#include #include #include #include #include #include "networkServer.hpp" /******************************************************** ********* ********* ********* server networking public functions ********* ********* ********* ********************************************************/ /* * CREATOR FOR A NEW SERVER */ PrsonaServer *create_server( std::default_random_engine& rng, std::string dealerIP, int dealerPort, bool bgnDealer, size_t numServers) { // We simulate the distributed BGN key generation; in our case, the dealer makes the BGN individually and shares it with other servers if (bgnDealer) return new PrsonaServer(numServers); // If we're not the dealer, get the BGN private key from the dealer BGN privateKey = get_bgn_private_key(rng, dealerIP, dealerPort); // And make a server object accounting for that return new PrsonaServer(numServers, privateKey); } /* * CHECK IN FUNCTION USED FOR SYNCHRONIZATION IN SETUP */ void check_in_with_dealer( std::string dealerIP, int dealerPort) { std::stringstream buffer; std::string data; // The actual check in process is very simple; just make the correct GET request buffer << "GET " << SERVER_CHECK_IN_URI << " HTTP/1.1\r\n"; buffer << "Host: " << dealerIP << ":" << dealerPort << "\r\n\r\n"; data = buffer.str(); // This also means things are slightly less cumbersome than making a websocket connection would be struct mg_connection *conn = mg_connect_client(dealerIP.c_str(), dealerPort, USE_SSL, NULL, 0); // Make the actual GET request mg_write(conn, data.c_str(), data.length()); // We don't really care about the response, so we can just ignore it mg_close_connection(conn); } /* * INITIATER FOR SHARED GLOBAL VALUES */ void initiate_generators( std::default_random_engine& rng, PrsonaServer* prsonaServer, const std::vector& serverIPs, const std::vector& serverPorts, const std::string& selfIP, int selfPort) { // Form and distribute the first fresh generator std::vector pi; Twistpoint freshGenerator = make_generator(rng, prsonaServer, serverIPs, serverPorts, selfIP, selfPort, true, pi); distribute_generator(prsonaServer, serverIPs, serverPorts, selfIP, selfPort, true, pi, freshGenerator); // Form and distribute the H used in ElGamal operations Twistpoint blindGenerator = make_generator(rng, prsonaServer, serverIPs, serverPorts, selfIP, selfPort, false, pi); distribute_generator(prsonaServer, serverIPs, serverPorts, selfIP, selfPort, false, pi, blindGenerator); } /* * FUNCTION TO PERFORM OPERATIONS FOR EXPERIMENT */ void make_epoch( std::default_random_engine& rng, PrsonaServer *prsonaServer, const std::vector& serverIPs, const std::vector& serverPorts, const std::string& selfIP, int selfPort, std::mutex& updateMtx, std::atomic& epochNum, const CivetServer& civetServer, std::mutex& buildUpOutputMtx, const std::string& buildUpOutputFilename, std::mutex& breakDownOutputMtx, const std::string& breakDownOutputFilename, std::mutex& fullOutputMtx, const std::string& fullOutputFilename, std::mutex& usageMtx, const std::string& usageFilename) { // As before, the fresh generator always starts from the same G Twistpoint nextGenerator = PrsonaServer::EL_GAMAL_GENERATOR; std::vector bandwidthData(2); std::unique_lock updateLock(updateMtx, std::defer_lock); std::vector bandwidthDataBefore = get_server_log_data(civetServer.getContext()); std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::time_point wallTimeBefore = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); clock_t cpuTimeBefore = clock(); // Take update locks on every machine obtain_update_locks(updateLock, serverIPs, serverPorts, selfIP, selfPort, bandwidthData); // Do the first half of the epoch calculations (building up the intermediary values) std::vector generatorProof = epoch_build_up(rng, prsonaServer, serverIPs, serverPorts, selfIP, selfPort, nextGenerator, civetServer, buildUpOutputMtx, buildUpOutputFilename, usageMtx, usageFilename, bandwidthData); // Tally up the current scores at the end of the epoch for the users std::vector currentUserEncryptedTallies; std::vector currentServerEncryptedTallies; tally_scores(prsonaServer, serverIPs, serverPorts, selfIP, selfPort, nextGenerator, currentUserEncryptedTallies, currentServerEncryptedTallies, bandwidthData); // And distribute these to each server distribute_tallied_scores(prsonaServer, serverIPs, serverPorts, selfIP, selfPort, nextGenerator, currentUserEncryptedTallies, currentServerEncryptedTallies, bandwidthData); // Do the second half of the epoch calculations (breaking down values to their final values, to be given to users) epoch_break_down(rng, prsonaServer, serverIPs, serverPorts, selfIP, selfPort, generatorProof, nextGenerator, civetServer, breakDownOutputMtx, breakDownOutputFilename, usageMtx, usageFilename, bandwidthData); // Indicate we are in a new epoch epochNum.fetch_add(1); // Release the update locks from every machine release_update_locks(updateLock, serverIPs, serverPorts, selfIP, selfPort, bandwidthData); clock_t cpuTimeAfter = clock(); std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::time_point wallTimeAfter = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); std::vector bandwidthDataAfter = get_server_log_data(civetServer.getContext()); std::vector timingData(2); timingData[0] = std::chrono::duration_cast>(wallTimeAfter - wallTimeBefore).count(); timingData[1] = ((double)(cpuTimeAfter - cpuTimeBefore)) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC; bandwidthData[0] += bandwidthDataAfter[0] - bandwidthDataBefore[0]; bandwidthData[1] += bandwidthDataAfter[1] - bandwidthDataBefore[1]; write_log_data(fullOutputMtx, fullOutputFilename, timingData, bandwidthData); write_usage_data(usageMtx, usageFilename); } /********************************************************* ********* ********* ********* server networking private functions ********* ********* ********* *********************************************************/ /* * SHARED GLOBAL UPDATE LOCK GETTERS AND RELEASERS */ void obtain_update_locks( std::unique_lock &updateLock, const std::vector& serverIPs, const std::vector& serverPorts, const std::string& selfIP, int selfPort, std::vector& bandwidthData) { // Get locks on each machine (in a predetermined order, defined universally for all servers) size_t i = 0; while (i < serverIPs.size()) { // When it's our turn, it's easy to take the lock if (serverIPs[i] == selfIP && serverPorts[i] == selfPort) { updateLock.lock(); i++; continue; } struct synchronization_tool sync; struct mg_connection *conn = NULL; // Connect to the server std::unique_lock lck(sync.mtx); sync.val = 0; sync.val2 = 0; while (!conn) { conn = mg_connect_websocket_client(serverIPs[i].c_str(), serverPorts[i], USE_SSL, NULL, 0, UPDATE_LOCK_URI, "null", synchro_websocket_data_handler, synchro_websocket_close_handler, &sync); if (!conn) std::cerr << "Couldn't connect to server " << i << " to obtain its lock" << std::endl; } std::vector bandwidthDataBefore = get_conn_log_data(mg_get_context(conn), true); // Ask for its lock mg_websocket_client_write(conn, MG_WEBSOCKET_OPCODE_DATACOMPLETE, "", 0); // Wait for its response (or the connection to die) while (!sync.val2) sync.cv.wait(lck); std::vector bandwidthDataAfter = get_conn_log_data(mg_get_context(conn), true); bandwidthData[0] += bandwidthDataAfter[0] - bandwidthDataBefore[0]; bandwidthData[1] += bandwidthDataAfter[1] - bandwidthDataBefore[1]; // Close connection mg_close_connection(conn); // Only move forward once we've confirmed we have the lock (or else we risk deadlock!) if (sync.val) i++; } } void release_update_locks( std::unique_lock &updateLock, const std::vector& serverIPs, const std::vector& serverPorts, const std::string& selfIP, int selfPort, std::vector& bandwidthData) { // Release locks on each machine (in the opposite of the predetermined order we used to take them) ssize_t i = serverIPs.size() - 1; while (i >= 0) { // When it's our turn, it's easy to release the lock if (serverIPs[i] == selfIP && serverPorts[i] == selfPort) { updateLock.unlock(); i--; continue; } struct synchronization_tool sync; struct mg_connection *conn = NULL; // Connect to the server std::unique_lock lck(sync.mtx); sync.val = 0; sync.val2 = 0; while (!conn) { conn = mg_connect_websocket_client(serverIPs[i].c_str(), serverPorts[i], USE_SSL, NULL, 0, UPDATE_UNLOCK_URI, "null", synchro_websocket_data_handler, synchro_websocket_close_handler, &sync); if (!conn) std::cerr << "Couldn't connect to server " << i << " to release its lock" << std::endl; } std::vector bandwidthDataBefore = get_conn_log_data(mg_get_context(conn), true); // Return its lock mg_websocket_client_write(conn, MG_WEBSOCKET_OPCODE_DATACOMPLETE, "", 0); // Wait for its response (or the connection to die) while (!sync.val2) sync.cv.wait(lck); std::vector bandwidthDataAfter = get_conn_log_data(mg_get_context(conn), true); bandwidthData[0] += bandwidthDataAfter[0] - bandwidthDataBefore[0]; bandwidthData[1] += bandwidthDataAfter[1] - bandwidthDataBefore[1]; // Close connection mg_close_connection(conn); // Only move forward once we've confirmed we released the lock (or else we risk deadlock!) if (sync.val) i--; } } /* * GETTER FOR DEALER VALUE */ BGN get_bgn_private_key( std::default_random_engine& rng, std::string dealerIP, int dealerPort) { struct synchronization_tool sync; char *filename; struct mg_connection *conn = NULL; // Set up connection to the dealer std::unique_lock lck(sync.mtx); sync.val = 0; while (!conn) { conn = mg_connect_websocket_client(dealerIP.c_str(), dealerPort, USE_SSL, NULL, 0, REQUEST_BGN_PRIVKEY_URI, "null", file_websocket_data_handler, file_websocket_close_handler, &sync); if (!conn) std::cerr << "Couldn't connect to dealer to obtain BGN details." << std::endl; } // Establish a file to receive BGN data at filename = set_temp_filename(rng, conn); // Tell dealer to go ahead with data mg_websocket_client_write(conn, MG_WEBSOCKET_OPCODE_DATACOMPLETE, "", 0); // Wait for data while (!sync.val) sync.cv.wait(lck); // Close connection mg_close_connection(conn); // Un-serialize BGN private key BGN retval = get_bgn_private_key_from_file(filename); remove(filename); delete [] filename; return retval; } /* * HELPERS TO INITIATE SHARED GLOBAL VALUES */ Twistpoint make_generator( std::default_random_engine& rng, PrsonaServer *prsonaServer, const std::vector& serverIPs, const std::vector& serverPorts, const std::string& selfIP, int selfPort, bool fresh, std::vector& pi) { // Either way, we always start from the same, default G Twistpoint retval = PrsonaServer::EL_GAMAL_GENERATOR; pi.clear(); // Make sure we instruct the servers to contribute correctly (in practice, there is basically no difference between these) const char* which = (fresh ? REQUEST_ADD_CURR_SEED_FOR_FRESH_GENERATOR_URI : REQUEST_ADD_RAND_SEED_FOR_EG_BLIND_GENERATOR_URI); // Ask each server for its contribution for (size_t i = 0; i < serverIPs.size(); i++) { // Add our own contribution if (serverIPs[i] == selfIP && serverPorts[i] == selfPort) { if (fresh) retval = prsonaServer->add_curr_seed_to_generator(pi, retval); else retval = prsonaServer->add_rand_seed_to_generator(pi, retval); continue; } struct synchronization_tool sync; char *filename; struct mg_connection *conn = NULL; // Serialize current state of generator std::stringstream buffer; std::string data; buffer << retval; data = buffer.str(); // Set up connection to current server std::unique_lock lck(sync.mtx); sync.val = 0; while (!conn) { conn = mg_connect_websocket_client(serverIPs[i].c_str(), serverPorts[i], USE_SSL, NULL, 0, which, "null", file_websocket_data_handler, file_websocket_close_handler, &sync); if (!conn) std::cerr << "Couldn't get server " << i << "'s update on generator" << std::endl; } // Establish a file to receive the new generator at filename = set_temp_filename(rng, conn); // Send the current state of the generator mg_websocket_client_write(conn, MG_WEBSOCKET_OPCODE_BINARY, data.c_str(), data.length()); mg_websocket_client_write(conn, MG_WEBSOCKET_OPCODE_DATACOMPLETE, "", 0); // Wait for response while (!sync.val) sync.cv.wait(lck); // Close connection mg_close_connection(conn); // Un-serialize the new state of the generator Proof currProof; retval = get_generator_from_file(filename, currProof); pi.push_back(currProof); remove(filename); delete [] filename; } return retval; } void distribute_generator( PrsonaServer *prsonaServer, const std::vector& serverIPs, const std::vector& serverPorts, const std::string& selfIP, int selfPort, bool fresh, const std::vector& pi, const Twistpoint& generator) { // Serialize the final generator, and its proof of correctness std::stringstream buffer; std::string data; BinarySizeT sizeOfVector(pi.size()); buffer << sizeOfVector; for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeOfVector.val(); i++) buffer << pi[i]; buffer << generator; data = buffer.str(); // Make sure we tell the servers which generator we're giving them correctly const char* which = (fresh ? SUBMIT_FRESH_GENERATOR_URI : SUBMIT_EG_BLIND_GENERATOR_URI); // Distribute the generator to each server for (size_t i = 0; i < serverIPs.size(); i++) { // Load the generator into our own server object if (serverIPs[i] == selfIP && serverPorts[i] == selfPort) { if (fresh) prsonaServer->initialize_fresh_generator(pi, generator); else prsonaServer->set_EG_blind_generator(pi, generator); continue; } struct mg_connection *conn = NULL; // Connect to the server while (!conn) { conn = mg_connect_websocket_client(serverIPs[i].c_str(), serverPorts[i], USE_SSL, NULL, 0, which, "null", empty_websocket_data_handler, empty_websocket_close_handler, NULL); if (!conn) std::cerr << "Couldn't connect to server " << i << " to give them the " << (fresh ? "fresh" : "blind") << " generator." << std::endl; } // Send the generator to the server mg_websocket_client_write(conn, MG_WEBSOCKET_OPCODE_BINARY, data.c_str(), data.length()); mg_websocket_client_write(conn, MG_WEBSOCKET_OPCODE_DATACOMPLETE, "", 0); // Don't bother waiting for a response; we can just move on to the next mg_close_connection(conn); } } /* * HELPERS FOR EPOCH CALCULATIONS */ std::vector epoch_build_up( std::default_random_engine& rng, PrsonaServer *prsonaServer, const std::vector& serverIPs, const std::vector& serverPorts, const std::string& selfIP, int selfPort, Twistpoint& nextGenerator, const CivetServer& civetServer, std::mutex& outputMtx, const std::string& outputFilename, std::mutex& usageMtx, const std::string& usageFilename, std::vector& overallBandwidthData) { std::vector>> pi; std::vector>> permutationCommits; std::vector>> freshPseudonymCommits; std::vector>> freshPseudonymSeedCommits; std::vector>> serverTallyCommits; std::vector>>> partwayVoteMatrixCommits; std::vector>>> finalVoteMatrixCommits; std::vector> generatorProofHolder(1); // Go through each server to perform the epoch calculation at hand for (size_t i = 0; i < serverIPs.size(); i++) { // When it's our turn, do things as normal if (serverIPs[i] == selfIP && serverPorts[i] == selfPort) { pi.clear(); pi.push_back(generatorProofHolder); permutationCommits.clear(); freshPseudonymCommits.clear(); freshPseudonymSeedCommits.clear(); serverTallyCommits.clear(); partwayVoteMatrixCommits.clear(); finalVoteMatrixCommits.clear(); std::vector bandwidthData(2); std::vector> otherBandwidthDataBefore; std::vector serverBandwidthDataBefore = get_server_log_data(civetServer.getContext()); std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::time_point wallTimeBefore = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); clock_t cpuTimeBefore = clock(); // Perform the actual calculation prsonaServer->build_up_midway_pseudonyms(pi, permutationCommits, freshPseudonymCommits, freshPseudonymSeedCommits, serverTallyCommits, partwayVoteMatrixCommits, finalVoteMatrixCommits, nextGenerator); std::vector> currUserTallyMaskCommits; std::vector> currUserTallyMessageCommits; std::vector> currUserTallySeedCommits; // Serialize the relevant data std::string data = make_epoch_update_string(pi[1], permutationCommits[0], freshPseudonymCommits[0], freshPseudonymSeedCommits[0], serverTallyCommits[0], partwayVoteMatrixCommits[0], finalVoteMatrixCommits[0], currUserTallyMaskCommits, currUserTallyMessageCommits, currUserTallySeedCommits, nextGenerator, false); struct synchronization_tool sync; std::vector conns; // Distribute the data to each server (in parallel, roughly) std::unique_lock lck(sync.mtx); sync.val = 1; for (size_t j = 0; j < serverIPs.size(); j++) { // But, obviously, don't send it back to ourselves if (i == j) continue; // Send that data struct mg_connection *currConn = distribute_epoch_updates(serverIPs[j], serverPorts[j], data, &sync); otherBandwidthDataBefore.push_back(get_conn_log_data(mg_get_context(currConn), false)); // But keep track of that connection, as we can't close it until we know the server's gotten its data conns.push_back(currConn); } // Wait for the other servers to all report back that they have received the update while (sync.val < serverIPs.size()) sync.cv.wait(lck); for (size_t j = 0; j < conns.size(); j++) { std::vector currBandwidthDataAfter = get_conn_log_data(mg_get_context(conns[j]), false); bandwidthData[0] += currBandwidthDataAfter[0] - otherBandwidthDataBefore[j][0]; bandwidthData[1] += currBandwidthDataAfter[1] - otherBandwidthDataBefore[j][1]; overallBandwidthData[0] += currBandwidthDataAfter[0] - otherBandwidthDataBefore[j][0]; overallBandwidthData[1] += currBandwidthDataAfter[1] - otherBandwidthDataBefore[j][1]; mg_close_connection(conns[j]); } clock_t cpuTimeAfter = clock(); std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::time_point wallTimeAfter = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); std::vector serverBandwidthDataAfter = get_server_log_data(civetServer.getContext()); std::vector timingData(2); timingData[0] = std::chrono::duration_cast>(wallTimeAfter - wallTimeBefore).count(); timingData[1] = ((double)(cpuTimeAfter - cpuTimeBefore)) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC; bandwidthData[0] += serverBandwidthDataAfter[0] - serverBandwidthDataBefore[0]; bandwidthData[1] += serverBandwidthDataAfter[1] - serverBandwidthDataBefore[1]; write_log_data(outputMtx, outputFilename, timingData, bandwidthData); write_usage_data(usageMtx, usageFilename); // Keep an up-to-date version of the proof of the new fresh generator generatorProofHolder = pi[0]; } else // When it's another server's turn, tell them to do their part { // Serialize the request std::string data = make_epoch_initiator_string(generatorProofHolder[0], nextGenerator); // And have them do that request nextGenerator = initiate_epoch_updates(rng, serverIPs[i], serverPorts[i], data, false, generatorProofHolder, overallBandwidthData); } } // Return the proof of the fresh generator return generatorProofHolder[0]; } void epoch_break_down( std::default_random_engine& rng, PrsonaServer *prsonaServer, const std::vector& serverIPs, const std::vector& serverPorts, const std::string& selfIP, int selfPort, const std::vector& generatorProof, const Twistpoint& nextGenerator, const CivetServer& civetServer, std::mutex& outputMtx, const std::string& outputFilename, std::mutex& usageMtx, const std::string& usageFilename, std::vector& overallBandwidthData) { std::vector>> pi; std::vector>> permutationCommits; std::vector>> freshPseudonymCommits; std::vector>> freshPseudonymSeedCommits; std::vector>> serverTallyCommits; std::vector>>> partwayVoteMatrixCommits; std::vector>>> finalVoteMatrixCommits; std::vector>> userTallyMaskCommits; std::vector>> userTallyMessageCommits; std::vector>> userTallySeedCommits; // Go through each server to perform the epoch calculation at hand for (size_t i = 0; i < serverIPs.size(); i++) { // When it's our turn, do things as normal if (serverIPs[i] == selfIP && serverPorts[i] == selfPort) { pi.clear(); permutationCommits.clear(); freshPseudonymCommits.clear(); freshPseudonymSeedCommits.clear(); serverTallyCommits.clear(); partwayVoteMatrixCommits.clear(); finalVoteMatrixCommits.clear(); userTallyMaskCommits.clear(); userTallyMessageCommits.clear(); userTallySeedCommits.clear(); std::vector bandwidthData(2); std::vector> otherBandwidthDataBefore; std::vector serverBandwidthDataBefore = get_server_log_data(civetServer.getContext()); std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::time_point wallTimeBefore = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); clock_t cpuTimeBefore = clock(); // Perform the actual calculation prsonaServer->break_down_midway_pseudonyms(generatorProof, pi, permutationCommits, freshPseudonymCommits, freshPseudonymSeedCommits, serverTallyCommits, partwayVoteMatrixCommits, finalVoteMatrixCommits, userTallyMaskCommits, userTallyMessageCommits, userTallySeedCommits, nextGenerator); // Serialize the relevant data std::string data = make_epoch_update_string(pi[0], permutationCommits[0], freshPseudonymCommits[0], freshPseudonymSeedCommits[0], serverTallyCommits[0], partwayVoteMatrixCommits[0], finalVoteMatrixCommits[0], userTallyMaskCommits[0], userTallyMessageCommits[0], userTallySeedCommits[0], nextGenerator, true); struct synchronization_tool sync; std::vector conns; // Distribute the data to each server (in parallel, roughly) std::unique_lock lck(sync.mtx); sync.val = 1; for (size_t j = 0; j < serverIPs.size(); j++) { // But, obviously, don't send it back to ourselves if (i == j) continue; // Send that data struct mg_connection *currConn = distribute_epoch_updates(serverIPs[j], serverPorts[j], data, &sync); otherBandwidthDataBefore.push_back(get_conn_log_data(mg_get_context(currConn), false)); // But keep track of that connection, as we can't close it until we know the server's gotten its data conns.push_back(currConn); } // Wait for the other servers to all report back that they have received the update while (sync.val < serverIPs.size()) sync.cv.wait(lck); for (size_t j = 0; j < conns.size(); j++) { std::vector currBandwidthDataAfter = get_conn_log_data(mg_get_context(conns[j]), false); bandwidthData[0] += currBandwidthDataAfter[0] - otherBandwidthDataBefore[j][0]; bandwidthData[1] += currBandwidthDataAfter[1] - otherBandwidthDataBefore[j][1]; overallBandwidthData[0] += currBandwidthDataAfter[0] - otherBandwidthDataBefore[j][0]; overallBandwidthData[1] += currBandwidthDataAfter[1] - otherBandwidthDataBefore[j][1]; mg_close_connection(conns[j]); } clock_t cpuTimeAfter = clock(); std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::time_point wallTimeAfter = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); std::vector serverBandwidthDataAfter = get_server_log_data(civetServer.getContext()); std::vector timingData(2); timingData[0] = std::chrono::duration_cast>(wallTimeAfter - wallTimeBefore).count(); timingData[1] = ((double)(cpuTimeAfter - cpuTimeBefore)) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC; bandwidthData[0] += serverBandwidthDataAfter[0] - serverBandwidthDataBefore[0]; bandwidthData[1] += serverBandwidthDataAfter[1] - serverBandwidthDataBefore[1]; write_log_data(outputMtx, outputFilename, timingData, bandwidthData); write_usage_data(usageMtx, usageFilename); } else // When it's another server's turn, tell them to do their part { std::vector> unused; // Serialize the request std::string data = make_epoch_initiator_string(generatorProof, nextGenerator); // And have them do that request initiate_epoch_updates(rng, serverIPs[i], serverPorts[i], data, true, unused, overallBandwidthData); } } } /* * HELPERS FOR EPOCH HELPERS */ Twistpoint initiate_epoch_updates( std::default_random_engine& rng, const std::string& recipient, int recipientPort, const std::string& data, bool isBreakdown, std::vector>& generatorProofHolder, std::vector& bandwidthData) { Twistpoint retval; struct synchronization_tool sync; char * filename = NULL; const char* which = (isBreakdown ? REQUEST_EPOCH_BREAK_DOWN_URI : REQUEST_EPOCH_BUILD_UP_URI); // Make sure we don't move on until this server has conducted its epoch calculations std::unique_lock lck(sync.mtx); sync.val = 0; while (!sync.val) { struct mg_connection *conn = NULL; // Connect to a server sync.val2 = 0; while (!conn) { conn = mg_connect_websocket_client(recipient.c_str(), recipientPort, USE_SSL, NULL, 0, which, "null", epoch_websocket_data_handler, epoch_websocket_close_handler, &sync); if (!conn) std::cerr << "Couldn't initiate epoch update with server at " << recipient << ":" << recipientPort << std::endl; } // Establish a file to receive update data (when relevant) if (!isBreakdown) filename = set_temp_filename(rng, conn); // Send the relevant data mg_websocket_client_write(conn, MG_WEBSOCKET_OPCODE_BINARY, data.c_str(), data.length()); mg_websocket_client_write(conn, MG_WEBSOCKET_OPCODE_DATACOMPLETE, "", 0); // Wait for a response (or the connection to die) while (!sync.val2) sync.cv.wait(lck); // Close connection mg_close_connection(conn); } // In the second half of the epoch, we don't have a data response to un-serialize, so just move on if (isBreakdown) return retval; std::vector generatorProof; generatorProofHolder.clear(); // Otherwise, un-serialize the updated fresh generator (and its proof of correctness) retval = get_generator_from_file(filename, generatorProof); generatorProofHolder.push_back(generatorProof); remove(filename); delete [] filename; return retval; } struct mg_connection *distribute_epoch_updates( const std::string& recipient, int recipientPort, const std::string& data, struct synchronization_tool* sync) { struct mg_connection *conn = NULL; // Connect to the server while (!conn) { conn = mg_connect_websocket_client(recipient.c_str(), recipientPort, USE_SSL, NULL, 0, SUBMIT_EPOCH_UPDATES_URI, "null", synchro_websocket_data_handler, synchro_websocket_close_handler, sync); if (!conn) std::cerr << "Couldn't give epoch updates to server at " << recipient << ":" << recipientPort << std::endl; } // Send the update mg_websocket_client_write(conn, MG_WEBSOCKET_OPCODE_BINARY, data.c_str(), data.length()); mg_websocket_client_write(conn, MG_WEBSOCKET_OPCODE_DATACOMPLETE, "", 0); return conn; } /* * SCORE TALLYING AND DISTRIBUTION HELPERS */ void tally_scores( PrsonaServer *prsonaServer, const std::vector& serverIPs, const std::vector& serverPorts, const std::string& selfIP, int selfPort, const Twistpoint& nextGenerator, std::vector& userTallyScores, std::vector& serverTallyScores, std::vector& bandwidthData) { struct synchronization_tool sync; std::vector conns; std::vector> allBandwidthDataBefore; // Connect to each server (roughly in parallel) std::unique_lock lck(sync.mtx); sync.val = 1; for (size_t i = 0; i < serverIPs.size(); i++) { // Except, skip ourselves (obviously) if (serverIPs[i] == selfIP && serverPorts[i] == selfPort) continue; struct mg_connection *currConn = NULL; while (!currConn) { currConn = mg_connect_websocket_client(serverIPs[i].c_str(), serverPorts[i], USE_SSL, NULL, 0, REQUEST_PARTIAL_DECRYPTION_URI, "null", synchro_websocket_data_handler, synchro_websocket_close_handler, &sync); if (!currConn) std::cerr << "Trouble getting partial decryption from server at " << serverIPs[i] << ":" << serverPorts[i] << std::endl; } allBandwidthDataBefore.push_back(get_conn_log_data(mg_get_context(currConn), true)); // Ping server for simulated distributed BGN mg_websocket_client_write(currConn, MG_WEBSOCKET_OPCODE_DATACOMPLETE, "", 0); conns.push_back(currConn); } // Since we're only simulating distributed BGN, we're only waiting for ACKs here while (sync.val < serverIPs.size()) sync.cv.wait(lck); // Close connections for (size_t i = 0; i < conns.size(); i++) { std::vector currBandwidthDataAfter = get_conn_log_data(mg_get_context(conns[i]), true); bandwidthData[0] += currBandwidthDataAfter[0] - allBandwidthDataBefore[i][0]; bandwidthData[1] += currBandwidthDataAfter[1] - allBandwidthDataBefore[i][1]; mg_close_connection(conns[i]); } // Now we do the actual calculations std::vector retval; std::vector currentPseudonyms = prsonaServer->get_current_pseudonyms(); std::vector decryptedTalliedScores = prsonaServer->tally_scores(); mpz_class maxScorePossibleThisRound = prsonaServer->get_max_possible_score().toInt() * PrsonaBase::get_max_allowed_vote(); mpz_class topOfScoreRange = decryptedTalliedScores.size() * PrsonaBase::get_max_allowed_vote(); userTallyScores.clear(); serverTallyScores.clear(); for (size_t i = 0; i < decryptedTalliedScores.size(); i++) { // Scale scores correctly to keep in the desired range decryptedTalliedScores[i] = Scalar((decryptedTalliedScores[i].toInt() * topOfScoreRange) / maxScorePossibleThisRound); EGCiphertext currCiphertext; userTallyScores.push_back(currCiphertext); CurveBipoint currServerScore; serverTallyScores.push_back(currServerScore); Scalar currMask; currMask.set_random(); // Give the server the new weights for the next epoch's calculation, to get passed around to the other servers prsonaServer->encrypt(serverTallyScores[i], decryptedTalliedScores[i]); // Encrypt the scores for the partway pseudonyms (since we're in the middle of the epoch calculations) userTallyScores[i].mask = currentPseudonyms[i] * currMask; userTallyScores[i].encryptedMessage = (nextGenerator * currMask) + (prsonaServer->get_blinding_generator() * decryptedTalliedScores[i]); } } void distribute_tallied_scores( PrsonaServer *prsonaServer, const std::vector& serverIPs, const std::vector& serverPorts, const std::string& selfIP, int selfPort, const Twistpoint& nextGenerator, const std::vector& userTallyScores, const std::vector& serverTallyScores, std::vector& bandwidthData) { // Serialize scores std::stringstream buffer; std::string data; BinarySizeT sizeOfVector(userTallyScores.size()); buffer << sizeOfVector; for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeOfVector.val(); i++) buffer << userTallyScores[i]; for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeOfVector.val(); i++) buffer << serverTallyScores[i]; data = buffer.str(); struct synchronization_tool sync; std::vector conns; std::vector> allBandwidthDataBefore; // Connect to each server (roughly in parallel) std::unique_lock lck(sync.mtx); sync.val = 1; for (size_t i = 0; i < serverIPs.size(); i++) { // When it's our turn, receive our actual new scores for the next epoch if (serverIPs[i] == selfIP && serverPorts[i] == selfPort) { prsonaServer->receive_tallied_scores(userTallyScores, serverTallyScores); continue; } struct mg_connection *currConn = NULL; while (!currConn) { currConn = mg_connect_websocket_client(serverIPs[i].c_str(), serverPorts[i], USE_SSL, NULL, 0, SUBMIT_PARTIAL_DECRYPTION_URI, "null", synchro_websocket_data_handler, synchro_websocket_close_handler, &sync); if (!currConn) std::cerr << "Trouble giving full re-encryption to server at " << serverIPs[i] << ":" << serverPorts[i] << std::endl; } allBandwidthDataBefore.push_back(get_conn_log_data(mg_get_context(currConn), false)); // Send the relevant data mg_websocket_client_write(currConn, MG_WEBSOCKET_OPCODE_BINARY, data.c_str(), data.length()); mg_websocket_client_write(currConn, MG_WEBSOCKET_OPCODE_DATACOMPLETE, "", 0); conns.push_back(currConn); } // Wait for each server to ACK the scores while (sync.val < serverIPs.size()) sync.cv.wait(lck); // Close connections for (size_t i = 0; i < conns.size(); i++) { std::vector currBandwidthDataAfter = get_conn_log_data(mg_get_context(conns[i]), false); bandwidthData[0] += currBandwidthDataAfter[0] - allBandwidthDataBefore[i][0]; bandwidthData[1] += currBandwidthDataAfter[1] - allBandwidthDataBefore[i][1]; mg_close_connection(conns[i]); } } /* * FILE I/O HELPERS */ BGN get_bgn_private_key_from_file( const char *filename) { std::ifstream bgnFile(filename); BGN privateKey; bgnFile >> privateKey; return privateKey; } Twistpoint get_generator_from_file( const char *filename, Proof& pi) { std::ifstream genFile(filename); Twistpoint retval; genFile >> pi; genFile >> retval; return retval; } Twistpoint get_generator_from_file( const char *filename, std::vector& pi) { std::ifstream epochFile(filename); Twistpoint retval; BinarySizeT sizeOfVector; pi.clear(); epochFile >> sizeOfVector; for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeOfVector.val(); i++) { Proof currProof; epochFile >> currProof; pi.push_back(currProof); } epochFile >> retval; return retval; } /* * EPOCH DATA SERIALIZERS/UN-SERIALIZERS */ std::string make_epoch_initiator_string( const std::vector& generatorProof, const Twistpoint& nextGenerator) { std::stringstream buffer; BinarySizeT sizeOfVector(generatorProof.size()); buffer << sizeOfVector; for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeOfVector.val(); i++) buffer << generatorProof[i]; buffer << nextGenerator; return buffer.str(); } ssize_t read_epoch_initiator_string( const char *filename, std::vector& generatorProof, Twistpoint& nextGenerator) { std::ifstream file(filename); file.ignore(std::numeric_limits::max()); std::streamsize retval = file.gcount(); file.clear(); file.seekg(0, std::ios_base::beg); BinarySizeT sizeOfVector; generatorProof.clear(); file >> sizeOfVector; for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeOfVector.val(); i++) { Proof currProof; file >> currProof; generatorProof.push_back(currProof); } file >> nextGenerator; return retval; } std::string make_epoch_update_string( const std::vector>& pi, const std::vector>& permutationCommits, const std::vector>& freshPseudonymCommits, const std::vector>& freshPseudonymSeedCommits, const std::vector>& serverTallyCommits, const std::vector>>& partwayVoteMatrixCommits, const std::vector>>& finalVoteMatrixCommits, const std::vector>& userTallyMaskCommits, const std::vector>& userTallyMessageCommits, const std::vector>& userTallySeedCommits, const Twistpoint& nextGenerator, bool doUserTallies) { std::stringstream buffer; BinarySizeT sizeOfVectorI, sizeOfVectorJ; sizeOfVectorI.set(pi.size()); buffer << sizeOfVectorI; for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeOfVectorI.val(); i++) { sizeOfVectorJ.set(pi[i].size()); buffer << sizeOfVectorJ; for (size_t j = 0; j < sizeOfVectorJ.val(); j++) buffer << pi[i][j]; } sizeOfVectorI.set(permutationCommits.size()); buffer << sizeOfVectorI; for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeOfVectorI.val(); i++) for (size_t j = 0; j < sizeOfVectorI.val(); j++) buffer << permutationCommits[i][j]; sizeOfVectorI.set(freshPseudonymCommits.size()); buffer << sizeOfVectorI; for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeOfVectorI.val(); i++) for (size_t j = 0; j < sizeOfVectorI.val(); j++) buffer << freshPseudonymCommits[i][j]; sizeOfVectorI.set(freshPseudonymSeedCommits.size()); buffer << sizeOfVectorI; for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeOfVectorI.val(); i++) for (size_t j = 0; j < sizeOfVectorI.val(); j++) buffer << freshPseudonymSeedCommits[i][j]; sizeOfVectorI.set(serverTallyCommits.size()); buffer << sizeOfVectorI; for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeOfVectorI.val(); i++) for (size_t j = 0; j < sizeOfVectorI.val(); j++) buffer << serverTallyCommits[i][j]; sizeOfVectorI.set(partwayVoteMatrixCommits.size()); buffer << sizeOfVectorI; for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeOfVectorI.val(); i++) for (size_t j = 0; j < sizeOfVectorI.val(); j++) for (size_t k = 0; k < sizeOfVectorI.val(); k++) buffer << partwayVoteMatrixCommits[i][j][k]; sizeOfVectorI.set(finalVoteMatrixCommits.size()); buffer << sizeOfVectorI; for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeOfVectorI.val(); i++) for (size_t j = 0; j < sizeOfVectorI.val(); j++) for (size_t k = 0; k < sizeOfVectorI.val(); k++) buffer << finalVoteMatrixCommits[i][j][k]; sizeOfVectorI.set(userTallyMaskCommits.size()); buffer << sizeOfVectorI; for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeOfVectorI.val(); i++) for (size_t j = 0; j < sizeOfVectorI.val(); j++) buffer << userTallyMaskCommits[i][j]; sizeOfVectorI.set(userTallyMessageCommits.size()); buffer << sizeOfVectorI; for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeOfVectorI.val(); i++) for (size_t j = 0; j < sizeOfVectorI.val(); j++) buffer << userTallyMessageCommits[i][j]; sizeOfVectorI.set(userTallySeedCommits.size()); buffer << sizeOfVectorI; for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeOfVectorI.val(); i++) for (size_t j = 0; j < sizeOfVectorI.val(); j++) buffer << userTallySeedCommits[i][j]; buffer << nextGenerator; BinaryBool flag(doUserTallies); buffer << flag; return buffer.str(); } ssize_t read_epoch_update_string( const char *filename, std::vector>& pi, std::vector>& permutationCommits, std::vector>& freshPseudonymCommits, std::vector>& freshPseudonymSeedCommits, std::vector>& serverTallyCommits, std::vector>>& partwayVoteMatrixCommits, std::vector>>& finalVoteMatrixCommits, std::vector>& userTallyMaskCommits, std::vector>& userTallyMessageCommits, std::vector>& userTallySeedCommits, Twistpoint& nextGenerator, bool& doUserTallies) { std::ifstream file(filename); file.ignore(std::numeric_limits::max()); std::streamsize retval = file.gcount(); file.clear(); file.seekg(0, std::ios_base::beg); BinarySizeT sizeOfVectorI, sizeOfVectorJ; pi.clear(); permutationCommits.clear(); freshPseudonymCommits.clear(); freshPseudonymSeedCommits.clear(); serverTallyCommits.clear(); partwayVoteMatrixCommits.clear(); finalVoteMatrixCommits.clear(); userTallyMaskCommits.clear(); userTallyMessageCommits.clear(); userTallySeedCommits.clear(); file >> sizeOfVectorI; for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeOfVectorI.val(); i++) { std::vector currRow; file >> sizeOfVectorJ; for (size_t j = 0; j < sizeOfVectorJ.val(); j++) { Proof currProof; file >> currProof; currRow.push_back(currProof); } pi.push_back(currRow); } file >> sizeOfVectorI; for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeOfVectorI.val(); i++) { std::vector currRow; for (size_t j = 0; j < sizeOfVectorI.val(); j++) { Twistpoint currCommit; file >> currCommit; currRow.push_back(currCommit); } permutationCommits.push_back(currRow); } file >> sizeOfVectorI; for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeOfVectorI.val(); i++) { std::vector currRow; for (size_t j = 0; j < sizeOfVectorI.val(); j++) { Twistpoint currCommit; file >> currCommit; currRow.push_back(currCommit); } freshPseudonymCommits.push_back(currRow); } file >> sizeOfVectorI; for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeOfVectorI.val(); i++) { std::vector currRow; for (size_t j = 0; j < sizeOfVectorI.val(); j++) { Twistpoint currCommit; file >> currCommit; currRow.push_back(currCommit); } freshPseudonymSeedCommits.push_back(currRow); } file >> sizeOfVectorI; for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeOfVectorI.val(); i++) { std::vector currRow; for (size_t j = 0; j < sizeOfVectorI.val(); j++) { CurveBipoint currCommit; file >> currCommit; currRow.push_back(currCommit); } serverTallyCommits.push_back(currRow); } file >> sizeOfVectorI; for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeOfVectorI.val(); i++) { std::vector> currMatrix; for (size_t j = 0; j < sizeOfVectorI.val(); j++) { std::vector currRow; for (size_t k = 0; k < sizeOfVectorI.val(); k++) { TwistBipoint currCommit; file >> currCommit; currRow.push_back(currCommit); } currMatrix.push_back(currRow); } partwayVoteMatrixCommits.push_back(currMatrix); } file >> sizeOfVectorI; for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeOfVectorI.val(); i++) { std::vector> currMatrix; for (size_t j = 0; j < sizeOfVectorI.val(); j++) { std::vector currRow; for (size_t k = 0; k < sizeOfVectorI.val(); k++) { TwistBipoint currCommit; file >> currCommit; currRow.push_back(currCommit); } currMatrix.push_back(currRow); } finalVoteMatrixCommits.push_back(currMatrix); } file >> sizeOfVectorI; for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeOfVectorI.val(); i++) { std::vector currRow; for (size_t j = 0; j < sizeOfVectorI.val(); j++) { Twistpoint currCommit; file >> currCommit; currRow.push_back(currCommit); } userTallyMaskCommits.push_back(currRow); } file >> sizeOfVectorI; for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeOfVectorI.val(); i++) { std::vector currRow; for (size_t j = 0; j < sizeOfVectorI.val(); j++) { Twistpoint currCommit; file >> currCommit; currRow.push_back(currCommit); } userTallyMessageCommits.push_back(currRow); } file >> sizeOfVectorI; for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeOfVectorI.val(); i++) { std::vector currRow; for (size_t j = 0; j < sizeOfVectorI.val(); j++) { Twistpoint currCommit; file >> currCommit; currRow.push_back(currCommit); } userTallySeedCommits.push_back(currRow); } file >> nextGenerator; BinaryBool binaryDoUserTallies; file >> binaryDoUserTallies; doUserTallies = binaryDoUserTallies.val(); return retval; } /********************************************************** **** **** **** other server-relevant handler member functions **** **** **** **********************************************************/ /* * EPOCH READY HANDLER */ EpochReadyHandler::EpochReadyHandler( struct synchronization_tool *exitSync, struct synchronization_tool *readySync, std::mutex& updateMtx, size_t numServers) : exitSync(exitSync), readySync(readySync), updateMtx(updateMtx), numServers(numServers) { /* */ } bool EpochReadyHandler::handleGet( CivetServer *server, struct mg_connection *conn) { std::unique_lock exitLock(exitSync->mtx, std::defer_lock); std::unique_lock updateLock(updateMtx, std::defer_lock); std::unique_lock readyLock(readySync->mtx); if (readySync->val < numServers) { mg_printf(conn, "HTTP/1.1 503 Service Unavailable\r\n" "Content-Type: text/plain\r\n" "Connection: close\r\n\r\n"); mg_printf(conn, "Server is waiting for other servers to begin.\n"); } else if (!exitLock.try_lock()) { mg_printf(conn, "HTTP/1.1 503 Service Unavailable\r\n" "Content-Type: text/plain\r\n" "Connection: close\r\n\r\n"); mg_printf(conn, "Server is still in a previous epoch.\n"); } else if (!updateLock.try_lock()) { mg_printf(conn, "HTTP/1.1 503 Service Unavailable\r\n" "Content-Type: text/plain\r\n" "Connection: close\r\n\r\n"); mg_printf(conn, "Server is handling other updates.\n"); } else { mg_printf(conn, "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n" "Content-Type: text/plain\r\n" "Connection: close\r\n\r\n"); mg_printf(conn, "Server is ready for epoch.\n"); } return true; } /* * EPOCH NUM HANDLER */ EpochNumHandler::EpochNumHandler( std::atomic& epochNum) : epochNum(epochNum) { /* */ } bool EpochNumHandler::handleGet( CivetServer *server, struct mg_connection *conn) { mg_printf(conn, "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n" "Content-Type: text/plain\r\n" "Connection: close\r\n\r\n"); mg_printf(conn, "Epoch num: %lu\n", epochNum.load()); return true; } /* * UPDATE LOCK HANDLER */ UpdateLockWebSocketHandler::UpdateLockWebSocketHandler( std::mutex& updateMtx, std::unique_lock **lockHolder, bool isLocking) : updateMtx(updateMtx), lockHolder(lockHolder), isLocking(isLocking) { /* */ } UpdateLockWebSocketHandler::~UpdateLockWebSocketHandler() { delete *lockHolder; *lockHolder = NULL; } bool UpdateLockWebSocketHandler::handleConnection( CivetServer *server, const struct mg_connection *conn) { return true; } void UpdateLockWebSocketHandler::handleReadyState( CivetServer *server, struct mg_connection *conn) { /* */ } bool UpdateLockWebSocketHandler::handleData( CivetServer *server, struct mg_connection *conn, int bits, char *data, size_t data_len) { switch (bits & 0xf) { case MG_WEBSOCKET_OPCODE_DATACOMPLETE: if (isLocking) { std::unique_lock *tempHolder = new std::unique_lock(updateMtx); // Once you get to this line, we now hold the lock, and lockHolder is guaranteed to be NULL *lockHolder = tempHolder; // Respond to notify that the requesting process holds the lock mg_websocket_write(conn, MG_WEBSOCKET_OPCODE_DATACOMPLETE, "", 0); } else { // You must do things in this order so that *lockHolder will be guaranteed to be NULL at the time the lock unlocks (deletion of the lock object) std::unique_lock *tempHolder = *lockHolder; *lockHolder = NULL; delete tempHolder; // Respond to notify that the requesting process has released the lock mg_websocket_write(conn, MG_WEBSOCKET_OPCODE_DATACOMPLETE, "", 0); } break; case MG_WEBSOCKET_OPCODE_CONNECTION_CLOSE: break; default: std::cerr << "Unknown opcode: failing." << std::endl; break; } return false; } void UpdateLockWebSocketHandler::handleClose( CivetServer *server, const struct mg_connection *conn) { /* */ } /********************************************************* **** **** **** PrsonaServerWebSocketHandler member functions **** **** **** *********************************************************/ /* * CONSTRUCTOR */ PrsonaServerWebSocketHandler::PrsonaServerWebSocketHandler( std::default_random_engine& rng, PrsonaServer *prsonaServer, const std::vector& serverIPs, const std::vector& serverPorts, const std::string& selfIP, int selfPort, std::mutex& updateMtx, std::atomic& epochNum, std::mutex& buildUpOutputMtx, const std::string& buildUpOutputFilename, std::mutex& breakDownOutputMtx, const std::string& breakDownOutputFilename, std::mutex& updateOutputMtx, const std::string& updateOutputFilename, std::mutex& voteOutputMtx, const std::string& voteOutputFilename, std::mutex& usageMtx, const std::string& usageFilename) : rng(rng), prsonaServer(prsonaServer), serverIPs(serverIPs), serverPorts(serverPorts), selfIP(selfIP), selfPort(selfPort), updateMtx(updateMtx), epochNum(epochNum), buildUpOutputMtx(buildUpOutputMtx), buildUpOutputFilename(buildUpOutputFilename), breakDownOutputMtx(breakDownOutputMtx), breakDownOutputFilename(breakDownOutputFilename), updateOutputMtx(updateOutputMtx), updateOutputFilename(updateOutputFilename), voteOutputMtx(voteOutputMtx), voteOutputFilename(voteOutputFilename), usageMtx(usageMtx), usageFilename(usageFilename) { /* */ } /* * REQUIRED BY INHERITED CLASS */ bool PrsonaServerWebSocketHandler::handleConnection( CivetServer *server, const struct mg_connection *conn) { const struct mg_request_info *info = mg_get_request_info(conn); // Check if the request being made is something this server can respond to bool flag = info->query_string && info->query_string[0] >= PRSONA_GIVE_BGN_PUBKEY && info->query_string[0] <= PRSONA_RECEIVE_EPOCH_UPDATE; flag = flag || (info->query_string && info->query_string[0] == PRSONA_GIVE_PARTIAL_DECRYPTION); flag = flag || (info->query_string && info->query_string[0] == PRSONA_RECEIVE_PARTIAL_DECRYPTION); return flag; } void PrsonaServerWebSocketHandler::handleReadyState( CivetServer *server, struct mg_connection *conn) { const struct mg_request_info *info = mg_get_request_info(conn); // Set filenames for query types that will need to un-serialize data to respond correctly switch (info->query_string[0]) { case PRSONA_GIVE_VOTE_ROW: case PRSONA_GIVE_VOTE_MATRIX: case PRSONA_GIVE_CLIENT_TALLY: case PRSONA_GIVE_SERVER_TALLY: case PRSONA_GIVE_PSEUDONYMS: case PRSONA_GIVE_VOTE_ROW_COMMITMENT: case PRSONA_GIVE_VOTE_MATRIX_COMMITMENT: case PRSONA_GIVE_CLIENT_TALLY_COMMITMENT: case PRSONA_GIVE_SERVER_TALLY_COMMITMENT: case PRSONA_GIVE_PSEUDONYMS_COMMITMENT: case PRSONA_RECEIVE_NEW_CLIENT: case PRSONA_RECEIVE_VOTE: case PRSONA_RECEIVE_UPDATE_WITH_NEW_USER: case PRSONA_ADD_CURR_SEED_TO_GENERATOR: case PRSONA_RECEIVE_FRESH_GENERATOR: case PRSONA_ADD_RAND_SEED_TO_GENERATOR: case PRSONA_RECEIVE_EG_BLIND_GENERATOR: case PRSONA_PERFORM_EPOCH_BUILD_UP: case PRSONA_PERFORM_EPOCH_BREAK_DOWN: case PRSONA_RECEIVE_EPOCH_UPDATE: case PRSONA_RECEIVE_PARTIAL_DECRYPTION: set_temp_filename(rng, conn); break; default: mg_set_user_connection_data(conn, NULL); break; } } bool PrsonaServerWebSocketHandler::handleData( CivetServer *server, struct mg_connection *conn, int bits, char *data, size_t data_len) { char *filename = (char *) mg_get_user_connection_data(conn); FILE *currFile = NULL; switch (bits & 0xf) { // Requester has indicated they have sent all relevant data case MG_WEBSOCKET_OPCODE_CONNECTION_CLOSE: case MG_WEBSOCKET_OPCODE_DATACOMPLETE: generate_response(server, conn, filename); break; // Requester has sent more data (which may theoretically be broken up into multiple packets) case MG_WEBSOCKET_OPCODE_BINARY: case MG_WEBSOCKET_OPCODE_CONTINUATION: currFile = fopen(filename, "ab"); fwrite(data, sizeof(char), data_len, currFile); fclose(currFile); return true; // Something strange has happened default: std::cerr << "Unknown packet type received. Failing." << std::endl; break; } return false; } void PrsonaServerWebSocketHandler::handleClose( CivetServer *server, const struct mg_connection *conn) { char *filename = (char *) mg_get_user_connection_data(conn); // If we didn't have a temp file for this request, don't do anything if (!filename) return; // If we did, delete it remove(filename); delete [] filename; } /* * RESPONSE ROUTER FUNCTION */ void PrsonaServerWebSocketHandler::generate_response( CivetServer *server, struct mg_connection *conn, const char *filename) { const struct mg_request_info *info = mg_get_request_info(conn); // Select the correct response for this type of request switch (info->query_string[0]) { // BASIC PUBLIC SYSTEM INFO GETTERS case PRSONA_GIVE_BGN_PUBKEY: get_bgn_public_key(conn); break; case PRSONA_GIVE_NUM_CLIENTS: get_num_clients(conn); break; case PRSONA_GIVE_NUM_SERVERS: get_num_servers(conn); break; case PRSONA_GIVE_FRESH_GENERATOR: get_generator(conn, true); break; case PRSONA_GIVE_EG_BLIND_GENERATOR: get_generator(conn, false); break; // ENCRYPTED DATA GETTERS case PRSONA_GIVE_VOTE_ROW: get_current_votes_by(conn, filename); break; case PRSONA_GIVE_VOTE_MATRIX: get_all_current_votes(conn); break; case PRSONA_GIVE_CLIENT_TALLY: get_current_user_encrypted_tally(conn, filename); break; case PRSONA_GIVE_SERVER_TALLY: get_current_server_encrypted_tally(conn, filename); break; case PRSONA_GIVE_PSEUDONYMS: get_current_pseudonyms(conn); break; // PROOF COMMITMENT GETTERS case PRSONA_GIVE_VOTE_ROW_COMMITMENT: get_vote_row_commitment(conn, filename); break; case PRSONA_GIVE_VOTE_MATRIX_COMMITMENT: get_vote_matrix_commitment(conn); break; case PRSONA_GIVE_CLIENT_TALLY_COMMITMENT: get_user_tally_commitment(conn, filename); break; case PRSONA_GIVE_SERVER_TALLY_COMMITMENT: get_server_tally_commitment(conn, filename); break; case PRSONA_GIVE_PSEUDONYMS_COMMITMENT: get_pseudonyms_commitment(conn); break; // CLIENT INTERACTIONS case PRSONA_RECEIVE_NEW_CLIENT: add_new_client(conn, filename); break; case PRSONA_RECEIVE_VOTE: receive_vote(server, conn, filename); break; // CLIENT INTERACTION HELPER case PRSONA_RECEIVE_UPDATE_WITH_NEW_USER: import_new_user_update(conn, filename); break; // CONSTRUCTOR HELPERS case PRSONA_GIVE_BGN_PRIVKEY: get_bgn_details(conn); break; case PRSONA_ADD_CURR_SEED_TO_GENERATOR: add_seed_to_generator(conn, filename, true); break; case PRSONA_RECEIVE_FRESH_GENERATOR: set_generator(filename, true); break; case PRSONA_ADD_RAND_SEED_TO_GENERATOR: add_seed_to_generator(conn, filename, false); break; case PRSONA_RECEIVE_EG_BLIND_GENERATOR: set_generator(filename, false); break; // EPOCH ROUNDS case PRSONA_PERFORM_EPOCH_BUILD_UP: build_up_midway_pseudonyms(server, conn, filename); break; case PRSONA_PERFORM_EPOCH_BREAK_DOWN: break_down_midway_pseudonyms(server, conn, filename); break; case PRSONA_RECEIVE_EPOCH_UPDATE: accept_epoch_updates(server, conn, filename); break; // DISTRIBUTED BGN case PRSONA_GIVE_PARTIAL_DECRYPTION: get_partial_decryption(conn); break; case PRSONA_RECEIVE_PARTIAL_DECRYPTION: receive_tallied_scores(conn, filename); break; default: break; } } /* * BASIC PUBLIC SYSTEM INFO GETTERS */ void PrsonaServerWebSocketHandler::get_bgn_public_key( struct mg_connection *conn) const { // Retrieve value BGNPublicKey pubKey = prsonaServer->get_bgn_public_key(); // Serialize response std::stringstream buffer; std::string data; buffer << pubKey; data = buffer.str(); // Send response mg_websocket_write(conn, MG_WEBSOCKET_OPCODE_BINARY, data.c_str(), data.length()); } void PrsonaServerWebSocketHandler::get_num_clients( struct mg_connection *conn) const { // Retrieve value BinarySizeT numClients(prsonaServer->get_num_clients()); // Serialize response std::stringstream buffer; std::string data; buffer << numClients; data = buffer.str(); // Send response mg_websocket_write(conn, MG_WEBSOCKET_OPCODE_BINARY, data.c_str(), data.length()); } void PrsonaServerWebSocketHandler::get_num_servers( struct mg_connection *conn) const { // Retrieve value BinarySizeT numServers(prsonaServer->get_num_servers()); // Serialize response std::stringstream buffer; std::string data; buffer << numServers; data = buffer.str(); // Send response mg_websocket_write(conn, MG_WEBSOCKET_OPCODE_BINARY, data.c_str(), data.length()); } void PrsonaServerWebSocketHandler::get_generator( struct mg_connection *conn, bool fresh) { // Retrieve value Twistpoint generator; std::vector pi; if (fresh) generator = prsonaServer->get_fresh_generator(pi); else generator = prsonaServer->get_blinding_generator(pi); // Serialize response std::stringstream buffer; std::string data; BinarySizeT sizeOfVector(pi.size()); buffer << sizeOfVector; for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeOfVector.val(); i++) buffer << pi[i]; buffer << generator; data = buffer.str(); // Send response mg_websocket_write(conn, MG_WEBSOCKET_OPCODE_BINARY, data.c_str(), data.length()); mg_websocket_write(conn, MG_WEBSOCKET_OPCODE_DATACOMPLETE, "", 0); } /* * ENCRYPTED DATA GETTERS */ void PrsonaServerWebSocketHandler::get_current_votes_by( struct mg_connection *conn, const char *filename) const { std::ifstream file(filename); // Un-serialize request Twistpoint shortTermPublicKey; file >> shortTermPublicKey; // Retrieve value Proof pi; std::vector votes = prsonaServer->get_current_votes_by(pi, shortTermPublicKey); // Serialize response std::stringstream buffer; std::string data; buffer << pi; BinarySizeT sizeOfVector(votes.size()); buffer << sizeOfVector; for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeOfVector.val(); i++) buffer << votes[i]; data = buffer.str(); // Send response mg_websocket_write(conn, MG_WEBSOCKET_OPCODE_BINARY, data.c_str(), data.length()); } void PrsonaServerWebSocketHandler::get_all_current_votes( struct mg_connection *conn) const { // Retrieve value Proof pi; std::vector> votes = prsonaServer->get_all_current_votes(pi); // Serialize response std::stringstream buffer; std::string data; buffer << pi; BinarySizeT sizeOfVector(votes.size()); buffer << sizeOfVector; for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeOfVector.val(); i++) for (size_t j = 0; j < sizeOfVector.val(); j++) buffer << votes[i][j]; data = buffer.str(); // Send response mg_websocket_write(conn, MG_WEBSOCKET_OPCODE_BINARY, data.c_str(), data.length()); } void PrsonaServerWebSocketHandler::get_current_user_encrypted_tally( struct mg_connection *conn, const char *filename) const { std::ifstream file(filename); // Un-serialize request Twistpoint shortTermPublicKey; file >> shortTermPublicKey; // Retrieve value Proof pi; EGCiphertext tally = prsonaServer->get_current_user_encrypted_tally(pi, shortTermPublicKey); // Serialize response std::stringstream buffer; std::string data; buffer << pi; buffer << tally; data = buffer.str(); // Send response mg_websocket_write(conn, MG_WEBSOCKET_OPCODE_BINARY, data.c_str(), data.length()); } void PrsonaServerWebSocketHandler::get_current_server_encrypted_tally( struct mg_connection *conn, const char *filename) const { std::ifstream file(filename); // Un-serialize request Twistpoint shortTermPublicKey; file >> shortTermPublicKey; // Retrieve value Proof pi; CurveBipoint tally = prsonaServer->get_current_server_encrypted_tally(pi, shortTermPublicKey); // Serialize response std::stringstream buffer; std::string data; buffer << pi; buffer << tally; data = buffer.str(); // Send response mg_websocket_write(conn, MG_WEBSOCKET_OPCODE_BINARY, data.c_str(), data.length()); } void PrsonaServerWebSocketHandler::get_current_pseudonyms( struct mg_connection *conn) const { // Retrieve value Proof pi; std::vector pseudonyms = prsonaServer->get_current_pseudonyms(pi); // Serialize response std::stringstream buffer; std::string data; buffer << pi; BinarySizeT sizeOfVector(pseudonyms.size()); buffer << sizeOfVector; for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeOfVector.val(); i++) buffer << pseudonyms[i]; data = buffer.str(); // Send response mg_websocket_write(conn, MG_WEBSOCKET_OPCODE_BINARY, data.c_str(), data.length()); } /* * PROOF COMMITMENT GETTERS */ void PrsonaServerWebSocketHandler::get_vote_row_commitment( struct mg_connection *conn, const char *filename) const { std::ifstream file(filename); // Un-serialize request Twistpoint shortTermPublicKey; file >> shortTermPublicKey; // Retrieve value Proof pi = prsonaServer->get_vote_row_commitment(shortTermPublicKey); // Serialize response std::stringstream buffer; std::string data; buffer << pi; data = buffer.str(); // Send response mg_websocket_write(conn, MG_WEBSOCKET_OPCODE_BINARY, data.c_str(), data.length()); } void PrsonaServerWebSocketHandler::get_vote_matrix_commitment( struct mg_connection *conn) const { // Retrieve value Proof pi = prsonaServer->get_vote_matrix_commitment(); // Serialize response std::stringstream buffer; std::string data; buffer << pi; data = buffer.str(); // Send response mg_websocket_write(conn, MG_WEBSOCKET_OPCODE_BINARY, data.c_str(), data.length()); } void PrsonaServerWebSocketHandler::get_user_tally_commitment( struct mg_connection *conn, const char *filename) const { std::ifstream file(filename); // Un-serialize request Twistpoint shortTermPublicKey; file >> shortTermPublicKey; // Retrieve value Proof pi = prsonaServer->get_user_tally_commitment(shortTermPublicKey); // Serialize response std::stringstream buffer; std::string data; buffer << pi; data = buffer.str(); // Send response mg_websocket_write(conn, MG_WEBSOCKET_OPCODE_BINARY, data.c_str(), data.length()); } void PrsonaServerWebSocketHandler::get_server_tally_commitment( struct mg_connection *conn, const char *filename) const { std::ifstream file(filename); // Un-serialize request Twistpoint shortTermPublicKey; file >> shortTermPublicKey; // Retrieve value Proof pi = prsonaServer->get_server_tally_commitment(shortTermPublicKey); // Serialize response std::stringstream buffer; std::string data; buffer << pi; data = buffer.str(); // Send response mg_websocket_write(conn, MG_WEBSOCKET_OPCODE_BINARY, data.c_str(), data.length()); } void PrsonaServerWebSocketHandler::get_pseudonyms_commitment( struct mg_connection *conn) const { // Retrieve value Proof pi = prsonaServer->get_pseudonyms_commitment(); // Serialize response std::stringstream buffer; std::string data; buffer << pi; data = buffer.str(); // Send response mg_websocket_write(conn, MG_WEBSOCKET_OPCODE_BINARY, data.c_str(), data.length()); } /* * CLIENT INTERACTIONS */ void PrsonaServerWebSocketHandler::add_new_client( struct mg_connection *conn, const char *filename) { std::ifstream file(filename); // Un-serialize request Proof proofOfValidKey; file >> proofOfValidKey; Twistpoint shortTermPublicKey, empty; file >> shortTermPublicKey; std::vector bandwidthData(2); // Obtain global update lock std::unique_lock updateLock(updateMtx, std::defer_lock); obtain_update_locks(updateLock, serverIPs, serverPorts, selfIP, selfPort, bandwidthData); // Add new client to server object std::vector proofOfValidAddition; prsonaServer->add_new_client(proofOfValidAddition, proofOfValidKey, shortTermPublicKey); // Share this update with other servers std::vector previousVoteTallies; std::vector currentPseudonyms; std::vector currentUserEncryptedTallies; std::vector> voteMatrix; prsonaServer->export_new_user_update(previousVoteTallies, currentPseudonyms, currentUserEncryptedTallies, voteMatrix); distribute_new_user_updates(proofOfValidAddition, previousVoteTallies, currentPseudonyms, currentUserEncryptedTallies, voteMatrix); // Release global update lock release_update_locks(updateLock, serverIPs, serverPorts, selfIP, selfPort, bandwidthData); // Serialize response std::stringstream buffer; std::string data; BinarySizeT sizeOfVector(proofOfValidAddition.size()); buffer << sizeOfVector; for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeOfVector.val(); i++) buffer << proofOfValidAddition[i]; data = buffer.str(); // Send response mg_websocket_write(conn, MG_WEBSOCKET_OPCODE_BINARY, data.c_str(), data.length()); } void PrsonaServerWebSocketHandler::receive_vote( CivetServer *civetServer, struct mg_connection *conn, const char *filename) { std::ifstream file(filename); file.ignore(std::numeric_limits::max()); std::streamsize bandwidthRcv = file.gcount(); file.clear(); file.seekg(0, std::ios_base::beg); // Un-serialize request BinarySizeT sizeOfVector; file >> sizeOfVector; std::vector pi; for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeOfVector.val(); i++) { Proof currProof; file >> currProof; pi.push_back(currProof); } file >> sizeOfVector; std::vector newVotes; for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeOfVector.val(); i++) { TwistBipoint currVote; file >> currVote; newVotes.push_back(currVote); } Twistpoint shortTermPublicKey; file >> shortTermPublicKey; BinaryBool shouldDeal; file >> shouldDeal; // If we're dealing this update to the other servers, obtain global update lock std::unique_lock updateLock(updateMtx, std::defer_lock); std::vector bandwidthData(2); std::vector bandwidthDataBefore = get_server_log_data(civetServer->getContext()); std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::time_point wallTimeBefore = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); clock_t cpuTimeBefore = clock(); if (shouldDeal.val()) obtain_update_locks(updateLock, serverIPs, serverPorts, selfIP, selfPort, bandwidthData); // Load votes into server object prsonaServer->receive_vote(pi, newVotes, shortTermPublicKey); // If we're dealing this update to the other servers, actually do that if (shouldDeal.val()) { distribute_new_vote(pi, newVotes, shortTermPublicKey, bandwidthData); // Then release the global update lock release_update_locks(updateLock, serverIPs, serverPorts, selfIP, selfPort, bandwidthData); } clock_t cpuTimeAfter = clock(); std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::time_point wallTimeAfter = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); std::vector bandwidthDataAfter = get_server_log_data(civetServer->getContext()); std::vector timingData(2); timingData[0] = std::chrono::duration_cast>(wallTimeAfter - wallTimeBefore).count(); timingData[1] = ((double)(cpuTimeAfter - cpuTimeBefore)) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC; bandwidthData[0] += bandwidthDataAfter[0] - bandwidthDataBefore[0] + bandwidthRcv; bandwidthData[1] += bandwidthDataAfter[1] - bandwidthDataBefore[1]; write_log_data(voteOutputMtx, voteOutputFilename, timingData, bandwidthData); write_usage_data(usageMtx, usageFilename); // Notify client their request has been completed mg_websocket_write(conn, MG_WEBSOCKET_OPCODE_DATACOMPLETE, "", 0); } /* * DISTRIBUTION HELPERS FOR CLIENT INTERACTIONS */ void PrsonaServerWebSocketHandler::distribute_new_user_updates( const std::vector& proofOfValidAddition, const std::vector& previousVoteTallies, const std::vector& currentPseudonyms, const std::vector& currentUserEncryptedTallies, const std::vector>& voteMatrix) const { struct synchronization_tool sync; // Serialize data std::stringstream buffer; std::string data; BinarySizeT sizeOfVector; sizeOfVector.set(proofOfValidAddition.size()); buffer << sizeOfVector; for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeOfVector.val(); i++) buffer << proofOfValidAddition[i]; sizeOfVector.set(previousVoteTallies.size()); buffer << sizeOfVector; for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeOfVector.val(); i++) buffer << previousVoteTallies[i]; sizeOfVector.set(currentPseudonyms.size()); buffer << sizeOfVector; for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeOfVector.val(); i++) buffer << currentPseudonyms[i]; sizeOfVector.set(currentUserEncryptedTallies.size()); buffer << sizeOfVector; for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeOfVector.val(); i++) buffer << currentUserEncryptedTallies[i]; sizeOfVector.set(voteMatrix.size()); buffer << sizeOfVector; for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeOfVector.val(); i++) for (size_t j = 0; j < sizeOfVector.val(); j++) buffer << voteMatrix[i][j]; data = buffer.str(); // Connect to each server and give them data on the new user size_t i = 0; while (i < serverIPs.size()) { if (serverIPs[i] == selfIP && serverPorts[i] == selfPort) { i++; continue; } struct mg_connection *conn = NULL; std::unique_lock lck(sync.mtx); sync.val = 0; sync.val2 = 0; while (!conn) { conn = mg_connect_websocket_client(serverIPs[i].c_str(), serverPorts[i], USE_SSL, NULL, 0, SUBMIT_UPDATE_WITH_NEW_USER_URI, "null", synchro_websocket_data_handler, synchro_websocket_close_handler, &sync); if (!conn) std::cerr << "Couldn't give server " << i << " new user" << std::endl; } // Send the server the new user data mg_websocket_client_write(conn, MG_WEBSOCKET_OPCODE_BINARY, data.c_str(), data.length()); mg_websocket_client_write(conn, MG_WEBSOCKET_OPCODE_DATACOMPLETE, "", 0); // Wait for its response (or the connection to die) while (!sync.val2) sync.cv.wait(lck); // Close connection mg_close_connection(conn); // Only move forward once we've confirmed we correctly gave the update (or else we risk synchronization issues!) if (sync.val) i++; } } void PrsonaServerWebSocketHandler::distribute_new_vote( std::vector pi, std::vector newVotes, Twistpoint shortTermPublicKey, std::vector& bandwidthData) const { struct synchronization_tool sync; // Serialize data std::stringstream buffer; std::string data; BinarySizeT sizeOfVector; sizeOfVector.set(pi.size()); buffer << sizeOfVector; for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeOfVector.val(); i++) buffer << pi[i]; sizeOfVector.set(newVotes.size()); buffer << sizeOfVector; for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeOfVector.val(); i++) buffer << newVotes[i]; buffer << shortTermPublicKey; BinaryBool flag(false); buffer << flag; data = buffer.str(); // Connect to each server and give them the new votes size_t i = 0; while (i < serverIPs.size()) { if (serverIPs[i] == selfIP && serverPorts[i] == selfPort) { i++; continue; } struct mg_connection *conn = NULL; std::unique_lock syncLock(sync.mtx); sync.val = 0; sync.val2 = 0; while (!conn) { conn = mg_connect_websocket_client(serverIPs[i].c_str(), serverPorts[i], USE_SSL, NULL, 0, SUBMIT_VOTE_URI, "null", synchro_websocket_data_handler, synchro_websocket_close_handler, &sync); if (!conn) std::cerr << "Couldn't give server " << i << " new vote data" << std::endl; } std::vector bandwidthDataBefore = get_conn_log_data(mg_get_context(conn), false); // Send the server the new vote data mg_websocket_client_write(conn, MG_WEBSOCKET_OPCODE_BINARY, data.c_str(), data.length()); mg_websocket_client_write(conn, MG_WEBSOCKET_OPCODE_DATACOMPLETE, "", 0); // Wait for its response (or the connection to die) while (!sync.val2) sync.cv.wait(syncLock); std::vector bandwidthDataAfter = get_conn_log_data(mg_get_context(conn), false); bandwidthData[0] += bandwidthDataAfter[0] - bandwidthDataBefore[0]; bandwidthData[1] += bandwidthDataAfter[1] - bandwidthDataBefore[1]; // Close connection mg_close_connection(conn); // Only move forward once we've confirmed we correctly gave the update (or else we risk synchronization issues!) if (sync.val) i++; } } void PrsonaServerWebSocketHandler::import_new_user_update( struct mg_connection *conn, const char *filename) { std::vector proofOfValidAddition; std::vector previousVoteTallies; std::vector currentPseudonyms; std::vector currentUserEncryptedTallies; std::vector> voteMatrix; std::ifstream file(filename); // Un-serialize request BinarySizeT sizeOfVector; file >> sizeOfVector; for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeOfVector.val(); i++) { Proof currProof; file >> currProof; proofOfValidAddition.push_back(currProof); } file >> sizeOfVector; for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeOfVector.val(); i++) { CurveBipoint currTally; file >> currTally; previousVoteTallies.push_back(currTally); } file >> sizeOfVector; for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeOfVector.val(); i++) { Twistpoint currNym; file >> currNym; currentPseudonyms.push_back(currNym); } file >> sizeOfVector; for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeOfVector.val(); i++) { EGCiphertext currTally; file >> currTally; currentUserEncryptedTallies.push_back(currTally); } file >> sizeOfVector; for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeOfVector.val(); i++) { std::vector currRow; for (size_t j = 0; j < sizeOfVector.val(); j++) { TwistBipoint currVote; file >> currVote; currRow.push_back(currVote); } voteMatrix.push_back(currRow); } // Load data into server object prsonaServer->import_new_user_update(proofOfValidAddition, previousVoteTallies, currentPseudonyms, currentUserEncryptedTallies, voteMatrix); // Acknowledge successful request mg_websocket_write(conn, MG_WEBSOCKET_OPCODE_DATACOMPLETE, "", 0); } /* * CONSTRUCTOR HELPERS */ void PrsonaServerWebSocketHandler::get_bgn_details( struct mg_connection *conn) const { // Retrieve value const BGN& sharedBGN = prsonaServer->get_bgn_details(); // Serialize response std::stringstream buffer; std::string data; buffer << sharedBGN; data = buffer.str(); // Send response mg_websocket_write(conn, MG_WEBSOCKET_OPCODE_BINARY, data.c_str(), data.length()); } void PrsonaServerWebSocketHandler::add_seed_to_generator( struct mg_connection *conn, const char *filename, bool fresh) const { std::ifstream file(filename); // Un-serialize request Twistpoint currGenerator; file >> currGenerator; // Retrieve value std::vector pi; if (fresh) currGenerator = prsonaServer->add_curr_seed_to_generator(pi, currGenerator); else currGenerator = prsonaServer->add_rand_seed_to_generator(pi, currGenerator); // Serialize response std::stringstream buffer; std::string data; buffer << pi[0]; buffer << currGenerator; data = buffer.str(); // Send response mg_websocket_write(conn, MG_WEBSOCKET_OPCODE_BINARY, data.c_str(), data.length()); } void PrsonaServerWebSocketHandler::set_generator( const char *filename, bool fresh) { std::ifstream file(filename); // Un-serialize request BinarySizeT sizeOfVector; file >> sizeOfVector; std::vector pi; for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeOfVector.val(); i++) { Proof currProof; file >> currProof; pi.push_back(currProof); } Twistpoint newGenerator; file >> newGenerator; // Load value into server object if (fresh) prsonaServer->initialize_fresh_generator(pi, newGenerator); else prsonaServer->set_EG_blind_generator(pi, newGenerator); } /* * EPOCH ROUNDS */ void PrsonaServerWebSocketHandler::build_up_midway_pseudonyms( CivetServer *civetServer, struct mg_connection *conn, const char *filename) { std::vector> generatorProofHolder; std::vector generatorProof; Twistpoint nextGenerator; // Un-serialize request ssize_t bandwidthRcv = read_epoch_initiator_string(filename, generatorProof, nextGenerator); generatorProofHolder.push_back(generatorProof); std::vector>> pi; pi.push_back(generatorProofHolder); std::vector>> permutationCommits; std::vector>> freshPseudonymCommits; std::vector>> freshPseudonymSeedCommits; std::vector>> serverTallyCommits; std::vector>>> partwayVoteMatrixCommits; std::vector>>> finalVoteMatrixCommits; std::vector bandwidthData(2); std::vector> otherBandwidthDataBefore; std::vector serverBandwidthDataBefore = get_server_log_data(civetServer->getContext()); std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::time_point wallTimeBefore = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); clock_t cpuTimeBefore = clock(); // Do actual epoch calculation prsonaServer->build_up_midway_pseudonyms(pi, permutationCommits, freshPseudonymCommits, freshPseudonymSeedCommits, serverTallyCommits, partwayVoteMatrixCommits, finalVoteMatrixCommits, nextGenerator); std::vector> userTallyMaskCommits, userTallyMessageCommits, userTallySeedCommits; // Serialize update data std::string data = make_epoch_update_string(pi[1], permutationCommits[0], freshPseudonymCommits[0], freshPseudonymSeedCommits[0], serverTallyCommits[0], partwayVoteMatrixCommits[0], finalVoteMatrixCommits[0], userTallyMaskCommits, userTallyMessageCommits, userTallySeedCommits, nextGenerator, false); struct synchronization_tool sync; std::vector conns; // Connect to all other servers (roughly in parallel) std::unique_lock lck(sync.mtx); sync.val = 1; for (size_t i = 0; i < serverIPs.size(); i++) { if (serverIPs[i] == selfIP && serverPorts[i] == selfPort) continue; // Send them update data struct mg_connection *currConn = distribute_epoch_updates(serverIPs[i], serverPorts[i], data, &sync); conns.push_back(currConn); otherBandwidthDataBefore.push_back(get_conn_log_data(mg_get_context(currConn), false)); } // Wait for all to acknowledge receipt of the update data while (sync.val < serverIPs.size()) sync.cv.wait(lck); // Close connections for (size_t i = 0; i < conns.size(); i++) { std::vector currBandwidthDataAfter = get_conn_log_data(mg_get_context(conns[i]), false); bandwidthData[0] += currBandwidthDataAfter[0] - otherBandwidthDataBefore[i][0]; bandwidthData[1] += currBandwidthDataAfter[1] - otherBandwidthDataBefore[i][1]; mg_close_connection(conns[i]); } clock_t cpuTimeAfter = clock(); std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::time_point wallTimeAfter = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); std::vector serverBandwidthDataAfter = get_server_log_data(civetServer->getContext()); std::vector timingData(2); timingData[0] = std::chrono::duration_cast>(wallTimeAfter - wallTimeBefore).count(); timingData[1] = ((double)(cpuTimeAfter - cpuTimeBefore)) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC; bandwidthData[0] += serverBandwidthDataAfter[0] - serverBandwidthDataBefore[0] + bandwidthRcv; bandwidthData[1] += serverBandwidthDataAfter[1] - serverBandwidthDataBefore[1]; write_log_data(buildUpOutputMtx, buildUpOutputFilename, timingData, bandwidthData); write_usage_data(usageMtx, usageFilename); // Serialize response data = make_epoch_initiator_string(pi[0][0], nextGenerator); // Send response mg_websocket_write(conn, MG_WEBSOCKET_OPCODE_BINARY, data.c_str(), data.length()); mg_websocket_write(conn, MG_WEBSOCKET_OPCODE_DATACOMPLETE, "", 0); } void PrsonaServerWebSocketHandler::break_down_midway_pseudonyms( CivetServer *civetServer, struct mg_connection *conn, const char *filename) { std::vector generatorProof; Twistpoint nextGenerator; // Un-serialize request ssize_t bandwidthRcv = read_epoch_initiator_string(filename, generatorProof, nextGenerator); std::vector>> pi; std::vector>> permutationCommits; std::vector>> freshPseudonymCommits; std::vector>> freshPseudonymSeedCommits; std::vector>> serverTallyCommits; std::vector>>> partwayVoteMatrixCommits; std::vector>>> finalVoteMatrixCommits; std::vector>> userTallyMaskCommits; std::vector>> userTallyMessageCommits; std::vector>> userTallySeedCommits; std::vector bandwidthData(2); std::vector> otherBandwidthDataBefore; std::vector serverBandwidthDataBefore = get_server_log_data(civetServer->getContext()); std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::time_point wallTimeBefore = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); clock_t cpuTimeBefore = clock(); // Do actual epoch calculation prsonaServer->break_down_midway_pseudonyms(generatorProof, pi, permutationCommits, freshPseudonymCommits, freshPseudonymSeedCommits, serverTallyCommits, partwayVoteMatrixCommits, finalVoteMatrixCommits, userTallyMaskCommits, userTallyMessageCommits, userTallySeedCommits, nextGenerator); // Serialize update data std::string data = make_epoch_update_string(pi[0], permutationCommits[0], freshPseudonymCommits[0], freshPseudonymSeedCommits[0], serverTallyCommits[0], partwayVoteMatrixCommits[0], finalVoteMatrixCommits[0], userTallyMaskCommits[0], userTallyMessageCommits[0], userTallySeedCommits[0], nextGenerator, true); struct synchronization_tool sync; std::vector conns; // Connect to all other servers (roughly in parallel) std::unique_lock lck(sync.mtx); sync.val = 1; for (size_t i = 0; i < serverIPs.size(); i++) { if (serverIPs[i] == selfIP && serverPorts[i] == selfPort) continue; // Send them update data struct mg_connection *currConn = distribute_epoch_updates(serverIPs[i], serverPorts[i], data, &sync); conns.push_back(currConn); otherBandwidthDataBefore.push_back(get_conn_log_data(mg_get_context(currConn), false)); } // Wait for all to acknowledge receipt of the update data while (sync.val < serverIPs.size()) sync.cv.wait(lck); // Close connections for (size_t i = 0; i < conns.size(); i++) { std::vector currBandwidthDataAfter = get_conn_log_data(mg_get_context(conns[i]), false); bandwidthData[0] += currBandwidthDataAfter[0] - otherBandwidthDataBefore[i][0]; bandwidthData[1] += currBandwidthDataAfter[1] - otherBandwidthDataBefore[i][1]; mg_close_connection(conns[i]); } clock_t cpuTimeAfter = clock(); std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::time_point wallTimeAfter = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); std::vector serverBandwidthDataAfter = get_server_log_data(civetServer->getContext()); std::vector timingData(2); timingData[0] = std::chrono::duration_cast>(wallTimeAfter - wallTimeBefore).count(); timingData[1] = ((double)(cpuTimeAfter - cpuTimeBefore)) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC; bandwidthData[0] += serverBandwidthDataAfter[0] - serverBandwidthDataBefore[0] + bandwidthRcv; bandwidthData[1] += serverBandwidthDataAfter[1] - serverBandwidthDataBefore[1]; write_log_data(breakDownOutputMtx, breakDownOutputFilename, timingData, bandwidthData); write_usage_data(usageMtx, usageFilename); // Keep our epoch value up-to-date epochNum.fetch_add(1); // Tell initiator we have finished mg_websocket_write(conn, MG_WEBSOCKET_OPCODE_DATACOMPLETE, "", 0); } void PrsonaServerWebSocketHandler::accept_epoch_updates( CivetServer *civetServer, struct mg_connection *conn, const char *filename) { std::vector> pi; std::vector> permutationCommits; std::vector> freshPseudonymCommits; std::vector> freshPseudonymSeedCommits; std::vector> serverTallyCommits; std::vector>> partwayVoteMatrixCommits; std::vector>> finalVoteMatrixCommits; std::vector> userTallyMaskCommits; std::vector> userTallyMessageCommits; std::vector> userTallySeedCommits; Twistpoint nextGenerator; bool doUserTallies; // Un-serialize request ssize_t bandwidthRcv = read_epoch_update_string(filename, pi, permutationCommits, freshPseudonymCommits, freshPseudonymSeedCommits, serverTallyCommits, partwayVoteMatrixCommits, finalVoteMatrixCommits, userTallyMaskCommits, userTallyMessageCommits, userTallySeedCommits, nextGenerator, doUserTallies); std::vector bandwidthDataBefore = get_server_log_data(civetServer->getContext()); std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::time_point wallTimeBefore = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); clock_t cpuTimeBefore = clock(); // Load data into server object prsonaServer->accept_epoch_updates(pi, permutationCommits, freshPseudonymCommits, freshPseudonymSeedCommits, serverTallyCommits, partwayVoteMatrixCommits, finalVoteMatrixCommits, userTallyMaskCommits, userTallyMessageCommits, userTallySeedCommits, nextGenerator, doUserTallies); clock_t cpuTimeAfter = clock(); std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::time_point wallTimeAfter = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); std::vector bandwidthDataAfter = get_server_log_data(civetServer->getContext()); std::vector timingData(2); timingData[0] = std::chrono::duration_cast>(wallTimeAfter - wallTimeBefore).count(); timingData[1] = ((double)(cpuTimeAfter - cpuTimeBefore)) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC; std::vector bandwidthData(2); bandwidthData[0] = bandwidthDataAfter[0] - bandwidthDataBefore[0] + bandwidthRcv; bandwidthData[1] = bandwidthDataAfter[1] - bandwidthDataBefore[1]; write_log_data(updateOutputMtx, updateOutputFilename, timingData, bandwidthData); write_usage_data(usageMtx, usageFilename); // Acknowledge receipt of request mg_websocket_write(conn, MG_WEBSOCKET_OPCODE_DATACOMPLETE, "", 0); } /* * DISTRIBUTED BGN */ void PrsonaServerWebSocketHandler::get_partial_decryption( struct mg_connection *conn) const { // Send back ACK (since all we do here is simulate distributed BGN) mg_websocket_write(conn, MG_WEBSOCKET_OPCODE_DATACOMPLETE, "", 0); } void PrsonaServerWebSocketHandler::receive_tallied_scores( struct mg_connection *conn, const char *filename) { std::ifstream file(filename); // Un-serialize request std::vector userScores; std::vector serverScores; BinarySizeT sizeOfVector; file >> sizeOfVector; for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeOfVector.val(); i++) { EGCiphertext currScore; file >> currScore; userScores.push_back(currScore); } for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeOfVector.val(); i++) { CurveBipoint currScore; file >> currScore; serverScores.push_back(currScore); } // Load into server object prsonaServer->receive_tallied_scores(userScores, serverScores); // Acknowledge receipt of data mg_websocket_write(conn, MG_WEBSOCKET_OPCODE_DATACOMPLETE, "", 0); }