Kaynağa Gözat

Add an example application of verifiable encryption

This circuit outputs an El Gamal encryption of a private key k
to a publicly known receiver's key P, along with the corresponding
public key K = k*G

There are three modes:

const: the receiver's public key is the constant H
pub: the Ptable corresponding to the receiver's key P is public
priv: the Ptable corresponding to the receiver's key P is private
Ian Goldberg 4 yıl önce
2 değiştirilmiş dosya ile 228 ekleme ve 1 silme
  1. 4 1
  2. 224 0

+ 4 - 1

@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-all: pedersen scalarmul varscalarmul
+all: pedersen scalarmul varscalarmul verifenc
@@ -15,6 +15,9 @@ scalarmul: scalarmul.cpp ecgadget.hpp libsnark_headers.hpp.gch scalarmul.hpp.gch
 varscalarmul: varscalarmul.cpp ecgadget.hpp libsnark_headers.hpp.gch scalarmul.hpp.gch
 	g++ $(CXXFLAGS) -o varscalarmul varscalarmul.cpp $(LDFLAGS)
+verifenc: verifenc.cpp ecgadget.hpp libsnark_headers.hpp.gch scalarmul.hpp.gch
+	g++ $(CXXFLAGS) -o verifenc verifenc.cpp $(LDFLAGS)
 libsnark_headers.hpp.gch: libsnark_headers.hpp
 	g++ $(CXXFLAGS) $<

+ 224 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <fstream>
+#include "ecgadget.hpp"
+#include "scalarmul.hpp"
+using namespace libsnark;
+using namespace std;
+int main(int argc, char **argv)
+  enum {
+    MODE_PUB,
+  } mode = MODE_NONE;
+  if (argc == 2) {
+    if (!strcmp(argv[1], "priv")) {
+        mode = MODE_PRIV;
+    } else if (!strcmp(argv[1], "pub")) {
+        mode = MODE_PUB;
+    } else if (!strcmp(argv[1], "const")) {
+        mode = MODE_CONST;
+    }
+  }
+  if (mode == MODE_NONE) {
+    cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " mode" << endl << endl;
+    cerr << "Where mode is one of:" << endl;
+    cerr << " priv:  use private Ptable" << endl;
+    cerr << " pub:   use public Ptable" << endl;
+    cerr << " const: use constant public key (no Ptable)" << endl;
+    exit(1);
+  }
+  // Initialize the curve parameters
+  default_r1cs_gg_ppzksnark_pp::init_public_params();
+  typedef libff::Fr<default_r1cs_gg_ppzksnark_pp> FieldT;
+  // Create protoboard
+  libff::start_profiling();
+  cout << "Keypair" << endl;
+  protoboard<FieldT> pb;
+  pb_variable<FieldT> C1x, C1y, C2x, C2y, Kx, Ky;
+  pb_variable<FieldT> Px, Py;
+  pb_variable_array<FieldT> Ptable;
+  pb_variable<FieldT> k, s, y, r;
+  // Allocate variables
+  size_t numbits = FieldT::num_bits;
+  // Public outputs:
+  // El Gamal encryption of k under public key P (or H if MODE_CONST)
+  // C1 = r*G, C2 = r*P + M  (where M=(256*k+s,y))
+  C1x.allocate(pb, "C1x");
+  C1y.allocate(pb, "C1y");
+  C2x.allocate(pb, "C2x");
+  C2y.allocate(pb, "C2y");
+  // Public key corresponding to private key k
+  // K = k*G
+  Kx.allocate(pb, "Kx");
+  Ky.allocate(pb, "Ky");
+  // Public inputs:
+  // The public key P (if not MODE_CONST)
+  if (mode != MODE_CONST) {
+    Px.allocate(pb, "Px");
+    Py.allocate(pb, "Py");
+    // The Ptable might be public or private, according to the mode
+    Ptable.allocate(pb, 2*numbits, "Ptable");
+  }
+  // Private inputs:
+  // k is a 246-bit random number
+  k.allocate(pb, "k");
+  // s and y are such that M = (256*k+s,y) is a point on the curve
+  s.allocate(pb, "s");
+  y.allocate(pb, "y");
+  // r is the randomness for the El Gamal encryption
+  r.allocate(pb, "r");
+  // This sets up the protoboard variables so that the first n of them
+  // represent the public input and the rest is private input
+  if (mode == MODE_PRIV) {
+      pb.set_input_sizes(8);
+  } else if (mode == MODE_PUB) {
+      pb.set_input_sizes(8+2*numbits);
+  } else if (mode == MODE_CONST) {
+      pb.set_input_sizes(6);
+  }
+  // Initialize the gadgets
+  // Curve parameters and generators
+  FieldT curve_b("7950939520449436327800262930799465135910802758673292356620796789196167463969");
+  FieldT Gx(0), Gy("11977228949870389393715360594190192321220966033310912010610740966317727761886");
+  FieldT Hx(1), Hy("21803877843449984883423225223478944275188924769286999517937427649571474907279");
+  // Prove (256*k+s,y) is on the curve
+  pb_variable<FieldT> xsquared, ysquared;
+  xsquared.allocate(pb, "xsquared");
+  ysquared.allocate(pb, "ysquared");
+  pb.add_r1cs_constraint(r1cs_constraint<FieldT>(y, y, ysquared));
+  pb.add_r1cs_constraint(r1cs_constraint<FieldT>(k * 256 + s, k * 256 + s, xsquared));
+  pb.add_r1cs_constraint(r1cs_constraint<FieldT>(xsquared - 3, k * 256 + s, ysquared - curve_b));
+  // The unpacking gadgets to turn k and r into bits
+  pb_variable_array<FieldT> kbits, rbits;
+  kbits.allocate(pb, numbits-8, "kbits");
+  rbits.allocate(pb, numbits, "rbits");
+  packing_gadget<FieldT> kpacker(pb, kbits, k);
+  packing_gadget<FieldT> rpacker(pb, rbits, r);
+  kpacker.generate_r1cs_constraints(true);
+  rpacker.generate_r1cs_constraints(true);
+  // The El Gamal first component r*G
+  ec_constant_scalarmul_vec_gadget<FieldT> C1gadget(pb, C1x, C1y, rbits, Gx, Gy);
+  C1gadget.generate_r1cs_constraints();
+  // The El Gamal intermediate value r*P
+  pb_variable<FieldT> elgx, elgy;
+  elgx.allocate(pb, "elgx");
+  elgy.allocate(pb, "elgy");
+  gadget<FieldT> *ElGgadgetp = NULL;
+  if (mode == MODE_CONST) {
+      ElGgadgetp = new ec_constant_scalarmul_vec_gadget<FieldT> (pb, elgx, elgy, rbits, Hx, Hy);
+      (static_cast<ec_constant_scalarmul_vec_gadget<FieldT>*>(ElGgadgetp))->generate_r1cs_constraints();
+  } else {
+      ElGgadgetp = new ec_scalarmul_vec_gadget<FieldT> (pb, elgx, elgy, rbits, Px, Py, Ptable, mode == MODE_PRIV, true);
+      (static_cast<ec_scalarmul_vec_gadget<FieldT>*>(ElGgadgetp))->generate_r1cs_constraints();
+  }
+  // The El Gamal second component r*P + M
+  pb_linear_combination<FieldT> x;
+  x.assign(pb, k * 256 + s);
+  ec_add_gadget<FieldT> ElGfinal(pb, C2x, C2y, elgx, elgy, x, y);
+  ElGfinal.generate_r1cs_constraints();
+  // The generated public key k*G
+  ec_constant_scalarmul_vec_gadget<FieldT> Kgadget(pb, Kx, Ky, kbits, Gx, Gy);
+  Kgadget.generate_r1cs_constraints();
+  const r1cs_constraint_system<FieldT> constraint_system = pb.get_constraint_system();
+  const r1cs_gg_ppzksnark_keypair<default_r1cs_gg_ppzksnark_pp> keypair = r1cs_gg_ppzksnark_generator<default_r1cs_gg_ppzksnark_pp>(constraint_system);
+  // Add witness values
+  cout << "Prover" << endl;
+  if (mode != MODE_CONST) {
+    // A variable base point P
+    pb.val(Px) = FieldT("1095194319010475832867263440470707690447963461907735667341232728633587089702");
+    pb.val(Py) = FieldT("9185463202887631101218413269806857706246311016297504828581985913021301344974");
+  }
+  pb.val(k) = FieldT("31329510635628557928212225120518124937732397714111203844965919301557399521");
+  pb.val(s) = FieldT(1);
+  pb.val(y) = FieldT("4364798287654239504994818950156019747851405522689486598132350453516910863367");
+  pb.val(r) = FieldT::random_element();
+  pb.val(xsquared) = (pb.val(k) * 256 + pb.val(s)).squared();
+  pb.val(ysquared) = pb.val(y).squared();
+  kpacker.generate_r1cs_witness_from_packed();
+  rpacker.generate_r1cs_witness_from_packed();
+  if (mode != MODE_CONST) {
+    pb.val(Px) = FieldT("1095194319010475832867263440470707690447963461907735667341232728633587089702");
+    pb.val(Py) = FieldT("9185463202887631101218413269806857706246311016297504828581985913021301344974");
+  }
+  C1gadget.generate_r1cs_witness();
+  if (mode == MODE_CONST) {
+      (static_cast<ec_constant_scalarmul_vec_gadget<FieldT>*>(ElGgadgetp))->generate_r1cs_witness();
+  } else {
+      (static_cast<ec_scalarmul_vec_gadget<FieldT>*>(ElGgadgetp))->generate_r1cs_witness();
+  }
+  delete ElGgadgetp;
+  x.evaluate(pb);
+  ElGfinal.generate_r1cs_witness();
+  Kgadget.generate_r1cs_witness();
+  const r1cs_gg_ppzksnark_proof<default_r1cs_gg_ppzksnark_pp> proof = r1cs_gg_ppzksnark_prover<default_r1cs_gg_ppzksnark_pp>(keypair.pk, pb.primary_input(), pb.auxiliary_input());
+  cout << "Verifier" << endl;
+  bool verified = r1cs_gg_ppzksnark_verifier_strong_IC<default_r1cs_gg_ppzksnark_pp>(keypair.vk, pb.primary_input(), proof);
+  cout << "Number of R1CS constraints: " << constraint_system.num_constraints() << endl;
+  cout << "Primary (public) input length: " << pb.primary_input().size() << endl;
+//  cout << "Primary (public) input: " << pb.primary_input() << endl;
+  cout << "Auxiliary (private) input length: " << pb.auxiliary_input().size() << endl;
+//  cout << "Auxiliary (private) input: " << pb.auxiliary_input() << endl;
+  cout << "Verification status: " << verified << endl;
+  ofstream pkfile(string("pk_verifenc_") + argv[1]);
+  pkfile << keypair.pk;
+  pkfile.close();
+  ofstream vkfile(string("vk_verifenc_") + argv[1]);
+  vkfile << keypair.vk;
+  vkfile.close();
+  ofstream pffile(string("proof_verifenc_") + argv[1]);
+  pffile << proof;
+  pffile.close();
+  return 0;