1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132 |
- all_hosts = Skeleton Linux Linux-SGX
- $(error do not include Makefile.Host directly. include Makefile.configs)
- endif
- ifeq ($(PAL_HOST),)
- ifeq ($(findstring x86_64,$(SYS))$(findstring linux,$(SYS)),x86_64linux)
- PAL_HOST := Linux
- else
- $(error Unsupported platform: $(SYS))
- endif
- endif
- ifeq ($(SGX_RUN),1)
- $(error "SGX_RUN has been removed. Always set SGX=1 if building for SGX and use the 'sgx-tokens' make target to build launch/EINIT tokens")
- endif
- ifeq ($(SGX),1)
- PAL_HOST := $(patsubst %-SGX,%,$(PAL_HOST))-SGX
- endif
- ifeq ($(findstring $(PAL_HOST),$(all_hosts)),)
- $(error Unsupported platform: $(PAL_HOST))
- endif
- export PAL_HOST
- .DEFAULT_GOAL := all
- .PHONY: print_host
- print_host:
- @echo $(PAL_HOST)