@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+use std::collections::HashMap;
+use std::{error::Error, fs::File, io, io::Write, process};
+use serde::Deserialize;
+#[derive(Debug, Deserialize)]
+struct Record {
+ _hr_time: String,
+ time: f64, // FIXME: use a better type, either a real datetime or our own two ints
+ user: String,
+ group: String,
+ action_data: Vec<String>,
+struct RunningValue {
+ sent_count: u32,
+ receipt_count: u32,
+ running_rtt_mean: f64,
+fn core(path: Option<String>) -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
+ let mut rtt_all_file = File::create("rtt_all.mgen.json")?;
+ writeln!(rtt_all_file, "[")?;
+ let mut sent_times: HashMap<(String, String, u32), f64> = HashMap::new();
+ let mut running_values: HashMap<(String, String), RunningValue> = HashMap::new();
+ let file: Box<dyn io::Read> = if let Some(path) = path {
+ Box::new(File::open(path)?)
+ } else {
+ Box::new(io::stdin())
+ };
+ let mut rdr = csv::ReaderBuilder::new()
+ .has_headers(false)
+ .flexible(true)
+ .from_reader(file);
+ for result in rdr.deserialize() {
+ let record: Record = result?;
+ match record.action_data[0].as_str() {
+ "send" => {
+ let id = record.action_data[4].parse()?;
+ sent_times.insert((record.user.clone(), record.group.clone(), id), record.time);
+ running_values
+ .entry((record.user, record.group))
+ .and_modify(|running_value| running_value.sent_count += 1)
+ .or_insert(RunningValue {
+ sent_count: 1,
+ receipt_count: 0,
+ running_rtt_mean: 0.0,
+ });
+ }
+ "receive" => {
+ if record.action_data[4] == "receipt" {
+ let id = record.action_data[5].parse()?;
+ let key = (record.user, record.group, id);
+ let Some(sent_time) = sent_times.get(&key) else {
+ // this should never happen in the client-server case,
+ // but we filter out early conversation in the p2p case
+ //eprintln!("receipt for unknown message: {:?}", key);
+ //panic!();
+ continue;
+ };
+ let rtt = record.time - sent_time;
+ writeln!(rtt_all_file, " {},", rtt)?;
+ let key = (key.0, key.1);
+ running_values.entry(key).and_modify(|running_value| {
+ running_value.receipt_count += 1;
+ running_value.running_rtt_mean = running_value.running_rtt_mean
+ + (rtt - running_value.running_rtt_mean)
+ / (running_value.receipt_count as f64);
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ _ => (),
+ }
+ }
+ writeln!(rtt_all_file, "]")?;
+ drop(rtt_all_file);
+ let mut rtt_count_file = File::create("counts.mgen.json")?;
+ let mut rtt_mean_file = File::create("rtt_mean.mgen.json")?;
+ writeln!(rtt_count_file, "[")?;
+ writeln!(rtt_mean_file, "[")?;
+ for value in running_values.into_values() {
+ writeln!(rtt_count_file, " {},", value.sent_count)?;
+ writeln!(rtt_mean_file, " {},", value.running_rtt_mean)?;
+ }
+ writeln!(rtt_count_file, "]")?;
+ writeln!(rtt_mean_file, "]")?;
+ Ok(())
+fn main() {
+ let mut args = std::env::args();
+ let _ = args.next();
+ let path = args.next();
+ if let Err(err) = core(path) {
+ println!("error running example: {}", err);
+ process::exit(1);
+ }