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- # Copyright 2016 Intel Corporation
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- # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- # You may obtain a copy of the License at
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- """Intel win32 compiler configurations release
- """
- from parts.config import ConfigValues, configuration
- def map_default_version(env):
- return env['MSVC_VERSION']
- config = configuration(map_default_version)
- config.VersionRange("7-*",
- append=ConfigValues(
- '/GS',
- '/W4',
- '/wd4127', # allow while (0)
- '/wd4592', # VS2015U1 limitation
- #'/wd4366', # ok unaligned &
- #'/wd4204', # allow x= {a,b}
- #'/wd4221', # allow x = {&y}
- '/Gy',
- '/Zc:wchar_t',
- '/Z7',
- '/O2',
- '/fp:precise',
- '/WX',
- '/Zc:forScope',
- '/Gd',
- '/Oi',
- '/MT',
- '/nologo'],
- CXXFLAGS=['/EHsc',
- '/GR'],
- '/WX',
- '/nologo'],
- )
- )