aesmd.conf 534 B

  1. # aesm - Intel(R) SGX Application Enclave Service Managerment server
  2. #
  3. # The AESM provides Application Enclave Service to SGX user.
  4. description "Intel(R) Application Enclave Service Managerment server"
  5. start on runlevel [2345]
  6. stop on runlevel [!2345]
  7. respawn
  8. respawn limit 10 5
  9. normal exit 0
  10. umask 022
  11. expect fork
  12. console none
  13. setuid "aesmd"
  14. env NAME="aesm_service"
  15. env AESM_PATH=@aesm_folder@
  17. pre-start script
  18. test -x $AESM_PATH/$NAME || { stop; exit 0; }
  19. end script
  20. exec $AESM_PATH/$NAME