ubuntu-18.04.dockerfile 1.3 KB

  1. # Start with 18.04
  2. FROM ubuntu:18.04
  3. # Add steps here to set up dependencies
  4. RUN apt-get update && env DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y \
  5. apache2-utils \
  6. autoconf \
  7. bison \
  8. build-essential \
  9. curl \
  10. flex \
  11. gawk \
  12. gettext \
  13. git \
  14. libapr1-dev \
  15. libaprutil1-dev \
  16. libelf-dev \
  17. libexpat1 \
  18. libexpat1-dev \
  19. libomp-dev \
  20. libpcre2-dev \
  21. libpcre3-dev \
  22. libprotobuf-c-dev \
  23. libxml2-dev \
  24. linux-headers-4.15.0-20-generic \
  25. net-tools \
  26. protobuf-c-compiler \
  27. python \
  28. python3-breathe \
  29. python3-pip \
  30. python3-protobuf \
  31. python3-pytest \
  32. texinfo \
  33. wget
  34. RUN pip3 install 'Sphinx>=1.8' sphinx_rtd_theme recommonmark
  35. # Add the user UID:1001, GID:1001, home at /leeroy
  36. RUN groupadd -r leeroy -g 1001 && useradd -u 1001 -r -g leeroy -m -d /leeroy -c "Leeroy Jenkins" leeroy && \
  37. chmod 755 /leeroy
  38. # Make sure /leeroy can be written by leeroy
  39. RUN chown 1001 /leeroy
  40. # Blow away any random state
  41. RUN rm -f /leeroy/.rnd
  42. # Make a directory for the intel driver
  43. RUN mkdir -p /opt/intel && chown 1001 /opt/intel
  44. # Set the working directory to leeroy home directory
  45. WORKDIR /leeroy
  46. # Specify the user to execute all commands below
  47. USER leeroy
  48. # Set environment variables.
  49. ENV HOME /leeroy
  50. # Define default command.
  51. CMD ["bash"]