@@ -43,38 +43,48 @@ def finish(result):
current_hanged[test] = 1
reported = False
+ count = 1
for output in result['output']:
- toks = output.split()
- if len(toks)<2 or (toks[0] != test and test != "memcmp01" and test != "memcpy01"):
+ tokens = output.split()
+ if len(tokens) < 2:
- test_subtest = test + "," + toks[1]
- test_subtest = test_subtest
+ if tokens[1].isdigit():
+ test_subtest = test + "," + tokens[1]
+ count = int(tokens[1]) + 1
+ else:
+ test_subtest = test + "," + str(count)
+ count = count + 1
if "TINFO" in output or test_subtest in current_passed or test_subtest in current_failed or test in current_hanged or test_subtest in current_broken:
if output:
output = output.strip()
print >>f1, output
if "TFAIL" in output:
print >>failed_tests_fh, test_subtest
print CRED + "[Fail ] " + test_subtest + CEND
current_failed[test_subtest] = 1
reported = True
- elif "TPASS" in output:
+ elif "TPASS" in output or "PASS:" in output:
print >>passed_tests_fh, test_subtest
print CGREEN + "[Pass ] " + test_subtest + CEND
current_passed[test_subtest] = 1
reported = True
- elif "TCONF" in output or "TBROK" in output or "error" in output:
+ elif "TCONF" in output or "TBROK" in output or "BROK" in output or "error" in output:
print >>broken_tests_fh, test_subtest
- print "[Broken ] " + test_subtest
+ print "[Broken ] " + test_subtest
current_broken[test_subtest] = 1
reported = True
if (not reported):
print >>broken_tests_fh, test
print CRED + "[Broken ] " + test + CEND
current_broken[test] = 1
except Exception as e:
print str(e)
@@ -117,6 +127,7 @@ os.chdir("opt/ltp/testcases/bin")
pool = multiprocessing.Pool()
with open('../../../../syscalls.graphene') as testcases:
for line in testcases:
+ line = line.strip('\r\n\t')
tokens = line.split( )
if (tokens[1] == "SGX") :
test = tokens[2]
@@ -145,11 +156,11 @@ with open(stablePass, 'rb') as csvfile:
print "\n\nRESULT [Difference] :\n---------------------\n"
-for test in stable_passed:
+for test in sorted(stable_passed):
if not test in current_passed:
print CRED + "Test '" + test + "' did not pass in the current run!!" + CEND
-for test in current_passed:
+for test in sorted(current_passed):
if not test in stable_passed:
print CGREEN + "Test '" + test + "' passed in the current run!!" + CEND
print "\n"