts[1]] = {}
+            if not testParts[1] in clientData[testParts[0]]:
+                clientData[testParts[0]][testParts[1]] = {}
+            if not testParts[2] in serverData[testParts[0]][testParts[1]]:
+                serverData[testParts[0]][testParts[1]][testParts[2]] = {}
+            if not testParts[2] in clientData[testParts[0]][testParts[1]]:
+                clientData[testParts[0]][testParts[1]][testParts[2]] = {}
+            if not testParts[3] in serverData[testParts[0]][testParts[1]][testParts[2]]:
+                serverData[testParts[0]][testParts[1]][testParts[2]][testParts[3]] = {}
+                serverData[testParts[0]][testParts[1]][testParts[2]][testParts[3]]['overall_epoch_wall'] = []
+                serverData[testParts[0]][testParts[1]][testParts[2]][testParts[3]]['overall_epoch_cpu'] = []
+                serverData[testParts[0]][testParts[1]][testParts[2]][testParts[3]]['overall_epoch_recv'] = []
+                serverData[testParts[0]][testParts[1]][testParts[2]][testParts[3]]['overall_epoch_sent'] = []
+                serverData[testParts[0]][testParts[1]][testParts[2]][testParts[3]]['epoch_up_wall'] = []
+                serverData[testParts[0]][testParts[1]][testParts[2]][testParts[3]]['epoch_up_cpu'] = []
+                serverData[testParts[0]][testParts[1]][testParts[2]][testParts[3]]['epoch_up_recv'] = []
+                serverData[testParts[0]][testParts[1]][testParts[2]][testParts[3]]['epoch_up_sent'] = []
+                serverData[testParts[0]][testParts[1]][testParts[2]][testParts[3]]['epoch_down_wall'] = []
+                serverData[testParts[0]][testParts[1]][testParts[2]][testParts[3]]['epoch_down_cpu'] = []
+                serverData[testParts[0]][testParts[1]][testParts[2]][testParts[3]]['epoch_down_recv'] = []
+                serverData[testParts[0]][testParts[1]][testParts[2]][testParts[3]]['epoch_down_sent'] = []
+                serverData[testParts[0]][testParts[1]][testParts[2]][testParts[3]]['vote_update_wall'] = []
+                serverData[testParts[0]][testParts[1]][testParts[2]][testParts[3]]['vote_update_cpu'] = []
+                serverData[testParts[0]][testParts[1]][testParts[2]][testParts[3]]['vote_update_recv'] = []
+                serverData[testParts[0]][testParts[1]][testParts[2]][testParts[3]]['vote_update_sent'] = []
+            if not testParts[3] in clientData[testParts[0]][testParts[1]][testParts[2]]:
+                clientData[testParts[0]][testParts[1]][testParts[2]][testParts[3]] = {}
+                clientData[testParts[0]][testParts[1]][testParts[2]][testParts[3]]['vote_wall'] = []
+                clientData[testParts[0]][testParts[1]][testParts[2]][testParts[3]]['vote_cpu'] = []
+                clientData[testParts[0]][testParts[1]][testParts[2]][testParts[3]]['vote_recv'] = []
+                clientData[testParts[0]][testParts[1]][testParts[2]][testParts[3]]['vote_sent'] = []
+                clientData[testParts[0]][testParts[1]][testParts[2]][testParts[3]]['rep_prove_wall'] = []
+                clientData[testParts[0]][testParts[1]][testParts[2]][testParts[3]]['rep_prove_cpu'] = []
+                clientData[testParts[0]][testParts[1]][testParts[2]][testParts[3]]['rep_prove_recv'] = []
+                clientData[testParts[0]][testParts[1]][testParts[2]][testParts[3]]['rep_prove_sent'] = []
+                clientData[testParts[0]][testParts[1]][testParts[2]][testParts[3]]['rep_verify_wall'] = []
+                clientData[testParts[0]][testParts[1]][testParts[2]][testParts[3]]['rep_verify_cpu'] = []
+                clientData[testParts[0]][testParts[1]][testParts[2]][testParts[3]]['rep_verify_recv'] = []
+                clientData[testParts[0]][testParts[1]][testParts[2]][testParts[3]]['rep_verify_sent'] = []
+    for test in os.listdir(realDirectory):
+        if not test.startswith('.') and not test.endswith('.tar.gz') and test.find("default") == -1:
+            testParts = test.split("-")
+            for whichEntity in os.listdir(os.path.join(realDirectory, test)):
+                if whichEntity.startswith('s') or whichEntity.startswith('d'):
+                    try:
+                        with open(os.path.expanduser(os.path.join(realDirectory, test, whichEntity, 'overallEpoch.out')), 'r') as overallEpochFile:
+                            for line in overallEpochFile:
+                                lineParts = line.rstrip().split(',')
+                                wallTime = float(lineParts[0])
+                                cpuTime = float(lineParts[1])
+                                dataRecv = float(lineParts[2])
+                                dataSent = float(lineParts[3])
+                                serverData[testParts[0]][testParts[1]][testParts[2]][testParts[3]]['overall_epoch_wall'].append(wallTime)
+                                serverData[testParts[0]][testParts[1]][testParts[2]][testParts[3]]['overall_epoch_cpu'].append(cpuTime)
+                                serverData[testParts[0]][testParts[1]][testParts[2]][testParts[3]]['overall_epoch_recv'].append(dataRecv)
+                                serverData[testParts[0]][testParts[1]][testParts[2]][testParts[3]]['overall_epoch_sent'].append(dataSent)
+                    except FileNotFoundError as e:
+                        pass
+                    try:
+                        with open(os.path.expanduser(os.path.join(realDirectory, test, whichEntity, 'epochUp.out')), 'r') as epochUpFile:
+                            for line in epochUpFile:
+                                lineParts = line.rstrip().split(',')
+                                wallTime = float(lineParts[0])
+                                cpuTime = float(lineParts[1])
+                                dataRecv = float(lineParts[2])
+                                dataSent = float(lineParts[3])
+                                serverData[testParts[0]][testParts[1]][testParts[2]][testParts[3]]['epoch_up_wall'].append(wallTime)
+                                serverData[testParts[0]][testParts[1]][testParts[2]][testParts[3]]['epoch_up_cpu'].append(cpuTime)
+                                serverData[testParts[0]][testParts[1]][testParts[2]][testParts[3]]['epoch_up_recv'].append(dataRecv)
+                                serverData[testParts[0]][testParts[1]][testParts[2]][testParts[3]]['epoch_up_sent'].append(dataSent)
+                    except FileNotFoundError as e:
+                        pass
+                    try:
+                        with open(os.path.expanduser(os.path.join(realDirectory, test, whichEntity, 'epochDown.out')), 'r') as epochDownFile:
+                            for line in epochDownFile:
+                                lineParts = line.rstrip().split(',')
+                                wallTime = float(lineParts[0])
+                                cpuTime = float(lineParts[1])
+                                dataRecv = float(lineParts[2])
+                                dataSent = float(lineParts[3])
+                                serverData[testParts[0]][testParts[1]][testParts[2]][testParts[3]]['epoch_down_wall'].append(wallTime)
+                                serverData[testParts[0]][testParts[1]][testParts[2]][testParts[3]]['epoch_down_cpu'].append(cpuTime)
+                                serverData[testParts[0]][testParts[1]][testParts[2]][testParts[3]]['epoch_down_recv'].append(dataRecv)
+                                serverData[testParts[0]][testParts[1]][testParts[2]][testParts[3]]['epoch_down_sent'].append(dataSent)
+                    except FileNotFoundError as e:
+                        pass
+                    try:
+                        with open(os.path.expanduser(os.path.join(realDirectory, test, whichEntity, 'voteUpdate.out')), 'r') as voteUpdateFile:
+                            for line in voteUpdateFile:
+                                lineParts = line.rstrip().split(',')
+                                wallTime = float(lineParts[0])
+                                cpuTime = float(lineParts[1])
+                                dataRecv = float(lineParts[2])
+                                dataSent = float(lineParts[3])
+                                serverData[testParts[0]][testParts[1]][testParts[2]][testParts[3]]['vote_update_wall'].append(wallTime)
+                                serverData[testParts[0]][testParts[1]][testParts[2]][testParts[3]]['vote_update_cpu'].append(cpuTime)
+                                serverData[testParts[0]][testParts[1]][testParts[2]][testParts[3]]['vote_update_recv'].append(dataRecv)
+                                serverData[testParts[0]][testParts[1]][testParts[2]][testParts[3]]['vote_update_sent'].append(dataSent)
+                    except FileNotFoundError as e:
+                        pass
+                elif whichEntity.startswith('c'):
+                    try:
+                        with open(os.path.expanduser(os.path.join(realDirectory, test, whichEntity, 'vote.out')), 'r') as repVerifierFile:
+                            for line in repVerifierFile:
+                                lineParts = line.rstrip().split(',')
+                                wallTime = float(lineParts[0])
+                                cpuTime = float(lineParts[1])
+                                dataRecv = float(lineParts[2])
+                                dataSent = float(lineParts[3])
+                                clientData[testParts[0]][testParts[1]][testParts[2]][testParts[3]]['vote_wall'].append(wallTime)
+                                clientData[testParts[0]][testParts[1]][testParts[2]][testParts[3]]['vote_cpu'].append(cpuTime)
+                                clientData[testParts[0]][testParts[1]][testParts[2]][testParts[3]]['vote_recv'].append(dataRecv)
+                                clientData[testParts[0]][testParts[1]][testParts[2]][testParts[3]]['vote_sent'].append(dataSent)
+                    except FileNotFoundError as e:
+                        pass
+                    try:
+                        with open(os.path.expanduser(os.path.join(realDirectory, test, whichEntity, 'repProver.out')), 'r') as repProverFile:
+                            for line in repProverFile:
+                                lineParts = line.rstrip().split(',')
+                                wallTime = float(lineParts[0])
+                                cpuTime = float(lineParts[1])
+                                dataRecv = float(lineParts[2])
+                                dataSent = float(lineParts[3])
+                                clientData[testParts[0]][testParts[1]][testParts[2]][testParts[3]]['rep_prove_wall'].append(wallTime)
+                                clientData[testParts[0]][testParts[1]][testParts[2]][testParts[3]]['rep_prove_cpu'].append(cpuTime)
+                                clientData[testParts[0]][testParts[1]][testParts[2]][testParts[3]]['rep_prove_recv'].append(dataRecv)
+                                clientData[testParts[0]][testParts[1]][testParts[2]][testParts[3]]['rep_prove_sent'].append(dataSent)
+                    except FileNotFoundError as e:
+                        pass
+                    try:
+                        with open(os.path.expanduser(os.path.join(realDirectory, test, whichEntity, 'repVerifier.out')), 'r') as repVerifierFile:
+                            for line in repVerifierFile:
+                                lineParts = line.rstrip().split(',')
+                                wallTime = float(lineParts[0])
+                                cpuTime = float(lineParts[1])
+                                dataRecv = float(lineParts[2])
+                                dataSent = float(lineParts[3])
+                                clientData[testParts[0]][testParts[1]][testParts[2]][testParts[3]]['rep_verify_wall'].append(wallTime)
+                                clientData[testParts[0]][testParts[1]][testParts[2]][testParts[3]]['rep_verify_cpu'].append(cpuTime)
+                                clientData[testParts[0]][testParts[1]][testParts[2]][testParts[3]]['rep_verify_recv'].append(dataRecv)
+                                clientData[testParts[0]][testParts[1]][testParts[2]][testParts[3]]['rep_verify_sent'].append(dataSent)
+                    except FileNotFoundError as e:
+                        pass
+    return serverData, clientData
+def plotComparison(data, dataParts, xVariable, lineVariable, whichGraph, **kwargs):
+    title = kwargs['title'] if 'title' in kwargs else ''
+    xLabel = kwargs['xLabel'] if 'xLabel' in kwargs else ''
+    yLabel = kwargs['yLabel'] if 'yLabel' in kwargs else ''
+    fileNameStr = kwargs['fileNameStr'] if 'fileNameStr' in kwargs else f"basic-{xVariable}-{lineVariable}-{whichGraph}"
+    legendLoc = kwargs['legendLoc'] if 'legendLoc' in kwargs else "best"
+    legendBBoxAnchor = kwargs['legendBBoxAnchor'] if 'legendBBoxAnchor' in kwargs else (0, 1)
+    loglog = kwargs['loglog'] if 'loglog' in kwargs else True
+    yLim = kwargs['yLim'] if 'yLim' in kwargs else False
+    aspect = kwargs['aspect'] if 'aspect' in kwargs else None
+    fig = plt.figure()
+    ax = fig.gca()
+    whichLines = 0
+    lineSelection = []
+    legendStart = ""
+    legendEnd = ""
+    if lineVariable == 'workload':
+        whichLines = 0
+        lineSelection = data.keys()
+        legendStart = "Workload: "
+    elif lineVariable == 'numServers':
+        whichLines = 1
+        lineSelection = data['all'].keys()
+        legendEnd = " servers"
+    elif lineVariable == 'numClients':
+        whichLines = 2
+        lineSelection = data['all']['2'].keys()
+        legendEnd = " clients"
+    elif lineVariable == 'lambda':
+        whichLines = 3
+        lineSelection = data['all']['2']['5'].keys()
+        legendStart = "Lambda: "
+    whichX = 0
+    xSelection = []
+    if xVariable == 'workload':
+        whichX = 0
+        xSelection = data.keys()
+    elif xVariable == 'numServers':
+        whichX = 1
+        xSelection = [int(x) for x in data['all'].keys()]
+        xSelection.sort()
+    elif xVariable == 'numClients':
+        whichX = 2
+        xSelection = [int(x) for x in data['all']['2'].keys()]
+        xSelection.sort()
+    elif xVariable == 'lambda':
+        whichX = 3
+        xSelection = [int(x) for x in data['all']['2']['5'].keys()]
+        xSelection.sort()
+    for selection in lineSelection:
+        xs = []
+        ys = []
+        yErrs = []
+        legend = legendStart + selection + legendEnd
+        dataParts[whichLines] = selection
+        for x in xSelection:
+            dataParts[whichX] = str(x)
+            curr_data = data[dataParts[0]][dataParts[1]][dataParts[2]][dataParts[3]][whichGraph]
+            mean = np.mean(curr_data)
+            std = np.std(curr_data)
+            sqrt_len = sqrt(len(curr_data))
+            xs.append(x)
+            ys.append(mean)
+            yErrs.append(Z_STAR * std / sqrt_len)
+        line, _, _ = ax.errorbar(xs, ys, yerr=yErrs, capsize=7.0, label=legend)
+    ax.set_title(title, fontsize='x-large')
+    ax.set_xlabel(xLabel, fontsize='large')
+    ax.set_ylabel(yLabel, fontsize='large')
+    bottom, top = ax.get_ylim()
+    bottom = (0 if bottom > 0 else bottom)
+    ax.set_ylim(bottom=bottom)
+    if yLim:
+        ax.set_ylim(bottom=yLim[0], top=yLim[1])
+    if aspect:
+        ax.set_aspect(aspect, adjustable='box')
+    legend = ax.legend(loc=legendLoc, bbox_to_anchor=legendBBoxAnchor, fontsize='large')
+    with cd('../plt/', True):
+        fig.savefig(f"{fileNameStr}.pdf", bbox_inches='tight')
+    plt.close(fig)
+def main(dataDirectory, plotOptionsFile):
+    serverData, clientData = readData(dataDirectory)
+    plotOptions = []
+    with open(plotOptionsFile, 'r') as options:
+        plotOptions = json.load(options)
+    for option in plotOptions:
+        try:
+            data = serverData if (option['data'].lower() == "server" or option['data'].lower() == "s") else clientData
+            dataParts = option['dataParts']
+            xVariable = option['xVariable']
+            lineVariable = option['lineVariable']
+            whichGraph = option['whichGraph']
+        except KeyError as e:
+            continue
+        kwargs = {}
+        if "title" in option:
+            kwargs["title"] = option["title"]
+        if "xLabel" in option:
+            kwargs["xLabel"] = option["xLabel"]
+        if "yLabel" in option:
+            kwargs["yLabel"] = option["yLabel"]
+        if "fileNameStr" in option:
+            kwargs["fileNameStr"] = option["fileNameStr"]
+        if "legendLoc" in option:
+            kwargs["legendLoc"] = option["legendLoc"]
+        if "legendBBoxAnchor" in option:
+            anchor = (option["legendBBoxAnchor"][0], option["legendBBoxAnchor"][1])
+            kwargs["legendBBoxAnchor"] = anchor
+        if "loglog" in option:
+            kwargs["loglog"] = option["loglog"]
+        if "yLim" in option:
+            kwargs["yLim"] = option["yLim"]
+        if "aspect" in option:
+            kwargs["aspect"] = option["aspect"]
+        plotComparison(data, dataParts, xVariable, lineVariable, whichGraph, **kwargs)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    main("../out", "../plt/plots.json")