
Common code shared between core sub-components. More...


 Math Primitives and Group Operations.
 Error reporting interface.
 Parser for issuer material.
 Debug print routines.
 SDK data types.

Data Structures

struct  CommitValues
 Storage for values to create commitment in Sign and Verify algorithms. More...
struct  Epid2Params_
 Internal representation of Epid2Params. More...
struct  GroupPubKey_
 Internal representation of GroupPubKey. More...
struct  PrivKey_
 Internal implementation of PrivKey. More...


#define ntohl(u32)
 Macros to transform oct str 32 into uint_32. More...
 When enabled secrets are wiped out from the memory by EpidFree.
#define SAFE_ALLOC(size)   EpidAlloc(size);
 Allocates zero initalized block of memory.
#define SAFE_FREE(ptr)
 Deallocates space allocated by SAFE_ALLOC() and nulls pointer. More...
#define SAFE_REALLOC(ptr, size)   EpidRealloc((ptr), (size))
 Changes the size of the memory block pointed to by ptr.


typedef int(__STDCALL * BitSupplier) (unsigned int *rand_data, int num_bits, void *user_data)
 Generates random data. More...


EpidStatus SetKeySpecificCommitValues (GroupPubKey const *pub_key, CommitValues *values)
 Set group public key related fields from CommitValues structure. More...
EpidStatus SetCalculatedCommitValues (G1ElemStr const *B, G1ElemStr const *K, G1ElemStr const *T, EcPoint const *R1, EcGroup *G1, FfElement const *R2, FiniteField *GT, CommitValues *values)
 Set CommitValues structure fields calculated in algorithm. More...
EpidStatus CalculateCommitmentHash (CommitValues const *values, FiniteField *Fp, HashAlg hash_alg, void const *msg, size_t msg_len, FfElement *c)
 Calculate Fp.hash(t3 || m) for Sign and Verfiy algorithms. More...
EpidStatus CreateEpid2Params (Epid2Params_ **params)
 Constructs the internal representation of Epid2Params. More...
void DeleteEpid2Params (Epid2Params_ **epid_params)
 Deallocates storage for internal representation of Epid2Params. More...
EpidStatus CreateGroupPubKey (GroupPubKey const *pub_key_str, EcGroup *G1, EcGroup *G2, GroupPubKey_ **pub_key)
 Constructs internal representation of GroupPubKey. More...
void DeleteGroupPubKey (GroupPubKey_ **pub_key)
 Deallocates storage for internal representation of GroupPubKey. More...
void EpidZeroMemory (void *ptr, size_t size)
 Clear information stored in block of memory pointer to by ptr. More...
void * EpidAlloc (size_t size)
 Allocates memory of size bytes. More...
void * EpidRealloc (void *ptr, size_t new_size)
 Reallocates memory allocated by EpidAlloc. More...
void EpidFree (void *ptr)
 Frees memory allocated by EpidAlloc. More...
int memcpy_S (void *dest, size_t destsz, void const *src, size_t count)
 Copies bytes between buffers with security ehancements. More...
bool IsSigRlValid (GroupId const *gid, SigRl const *sig_rl, size_t sig_rl_size)
 Function to verify if signature based revocation list is valid. More...
bool CreateStack (size_t element_size, Stack **stack)
 Create stack. More...
void * StackPushN (Stack *stack, size_t n, void *elements)
 Push multiple elements to the stack. More...
bool StackPopN (Stack *stack, size_t n, void *elements)
 Pop multiple elements from the stack. More...
size_t StackGetSize (Stack const *stack)
 Get number of elements in the stack. More...
void DeleteStack (Stack **stack)
 Deallocates memory used for the stack. More...
EpidStatus CreatePrivKey (PrivKey const *priv_key_str, EcGroup *G1, FiniteField *Fp, PrivKey_ **priv_key)
 Constructs internal representation of PrivKey. More...
void DeletePrivKey (PrivKey_ **priv_key)
 Deallocate storage for internal representation of PrivKey. More...

Detailed Description

Common code shared between core sub-components.

Constants, utility functions, and libraries that are used widely in the implementation or definition of APIs and samples.

Macro Definition Documentation

#define ntohl (   u32)
((uint32_t)(((((unsigned char*)&(u32))[0]) << 24) + \
((((unsigned char*)&(u32))[1]) << 16) + \
((((unsigned char*)&(u32))[2]) << 8) + \
(((unsigned char*)&(u32))[3])))

Macros to transform oct str 32 into uint_32.

#define SAFE_FREE (   ptr)
{ \
if (NULL != (ptr)) { \
EpidFree(ptr); \
(ptr) = NULL; \
} \

Deallocates space allocated by SAFE_ALLOC() and nulls pointer.

Typedef Documentation

typedef int(__STDCALL* BitSupplier) (unsigned int *rand_data, int num_bits, void *user_data)

Generates random data.

It is the responsibility of the caller of the SDK interfaces to implement a function of this prototype and to then pass a pointer to this function into methods that require it.

[out]rand_datadestination buffer
[in]num_bitssize of rand_data in bits
[in]user_datauser data passed through from api call.
zero on success and non-zero value on error.

Function Documentation

EpidStatus CalculateCommitmentHash ( CommitValues const *  values,
FiniteField Fp,
HashAlg  hash_alg,
void const *  msg,
size_t  msg_len,
FfElement c 

Calculate Fp.hash(t3 || m) for Sign and Verfiy algorithms.

Calculate c = Fp.hash(t3 || m) where t3 is Fp.hash(p || g1 || g2 || h1 || h2 || w || B || K || T || R1 || R2).

[in]valuesCommit values to hash
[in]FpFinite field to perfom hash operation in
[in]hash_algHash algorithm to use
[in]msgMessage to hash
[in]msg_lenSize of msg buffer in bytes
[out]cResult of calculation
See also
EpidStatus CreateEpid2Params ( Epid2Params_ **  params)

Constructs the internal representation of Epid2Params.

Allocates memory for the internal representation of Epid2Params. Initialize the Epid2Params. Use DeleteEpid2Params() to deallocate memory.

[in,out]paramsInternal Epid2Params
See also
EpidStatus CreateGroupPubKey ( GroupPubKey const *  pub_key_str,
EcGroup G1,
EcGroup G2,
GroupPubKey_ **  pub_key 

Constructs internal representation of GroupPubKey.

Allocates memory and initializes gid, h1, h2, w parameters. Use DeleteGroupPubKey() to deallocate memory

[in]pub_key_strOct string representation of group public key
[in]G1EcGroup containing elements h1 and h2
[in]G2EcGroup containing element w
[out]pub_keyGroup public key: (gid, h1, h2, w)
See also
EpidStatus CreatePrivKey ( PrivKey const *  priv_key_str,
EcGroup G1,
FiniteField Fp,
PrivKey_ **  priv_key 

Constructs internal representation of PrivKey.

This function allocates memory and initializes gid, A, x, f parameters.

[in]priv_key_strSerialized representation of private key
[in]G1EcGroup containing element A
[in]FpFiniteField containing elements x and f
[out]priv_keyNewly created private key: (gid, A, x, f)
bool CreateStack ( size_t  element_size,
Stack **  stack 

Create stack.

[in]element_sizeSize of stack element
[out]stackStack context to be created
true is operation succeed, false if stack were failed to allocate
See also
void DeleteEpid2Params ( Epid2Params_ **  epid_params)

Deallocates storage for internal representation of Epid2Params.

Frees the memory and nulls the pointer.

[in,out]epid_paramsparams to be deallocated
See also
void DeleteGroupPubKey ( GroupPubKey_ **  pub_key)

Deallocates storage for internal representation of GroupPubKey.

Frees memory pointed to by Group public key. Nulls the pointer.

[in]pub_keyGroup public key to be freed
See also
void DeletePrivKey ( PrivKey_ **  priv_key)

Deallocate storage for internal representation of PrivKey.

Frees memory pointed to by Member private key. Nulls the pointer.

[in]priv_keyMember private key to be freed
void DeleteStack ( Stack **  stack)

Deallocates memory used for the stack.

[in,out]stackStack context
See also
void* EpidAlloc ( size_t  size)

Allocates memory of size bytes.

The content of memory is initialized with zeros. Memory must be freed with EpidFree function.

[in]sizenumber of bytes to allocate
pointer to allocated memory.
void EpidFree ( void *  ptr)

Frees memory allocated by EpidAlloc.

Clears information stored in the block of memory.

[in]ptrpointer to allocated memory block
void* EpidRealloc ( void *  ptr,
size_t  new_size 

Reallocates memory allocated by EpidAlloc.

In case of error NULL pointer is returned and input memory block is not changed. Memory must be freed with EpidFree function.

[in]ptrpointer to memory block to reallocate
[in]new_sizenumber of bytes to reallocate for
pointer to allocated memory.
void EpidZeroMemory ( void *  ptr,
size_t  size 

Clear information stored in block of memory pointer to by ptr.

This function may be optimized away by some compilers. If it is, you should consider using a compiler or operating system specific memory sanitization function (e.g. memcpy_s or SecureZeroMemory).
[in]ptrpointer to memory block
[in]sizenumber of bytes to clear
bool IsSigRlValid ( GroupId const *  gid,
SigRl const *  sig_rl,
size_t  sig_rl_size 

Function to verify if signature based revocation list is valid.

[in]gidGroup id
[in]sig_rlSignature based revocation list
[in]sig_rl_sizeSize of signature based revocation list
true if revocation list is valid
false if revocation list is invalid
int memcpy_S ( void *  dest,
size_t  destsz,
void const *  src,
size_t  count 

Copies bytes between buffers with security ehancements.

Copies count bytes from src to dest. If the source and destination overlap, the behavior is undefined.

[out]destpointer to the object to copy to
[in]destszmax number of bytes to modify in the destination (typically the size of the destination object)
[in]srcpointer to the object to copy from
[in]countnumber of bytes to copy
zero on success and non-zero value on error.

Copies bytes between buffers with security ehancements.

Implementation follows C11 memcpy_s but with checks always enabled
EpidStatus SetCalculatedCommitValues ( G1ElemStr const *  B,
G1ElemStr const *  K,
G1ElemStr const *  T,
EcPoint const *  R1,
EcGroup G1,
FfElement const *  R2,
FiniteField GT,
CommitValues values 

Set CommitValues structure fields calculated in algorithm.

Set B, K, T, R1 and R2 fields of values argument.

[in]BValue of B to set
[in]KValue of K to set
[in]TValue of T to set
[in]R1Value of R1 to set
[in]G1EcGroup containing element R1
[in]R2Value of R2 to set
[in]GTFiniteField containing element R2
[out]valuesPointer to CommitValues structure to fill.
See also
EpidStatus SetKeySpecificCommitValues ( GroupPubKey const *  pub_key,
CommitValues values 

Set group public key related fields from CommitValues structure.

Set p, g1, g2, h1, h2 and w fields of values argument.

[in]pub_keyGroup public key
[out]valuesPointer to CommitValues structure to fill.
See also
size_t StackGetSize ( Stack const *  stack)

Get number of elements in the stack.

[in]stackStack context
Number of elements in the stack or 0 if stack is NULL
See also
bool StackPopN ( Stack stack,
size_t  n,
void *  elements 

Pop multiple elements from the stack.

[in,out]stackStack context
[in]nNumber of elements to pop from the stack
[out]elementsPointer to a buffer to store elements removed from the stack
true is operation succeed, false otherwise
See also
void* StackPushN ( Stack stack,
size_t  n,
void *  elements 

Push multiple elements to the stack.

[in,out]stackStack context
[in]nNumber of elements to push to the stack
[in]elementsArray of elements to push to the stack. Can be NULL
A pointer to an array of new elements in the stack or NULL if stack is empty or push operation were failed.
See also