#include #include #include #include "networkClient.hpp" /******************************************************** ********* ********* ********* client networking public functions ********* ********* ********* ********************************************************/ /* * CREATOR FOR A NEW CLIENT */ PrsonaClient *create_client( std::default_random_engine& rng, const std::vector& serverIPs, const std::vector& serverPorts, size_t numServers) { std::vector bandwidthData(2); // Get the servers' public BGN key BGNPublicKey publicKey = get_bgn_public_key(rng, serverIPs, serverPorts); // Get the H point used in ElGamal operations std::vector generatorProof; Twistpoint blindGenerator = get_generator(rng, serverIPs, serverPorts, false, generatorProof, bandwidthData); // Make the actual client object PrsonaClient *retval = new PrsonaClient(generatorProof, blindGenerator, publicKey, numServers); // Get the current fresh generator generatorProof.clear(); Twistpoint freshGenerator = get_generator(rng, serverIPs, serverPorts, true, generatorProof, bandwidthData); // Load this fresh generator into the client object retval->receive_fresh_generator(generatorProof, freshGenerator); // Make the client's current short term public key Proof proofOfValidSTPK; Twistpoint shortTermPublicKey = retval->get_short_term_public_key(proofOfValidSTPK); // Register this client with the servers register_new_client(rng, retval, serverIPs, serverPorts, proofOfValidSTPK, shortTermPublicKey); return retval; } /* * FUNCTIONS TO PERFORM OPERATIONS FOR EXPERIMENT */ void make_vote( std::default_random_engine& rng, PrsonaClient* prsonaClient, const std::vector& serverIPs, const std::vector& serverPorts, const std::string& target, int targetPort, size_t numClients, const CivetServer& civetServer, std::mutex& outputMtx, const std::string& outputFilename, std::mutex& usageMtx, const std::string& usageFilename) { std::uniform_int_distribution voteDistribution(0, PrsonaBase::get_max_allowed_vote()); std::uniform_int_distribution numVoteDistribution(0, numClients); size_t numVotes = numVoteDistribution(rng); std::vector bandwidthData(2); bandwidthData[0] = 0; bandwidthData[1] = 0; // Make the correct number of new votes, but shuffle where they go std::vector votes; std::vector replaces; for (size_t j = 0; j < numClients; j++) { votes.push_back(Scalar(voteDistribution(rng))); replaces.push_back(j < numVotes); } shuffle(replaces.begin(), replaces.end(), rng); std::vector bandwidthDataBefore = get_server_log_data(civetServer.getContext()); std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::time_point wallTimeBefore = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); clock_t cpuTimeBefore = clock(); // Get current fresh generator (it's not guaranteed we've done this in the current epoch) std::vector generatorProof; Twistpoint freshGenerator = get_generator(rng, serverIPs, serverPorts, true, generatorProof, bandwidthData); // Load fresh generator into client object prsonaClient->receive_fresh_generator(generatorProof, freshGenerator); // Make current short term public key Twistpoint shortTermPublicKey = prsonaClient->get_short_term_public_key(); // Get this client's current encrypted votes std::vector fullProof; std::vector encryptedVotes = get_server_committed_val>(rng, serverIPs, serverPorts, REQUEST_VOTE_ROW_URI, REQUEST_VOTE_ROW_COMMITMENT_URI, fullProof, shortTermPublicKey, bandwidthData); // Use the client's method to make valid new votes (and their proof) std::vector voteProof; encryptedVotes = prsonaClient->make_votes(voteProof, fullProof, encryptedVotes, votes, replaces); // Serialize this data std::string data = make_vote_string(voteProof, encryptedVotes, shortTermPublicKey); // Send the new votes (and their proof) to the chosen server send_item(rng, target, targetPort, SUBMIT_VOTE_URI, data, false, bandwidthData); clock_t cpuTimeAfter = clock(); std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::time_point wallTimeAfter = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); std::vector bandwidthDataAfter = get_server_log_data(civetServer.getContext()); std::vector timingData(2); timingData[0] = std::chrono::duration_cast>(wallTimeAfter - wallTimeBefore).count(); timingData[1] = ((double)(cpuTimeAfter - cpuTimeBefore)) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC; bandwidthData[0] += bandwidthDataAfter[0] - bandwidthDataBefore[0]; bandwidthData[1] += bandwidthDataAfter[1] - bandwidthDataBefore[1]; write_log_data(outputMtx, outputFilename, timingData, bandwidthData); write_usage_data(usageMtx, usageFilename); } bool make_reputation_proof( std::default_random_engine& rng, PrsonaClient* prsonaClient, const std::vector& serverIPs, const std::vector& serverPorts, const std::string& target, int targetPort, size_t numClients, const CivetServer& civetServer, std::mutex& outputMtx, const std::string& outputFilename, std::mutex& usageMtx, const std::string& usageFilename) { std::vector timingData(2); std::vector bandwidthData(2), bandwidthDataMidA(2), bandwidthDataMidB(2); bandwidthData[0] = 0; bandwidthData[1] = 0; std::string extraOutput = outputFilename + ".extra"; std::vector bandwidthDataBefore = get_server_log_data(civetServer.getContext()); std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::time_point wallTimeBefore = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); clock_t cpuTimeBefore = clock(); // Get current fresh generator (it's not guaranteed we've done this in the current epoch) std::vector generatorProof; Twistpoint freshGenerator = get_generator(rng, serverIPs, serverPorts, true, generatorProof, bandwidthData); // EXTRA 1 bandwidthDataMidA = bandwidthData; write_log_data(outputMtx, extraOutput, timingData, bandwidthData); // Load fresh generator into client object prsonaClient->receive_fresh_generator(generatorProof, freshGenerator); // Make current short term public key Twistpoint shortTermPublicKey = prsonaClient->get_short_term_public_key(); // Get this client's current encrypted score std::vector encryptedScoreProof; EGCiphertext encryptedScore = get_server_committed_val(rng, serverIPs, serverPorts, REQUEST_CLIENT_TALLY_URI, REQUEST_CLIENT_TALLY_COMMITMENT_URI, encryptedScoreProof, shortTermPublicKey, bandwidthData); // EXTRA 2 bandwidthDataMidB[0] = bandwidthData[0] - bandwidthDataMidA[0]; bandwidthDataMidB[1] = bandwidthData[1] - bandwidthDataMidA[1]; bandwidthDataMidA = bandwidthData; write_log_data(outputMtx, extraOutput, timingData, bandwidthDataMidB); // Load this current encrypted score into client object prsonaClient->receive_vote_tally(encryptedScoreProof, encryptedScore); // Zero will always be a valid threshold Scalar threshold(0); // Use client object to generate a correct reputation proof with the chosen parameters std::vector repProof = prsonaClient->generate_reputation_proof(threshold, numClients); // Serialize that proof std::string data = make_rep_proof_string(repProof, shortTermPublicKey, threshold); // Send that proof to a chosen client (and set up a file to receive whether or not the client accepted the proof) char *responseFile = send_item(rng, target, targetPort, VERIFY_REPUTATION_PROOF_URI, data, true, bandwidthData); // EXTRA 3 bandwidthDataMidB[0] = bandwidthData[0] - bandwidthDataMidA[0]; bandwidthDataMidB[1] = bandwidthData[1] - bandwidthDataMidA[1]; write_log_data(outputMtx, extraOutput, timingData, bandwidthDataMidB); clock_t cpuTimeAfter = clock(); std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::time_point wallTimeAfter = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); std::vector bandwidthDataAfter = get_server_log_data(civetServer.getContext()); timingData[0] = std::chrono::duration_cast>(wallTimeAfter - wallTimeBefore).count(); timingData[1] = ((double)(cpuTimeAfter - cpuTimeBefore)) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC; bandwidthData[0] += bandwidthDataAfter[0] - bandwidthDataBefore[0]; bandwidthData[1] += bandwidthDataAfter[1] - bandwidthDataBefore[1]; write_log_data(outputMtx, outputFilename, timingData, bandwidthData); write_usage_data(usageMtx, usageFilename); // The other client will give one byte back, containing whether or not it accepted the proof std::ifstream response(responseFile); char passed = response.get(); // Delete the temp file remove(responseFile); delete [] responseFile; return passed == '\x01'; } /********************************************************* ********* ********* ********* client networking private functions ********* ********* ********* *********************************************************/ /* * HELPERS TO ADD THIS CLIENT TO SERVERS */ void register_new_client( std::default_random_engine& rng, PrsonaClient *newUser, const std::vector& serverIPs, const std::vector& serverPorts, const Proof& proofOfValidSTPK, const Twistpoint& shortTermPublicKey) { struct synchronization_tool sync; char *filename = NULL; struct mg_connection *conn = NULL; // Serialize the relevant data that needs to be sent std::stringstream buffer; std::string data; buffer << proofOfValidSTPK; buffer << shortTermPublicKey; data = buffer.str(); // Set up connection to a server std::unique_lock lck(sync.mtx); sync.val = 0; while (!conn) { // Pick a (pseudo-)random server to register this client with std::uniform_int_distribution distribution(0, serverIPs.size() - 1); size_t whichServer = distribution(rng); conn = mg_connect_websocket_client(serverIPs[whichServer].c_str(), serverPorts[whichServer], USE_SSL, NULL, 0, SUBMIT_NEW_CLIENT_URI, "null", file_websocket_data_handler, file_websocket_close_handler, &sync); if (!conn) std::cerr << "Couldn't register new client" << std::endl; } // Establish a file to receive proof of addition to system at filename = set_temp_filename(rng, conn); // Send client data mg_websocket_client_write(conn, MG_WEBSOCKET_OPCODE_BINARY, data.c_str(), data.length()); mg_websocket_client_write(conn, MG_WEBSOCKET_OPCODE_DATACOMPLETE, "", 0); // Wait for response while (!sync.val) sync.cv.wait(lck); // Close connection mg_close_connection(conn); // Un-serialize proof of addition to system std::vector proofOfValidAddition = get_valid_addition_proof_from_file(filename); // Remove temp file used to receive serialized data remove(filename); delete [] filename; // Verify that the client was correctly added to the server verify_valid_addition(rng, newUser, serverIPs, serverPorts, proofOfValidAddition, shortTermPublicKey); } void verify_valid_addition( std::default_random_engine& rng, PrsonaClient *newUser, const std::vector& serverIPs, const std::vector& serverPorts, const std::vector& proofOfValidAddition, const Twistpoint& shortTermPublicKey) { std::vector bandwidthData(2); // Get general information on state of system from servers std::vector serverEncryptedScoreProof; CurveBipoint serverEncryptedScore = get_server_committed_val(rng, serverIPs, serverPorts, REQUEST_SERVER_TALLY_URI, REQUEST_SERVER_TALLY_COMMITMENT_URI, serverEncryptedScoreProof, shortTermPublicKey, bandwidthData); std::vector userEncryptedScoreProof; EGCiphertext userEncryptedScore = get_server_committed_val(rng, serverIPs, serverPorts, REQUEST_CLIENT_TALLY_URI, REQUEST_CLIENT_TALLY_COMMITMENT_URI, userEncryptedScoreProof, shortTermPublicKey, bandwidthData); std::vector voteMatrixProof; std::vector> voteMatrix = get_server_committed_val>>(rng, serverIPs, serverPorts, REQUEST_VOTE_MATRIX_URI, REQUEST_VOTE_MATRIX_COMMITMENT_URI, voteMatrixProof, shortTermPublicKey, bandwidthData); std::vector pseudonymsProof; std::vector currentPseudonyms = get_server_committed_val>(rng, serverIPs, serverPorts, REQUEST_PSEUDONYMS_URI, REQUEST_PSEUDONYMS_COMMITMENT_URI, pseudonymsProof, shortTermPublicKey, bandwidthData); // Use client's normal verification method newUser->receive_new_user_data(proofOfValidAddition, serverEncryptedScoreProof, serverEncryptedScore, userEncryptedScoreProof, userEncryptedScore, voteMatrixProof, voteMatrix, pseudonymsProof, currentPseudonyms); } /* * GETTERS FOR VARIOUS SERVER VALUES */ Twistpoint get_generator( std::default_random_engine& rng, const std::vector& serverIPs, const std::vector& serverPorts, bool fresh, std::vector& pi, std::vector& bandwidthData) { pi.clear(); struct synchronization_tool sync; char *filename = NULL; struct mg_connection *conn = NULL; const char* whichUri = (fresh ? REQUEST_FRESH_GENERATOR_URI : REQUEST_EG_BLIND_GENERATOR_URI); // Set up connection to a server std::unique_lock lck(sync.mtx); sync.val = 0; while (!conn) { // Pick a (pseudo-)random server to get the generator from std::uniform_int_distribution distribution(0, serverIPs.size() - 1); size_t whichServer = distribution(rng); conn = mg_connect_websocket_client(serverIPs[whichServer].c_str(), serverPorts[whichServer], USE_SSL, NULL, 0, whichUri, "null", file_websocket_data_handler, file_websocket_close_handler, &sync); if (!conn) std::cerr << "Couldn't connect to servers to get generator" << std::endl; } std::vector bandwidthDataBefore = get_conn_log_data(mg_get_context(conn), true); // Establish a file to receive generator at filename = set_temp_filename(rng, conn); // Tell server to go ahead with data mg_websocket_client_write(conn, MG_WEBSOCKET_OPCODE_DATACOMPLETE, "", 0); // Wait for data while (!sync.val) sync.cv.wait(lck); std::vector bandwidthDataAfter = get_conn_log_data(mg_get_context(conn), true); bandwidthData[0] += bandwidthDataAfter[0] - bandwidthDataBefore[0]; bandwidthData[1] += bandwidthDataAfter[1] - bandwidthDataBefore[1]; // Close connection mg_close_connection(conn); // Un-serialize generator Twistpoint retval = get_generator_from_file(filename, pi); // Remove temp file used to receive serialized data remove(filename); delete [] filename; return retval; } BGNPublicKey get_bgn_public_key( std::default_random_engine& rng, const std::vector& serverIPs, const std::vector& serverPorts) { struct synchronization_tool sync; char *filename = NULL; struct mg_connection *conn = NULL; // Set up connection to a server std::unique_lock lck(sync.mtx); sync.val = 0; while (!conn) { // Pick a (pseudo-)random server to get bgn data from std::uniform_int_distribution distribution(0, serverIPs.size() - 1); size_t whichServer = distribution(rng); conn = mg_connect_websocket_client(serverIPs[whichServer].c_str(), serverPorts[whichServer], USE_SSL, NULL, 0, REQUEST_BGN_PUBKEY_URI, "null", file_websocket_data_handler, file_websocket_close_handler, &sync); if (!conn) std::cerr << "Couldn't connect to servers to obtain BGN details" << std::endl; } // Establish a file to receive BGN public key at filename = set_temp_filename(rng, conn); // Tell server to go ahead with data mg_websocket_client_write(conn, MG_WEBSOCKET_OPCODE_DATACOMPLETE, "", 0); // Wait for data while (!sync.val) sync.cv.wait(lck); // Close connection mg_close_connection(conn); // Un-serialize BGN public key BGNPublicKey retval = get_bgn_public_key_from_file(filename); // Remove temp file used to receive serialized data remove(filename); delete [] filename; return retval; } template T get_server_committed_val( std::default_random_engine& rng, const std::vector& serverIPs, const std::vector& serverPorts, const char *firstUri, const char *commitUri, std::vector& pi, const Twistpoint& shortTermPublicKey, std::vector& bandwidthData) { pi.clear(); // Pick a (pseudo-)random server to get a committed-to value from std::uniform_int_distribution distribution(0, serverIPs.size() - 1); size_t whichServer = distribution(rng); // Get the value itself Proof firstProof; T retval = get_first_committed_val(rng, serverIPs[whichServer], serverPorts[whichServer], firstUri, firstProof, shortTermPublicKey, bandwidthData); // Get all the other server's hashes of the value (to confirm they all agree on it) pi.push_back(firstProof); get_additional_commitment(rng, serverIPs, serverPorts, serverIPs[whichServer], serverPorts[whichServer], commitUri, pi, shortTermPublicKey, bandwidthData); return retval; } template EGCiphertext get_server_committed_val(std::default_random_engine &, const std::vector &, const std::vector &, const char *, const char *, std::vector &, const Twistpoint &, std::vector&); template CurveBipoint get_server_committed_val(std::default_random_engine &, const std::vector &, const std::vector &, const char *, const char *, std::vector &, const Twistpoint &, std::vector&); template std::vector get_server_committed_val>(std::default_random_engine &, const std::vector &, const std::vector &, const char *, const char *, std::vector &, const Twistpoint &, std::vector&); template std::vector get_server_committed_val>(std::default_random_engine &, const std::vector &, const std::vector &, const char *, const char *, std::vector &, const Twistpoint &, std::vector&); template std::vector> get_server_committed_val>>(std::default_random_engine &, const std::vector &, const std::vector &, const char *, const char *, std::vector &, const Twistpoint &, std::vector&); /* * HELPERS FOR GENERALIZED GETTER FUNCTION */ template T get_first_committed_val( std::default_random_engine& rng, const std::string& serverIP, int serverPort, const char *firstUri, Proof& pi, const Twistpoint& shortTermPublicKey, std::vector& bandwidthData) { struct synchronization_tool sync; char *filename = NULL; struct mg_connection *conn = NULL; // Serialize the relevant data that needs to be sent std::stringstream buffer; std::string data; buffer << shortTermPublicKey; data = buffer.str(); // Set up connection to a server std::unique_lock lck(sync.mtx); sync.val = 0; while (!conn) { conn = mg_connect_websocket_client(serverIP.c_str(), serverPort, USE_SSL, NULL, 0, firstUri, "null", file_websocket_data_handler, file_websocket_close_handler, &sync); if (!conn) std::cerr << "Trouble getting encrypted score from server at " << serverIP << ":" << serverPort << std::endl; } std::vector bandwidthDataBefore = get_conn_log_data(mg_get_context(conn), true); // Establish a file to receive committed-to value at filename = set_temp_filename(rng, conn); // Send request data mg_websocket_client_write(conn, MG_WEBSOCKET_OPCODE_BINARY, data.c_str(), data.length()); mg_websocket_client_write(conn, MG_WEBSOCKET_OPCODE_DATACOMPLETE, "", 0); // Wait for response while (!sync.val) sync.cv.wait(lck); std::vector bandwidthDataAfter = get_conn_log_data(mg_get_context(conn), true); bandwidthData[0] += bandwidthDataAfter[0] - bandwidthDataBefore[0]; bandwidthData[1] += bandwidthDataAfter[1] - bandwidthDataBefore[1]; // Close connection mg_close_connection(conn); // Un-serialize committed-to value T retval = get_committed_val_from_file(filename, pi); // Remove temp file used to receive serialized data remove(filename); delete [] filename; return retval; } void get_additional_commitment( std::default_random_engine& rng, const std::vector& serverIPs, const std::vector& serverPorts, const std::string& skipIP, int skipPort, const char *commitUri, std::vector& pi, const Twistpoint& shortTermPublicKey, std::vector& bandwidthData) { std::vector commitmentFilenames; std::vector commitmentSyncs; // Serialize the relevant data that needs to be sent std::stringstream buffer; std::string data; buffer << shortTermPublicKey; data = buffer.str(); // Ask each server (besides the one we got the value from) what the hash of it is for (size_t i = 0; i < serverIPs.size(); i++) { if (serverIPs[i] == skipIP && serverPorts[i] == skipPort) continue; struct synchronization_tool *currSync = new struct synchronization_tool; commitmentSyncs.push_back(currSync); struct mg_connection *conn = NULL; // Set up connection to a server std::unique_lock lck(currSync->mtx); currSync->val = 0; while (!conn) { conn = mg_connect_websocket_client(serverIPs[i].c_str(), serverPorts[i], USE_SSL, NULL, 0, commitUri, "null", file_websocket_data_handler, file_websocket_close_handler, currSync); if (!conn) std::cerr << "Trouble getting commitment from server at " << serverIPs[i] << ":" << serverPorts[i] << std::endl; } std::vector bandwidthDataBefore = get_conn_log_data(mg_get_context(conn), true); // Establish a file to receive hash at commitmentFilenames.push_back(set_temp_filename(rng, conn)); // Send request data mg_websocket_client_write(conn, MG_WEBSOCKET_OPCODE_BINARY, data.c_str(), data.length()); mg_websocket_client_write(conn, MG_WEBSOCKET_OPCODE_DATACOMPLETE, "", 0); // Wait for response while (!currSync->val) currSync->cv.wait(lck); std::vector bandwidthDataAfter = get_conn_log_data(mg_get_context(conn), true); bandwidthData[0] += bandwidthDataAfter[0] - bandwidthDataBefore[0]; bandwidthData[1] += bandwidthDataAfter[1] - bandwidthDataBefore[1]; // Close connection mg_close_connection(conn); } for (size_t i = 0; i < commitmentFilenames.size(); i++) { // Un-serialize hash pi.push_back(get_commitment_from_file(commitmentSyncs[i], commitmentFilenames[i])); // Clean up the std::mutex used for this hash delete commitmentSyncs[i]; // Delete temp file used to receive serialized data remove(commitmentFilenames[i]); delete [] commitmentFilenames[i]; } } /* * FILE I/O HELPERS FOR ALL GETTERS */ std::vector get_valid_addition_proof_from_file( const char *filename) { std::ifstream additionFile(filename); std::vector retval; BinarySizeT sizeOfVector; additionFile >> sizeOfVector; for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeOfVector.val(); i++) { Proof currProof; additionFile >> currProof; retval.push_back(currProof); } return retval; } Twistpoint get_generator_from_file( const char *filename, std::vector& pi) { std::ifstream genFile(filename); BinarySizeT sizeOfVector; genFile >> sizeOfVector; for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeOfVector.val(); i++) { Proof currProof; genFile >> currProof; pi.push_back(currProof); } Twistpoint retval; genFile >> retval; return retval; } BGNPublicKey get_bgn_public_key_from_file( const char *filename) { std::ifstream bgnFile(filename); BGNPublicKey publicKey; bgnFile >> publicKey; return publicKey; } // User-encrytped score template <> EGCiphertext get_committed_val_from_file( const char *filename, Proof& pi) { std::ifstream valFile(filename); EGCiphertext retval; valFile >> pi; valFile >> retval; return retval; } // Server-encrytped score template <> CurveBipoint get_committed_val_from_file( const char *filename, Proof& pi) { std::ifstream valFile(filename); CurveBipoint retval; valFile >> pi; valFile >> retval; return retval; } // Current pseudonyms template <> std::vector get_committed_val_from_file>( const char *filename, Proof& pi) { std::ifstream valFile(filename); valFile >> pi; std::vector retval; BinarySizeT sizeOfVector; valFile >> sizeOfVector; for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeOfVector.val(); i++) { Twistpoint currVote; valFile >> currVote; retval.push_back(currVote); } return retval; } // Vote row template <> std::vector get_committed_val_from_file>( const char *filename, Proof& pi) { std::ifstream valFile(filename); valFile >> pi; std::vector retval; BinarySizeT sizeOfVector; valFile >> sizeOfVector; for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeOfVector.val(); i++) { TwistBipoint currVote; valFile >> currVote; retval.push_back(currVote); } return retval; } // Full vote matrix template <> std::vector> get_committed_val_from_file>>( const char *filename, Proof& pi) { std::ifstream valFile(filename); valFile >> pi; std::vector> retval; BinarySizeT sizeOfVector; valFile >> sizeOfVector; for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeOfVector.val(); i++) { std::vector currRow; for (size_t j = 0; j < sizeOfVector.val(); j++) { TwistBipoint currVote; valFile >> currVote; currRow.push_back(currVote); } retval.push_back(currRow); } return retval; } // NOTE: this function is the weird only case in which its usage will not assume you already have possession of the file lock to read from Proof get_commitment_from_file( struct synchronization_tool *sync, const char *filename) { std::unique_lock lck(sync->mtx); std::ifstream scoreFile(filename); Proof retval; scoreFile >> retval; return retval; } /* * GENERALIZED SENDER FOR ORCHESTRATOR-SIGNALED OPERATIONS */ char *send_item( std::default_random_engine& rng, const std::string& target, int targetPort, const char* whichUri, const std::string& data, bool responseExpected, std::vector& bandwidthData) { struct synchronization_tool sync; char *retval = NULL; struct mg_connection *conn = NULL; // Keep looping until item has been correctly received std::unique_lock lck(sync.mtx); sync.val = 0; sync.val2 = 0; while (!sync.val) { // Set up connection to a server while (!conn) { if (responseExpected) conn = mg_connect_websocket_client(target.c_str(), targetPort, USE_SSL, NULL, 0, whichUri, "null", file_websocket_data_handler, file_websocket_close_handler, &sync); else conn = mg_connect_websocket_client(target.c_str(), targetPort, USE_SSL, NULL, 0, whichUri, "null", synchro_websocket_data_handler, synchro_websocket_close_handler, &sync); if (!conn) std::cerr << "Couldn't connect to server for purposes of sending item." << std::endl; } std::vector bandwidthDataBefore = get_conn_log_data(mg_get_context(conn), false); // Set up a file to receive a response at (if it's expected) if (responseExpected) retval = set_temp_filename(rng, conn); // Send request data mg_websocket_client_write(conn, MG_WEBSOCKET_OPCODE_BINARY, data.c_str(), data.length()); mg_websocket_client_write(conn, MG_WEBSOCKET_OPCODE_DATACOMPLETE, "", 0); // Wait until the server has closed the connection while (!sync.val2) sync.cv.wait(lck); std::vector bandwidthDataAfter = get_conn_log_data(mg_get_context(conn), false); bandwidthData[0] += bandwidthDataAfter[0] - bandwidthDataBefore[0]; bandwidthData[1] += bandwidthDataAfter[1] - bandwidthDataBefore[1]; // Close connection mg_close_connection(conn); conn = NULL; } return retval; } /* * DATA SERIALIZERS */ std::string make_vote_string( const std::vector& pi, const std::vector& newVotes, const Twistpoint& shortTermPublicKey) { std::stringstream buffer; BinarySizeT sizeOfVector; sizeOfVector.set(pi.size()); buffer << sizeOfVector; for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeOfVector.val(); i++) buffer << pi[i]; sizeOfVector.set(newVotes.size()); buffer << sizeOfVector; for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeOfVector.val(); i++) buffer << newVotes[i]; buffer << shortTermPublicKey; // Clients always tell the server they should share the vote row with other servers; servers never tell other servers to do this BinaryBool shouldDeal(true); buffer << shouldDeal; return buffer.str(); } std::string make_rep_proof_string( const std::vector& pi, const Twistpoint& shortTermPublicKey, const Scalar& threshold) { std::stringstream buffer; BinarySizeT sizeOfVector; sizeOfVector.set(pi.size()); buffer << sizeOfVector; for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeOfVector.val(); i++) buffer << pi[i]; buffer << shortTermPublicKey; buffer << threshold; return buffer.str(); } /********************************************************** **** **** **** other client-relevant handler member functions **** **** **** **********************************************************/ /* * CLIENT READY HANDLER */ ClientReadyHandler::ClientReadyHandler( struct synchronization_tool *exitSync) : exitSync(exitSync) { /* */ } bool ClientReadyHandler::handleGet( CivetServer *server, struct mg_connection *conn) { std::unique_lock exitLock(exitSync->mtx, std::defer_lock); if (!exitLock.try_lock()) { mg_printf(conn, "HTTP/1.1 503 Service Unavailable\r\n" "Content-Type: text/plain\r\n" "Connection: close\r\n\r\n"); mg_printf(conn, "Client is still making previous votes or a reputation proof.\n"); } else { mg_printf(conn, "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n" "Content-Type: text/plain\r\n" "Connection: close\r\n\r\n"); mg_printf(conn, "Client is ready to move forward.\n"); } return true; } /********************************************************* **** **** **** PrsonaClientWebSocketHandler member functions **** **** **** *********************************************************/ /* * CONSTRUCTOR */ PrsonaClientWebSocketHandler::PrsonaClientWebSocketHandler( std::default_random_engine& rng, PrsonaClient *prsonaClient, const std::vector& serverIPs, const std::vector& serverPorts, std::mutex& outputMtx, const std::string& outputFilename, std::mutex& usageMtx, const std::string& usageFilename) : rng(rng), prsonaClient(prsonaClient), serverIPs(serverIPs), serverPorts(serverPorts), outputMtx(outputMtx), outputFilename(outputFilename), usageMtx(usageMtx), usageFilename(usageFilename) { /* */ } /* * REQUIRED BY INHERITED CLASS */ bool PrsonaClientWebSocketHandler::handleConnection( CivetServer *server, const struct mg_connection *conn) { const struct mg_request_info *info = mg_get_request_info(conn); // Check if the request being made is something this client can respond to bool flag = (info->query_string && info->query_string[0] == PRSONA_VERIFY_REPUTATION_PROOF); return flag; } void PrsonaClientWebSocketHandler::handleReadyState( CivetServer *server, struct mg_connection *conn) { const struct mg_request_info *info = mg_get_request_info(conn); // Set filenames for query types that will need to un-serialize data to respond correctly switch (info->query_string[0]) { case PRSONA_VERIFY_REPUTATION_PROOF: set_temp_filename(rng, conn); break; default: mg_set_user_connection_data(conn, NULL); break; } } bool PrsonaClientWebSocketHandler::handleData( CivetServer *server, struct mg_connection *conn, int bits, char *data, size_t data_len) { char *filename = (char *) mg_get_user_connection_data(conn); FILE *currFile = NULL; switch (bits & 0xf) { // Requester has indicated they have sent all relevant data case MG_WEBSOCKET_OPCODE_CONNECTION_CLOSE: case MG_WEBSOCKET_OPCODE_DATACOMPLETE: generate_response(server, conn, filename); break; // Requester has sent more data (which may theoretically be broken up into multiple packets) case MG_WEBSOCKET_OPCODE_BINARY: case MG_WEBSOCKET_OPCODE_CONTINUATION: currFile = fopen(filename, "ab"); fwrite(data, sizeof(char), data_len, currFile); fclose(currFile); return true; // Something strange has happened default: std::cerr << "Unknown packet type received. Failing." << std::endl; break; } return false; } void PrsonaClientWebSocketHandler::handleClose( CivetServer *server, const struct mg_connection *conn) { char *filename = (char *) mg_get_user_connection_data(conn); // If we didn't have a temp file for this request, don't do anything if (!filename) return; // If we did, delete it remove(filename); delete [] filename; } /* * RESPONSE ROUTER FUNCTION */ void PrsonaClientWebSocketHandler::generate_response( CivetServer *server, struct mg_connection *conn, const char *filename) { const struct mg_request_info *info = mg_get_request_info(conn); // Select the correct response for this type of request switch (info->query_string[0]) { case PRSONA_VERIFY_REPUTATION_PROOF: verify_reputation_proof(server, conn, filename); break; default: break; } } /* * REPUTATION PROOF RESPONSE */ void PrsonaClientWebSocketHandler::verify_reputation_proof( CivetServer *civetServer, struct mg_connection *conn, const char *filename) { std::vector pi; Twistpoint shortTermPublicKey; Scalar threshold; std::vector bandwidthData(2); bandwidthData[0] = 0; bandwidthData[1] = 0; // Un-serialize the reputation proof std::ifstream file(filename); file.ignore(std::numeric_limits::max()); std::streamsize bandwidthRcv = file.gcount(); file.clear(); file.seekg(0, std::ios_base::beg); BinarySizeT sizeOfVector; file >> sizeOfVector; for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeOfVector.val(); i++) { Proof currProof; file >> currProof; pi.push_back(currProof); } file >> shortTermPublicKey; file >> threshold; std::vector bandwidthDataBefore = get_server_log_data(civetServer->getContext()); std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::time_point wallTimeBefore = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); clock_t cpuTimeBefore = clock(); // Get current fresh generator (it's not guaranteed we've done this in the current epoch) std::vector generatorProof; Twistpoint freshGenerator = get_generator(rng, serverIPs, serverPorts, true, generatorProof, bandwidthData); // Load fresh generator into client object prsonaClient->receive_fresh_generator(generatorProof, freshGenerator); // Get what the servers say is this user's encrypted score std::vector encryptedScoreProof; EGCiphertext encryptedScore = get_server_committed_val(rng, serverIPs, serverPorts, REQUEST_CLIENT_TALLY_URI, REQUEST_CLIENT_TALLY_COMMITMENT_URI, encryptedScoreProof, shortTermPublicKey, bandwidthData); // Check if the proof verifies correctly bool flag = prsonaClient->verify_reputation_proof(pi, shortTermPublicKey, threshold, encryptedScoreProof, encryptedScore); clock_t cpuTimeAfter = clock(); std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::time_point wallTimeAfter = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); std::vector bandwidthDataAfter = get_server_log_data(civetServer->getContext()); std::vector timingData(2); timingData[0] = std::chrono::duration_cast>(wallTimeAfter - wallTimeBefore).count(); timingData[1] = ((double)(cpuTimeAfter - cpuTimeBefore)) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC; bandwidthData[0] += bandwidthDataAfter[0] - bandwidthDataBefore[0] + bandwidthRcv; bandwidthData[1] += bandwidthDataAfter[1] - bandwidthDataBefore[1] + 1; write_log_data(outputMtx, outputFilename, timingData, bandwidthData); write_usage_data(usageMtx, usageFilename); // Tell the prover whether or not we accept the proof std::string data = flag ? "\x01" : "\x00"; mg_websocket_write(conn, MG_WEBSOCKET_OPCODE_BINARY, data.c_str(), 1); mg_websocket_write(conn, MG_WEBSOCKET_OPCODE_DATACOMPLETE, "", 0); }