@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+/* -*- mode:c; c-file-style:"k&r"; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width:4; indent-tabs-mode:nil; mode:auto-fill; fill-column:78; -*- */
+/* vim: set ts=4 sw=4 et tw=78 fo=cqt wm=0: */
+#include "pal.h"
+#include "pal_debug.h"
+#include "api.h"
+void helper_timeout(PAL_NUM timeout) {
+ /* Create a binary semaphore */
+ PAL_HANDLE sem1 = DkSemaphoreCreate(1, 1);
+ if(!sem1) {
+ pal_printf("Failed to create a binary semaphore\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ /* Wait on the binary semaphore with a timeout */
+ PAL_HANDLE rv = DkObjectsWaitAny(1, &sem1, timeout);
+ if (rv == NULL)
+ pal_printf("Locked binary semaphore timed out (%d).\n", timeout);
+ else
+ pal_printf("Acquired locked binary semaphore!?! Got back %p; sem1 is %p (%d)\n", rv, sem1, timeout);
+ PAL_HANDLE sem2 = DkSemaphoreCreate(2, 2);
+ if(!sem2) {
+ pal_printf("Failed to create a non-binary semaphore\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ /* Wait on the non-binary semaphore with a timeout */
+ rv = DkObjectsWaitAny(1, &sem2, timeout);
+ if (rv == NULL)
+ pal_printf("Locked non-binary semaphore timed out (%d).\n", timeout);
+ else
+ pal_printf("Acquired locked non-binary semaphore!?! Got back %p; sem2 is %p (%d)\n", rv, sem2, timeout);
+ /* Try waiting on both */
+ PAL_HANDLE hdls[2];
+ hdls[0] = sem1;
+ hdls[1] = sem2;
+ rv = DkObjectsWaitAny(2, hdls, timeout);
+ if (rv == NULL)
+ pal_printf("Two locked semaphores timed out (%d).\n", timeout);
+ else
+ pal_printf("Somehow locked one of two locked semaphore handles? %p (%d)\n", rv, timeout);
+ DkObjectClose(sem1);
+ DkObjectClose(sem2);
+void helper_success(PAL_NUM timeout) {
+ /* Create a binary semaphore */
+ PAL_HANDLE sem1 = DkSemaphoreCreate(0, 1);
+ if(!sem1) {
+ pal_printf("Failed to create a binary semaphore\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ /* Wait on the binary semaphore with a timeout */
+ PAL_HANDLE rv = DkObjectsWaitAny(1, &sem1, timeout);
+ if (rv == sem1)
+ pal_printf("Locked binary semaphore successfully (%d).\n", timeout);
+ else
+ pal_printf("Failed to lock binary semaphore: Got back %p; sem1 is %p\n", rv, sem1);
+ PAL_HANDLE sem2 = DkSemaphoreCreate(0, 2);
+ if(!sem2) {
+ pal_printf("Failed to create a non-binary semaphore\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ /* Wait on the non-binary semaphore with a timeout */
+ rv = DkObjectsWaitAny(1, &sem2, timeout);
+ if (rv == sem2)
+ pal_printf("Locked non-binary semaphore successfully (%d).\n", timeout);
+ else
+ pal_printf("Failed to lock non-binary semaphore Got back %p; sem2 is %p\n", rv, sem2);
+ DkObjectClose(sem1);
+ DkObjectClose(sem2);
+int main (int argc, char ** argv, char ** envp)
+ helper_timeout(1000);
+ /* Try again with timeout 0 (trylock) */
+ helper_timeout(0);
+ /* Try cases that should succeed */
+ helper_success(NO_TIMEOUT);
+ helper_success(0);
+ return 0;