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Included makefile for apache.

dettanym 5 years ago
1 changed files with 160 additions and 0 deletions
  1. 160 0

+ 160 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+#HOST ?= $(firstword $(shell ifconfig | grep 'inet addr:' | grep -v '' -m 1 | cut -d: -f2))
+HOST ?=
+PORT ?= 8044
+PORT1 ?= 8045
+PORT2 ?= 8046
+NPROCS := 1
+OS := $(shell uname -s)
+ifeq ($(OS),Linux)
+	NPROCS := $(shell grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo)
+PREFORK_WORKERS := $(shell expr $(NPROCS) + 1)
+HTTPD_DIR = httpd-2.4.3
+APR_DIR = apr-1.4.6
+APRUTIL_DIR = apr-util-1.5.1
+PHP_DIR = php-7.0.7
+exec_target = httpd.manifest
+target = build-apache build-modules #build-conf test-data
+clean-extra = clean-apache
+extra_rules = -e 's:\$$(HOST):$(HOST):g' -e 's:\$$(PORT):$(PORT):g'
+level = ../../
+include ../../Makefile
+.PHONY: build-apache build-modules build-conf
+build-apache: $(INSTALL_DIR)/bin/httpd $(INSTALL_DIR)/modules/
+ifeq ($(DEBUG),1)
+MAKE_FLAGS = CC="gcc -g"
+APXS_FLAGS = -S CC="gcc -g"
+%: %.tar.gz
+	tar -xmzf $<
+%: %.tar.bz2
+	tar -xmjf $<
+	#cd $< && patch -p1 < ../disable-epoll.patch
+	cd $< && ./configure --prefix=$(INSTALL_DIR)
+	cd $< && $(MAKE) -j$(NPROCS) $(MAKE_FLAGS)
+	cd $< && $(MAKE) install
+	cd $< && ./configure --prefix=$(INSTALL_DIR) --with-apr=$(INSTALL_DIR)
+	cd $< && $(MAKE) -j$(NPROCS) $(MAKE_FLAGS)
+	cd $< && $(MAKE) install
+$(INSTALL_DIR)/bin/httpd $(INSTALL_DIR)/bin/apxs: $(INSTALL_DIR)/lib/ $(INSTALL_DIR)/lib/
+	[ -d $(HTTPD_DIR) ] || tar -xzf $(HTTPD_DIR).tar.gz
+	[ -f $(HTTPD_DIR)/Makefile ] || ( \
+	cd $(HTTPD_DIR) && ./configure --prefix=$(INSTALL_DIR) --with-apr=$(INSTALL_DIR) \
+	--with-apr-util=$(INSTALL_DIR) --with-mpm=prefork)
+	cd $(HTTPD_DIR) && $(MAKE) -j$(NPROCS) $(MAKE_FLAGS)
+	cd $(HTTPD_DIR) && $(MAKE) install
+$(INSTALL_DIR)/modules/ $(PHP_DIR) $(INSTALL_DIR)/bin/apxs
+	cd $< && ./configure --prefix=$(INSTALL_DIR) --with-apxs2=$(INSTALL_DIR)/bin/apxs \
+	--disable-cgi --disable-cli --disable-soap
+	cd $< && $(MAKE) -j$(NPROCS) $(MAKE_FLAGS)
+	cd $< && $(MAKE) install
+build-modules: $(INSTALL_DIR)/modules/
+$(INSTALL_DIR)/modules/ mod_auth_basic_sandbox.c $(INSTALL_DIR)/bin/apxs
+	$(INSTALL_DIR)/bin/apxs $(APXS_FLAGS) \
+		-S CFLAGS="-I$(SHIMDIR)/../include" \
+		-S LDFLAGS="-L. -l:$(RUNTIME)/" -c -i -A $<
+	[ -f $(INSTALL_DIR)/conf/httpd.conf.old ] || \
+		mv $(INSTALL_DIR)/conf/httpd.conf $(INSTALL_DIR)/conf/httpd.conf.old
+	sed -e "s/Listen 80/#Listen 80/g" \
+	    -e "s/User daemon/#User root/g" \
+	    -e "s/Group daemon/#Group root/g" \
+	    -e "s/#EnableMMAP off/EnableMMAP off/g" \
+	    -e "s/#EnableSendfile on/EnableSendfile on/g" \
+	    -e "s/DirectoryIndex index.html/DirectoryIndex index.html index.php/g" \
+	    -e "s/^[ ]*CustomLog/#CustomLog/g" \
+	$(INSTALL_DIR)/conf/httpd.conf.old > $(INSTALL_DIR)/conf/
+	echo "\n\
+<IfModule mpm_prefork_module>\n\
+    StartServers             $(PREFORK_WORKERS)\n\
+    MinSpareServers          1\n\
+    MaxSpareServers          $(PREFORK_WORKERS)\n\
+    MaxConnectionsPerChild   0\n\
+</IfModule>\n" >> $(INSTALL_DIR)/conf/
+	echo "\n\
+<IfModule mime_module>\n\
+    AddType application/x-httpd-php .php\n\
+</IfModule>\n" >> $(INSTALL_DIR)/conf/
+	cd $(INSTALL_DIR)/conf && ln -sf httpd.conf
+	rm -f $(INSTALL_DIR)/logs/httpd-$(HOST)-$(PORT).pid
+start-native-server: clean-server
+	@echo "Listen on $(HOST):$(PORT1)"
+	$(PREFIX) $(INSTALL_DIR)/bin/httpd -D FOREGROUND -C "ServerName $(HOST)" -C "Listen $(HOST):$(PORT1)" -C "PidFile logs/httpd-$(HOST)-$(PORT1).pid"
+start-graphene-server: clean-server
+	@echo "Listen on $(HOST):$(PORT)"
+	$(PREFIX) ./httpd.manifest -D FOREGROUND -C "ServerName $(HOST)" -C "Listen $(HOST):$(PORT)" -C "PidFile logs/httpd-$(HOST)-$(PORT).pid"
+random-data = $(foreach n,1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10,2K.$n.html) \
+	      $(foreach n,1 2 3 4 5,10K.$n.html) \
+	      $(foreach n,1 2 3 4 5,100K.$n.html) \
+	      $(foreach n,1 2 3,1M.$n.html) \
+	      $(foreach n,1 2 3,10M.$n.html) \
+	      $(foreach n,1 2 3,100.$n.html)
+test-data = $(HTDOC)/oscar-web $(HTDOC)/oscar-web-static \
+	    $(addprefix $(HTDOC)/random/,$(random-data)) \
+	    $(HTDOC)/auth/secret.html $(HTDOC)/auth/.htaccess
+$(HTDOC)/%: $(PWD)/../web-data/%.tar.gz
+	[ -d "$@" ] || (mkdir -p $@ && cd $(HTDOC) && tar -xzf $^)
+	[ -d $(HTDOC)/random ] || mkdir -p $(HTDOC)/random
+	dd if=/dev/urandom of=$@ count=1 bs=$(basename $(basename $(notdir $@)))
+	mkdir -p $@
+$(HTDOC)/auth/secret.html: $(HTDOC)/auth
+	echo "This is the secret" > $@
+$(HTDOC)/auth/.htpasswd: $(INSTALL_DIR)/bin/htpasswd $(HTDOC)/auth
+	$< -b -c $@ test test
+$(HTDOC)/auth/.htaccess: $(HTDOC)/auth/.htpasswd
+	echo "AuthName \"Login\"\n\
+AuthType Basic\n\
+AuthUserFile $(HTDOC)/auth/.htpasswd\n\
+AuthGroupFile /dev/null\n\
+require user test" > $@
+test-data: $(test-data)
+distclean: clean
+	rm -rf $(INSTALL_DIR) $(SRC_DIRS)
+	rm -rf $(test-data) $(addprefix mod_auth_basic_sandbox,.so .la .lo .o .slo)