extra_info.rs 6.6 KB

  1. /*! Fields we need from the extra-info documents for bridges...
  2. Note, this is NOT a complete implementation of the document format.
  3. (https://spec.torproject.org/dir-spec/extra-info-document-format.html) */
  4. use chrono::DateTime;
  5. use julianday::JulianDay;
  6. use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
  7. use std::{
  8. collections::{BTreeMap, HashMap, HashSet},
  9. fmt,
  10. };
  11. /// Fields we need from extra-info document
  12. #[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Hash, Serialize, Deserialize)]
  13. pub struct ExtraInfo {
  14. /// Bridge nickname, probably unused
  15. pub nickname: String,
  16. /// Bridge fingerprint, a SHA-1 hash of the bridge ID
  17. pub fingerprint: [u8; 20],
  18. /// Date (in UTC) that this document covered (bridge-stats-end if
  19. /// available) or that the document was published (published), stored
  20. /// as a Julian date because we don't need to know more precisely than
  21. /// the day.
  22. pub date: u32,
  23. /// Map of country codes and how many users (rounded up to a multiple of
  24. /// 8) have connected to that bridge during the day.
  25. /// Uses BTreeMap instead of HashMap so ExtraInfo can implement Hash.
  26. pub bridge_ips: BTreeMap<String, u32>,
  27. }
  28. impl ExtraInfo {
  29. /// Converts a map of keys and values into an ExtraInfo if all necessary fields
  30. /// are represented.
  31. fn from_map(entry: &HashMap<String, String>) -> Result<Self, String> {
  32. if !entry.contains_key("nickname") || !entry.contains_key("fingerprint") {
  33. // How did we get here??
  34. return Err("Cannot parse extra-info: Missing nickname or fingerprint".to_string());
  35. }
  36. if !(entry.contains_key("bridge-stats-end") || entry.contains_key("published"))
  37. || !entry.contains_key("bridge-ips")
  38. {
  39. // Some extra-infos are missing data on connecting IPs...
  40. // But we can't do anything in that case.
  41. return Err(format!(
  42. "Failed to parse extra-info for {} {}",
  43. entry.get("nickname").unwrap(),
  44. entry.get("fingerprint").unwrap()
  45. ));
  46. }
  47. let nickname = entry.get("nickname").unwrap().to_string();
  48. let fingerprint_str = entry.get("fingerprint").unwrap();
  49. if fingerprint_str.len() != 40 {
  50. return Err("Fingerprint must be 20 bytes".to_string());
  51. }
  52. let fingerprint = array_bytes::hex2array(fingerprint_str).unwrap();
  53. let date: u32 = {
  54. let date_str = if entry.contains_key("bridge-stats-end") {
  55. let line = entry.get("bridge-stats-end").unwrap();
  56. // Parse out (86400 s) from end of line
  57. &line[..line.find('(').unwrap() - 1]
  58. } else {
  59. entry.get("published").unwrap().as_str()
  60. };
  61. JulianDay::from(
  62. DateTime::parse_from_str(&(date_str.to_owned() + " +0000"), "%F %T %z")
  63. .unwrap()
  64. .date_naive(),
  65. )
  66. .inner()
  67. .try_into()
  68. .unwrap()
  69. };
  70. let bridge_ips_str = entry.get("bridge-ips").unwrap();
  71. let mut bridge_ips: BTreeMap<String, u32> = BTreeMap::new();
  72. let countries: Vec<&str> = bridge_ips_str.split(',').collect();
  73. for country in countries {
  74. if !country.is_empty() {
  75. // bridge-ips may be empty
  76. let (cc, count) = country.split_once('=').unwrap();
  77. bridge_ips.insert(cc.to_string(), count.parse::<u32>().unwrap());
  78. }
  79. }
  80. Ok(Self {
  81. nickname,
  82. fingerprint,
  83. date,
  84. bridge_ips,
  85. })
  86. }
  87. /// Accepts a downloaded extra-infos file as a big string, returns a set of
  88. /// the ExtraInfos represented by the file.
  89. pub fn parse_file(extra_info_str: &str) -> HashSet<Self> {
  90. let mut set = HashSet::<Self>::new();
  91. let mut entry = HashMap::<String, String>::new();
  92. for line in extra_info_str.lines() {
  93. if line.starts_with("@type bridge-extra-info ") {
  94. if !entry.is_empty() {
  95. let extra_info = Self::from_map(&entry);
  96. if let Ok(ei) = extra_info {
  97. set.insert(ei);
  98. } else {
  99. // Just print the error and continue.
  100. println!("{}", extra_info.err().unwrap());
  101. }
  102. entry = HashMap::<String, String>::new();
  103. }
  104. } else if line.starts_with("extra-info ") {
  105. // extra-info line has format:
  106. // extra-info <nickname> <fingerprint>
  107. let line_split: Vec<&str> = line.split(' ').collect();
  108. if line_split.len() != 3 {
  109. println!("Misformed extra-info line");
  110. } else {
  111. entry.insert("nickname".to_string(), line_split[1].to_string());
  112. entry.insert("fingerprint".to_string(), line_split[2].to_string());
  113. }
  114. } else {
  115. let (key, value) = match line.split_once(' ') {
  116. Some((k, v)) => (k, v),
  117. None => (line, ""),
  118. };
  119. entry.insert(key.to_string(), value.to_string());
  120. }
  121. }
  122. // Do for the last one
  123. let extra_info = Self::from_map(&entry);
  124. if let Ok(ei) = extra_info {
  125. set.insert(ei);
  126. } else {
  127. println!("{}", extra_info.err().unwrap());
  128. }
  129. set
  130. }
  131. }
  132. /// Convert the ExtraInfo object to a string record, as in a downloaded file
  133. impl fmt::Display for ExtraInfo {
  134. fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
  135. let mut str = String::from("@type bridge-extra-info 1.3");
  136. str.push_str(
  137. format!(
  138. "\nextra-info {} {}",
  139. self.nickname,
  140. array_bytes::bytes2hex("", self.fingerprint).to_uppercase()
  141. )
  142. .as_str(),
  143. );
  144. let date = JulianDay::new(self.date.try_into().unwrap()).to_date();
  145. str.push_str(format!("\nbridge-stats-end {} 23:59:59 (86400 s)", date).as_str());
  146. str.push_str(format!("\npublished {} 23:59:59", date).as_str());
  147. // These should be sorted in descending order by count, but that's not
  148. // necessary for our purposes.
  149. str.push_str("\nbridge-ips ");
  150. let mut first_cc = true;
  151. for (cc, count) in &self.bridge_ips {
  152. if !first_cc {
  153. str.push(',');
  154. }
  155. str.push_str(format!("{}={}", cc, count,).as_str());
  156. first_cc = false;
  157. }
  158. str.push('\n');
  159. write!(f, "{}", str)
  160. }
  161. }