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Test of inter-relay message processing

Created a test message type RelayRandomHopMsg that has a TTL; when a
relay receives it, it forwards it to a random relay in the consensus,
decrementing the TTL until it reaches 0.
Ian Goldberg 5 years ago
2 changed files with 150 additions and 59 deletions
  1. 11 0
  2. 139 59

+ 11 - 0

@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ class Network:
         self.epochcallbacks = []
         self.epochendingcallbacks = []
         self.dirauthkeylist = []
+        self.fallbackrelays = []
     def printservers(self):
         """Print the list of NetAddrs bound to something."""
@@ -96,6 +97,16 @@ class Network:
         server = self.servers[srvaddr]
         return server.connected(client)
+    def setfallbackrelays(self, fallbackrelays):
+        """Set the list of globally known fallback relays.  Clients use
+        these to bootstrap when they know no other relays."""
+        self.fallbackrelays = fallbackrelays
+    def getfallbackrelays(self):
+        """Get the list of globally known fallback relays.  Clients use
+        these to bootstrap when they know no other relays."""
+        return self.fallbackrelays
 # The singleton instance of Network
 thenetwork = Network()

+ 139 - 59

@@ -10,24 +10,51 @@ import nacl.public
 import network
 import dirauth
-class CircuitCellMsg(network.NetMsg):
+class RelayNetMsg(network.NetMsg):
+    """The subclass of NetMsg for messages between relays and either
+    relays or clients."""
+class RelayGetConsensusMsg(RelayNetMsg):
+    """The subclass of RelayNetMsg for fetching the consensus."""
+class RelayConsensusMsg(RelayNetMsg):
+    """The subclass of RelayNetMsg for returning the consensus."""
+    def __init__(self, consensus):
+        self.consensus = consensus
+class RelayRandomHopMsg(RelayNetMsg):
+    """A message used for testing, that hops from relay to relay
+    randomly until its TTL expires."""
+    def __init__(self, ttl):
+        self.ttl = ttl
+    def __str__(self):
+        return "RandomHop TTL=%d" % self.ttl
+class CircuitCellMsg(RelayNetMsg):
     """Send a message tagged with a circuit id."""
-    def __init__(self, circuitid, msg):
+    def __init__(self, circuitid, cell):
         self.circid = circuitid
-        self.msg = msg
+        self.cell = cell
     def __str__(self):
-        return "C%d:%s" % (self.circid, self.msg)
+        return "C%d:%s" % (self.circid, self.cell)
-class MultiplexedCircuitConnection(network.Connection):
-    """A class representing a connection between a relay and either a
+class Channel(network.Connection):
+    """A class representing a channel between a relay and either a
     client or a relay, transporting cells from various circuits."""
     def __init__(self):
-        # The CellRelay managing this MultiplexedCircuitConnection
+        # The CellRelay managing this Channel
         self.cellrelay = None
-        # The MultiplexedCircuitConnection at the other end
+        # The Channel at the other end
         self.peer = None
         # The function to call when the connection closes
         self.closer = lambda: 0
@@ -41,52 +68,101 @@ class MultiplexedCircuitConnection(network.Connection):
-    def send_cell(self, circid, msg):
+    def send_cell(self, circid, cell):
         """Send the given message, tagged for the given circuit id."""
-        cell = CircuitCellMsg(circid, msg)
-        self.peer.received(self.cellrelay.myaddr, cell)
+        msg = CircuitCellMsg(circid, cell)
+        self.send_msg(msg)
+    def send_msg(self, msg):
+        """Send the given NetMsg on the channel."""
+        self.peer.received(self.cellrelay.myaddr, msg)
-    def received(self, peeraddr, cell):
-        """Callback when a cell is received from the network."""
-        circid, msg = cell.circid, cell.msg
-        print("received", msg, "on circuit", circid, "from", peeraddr)
+    def received(self, peeraddr, msg):
+        """Callback when a message is received from the network."""
+        if isinstance(msg, CircuitCellMsg):
+            circid, cell = msg.circid, msg.cell
+            self.cellrelay.received_cell(circid, cell, peeraddr, self.peer)
+        else:
+            self.cellrelay.received_msg(msg, peeraddr, self.peer)
 class CellRelay:
-    """The class that manages the connections to other relays and
-    clients.  Relays and clients both use this class to both create
-    on-demand connections to relays, to gracefully handle the closing of
-    connections, and to handle commands received over the
-    connections."""
-    def __init__(self, myaddr):
-        # A dictionary of MultiplexedCircuitConnections to other hosts,
-        # indexed by NetAddr
-        self.connections = dict()
+    """The class that manages the channels to other relays and clients.
+    Relays and clients both use this class to both create on-demand
+    channels to relays, to gracefully handle the closing of channels,
+    and to handle commands received over the channels."""
+    def __init__(self, myaddr, dirauthaddrs):
+        # A dictionary of Channels to other hosts, indexed by NetAddr
+        self.channels = dict()
         self.myaddr = myaddr
+        self.dirauthaddrs = dirauthaddrs
+        self.consensus = None
-    def get_connection_to(self, addr):
-        """Get the MultiplexedCircuitConnection connected to the given
-        NetAddr, creating one if none exists right now."""
-        if addr in self.connections:
-            return self.connections[addr]
+    def get_consensus(self):
+        """Download a fresh consensus from a random dirauth."""
+        a = random.choice(self.dirauthaddrs)
+        c = network.thenetwork.connect(self, a)
+        self.consensus = c.getconsensus()
+        print('consensus downloaded:', self.consensus)
+        c.close()
+    def add_channel(self, channel, peeraddr):
+        """Add the given channel to the list of channels we are
+        managing.  If we are already managing a channel to the same
+        peer, close it first."""
+        if peeraddr in self.channels:
+            self.channels[peeraddr].close()
+        channel.cellrelay = self
+        self.channels[peeraddr] = channel
+    def get_channel_to(self, addr):
+        """Get the Channel connected to the given NetAddr, creating one
+        if none exists right now."""
+        if addr in self.channels:
+            return self.channels[addr]
         # Create the new connection
         newconn = network.thenetwork.connect(self.myaddr, addr)
-        self.connections[addr] = newconn
-        newconn.closer = lambda: self.connections.pop(addr)
+        self.channels[addr] = newconn
+        newconn.closer = lambda: self.channels.pop(addr)
         newconn.cellrelay = self
         return newconn
+    def received_msg(self, msg, peeraddr, peer):
+        """Callback when a NetMsg not specific to a circuit is
+        received."""
+        print("Node %s received msg %s from %s" % (self.myaddr, msg, peeraddr))
+        if isinstance(msg, RelayRandomHopMsg):
+            if msg.ttl > 0:
+                # Pick a random next hop from the consensus
+                nexthop = random.choice(self.consensus.consdict['relays'])
+                nextaddr = nexthop.descdict['addr']
+                self.send_msg(RelayRandomHopMsg(msg.ttl-1), nextaddr)
+    def received_cell(self, circid, cell, peeraddr, peer):
+        """Callback with a circuit-specific cell is received."""
+        print("Node %s received cell on circ %d: %s from %s" % (self.myaddr, circid, cell, peeraddr))
+    def send_msg(self, msg, peeraddr):
+        """Send a message to the peer with the given address."""
+        conn = self.get_channel_to(peeraddr)
+        conn.send_msg(msg)
+    def send_cell(self, circid, cell, peeraddr):
+        """Send a cell on the given circuit to the peer with the given
+        address."""
+        conn = self.get_channel_to(peeraddr)
+        conn.send_cell(circid, cell)
 class Relay(network.Server):
     """The class representing an onion relay."""
     def __init__(self, dirauthaddrs, bw, flags):
-        self.consensus = None
-        self.dirauthaddrs = dirauthaddrs
         # Create the identity and onion keys
         self.idkey = nacl.signing.SigningKey.generate()
         self.onionkey = nacl.public.PrivateKey.generate()
@@ -104,7 +180,7 @@ class Relay(network.Server):
         network.thenetwork.wantepochticks(self, True)
         # Create the CellRelay connection manager
-        self.cellrelay = CellRelay(self.netaddr)
+        self.cellrelay = CellRelay(self.netaddr, dirauthaddrs)
@@ -112,10 +188,7 @@ class Relay(network.Server):
         # Download the new consensus, which will have been created
         # already since the dirauths' epoch_ending callbacks happened
         # before the relays'.
-        a = random.choice(self.dirauthaddrs)
-        c = network.thenetwork.connect(self, a)
-        self.consensus = c.getconsensus()
-        c.close()
+        self.cellrelay.get_consensus()
     def newepoch(self, epoch):
@@ -136,23 +209,26 @@ class Relay(network.Server):
         descmsg = dirauth.DirAuthUploadDescMsg(desc)
         # Upload them
-        for a in self.dirauthaddrs:
+        for a in self.cellrelay.dirauthaddrs:
             c = network.thenetwork.connect(self, a)
     def connected(self, peer):
         """Callback invoked when someone (client or relay) connects to
-        us.  Create a pair of linked MultiplexedCircuitConnections and
-        return the peer half to the peer."""
+        us.  Create a pair of linked Channels and return the peer half
+        to the peer."""
         # Create the linked pair
-        peerconn = MultiplexedCircuitConnection()
-        ourconn = MultiplexedCircuitConnection()
-        peerconn.peer = ourconn
-        ourconn.peer = peerconn
+        peerchannel = Channel()
+        ourchannel = Channel()
+        peerchannel.peer = ourchannel
+        ourchannel.peer = peerchannel
+        # Add our channel to the CellRelay
+        self.cellrelay.add_channel(ourchannel, peer)
-        return peerconn
+        return peerchannel
 if __name__ == '__main__':
     # Start some dirauths
@@ -174,6 +250,12 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
         bw = int(200000-(200000-25000)/3*math.log10(x))
         relays.append(Relay(dirauthaddrs, bw, 0))
+    # The fallback relays are a hardcoded list of about 5% of the
+    # relays, used by clients for bootstrapping
+    numfallbackrelays = int(numrelays * 0.05) + 1
+    fallbackrelays = random.sample(relays, numfallbackrelays)
+    network.thenetwork.setfallbackrelays(fallbackrelays)
     # Tick the epoch
@@ -181,14 +263,12 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
     print('ticked; epoch=', network.thenetwork.getepoch())
-    c = relays[3].cellrelay.get_connection_to(relays[3].consensus.consdict['relays'][5].descdict['addr'])
-    c.send_cell(1, network.StringNetMsg("test"))
-    c.close()
-    c2 = relays[3].cellrelay.get_connection_to(relays[3].consensus.consdict['relays'][6].descdict['addr'])
-    c = relays[3].cellrelay.get_connection_to(relays[3].consensus.consdict['relays'][5].descdict['addr'])
-    c.send_cell(2, network.StringNetMsg("cell"))
-    c3 = relays[3].cellrelay.get_connection_to(relays[3].consensus.consdict['relays'][1].descdict['addr'])
-    c = relays[3].cellrelay.get_connection_to(relays[3].consensus.consdict['relays'][5].descdict['addr'])
-    c.send_cell(3, network.StringNetMsg("again"))
-    c.close()
+    relays[3].cellrelay.send_msg(RelayRandomHopMsg(30), relays[5].netaddr)
+    # See what channels exist
+    for r in relays:
+        print("%s: %s" % (r.netaddr, [ str(k) for k in r.cellrelay.channels.keys()]))
+    #relays[3].cellrelay.send_cell(1, network.StringNetMsg("test"), relays[3].consensus.consdict['relays'][5].descdict['addr'])
+    #relays[3].cellrelay.send_cell(2, network.StringNetMsg("cell"), relays[3].consensus.consdict['relays'][6].descdict['addr'])
+    #relays[3].cellrelay.send_cell(2, network.StringNetMsg("again"), relays[3].consensus.consdict['relays'][1].descdict['addr'])
+    #relays[3].cellrelay.send_cell(2, network.StringNetMsg("and again"), relays[3].consensus.consdict['relays'][5].descdict['addr'])