Browse Source

Cleanup: Remove obsolete server files

Vecna 1 year ago
4 changed files with 0 additions and 277 deletions
  1. 0 62
  2. 0 119
  3. 0 29
  4. 0 67

+ 0 - 62

@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-// This seems like probably not the best way to do this, but it works.
-#[path = "../"]
-mod server_net;
-use crate::server_net::listen;
-use lox::BridgeDb;
-use std::env::args;
-use std::fs::File;
-use std::io::Write;
-use std::path::Path;
-async fn main() {
-    let bridgedb_filename = "bridgedb.json";
-    let bridgedb_pubkey_filename = "bridgedb_pubkey.json";
-    // network address to listen on, e.g., localhost:8181
-    let addr = args().nth(1).unwrap();
-    // If bridgedb has already been created, recreate it from file.
-    // Otherwise, create new bridgedb.
-    let mut bridgedb = if Path::new(bridgedb_filename).exists() {
-        // read in file
-        let bridgedb_infile = File::open(bridgedb_filename).unwrap();
-        serde_json::from_reader(bridgedb_infile).unwrap()
-    } else {
-        // create new bridgedb (implicitly generates keys)
-        BridgeDb::new()
-    };
-    // output full serialized bridgedb if file doesn't already exist
-    if !Path::new(bridgedb_filename).exists() {
-        let mut bridgedb_outfile =
-            File::create(bridgedb_filename).expect("Failed to create bridgedb privkey file");
-        let bridgedb_outfile_json = serde_json::to_string(&bridgedb).unwrap();
-        write!(bridgedb_outfile, "{}", bridgedb_outfile_json)
-            .expect("Failed to write to bridgedb.json");
-    }
-    // output bridgedb public key if file doesn't already exist
-    if !Path::new(bridgedb_pubkey_filename).exists() {
-        let mut bridgedb_pubkey_outfile =
-            File::create(bridgedb_pubkey_filename).expect("Failed to create bridgedb pubkey file");
-        write!(
-            bridgedb_pubkey_outfile,
-            "{}",
-            serde_json::to_string(&bridgedb.pubkey).unwrap()
-        )
-        .expect("Failed to write to bridgedb pubkey file");
-    }
-    listen(addr, &mut |request: Vec<u8>| handle_request(request, &mut bridgedb)).await;
-fn handle_request(request: Vec<u8>, bridgedb: &mut BridgeDb) -> Vec<u8> {
-    if request[0] == 1 {
-        // note, the bridgedb currently has no buckets
-        return bridgedb.invite().to_vec();
-    }
-    // default response, to deal with later
-    [].to_vec()

+ 0 - 119

@@ -1,119 +0,0 @@
-// This seems like probably not the best way to do this, but it works.
-#[path = "../"]
-mod server_net;
-use crate::server_net::listen;
-#[path = "../"]
-mod request_type;
-use crate::request_type::RequestType;
-use lox::BridgeAuth;
-use lox::proto::*;
-use std::env::args;
-use std::fs::File;
-use std::io::Write;
-use std::path::Path;
-async fn main() {
-    let bridgedb_pubkey_filename = "bridgedb_pubkey.json";
-    let lox_auth_filename = "lox_auth.json";
-    let lox_auth_pubkeys_filename = "lox_auth_pubkeys.json";
-    // network address to listen on, e.g., localhost:8080
-    let addr = args().nth(1).unwrap();
-    // import bridgedb pubkey
-    // note: currently no checks for valid data
-    let bridgedb_pubkey_infile = File::open(bridgedb_pubkey_filename).unwrap();
-    let bridgedb_pubkey = serde_json::from_reader(bridgedb_pubkey_infile).unwrap();
-    // If lox_auth has already been created, recreate it from file.
-    // Otherwise, create new lox authority.
-    let mut lox_auth = if Path::new(lox_auth_filename).exists() {
-        // read in file
-        let lox_auth_infile = File::open(lox_auth_filename).unwrap();
-        serde_json::from_reader(lox_auth_infile).unwrap()
-    } else {
-        // create new lox_auth (implicitly generates keys)
-        BridgeAuth::new(bridgedb_pubkey)
-    };
-    // output full serialized lox_auth if it doesn't exist
-    if !Path::new(lox_auth_filename).exists() {
-        let mut lox_auth_outfile =
-            File::create(lox_auth_filename).expect("Failed to create lox_auth file");
-        let lox_auth_outfile_json = serde_json::to_string(&lox_auth).unwrap();
-        write!(lox_auth_outfile, "{}", lox_auth_outfile_json)
-            .expect("Failed to write to lox_auth file");
-    }
-    // output lox_auth pubkeys if the file doesn't exist
-    if !Path::new(lox_auth_pubkeys_filename).exists() {
-        // vector of public keys (to serialize)
-        let lox_auth_pubkeys = vec![
-            &lox_auth.lox_pub,
-            &lox_auth.migration_pub,
-            &lox_auth.migrationkey_pub,
-            &lox_auth.reachability_pub,
-            &lox_auth.invitation_pub,
-        ];
-        // output lox_auth public keys
-        let mut lox_auth_pubkeys_outfile = File::create(lox_auth_pubkeys_filename)
-            .expect("Failed to create lox_auth pubkeys file");
-        write!(
-            lox_auth_pubkeys_outfile,
-            "{}",
-            serde_json::to_string(&lox_auth_pubkeys).unwrap()
-        )
-        .expect("Failed to write to lox_auth pubkeys file");
-    }
-    listen(addr, &mut |request: Vec<u8>| handle_request(request, &mut lox_auth)).await;
-fn handle_request(request: Vec<u8>, lox_auth: &mut BridgeAuth) -> Vec<u8> {
-    match RequestType::try_from(request[0]).unwrap() {
-        RequestType::BlockageMigration => {
-            let decoded: blockage_migration::Request = bincode::deserialize(&request[1..]).unwrap();
-            let resp = lox_auth.handle_blockage_migration(decoded).unwrap();
-            bincode::serialize(&resp).unwrap()
-        },
-        RequestType::CheckBlockage => {
-            let decoded: check_blockage::Request = bincode::deserialize(&request[1..]).unwrap();
-            let resp = lox_auth.handle_check_blockage(decoded).unwrap();
-            bincode::serialize(&resp).unwrap()
-        },
-        RequestType::IssueInvite => {
-            let decoded: issue_invite::Request = bincode::deserialize(&request[1..]).unwrap();
-            let resp = lox_auth.handle_issue_invite(decoded).unwrap();
-            bincode::serialize(&resp).unwrap()
-        },
-        RequestType::LevelUp => {
-            let decoded: level_up::Request = bincode::deserialize(&request[1..]).unwrap();
-            let resp = lox_auth.handle_level_up(decoded).unwrap();
-            bincode::serialize(&resp).unwrap()
-        },
-        RequestType::Migration => {
-            let decoded: migration::Request = bincode::deserialize(&request[1..]).unwrap();
-            let resp = lox_auth.handle_migration(decoded).unwrap();
-            bincode::serialize(&resp).unwrap()
-        },
-        RequestType::OpenInvite => {
-            let decoded: open_invite::Request = bincode::deserialize(&request[1..]).unwrap();
-            let resp = lox_auth.handle_open_invite(decoded).unwrap();
-            bincode::serialize(&resp).unwrap()
-        },
-        RequestType::RedeemInvite => {
-            let decoded: redeem_invite::Request = bincode::deserialize(&request[1..]).unwrap();
-            let resp = lox_auth.handle_redeem_invite(decoded).unwrap();
-            bincode::serialize(&resp).unwrap()
-        },
-        RequestType::TrustPromotion => {
-            let decoded: trust_promotion::Request = bincode::deserialize(&request[1..]).unwrap();
-            let resp = lox_auth.handle_trust_promotion(decoded).unwrap();
-            bincode::serialize(&resp).unwrap()
-        },
-    }

+ 0 - 29

@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-/*! Types of requests we might encounter. */
-pub enum RequestType {
-    BlockageMigration,
-    CheckBlockage,
-    IssueInvite,
-    LevelUp,
-    Migration,
-    OpenInvite,
-    RedeemInvite,
-    TrustPromotion,
-impl TryFrom<u8> for RequestType {
-    type Error = &'static str;
-    fn try_from(value: u8) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
-        match value {
-            1 => Ok(RequestType::BlockageMigration),
-            2 => Ok(RequestType::CheckBlockage),
-            3 => Ok(RequestType::IssueInvite),
-            4 => Ok(RequestType::LevelUp),
-            5 => Ok(RequestType::Migration),
-            6 => Ok(RequestType::OpenInvite),
-            7 => Ok(RequestType::RedeemInvite),
-            8 => Ok(RequestType::TrustPromotion),
-            _ => Err("Byte given does not represent a valid request type."),
-        }
-    }

+ 0 - 67

@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-/*! The networking methods for our server components to call. In
-particular, this file provides a listen() methods to handle creating
-a server process so the other code doesn't need to care about how
-these work. */
-// This file is based on tokio's example:
-use tokio::io::{AsyncReadExt, AsyncWriteExt};
-use tokio::net::TcpListener;
-pub async fn listen(addr: String, fun: &mut dyn FnMut(Vec<u8>) -> Vec<u8>) {
-    let listener = TcpListener::bind(&addr)
-        .await
-        .expect("Failed to create TcpListener");
-    println!("Listening on: {}", addr);
-    loop {
-        // asynchronously wait for an inbound socket
-        let (mut socket, _) = listener.accept().await.expect("Failed to create socket");
-//        tokio::spawn(async move {
-            loop {
-                // get number of bytes to receive
-                let mut nbuf: [u8; 4] = [0; 4];
-                socket
-                    .read(&mut nbuf)
-                    .await
-                    .expect("Failed to get number of bytes to read");
-                let n = u32::from_be_bytes(nbuf);
-                if n == 0 {
-                    break;
-//                    return;
-                }
-                let mut buf = vec![0; n.try_into().unwrap()];
-                // receive data
-                socket
-                    .read(&mut buf)
-                    .await
-                    .expect("Failed to read data from socket");
-                if n == 0 {
-                    break;
-                    // return;
-                }
-                let response = fun(buf);
-                // send number of bytes in response
-                let response_size = u32::to_be_bytes(response.len().try_into().unwrap());
-                socket
-                    .write_all(&response_size)
-                    .await
-                    .expect("Failed to write number of bytes to listen for");
-                // send response
-                socket
-                    .write_all(&response)
-                    .await
-                    .expect("Failed to write data to socket");
-            }
-//        });
-    }