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  60. <div class="textblock">Here is a list of all documented struct and union fields with links to the struct/union documentation for each field:</div>
  61. <h3><a class="anchor" id="index_s"></a>- s -</h3><ul>
  62. <li>s
  63. : <a class="el" href="struct_join_request.html#a73bf8989df5f90eb3d06e7a42ad74d1d">JoinRequest</a>
  64. </li>
  65. <li>sa
  66. : <a class="el" href="struct_basic_signature.html#a69115a4776d15b48411dd6c3a76d0f3d">BasicSignature</a>
  67. </li>
  68. <li>sb
  69. : <a class="el" href="struct_basic_signature.html#a91daebc5b577688afeed2a7ee7913245">BasicSignature</a>
  70. </li>
  71. <li>seed
  72. : <a class="el" href="struct_compressed_priv_key.html#a54b9af7699f517bbaef3d52d03e3fed8">CompressedPrivKey</a>
  73. </li>
  74. <li>sf
  75. : <a class="el" href="struct_basic_signature.html#a79d8dec8c5da176e497abf22e4c43adb">BasicSignature</a>
  76. </li>
  77. <li>sig_rl
  78. : <a class="el" href="struct_verifier_ctx.html#a71fe864652cd3cf986dcd92c97edc52e">VerifierCtx</a>
  79. </li>
  80. <li>sigma
  81. : <a class="el" href="struct_epid_signature.html#a89d2e38223944310b6eeeadf6061a2dd">EpidSignature</a>
  82. </li>
  83. <li>sigma0
  84. : <a class="el" href="struct_epid_signature.html#ab0fe5f98bff737fcfbfe0b4d658e83f2">EpidSignature</a>
  85. </li>
  86. <li>signature
  87. : <a class="el" href="struct_epid_ca_certificate.html#a2f8f09ae02919c379c38386668b47418">EpidCaCertificate</a>
  88. , <a class="el" href="struct_epid_group_pub_key_certificate.html#a118c43bee82e3cbb13add3d97f0a6a7d">EpidGroupPubKeyCertificate</a>
  89. </li>
  90. <li>smu
  91. : <a class="el" href="struct_nr_proof.html#a717ec36a6c91acd01d9b642bb20fc178">NrProof</a>
  92. </li>
  93. <li>snu
  94. : <a class="el" href="struct_nr_proof.html#ae2e9f22089793a4d44a0f7f5cdb78a0c">NrProof</a>
  95. </li>
  96. <li>sx
  97. : <a class="el" href="struct_basic_signature.html#a0e8ea6a2cd3af10e9b59d96d7d06bc69">BasicSignature</a>
  98. </li>
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