A manifest file is a binary-specific configuration file that specifies the environment and resources of a Graphene library OS instance. A manifest file must be a plain text file, with configuration entries separated by line breaks. Each configuration entries must be in the following format: (Spaces/Tabs before the first key and before/after the equal mark are ignored.)
[Key][.Key][.Key] = [Value]
Comments can be inlined in a manifest, by preceding them with a sharp sign (#). Any texts behind a sharp sign (#) will be considered part of a comment and be discarded while loading the manifest file.
This syntax specifies the executable to be loaded into the library OS. The executable must be an ELF-format binary, with a defined entry point to start its execution.
This syntax specifies the libraries to be preloaded before loading the executable. The URI of the libraries will be separated by commas(,). The libraries must be ELF-format binaries, and may or may not have a defined entry point. If the libraries have their entry points, the entry points will be executed before jumping to the entry point of the executable, in the order as they are listed.
This syntax specifies the executable name given as the first argument to the binaries (the executable and preloaded libraries). If the executable name is not specified in the manifest, PAL will use the URI of the executable or manifest as the first argument when executing the executable. In some circumstance, the executable name has to be specified so the binaries can re-execute the executable or determine their functionalities.
By default, the environment variables on the host will be passed to the binaries in the library OSes. This syntax specifies the environment variable values that are customized for the library OSes. This syntax can be used for multiple times to specify more than one environment variables, and the environment variables can be deleted by giving a empty value.
This syntax specifies the debug option while executing the library OSes. If the debug type is none, no debug output will be printed to the screen. If the debug type is inline, a dmesg-like debug output will be printed inlined with standard output.
loader.syscall_symbol=[SYMBOL NAME]
This syntax specifies the ELF dynamic symbol name in preloaded libraries to redirect system calls directly made by the executables. Graphene does not allow executables to make direct system calls to the host kernel because of the security concerns. By default, any direct system calls made by using inline assembly code in the executable will be rejected by Seccomp filter installed in the host. However, for better compatibility, the host can also redirect the system call numbers and arguments to a given symbol inside the library OSes.
sys.stack.size=[# of bytes]
This syntax specifies the stack size of the first thread in each Graphene process. The default value of stack size is determined by the library OSes.
sys.brk.size=[# of bytes]
This syntax specifies the program break (brk) size in each Graphene process. The default value of program break size is determined by the library OSes.
This syntax enables the checkpointing feature, which will be triggered when interruption is sent to a Graphene instance.
This syntax specifies how the FSes are mounted inside the library OSes. This syntax is almost required for all binaries, because the GNU Library C must be at least mounted somewhere in the library OSes.
net.allow_bind.[identifier]=[local address]:[local port[-local port]]
net.allow_peer.[identifier]=[remote address]:[remote port[-remote port]]
This syntax specifies the network rules for creating connection or binding on local interfaces. Local/remote addresses may be IPv4 or IPv6 addresses, and local/remote ports can be one single port number or a port range. Any of the addresses or ports can be empty to indicate ANY address or port.