@@ -33,6 +33,8 @@
#include "pal_linux_defs.h"
#include "pal_linux_defs.h"
#include "pal_security.h"
#include "pal_security.h"
+#include "sgx_api.h"
unsigned long _DkSystemTimeQuery(void) {
unsigned long _DkSystemTimeQuery(void) {
unsigned long microsec;
unsigned long microsec;
int ret = ocall_gettime(µsec);
int ret = ocall_gettime(µsec);
@@ -153,16 +155,144 @@ void add_cpuid_to_cache(unsigned int leaf, unsigned int subleaf, unsigned int va
-int _DkCpuIdRetrieve(unsigned int leaf, unsigned int subleaf, unsigned int values[4]) {
- if (leaf != 0x4 && leaf != 0x7 && leaf != 0xb)
- subleaf = 0;
+static inline uint32_t extension_enabled(uint32_t xfrm, uint32_t bit_idx) {
+ uint32_t feature_bit = 1U << bit_idx;
+ return xfrm & feature_bit;
+static __sgx_mem_aligned sgx_report_t report;
+static __sgx_mem_aligned sgx_target_info_t target_info;
+static __sgx_mem_aligned sgx_report_data_t report_data;
+ * Initialize the data structures used for CPUID emulation.
+ */
+void init_cpuid(void) {
+ memset(&report, 0, sizeof(report));
+ memset(&target_info, 0, sizeof(target_info));
+ memset(&report_data, 0, sizeof(report_data));
+ sgx_report(&target_info, &report_data, &report);
+ * Sanity check untrusted CPUID inputs.
+ *
+ * The basic idea is that there are only a handful of extensions and we know the size needed to
+ * store each extension's state. Use this to sanitize host's untrusted cpuid output. We also know
+ * through xfrm what extensions are enabled inside the enclave.
+ */
+static void sanity_check_cpuid(uint32_t leaf, uint32_t subleaf, uint32_t values[4]) {
+ uint64_t xfrm = report.body.attributes.xfrm;
+ enum cpu_extension {
+ x87 = 0, SSE, AVX, MPX_1, MPX_2, AVX512_1, AVX512_2, AVX512_3, PKRU = 9 };
+ const uint32_t extension_sizes_bytes[] =
+ { [AVX] = 256, [MPX_1] = 64, [MPX_2] = 64, [AVX512_1] = 64, [AVX512_2] = 512,
+ [AVX512_3] = 1024, [PKRU] = 8};
+ /* Note that AVX offset is 576 bytes and MPX_1 starts at 960. The AVX state size is 256, leaving
+ * 128 bytes unaccounted for. */
+ const uint32_t extension_offset_bytes[] =
+ { [AVX] = 576, [MPX_1] = 960, [MPX_2] = 1024, [AVX512_1] = 1088, [AVX512_2] = 1152,
+ [AVX512_3] = 1664, [PKRU] = 2688};
+ enum register_index {
+ EAX = 0, EBX, ECX, EDX
+ };
+ const uint32_t EXTENDED_STATE_LEAF = 0xd;
+ if (leaf == EXTENDED_STATE_LEAF) {
+ switch (subleaf) {
+ case 0x0:
+ /* From the SDM: "EDX:EAX is a bitmap of all the user state components that can be
+ * managed using the XSAVE feature set. A bit can be set in XCR0 if and only if the
+ * corresponding bit is set in this bitmap. Every processor that supports the XSAVE
+ * feature set will set EAX[0] (x87 state) and EAX[1] (SSE state)."
+ *
+ * On EENTER/ERESUME, the system installs xfrm into XCR0. Hence, we return xfrm here in
+ * EAX.
+ */
+ values[EAX] = xfrm;
+ /* From the SDM: "EBX enumerates the size (in bytes) required by the XSAVE instruction
+ * for an XSAVE area containing all the user state components corresponding to bits
+ * currently set in XCR0."
+ */
+ uint32_t xsave_size = 0;
+ /* Start from AVX since x87 and SSE are always captured using XSAVE. Also, x87 and SSE
+ * state size is implicitly included in the extension's offset, e.g., AVX's offset is
+ * 576 which includes x87 and SSE state as well as the XSAVE header. */
+ for (int i = AVX; i <= PKRU; i++) {
+ if (extension_enabled(xfrm, i)) {
+ xsave_size = extension_offset_bytes[i] + extension_sizes_bytes[i];
+ }
+ }
+ values[EBX] = xsave_size;
+ /* From the SDM: "ECX enumerates the size (in bytes) required by the XSAVE instruction
+ * for an XSAVE area containing all the user state components supported by this
+ * processor."
+ *
+ * We are assuming here that inside the enclave, ECX and EBX for leaf 0xD and subleaf
+ * 0x1 should always be identical, while outside they can potentially be
+ * different. Also, outside of SGX EBX can change at runtime, while ECX is a static
+ * property.
+ */
+ values[ECX] = values[EBX];
+ values[EDX] = 0;
+ break;
+ case 0x1: {
+ const uint32_t xsave_legacy_size = 512;
+ const uint32_t xsave_header = 64;
+ uint32_t save_size_bytes = xsave_legacy_size + xsave_header;
+ /* Start with AVX, since x87 and SSE state is already included when initializing
+ * `save_size_bytes`. */
+ for (int i = AVX; i <= PKRU; i++) {
+ if (extension_enabled(xfrm, i)) {
+ save_size_bytes += extension_sizes_bytes[i];
+ }
+ }
+ /* EBX reports the actual size occupied by those extensions irrespective of their
+ * offsets within the xsave area.
+ */
+ values[EBX] = save_size_bytes;
+ break;
+ }
+ case AVX:
+ case MPX_1:
+ case MPX_2:
+ case AVX512_1:
+ case AVX512_2:
+ case AVX512_3:
+ case PKRU:
+ if (extension_enabled(xfrm, subleaf)) {
+ if (values[EAX] != extension_sizes_bytes[subleaf]) {
+ SGX_DBG(DBG_E, "Unexpected value in host CPUID. Exiting...\n");
+ _DkProcessExit(1);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (values[EAX] != 0) {
+ SGX_DBG(DBG_E, "Unexpected value in host CPUID. Exiting...\n");
+ _DkProcessExit(1);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+int _DkCpuIdRetrieve(unsigned int leaf, unsigned int subleaf, unsigned int values[4]) {
if (!get_cpuid_from_cache(leaf, subleaf, values))
if (!get_cpuid_from_cache(leaf, subleaf, values))
return 0;
return 0;
if (IS_ERR(ocall_cpuid(leaf, subleaf, values)))
if (IS_ERR(ocall_cpuid(leaf, subleaf, values)))
+ sanity_check_cpuid(leaf, subleaf, values);
add_cpuid_to_cache(leaf, subleaf, values);
add_cpuid_to_cache(leaf, subleaf, values);
return 0;
return 0;