@@ -0,0 +1,2899 @@
+Complexity estimates for solving LWE.
+.. moduleauthor:: Martin R. Albrecht <martinralbrecht@googlemail.com>
+from functools import partial
+from collections import OrderedDict
+from scipy.optimize import newton
+from sage.modules.all import vector
+from sage.calculus.var import var
+from sage.functions.log import exp, log
+from sage.functions.other import ceil, sqrt, floor, binomial, erf
+from sage.interfaces.magma import magma
+from sage.matrix.all import Matrix
+from sage.misc.all import cached_function
+from sage.misc.all import set_verbose, get_verbose, prod
+from sage.arith.srange import srange
+from sage.numerical.optimize import find_root
+from sage.rings.all import QQ, RR, ZZ, RealField, PowerSeriesRing, RDF
+from sage.symbolic.all import pi, e
+from sage.rings.infinity import PlusInfinity
+from sage.crypto.lwe import LWE, Regev, LindnerPeikert
+oo = PlusInfinity()
+tau_default = 0.3
+tau_prob_default = 0.1
+cfft = 1
+enable_LP_estimates = True
+enable_fplll_estimates = False
+class OutOfBoundsError(ValueError):
+ """
+ Used to indicate a wrong value, for example delta_0 < 1.
+ """
+ pass
+class InsufficientSamplesError(ValueError):
+ """
+ Used to indicate the number of samples given is too small, especially
+ useful for
+ """
+ pass
+def binary_search_minimum(f, start, stop, param, extract=lambda x: x, *arg, **kwds):
+ """
+ Return minimum of `f` if `f` is convex.
+ :param start: start of range to search
+ :param stop: stop of range to search (exclusive)
+ :param param: the parameter to modify when calling `f`
+ :param extract: comparison is performed on `extract(f(param=?, *args, **kwds))`
+ """
+ return binary_search(f, start, stop, param, better=lambda x, best: extract(x)<=extract(best), *arg, **kwds)
+def binary_search(f, start, stop, param, better=lambda x, best: x<=best, *arg, **kwds):
+ """
+ Searches for the `best` value in the interval [start,stop]
+ depending on the given predicate `better`.
+ :param start: start of range to search
+ :param stop: stop of range to search (exclusive)
+ :param param: the parameter to modify when calling `f`
+ :param better: comparison is performed by evaluating `better(current, best)`
+ """
+ kwds[param] = stop
+ D = {}
+ D[stop] = f(*arg, **kwds)
+ best = D[stop]
+ b = ceil((start+stop)/2)
+ direction = 0
+ while True:
+ if b == start:
+ best = D[start]
+ break
+ if b not in D:
+ kwds[param] = b
+ D[b] = f(*arg, **kwds)
+ if not better(D[b], best):
+ if direction == 0:
+ start = b
+ b = ceil((stop+b)/2)
+ else:
+ stop = b
+ b = floor((start+b)/2)
+ else:
+ best = D[b]
+ if b-1 not in D:
+ kwds[param] = b-1
+ D[b-1] = f(*arg, **kwds)
+ if better(D[b-1], best):
+ stop = b
+ b = floor((b+start)/2)
+ direction = 0
+ else:
+ if b+1 not in D:
+ kwds[param] = b+1
+ D[b+1] = f(*arg, **kwds)
+ if not better(D[b+1], best):
+ break
+ else:
+ start = b
+ b = ceil((stop+b)/2)
+ direction = 1
+ return best
+def cost_str(d, keyword_width=None, newline=None, round_bound=2048):
+ """
+ Return string of key,value pairs as a string "key0: value0, key1: value1"
+ :param d: report dictionary
+ :keyword_width: keys are printed with this width
+ By default dicts are unordered, hence the order of the output of this function is undefined::
+ sage: s = {"delta":5, "bar":2}
+ sage: print cost_str(s)
+ bar: 2, delta: 5
+ Use `OrderedDict` if you require ordered output::
+ sage: s = OrderedDict([(u"delta", 5), ("bar",2)])
+ sage: print cost_str(s)
+ delta: 5, bar: 2
+ """
+ if d is None:
+ return
+ s = []
+ for k in d:
+ v = d[k]
+ if keyword_width:
+ fmt = u"%%%ds" % keyword_width
+ k = fmt % k
+ if ZZ(1)/round_bound < v < round_bound or v == 0 or ZZ(-1)/round_bound > v > -round_bound:
+ try:
+ s.append(u"%s: %9d" % (k, ZZ(v)))
+ except TypeError:
+ if v < 2.0 and v >= 0.0:
+ s.append(u"%s: %9.7f" % (k, v))
+ else:
+ s.append(u"%s: %9.4f" % (k, v))
+ else:
+ t = u"≈%s2^%.1f" % ("-" if v < 0 else "", log(abs(v), 2).n())
+ s.append(u"%s: %9s" % (k, t))
+ if not newline:
+ return u", ".join(s)
+ else:
+ return u"\n".join(s)
+def cost_reorder(d, ordering):
+ """
+ Return a new ordered dict from the key:value pairs in `d` but reordered such that the keys in
+ ordering come first.
+ :param d: input dictionary
+ :param ordering: keys which should come first (in order)
+ sage: d = OrderedDict([("a",1),("b",2),("c",3)]); d
+ OrderedDict([('a', 1), ('b', 2), ('c', 3)])
+ sage: cost_reorder(d, ["b","c","a"])
+ OrderedDict([('b', 2), ('c', 3), ('a', 1)])
+ """
+ keys = list(d)
+ for key in ordering:
+ keys.pop(keys.index(key))
+ keys = list(ordering) + keys
+ r = OrderedDict()
+ for key in keys:
+ r[key] = d[key]
+ return r
+def cost_filter(d, keys):
+ """
+ Return new ordered dict from the key:value pairs in `d` restricted to the keys in `keys`.
+ :param d: input dictionary
+ :param keys: keys which should be copied (ordered)
+ """
+ r = OrderedDict()
+ for key in keys:
+ r[key] = d[key]
+ return r
+def cost_repeat(d, times, repeat=None):
+ """
+ Return a report with all costs multiplied by `times`.
+ :param d: a cost estimate
+ :param times: the number of times it should be run
+ :param repeat: toggle which fields ought to be repeated and which shouldn't
+ :returns: a new cost estimate
+ We maintain a local dictionary which decides if an entry is multiplied by `times` or not.
+ For example, δ would not be multiplied but "\#bop" would be. This check is strict such that
+ unknown entries raise an error. This is to enforce a decision on whether an entry should be
+ multiplied by `times` if the function `report` reports on is called `times` often.
+ sage: n, alpha, q = unpack_lwe(Regev(128))
+ sage: print cost_str(cost_repeat(sis(n, alpha, q), 2^10))
+ bkz2: ≈2^85.4, oracle: ≈2^36.5, δ_0: 1.0089681, ...
+ sage: print cost_str(cost_repeat(sis(n, alpha, q), 1))
+ bkz2: ≈2^75.4, oracle: ≈2^26.5, δ_0: 1.0089681, ...
+ """
+ do_repeat = {
+ u"bop": True,
+ u"rop": True,
+ u"oracle": True,
+ u"bkz2": True,
+ u"lp": True,
+ u"ds": True,
+ u"fplll": True,
+ u"sieve": True,
+ u"enum": True,
+ u"enumop": True,
+ u"log(eps)": False,
+ u"quantum_sieve": True,
+ u"mem": False,
+ u"delta_0": False,
+ u"beta": False,
+ u"k": False,
+ u"ε": False,
+ u"D_reg": False,
+ u"t": False,
+ u"Pr[⊥]": False,
+ u"m": False,
+ u"dim": False,
+ u"|v|": False,
+ u"amplify": False,
+ u"repeat": False,
+ u"c": False,
+ }
+ if repeat is not None:
+ for key in repeat:
+ do_repeat[key] = repeat[key]
+ ret = OrderedDict()
+ for key in d:
+ try:
+ if do_repeat[key]:
+ ret[key] = times * d[key]
+ else:
+ ret[key] = d[key]
+ except KeyError:
+ raise NotImplementedError(u"You found a bug, this function does not know about '%s' but should."%key)
+ ret[u"repeat"] = times * ret.get("repeat", 1)
+ return ret
+def cost_combine(left, right, base=None):
+ """Combine ``left`` and ``right``.
+ :param left: cost dictionary
+ :param right: cost dictionary
+ :param base: add entries to ``base``
+ """
+ if base is None:
+ cost = OrderedDict()
+ else:
+ cost = base
+ for key in left:
+ cost[key] = left[key]
+ for key in right:
+ cost[key] = right[key]
+ return cost
+def stddevf(sigma):
+ """
+ σ → std deviation
+ :param sigma: Gaussian width parameter σ
+ sage: n = 64.0
+ sage: stddevf(n)
+ 25.532...
+ """
+ return sigma/sqrt(2*pi).n()
+def sigmaf(stddev):
+ """
+ std deviation → σ
+ :param sigma: standard deviation
+ sage: n = 64.0
+ sage: sigmaf(stddevf(n))
+ 64.000...
+ """
+ RR = stddev.parent()
+ return RR(sqrt(2*pi))*stddev
+def alphaf(sigma, q, sigma_is_stddev=False):
+ """
+ σ, q → α
+ :param sigma: Gaussian width parameter (or standard deviation if `sigma_is_stddev` is `True`)
+ :param q: modulus
+ :param sigma_is_stddev: if `True` then `sigma` is interpreted as the standard deviation
+ :returns: α = σ/q or σ·sqrt(2π)/q depending on `sigma_is_stddev`
+ :rtype: real number
+ """
+ if sigma_is_stddev is False:
+ return RR(sigma/q)
+ else:
+ return RR(sigmaf(sigma)/q)
+def amplify(target_success_probability, success_probability, majority=False):
+ """
+ Return the number of trials needed to amplify current `success_probability` to
+ `target_success_probability`
+ :param target_success_probability: 0 < real value < 1
+ :param success_probability: 0 < real value < 1
+ :param majority: if `True` amplify a deicsional problem, not a computational one
+ if `False` then we assume that we can check solutions, so one success suffices
+ :returns: number of required trials to amplify
+ """
+ prec = max(53,
+ 2*ceil(abs(log(success_probability, 2))),
+ 2*ceil(abs(log(1-success_probability, 2))),
+ 2*ceil(abs(log(target_success_probability, 2))),
+ 2*ceil(abs(log(1-target_success_probability, 2))))
+ RR = RealField(prec)
+ if target_success_probability < success_probability:
+ return RR(1)
+ success_probability = RR(success_probability)
+ target_success_probability = RR(target_success_probability)
+ if majority:
+ eps = success_probability/2
+ repeat = ceil(2*log(2 - 2*target_success_probability)/log(1 - 4*eps**2))
+ else:
+ repeat = ceil(log(1-target_success_probability)/log(1 -success_probability))
+ return repeat
+def rinse_and_repeat(f, n, alpha, q, success_probability=0.99,
+ optimisation_target=u"bkz2",
+ decision=True,
+ samples=None,
+ *args, **kwds):
+ """Find best trade-off between success probability and running time.
+ :param f: a function returning a cost estimate
+ :param n: dimension > 0
+ :param alpha: fraction of the noise α < 1.0
+ :param q: modulus > 0
+ :param success_probability: target success probability
+ :param optimisation_target: what value out to be minimized
+ :param decision: ``True`` if ``f`` solves Decision-LWE, ``False`` for Search-LWE.
+ :param samples: the number of available samples
+ """
+ n, alpha, q, success_probability = preprocess_params(n, alpha, q, success_probability)
+ best = None
+ step_size = 32
+ i = floor(-log(success_probability, 2))
+ has_solution = False
+ while True:
+ prob = min(2**-i, success_probability)
+ try:
+ current = f(n, alpha, q,
+ optimisation_target=optimisation_target,
+ success_probability=prob,
+ samples=samples,
+ *args, **kwds)
+ repeat = amplify(success_probability, prob, majority=decision)
+ do_repeat = None if samples is None else {"oracle": False}
+ current = cost_repeat(current, repeat, do_repeat)
+ has_solution = True
+ except (OutOfBoundsError, InsufficientSamplesError) as err:
+ key = list(best)[0] if best is not None else optimisation_target
+ current = OrderedDict()
+ current[key] = oo
+ if get_verbose() >= 2:
+ print err
+ current["log(eps)"] = -i
+ if get_verbose() >= 2:
+ print cost_str(current)
+ key = list(current)[0]
+ if best is None:
+ best = current
+ i += step_size
+ continue
+ if key not in best or current[key] < best[key]:
+ best = current
+ i += step_size
+ else:
+ i = -best["log(eps)"] - step_size
+ i += step_size/2
+ if i <= 0:
+ i = step_size/2
+ step_size = step_size/2
+ if step_size == 0:
+ break
+ if not has_solution:
+ raise RuntimeError("No solution found for chosen parameters.")
+ return best
+def distinguish_required_m(sigma, q, success_probability, other_sigma=None):
+ RR = sigma.parent()
+ if other_sigma is not None:
+ sigma = RR(sqrt(sigma**2 + other_sigma**2))
+ adv = RR(exp(-RR(pi)*(RR(sigma/q)**2)))
+ return RR(success_probability)/RR(adv**2)
+def uniform_variance_from_bounds(a, b, h=None):
+ """
+ Variance for uniform distribution from bounds.
+ :param a:
+ :param b:
+ :param h: number of non-zero components.
+ :returns:
+ :rtype:
+ """
+ assert a < 0 and b > 0 and abs(a) == abs(b)
+ if h is None:
+ n = b - a + 1
+ return (n**2 - 1)/ZZ(12)
+ else:
+ return (2*a**3 - 2*b**3 - 3*a**2 - 3*b**2 + a - b)/(6*ZZ(a - b))
+def unpack_lwe(lwe):
+ """
+ Return n, α, q given an LWE instance object.
+ :param lwe: LWE object
+ :returns: n, α, q
+ :rtype: tuple
+ """
+ n = lwe.n
+ q = lwe.K.order()
+ try:
+ alpha = alphaf(sigmaf(lwe.D.sigma), q)
+ except AttributeError:
+ alpha = alphaf(sigmaf(lwe.D.stddev), q)
+ return n, alpha, q
+def unpack_lwe_dict(lwe):
+ """
+ Return dictionary consisting of n, α, q and samples given an LWE instance object.
+ :param lwe: LWE object
+ :returns: "n": n, "alpha": α, "q": q, "samples": samples
+ :rtype: dictionary
+ """
+ n, alpha, q = unpack_lwe(lwe)
+ samples = lwe.m
+ return {"n": n, "alpha": alpha, "q": q, "samples": samples}
+def preprocess_params(n, alpha, q, success_probability=None, prec=None, samples=None):
+ """
+ Check if parameters n, α, q are sound and return correct types.
+ Also, if given, the soundness of the success probability and the
+ number of samples is ensured.
+ """
+ if n < 1:
+ raise ValueError("LWE dimension must be greater than 0.")
+ if alpha <= 0:
+ raise ValueError("Fraction of noise must be > 0.")
+ if q < 1:
+ raise ValueError("LWE modulus must be greater than 0.")
+ if samples is not None and samples < 1:
+ raise ValueError("Given number of samples must be greater than 0.")
+ if prec is None:
+ prec = 128
+ RR = RealField(prec)
+ n, alpha, q = ZZ(n), RR(alpha), ZZ(q),
+ samples = ZZ(samples)
+ if success_probability is not None:
+ if success_probability >= 1 or success_probability <= 0:
+ raise ValueError("success_probability must be between 0 and 1.")
+ return n, alpha, q, RR(success_probability)
+ else:
+ return n, alpha, q
+def switch_modulus(n, alpha, q, s_variance, h=None):
+ """
+ Return modulus switched parameters.
+ :param n: the number of variables in the LWE instance
+ :param alpha: noise size
+ :param q: modulus
+ :param s_var: the variance of the secret
+ :param h: number of non-zero components.
+ If ``h`` is given, then ``s_var`` refers to the variance of non-zero components.
+ sage: switch_modulus(128, 0.01, 65537, uniform_variance_from_bounds(0,1))
+ (128, 0.0141421356237310, 410.000000000000)
+ sage: switch_modulus(128, 0.001, 65537, uniform_variance_from_bounds(0,1))
+ (128, 0.00141421356237310, 4094.00000000000)
+ sage: switch_modulus(128, 0.001, 65537, uniform_variance_from_bounds(-5,5))
+ (128, 0.00141421356237310, 25889.0000000000)
+ """
+ if h is not None:
+ length = h
+ else:
+ length = n
+ p = RR(ceil(sqrt(2*pi*s_variance*length/ZZ(12)) / alpha))
+ if p < 32:
+ p = RR(ceil(sqrt(2*pi*s_variance*length*2/ZZ(12)) / alpha))
+ beta = RR(sqrt(2)*alpha)
+ return n, beta, p
+def bkz_svp_repeat(n, k):
+ """Return number of SVP calls in BKZ-k
+ :param n: dimension
+ :param k: block size
+ .. note :: loosely based on experiments in [PhD:Chen13]
+ """
+ return 8*n
+def _delta_0f(k):
+ """
+ Compute `δ_0` from block size `k` without enforcing `k` in ZZ.
+ δ_0 for k<=40 were computed as follows:
+ ```
+ from fpylll import BKZ, IntegerMatrix
+ from multiprocessing import Pool
+ from sage.all import mean, sqrt, exp, log, cputime
+ d, trials = 320, 32
+ def f((A, beta)):
+ par = BKZ.Param(block_size=beta, strategies=BKZ.DEFAULT_STRATEGY, flags=BKZ.AUTO_ABORT)
+ q = A[-1, -1]
+ d = A.nrows
+ t = cputime()
+ A = BKZ.reduction(A, par, float_type="dd")
+ t = cputime(t)
+ return t, exp(log(A[0].norm()/sqrt(q).n())/d)
+ if __name__ == '__main__':
+ for beta in (5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 28, 30, 35, 40):
+ delta_0 = []
+ t = []
+ i = 0
+ while i < trials:
+ threads = int(open("delta_0.nthreads").read())
+ pool = Pool(threads)
+ A = [(IntegerMatrix.random(d, "qary", k=d//2, bits=50), beta) for j in range(threads)]
+ for (t_, delta_0_) in pool.imap_unordered(f, A):
+ t.append(t_)
+ delta_0.append(delta_0_)
+ i += threads
+ print u"β: %2d, δ_0: %.5f, time: %5.1fs, (%2d,%2d)"%(beta, mean(delta_0), mean(t), i, threads)
+ print
+ ```
+ """
+ small = (( 2, 1.02190),
+ ( 5, 1.01862),
+ (10, 1.01616),
+ (15, 1.01485),
+ (20, 1.01420),
+ (25, 1.01342),
+ (28, 1.01331),
+ (40, 1.01295))
+ if k <= 2:
+ return RR(1.0219)
+ elif k < 40:
+ for i in range(1, len(small)):
+ if small[i][0] > k:
+ return RR(small[i-1][1])
+ elif k == 40:
+ return RR(small[-1][1])
+ else:
+ return RR(k/(2*pi*e) * (pi*k)**(1/k))**(1/(2*(k-1)))
+def delta_0f(k):
+ """
+ Compute `δ_0` from block size `k`.
+ """
+ k = ZZ(round(k))
+ return _delta_0f(k)
+def k_chen_secant(delta):
+ """
+ Estimate required blocksize `k` for a given root-hermite factor δ based on [PhD:Chen13]_
+ :param delta: root-hermite factor
+ sage: 50 == k_chen(1.0121)
+ True
+ sage: 100 == k_chen(1.0093)
+ True
+ sage: k_chen(1.0024)
+ 808
+ .. [PhD:Chen13] Yuanmi Chen. Réduction de réseau et sécurité concrète du chiffrement
+ complètement homomorphe. PhD thesis, Paris 7, 2013.
+ """
+ try:
+ k = newton(lambda k: RR(_delta_0f(k) - delta), 100, fprime=None, args=(), tol=1.48e-08, maxiter=500)
+ k = ceil(k)
+ if k < 40:
+ raise RuntimeError("k < 40")
+ return k
+ except (RuntimeError, TypeError):
+ if get_verbose() >= 2:
+ print "secant method failed, using k_chen_old(delta) instead!"
+ k = k_chen_old(delta)
+ return k
+def k_chen_find_root(delta):
+ k = ZZ(40)
+ if delta_0f(k) < delta:
+ return k
+ try:
+ k = find_root(lambda k: RR(_delta_0f(k) - delta), 40, 2**16, maxiter=500)
+ k = ceil(k)
+ except RuntimeError:
+ k = k_chen_old(delta)
+ return k
+def k_chen(delta):
+ k = k_chen_find_root(delta)
+ return k
+def k_chen_old(delta):
+ """
+ Estimate required blocksize `k` for a given root-hermite factor δ based on [PhD:Chen13]_
+ :param delta: root-hermite factor
+ sage: 50 == k_chen(1.0121)
+ True
+ sage: 100 == k_chen(1.0093)
+ True
+ sage: k_chen(1.0024)
+ 808
+ .. [PhD:Chen13] Yuanmi Chen. Réduction de réseau et sécurité concrète du chiffrement
+ complètement homomorphe. PhD thesis, Paris 7, 2013.
+ """
+ k = ZZ(40)
+ while delta_0f(2*k) > delta:
+ k *= 2
+ while delta_0f(k+10) > delta:
+ k += 10
+ while True:
+ if delta_0f(k) < delta:
+ break
+ k += 1
+ return k
+def bkz_runtime_delta_LP(delta, n):
+ """
+ Runtime estimation assuming the Lindner-Peikert model.
+ """
+ return RR(1.8/log(delta, 2) - 110 + log(2.3*10**9, 2))
+def bkz_runtime_k_sieve_bdgl16_small(k, n):
+ u"""
+ Runtime estimation given `k` and assuming sieving is used to realise the SVP oracle.
+ For small `k` we use estimates based on experiments in [BDGL16]
+ :param k: block size
+ :param n: lattice dimension
+ .. [BDGL16] Becker, A., Ducas, L., Gama, N., & Laarhoven, T. (2016). New directions in
+ nearest neighbor searching with applications to lattice sieving. In SODA 2016, (pp. 10–24).
+ """
+ return RR(0.387*k + 16.4 + log(bkz_svp_repeat(n, k), 2))
+def bkz_runtime_k_sieve_bdgl16_asymptotic(k, n):
+ u"""
+ Runtime estimation given `k` and assuming sieving is used to realise the SVP oracle.
+ :param k: block size
+ :param n: lattice dimension
+ .. [BDGL16] Becker, A., Ducas, L., Gama, N., & Laarhoven, T. (2016). New directions in
+ nearest neighbor searching with applications to lattice sieving. In SODA 2016, (pp. 10–24).
+ """
+ return RR(0.292*k + 16.4 + log(bkz_svp_repeat(n, k), 2))
+def bkz_runtime_k_quantum_sieve(k, n):
+ """
+ Runtime estimation for quantum sieving.
+ .. [LaaMosPol14] Thijs Laarhoven, Michele Mosca, & Joop van de Pol. Finding shortest lattice
+ vectors faster using quantum search. Cryptology ePrint Archive, Report 2014/907, 2014.
+ https://eprint.iacr.org/2014/907.
+ """
+ return RR((0.265*k + 16.4 + log(bkz_svp_repeat(n, k), 2)))
+bkz_runtime_k_sieve_asymptotic = bkz_runtime_k_sieve_bdgl16_asymptotic
+bkz_runtime_k_sieve_small = bkz_runtime_k_sieve_bdgl16_small
+def bkz_runtime_k_sieve(k, n):
+ u"""
+ Runtime estimation given `k` and assuming sieving is used to realise the SVP oracle.
+ :param k: block size
+ :param n: lattice dimension
+ """
+ if k <= 90:
+ return bkz_runtime_k_sieve_small(k, n)
+ else:
+ return bkz_runtime_k_sieve_asymptotic(k, n)
+def bkz_runtime_k_bkz2(k, n):
+ """
+ Runtime estimation given `k` and assuming [CheNgu12]_ estimates are correct.
+ The constants in this function were derived as follows based on Table 4 in [CheNgu12]_::
+ sage: dim = [100, 110, 120, 130, 140, 150, 160, 170, 180, 190, 200, 210, 220, 230, 240, 250]
+ sage: nodes = [39.0, 44.0, 49.0, 54.0, 60.0, 66.0, 72.0, 78.0, 84.0, 96.0, 99.0, 105.0, 111.0, 120.0, 127.0, 134.0]
+ sage: times = [c + log(200,2).n() for c in nodes]
+ sage: T = zip(dim, nodes)
+ sage: var("a,b,c,k")
+ (a, b, c, k)
+ sage: f = a*k*log(k, 2.0) + b*k + c
+ sage: f = f.function(k)
+ sage: f.subs(find_fit(T, f, solution_dict=True))
+ k |--> 0.270188776350190*k*log(k) - 1.0192050451318417*k + 16.10253135200765
+ .. [CheNgu12] Yuanmi Chen and Phong Q. Nguyen. BKZ 2.0: Better lattice security estimates (Full Version).
+ 2012. http://www.di.ens.fr/~ychen/research/Full_BKZ.pdf
+ """
+ repeat = log(bkz_svp_repeat(n, k), 2)
+ return RR(0.270188776350190*k*log(k) - 1.0192050451318417*k + 16.10253135200765 + repeat)
+def bkz_runtime_delta_bkz2(delta, n):
+ """
+ Runtime estimation extrapolated from BKZ 2.0 timings.
+ """
+ k = k_chen(delta)
+ return bkz_runtime_k_bkz2(k, n)
+def bkz_runtime_k_fplll(k, n):
+ """
+ Runtime estimation extrapolated from fpLLL 4.0.4 experiments
+ """
+ repeat = log(bkz_svp_repeat(n, k), 2)
+ return RR(0.013487467331762426*k**2 - 0.28245244492771304*k + 21.017892848466957 + repeat)
+def bkz_runtime_delta(delta, n, log_repeat=0):
+ """
+ Runtime estimates for BKZ (2.0) given δ and n
+ """
+ if enable_LP_estimates:
+ t_lp = bkz_runtime_delta_LP(delta, n) + log_repeat
+ RR = delta.parent()
+ k = k_chen(delta)
+ t_sieve = RR(bkz_runtime_k_sieve(k, n) + log_repeat)
+ t_bkz2 = RR(bkz_runtime_k_bkz2(k, n) + log_repeat)
+ t_fplll = RR(bkz_runtime_k_fplll(k, n) + log_repeat)
+ t_quantum_sieve = RR(bkz_runtime_k_quantum_sieve(k, n) + log_repeat)
+ r = OrderedDict()
+ r[u"delta_0"] = delta
+ r[u"bkz2"] = RR(2)**t_bkz2
+ r[u"beta"] = k
+ if enable_LP_estimates:
+ r[u"lp"] = RR(2)**t_lp
+ if enable_fplll_estimates:
+ r[u"fplll"] = RR(2)**t_fplll
+ r[u"sieve"] = RR(2)**t_sieve
+ r[u"quantum_sieve"] = RR(2)**t_quantum_sieve
+ return r
+def lattice_reduction_opt_m(n, q, delta):
+ """
+ Return the (heuristically) optimal lattice dimension `m`
+ :param n: dimension
+ :param q: modulus
+ :param delta: root Hermite factor `δ_0`
+ """
+ return ZZ(round(sqrt(n*log(q, 2)/log(delta, 2))))
+def sieve_or_enum(func):
+ """
+ Take minimum of sieving or enumeration for lattice-based attacks.
+ :param func: a lattice-reduction based estimator
+ """
+ def wrapper(*args, **kwds):
+ from copy import copy
+ kwds = copy(kwds)
+ if "optimisation_target" in kwds:
+ del kwds["optimisation_target"]
+ a = func(*args, optimisation_target="bkz2", **kwds)
+ b = func(*args, optimisation_target="sieve", **kwds)
+ if a["bkz2"] <= b["sieve"]:
+ return a
+ else:
+ return b
+ return wrapper
+def mitm(n, alpha, q, success_probability=0.99, secret_bounds=None, h=None, samples=None):
+ """
+ Return meet-in-the-middle estimates.
+ :param n: dimension
+ :param alpha: noise parameter
+ :param q: modulus
+ :param success_probability: desired success probability
+ :param secret_bounds: tuple with lower and upper bound on the secret
+ :param samples: the number of available samples
+ :returns: a cost estimate
+ :rtype: OrderedDict
+ """
+ n, alpha, q, success_probability = preprocess_params(n, alpha, q, success_probability)
+ ret = OrderedDict()
+ RR = alpha.parent()
+ m = None
+ if samples is not None:
+ if not samples > n:
+ raise InsufficientSamplesError("Number of samples: %d" % samples)
+ m = samples - n
+ t = ceil(2*sqrt(log(n)))
+ if secret_bounds is None:
+ m_required = ceil((log(2*n) - log(alpha*q)*(n/2))/log(2*t*alpha))
+ if m is not None and m < m_required:
+ raise InsufficientSamplesError("Requirement not fulfilled. Number of samples: %d - %d < %d" % (
+ samples, n, m_required))
+ m = m_required
+ if m*(2*alpha) > 1- 1/(2*n):
+ raise ValueError("Cannot find m to satisfy constraints (noise too big).")
+ ret["rop"] = RR((2*alpha*q+1)**(n/2) * 2*n * m)
+ ret["mem"] = RR((2*alpha*q+1)**(n/2) * m)
+ else:
+ a, b = secret_bounds
+ m_required = ceil(log(2*n/((b-a+1)**(n/2)))/log(2*t*alpha))
+ if m is not None and m < m_required:
+ raise InsufficientSamplesError("Requirement not fulfilled. Number of samples: %d - %d < %d" % (
+ samples, n, m_required))
+ m = m_required
+ if (m*(2*alpha) > 1- 1/(2*n)):
+ raise ValueError("Cannot find m to satisfy constraints (noise too big).")
+ ret["rop"] = RR((b-a+1)**(n/2) * 2*n * m)
+ ret["mem"] = RR((b-a+1)**(n/2) * m)
+ ret["oracle"] = n + m
+ ret["bop"] = RR(log(q, 2) * ret["rop"])
+ return cost_reorder(ret, ["bop", "oracle", "mem"])
+def bkw(n, alpha, q, success_probability=0.99, optimisation_target="bop", prec=None, search=False, samples=None):
+ """
+ Estimate the cost of running BKW to solve LWE
+ :param n: dimension > 0
+ :param alpha: fraction of the noise α < 1.0
+ :param q: modulus > 0
+ :param success_probability: probability of success < 1.0
+ :param optimisation_target: field to use to decide if parameters are better
+ :param prec: precision used for floating point computations
+ :param search: if `True` solve Search-LWE, otherwise solve Decision-LWE
+ :param samples: the number of available samples
+ :returns: a cost estimate
+ :rtype: OrderedDict
+ """
+ if search:
+ return bkw_search(n, alpha, q, success_probability, optimisation_target, prec, samples)
+ else:
+ return bkw_decision(n, alpha, q, success_probability, optimisation_target, prec, samples)
+def bkw_decision(n, alpha, q, success_probability=0.99, optimisation_target="bop", prec=None, samples=None):
+ """
+ Estimate the cost of running BKW to solve Decision-LWE following [DCC:ACFFP15]_.
+ :param n: dimension > 0
+ :param alpha: fraction of the noise α < 1.0
+ :param q: modulus > 0
+ :param success_probability: probability of success < 1.0
+ :param optimisation_target: field to use to decide if parameters are better
+ :param prec: precision used for floating point computations
+ :param samples: the number of available samples
+ :returns: a cost estimate
+ :rtype: OrderedDict
+ .. [DCC:ACFFP15] Albrecht, M. R., Cid, C., Jean-Charles Faugère, Fitzpatrick, R., &
+ Perret, L. (2015). On the complexity of the BKW algorithm on LWE.
+ Designs, Codes & Cryptography, Volume 74, Issue 2, pp 325-354
+ """
+ n, alpha, q, success_probability = preprocess_params(n, alpha, q, success_probability)
+ sigma = alpha*q
+ has_samples = samples is not None
+ has_enough_samples = True
+ RR = alpha.parent()
+ def _run(t):
+ a = RR(t*log(n, 2))
+ b = RR(n/a)
+ sigma_final = RR(n**t).sqrt() * sigma
+ m = distinguish_required_m(sigma_final, q, success_probability)
+ tmp = a*(a-1)/2 * (n+1) - b*a*(a-1)/4 - b/6 * RR((a-1)**3 + 3/2*(a-1)**2 + (a-1)/2)
+ stage1a = RR(q**b-1)/2 * tmp
+ stage1b = m * (a/2 * (n + 2))
+ stage1 = stage1a + stage1b
+ nrops = RR(stage1)
+ nbops = RR(log(q, 2) * nrops)
+ ncalls = RR(a * ceil(RR(q**b)/RR(2)) + m)
+ nmem = ceil(RR(q**b)/2) * a * (n + 1 - b * (a-1)/2)
+ current = OrderedDict([(u"t", t),
+ (u"bop", nbops),
+ (u"oracle", ncalls),
+ (u"m", m),
+ (u"mem", nmem),
+ (u"rop", nrops),
+ (u"a", a),
+ (u"b", b),
+ ])
+ if optimisation_target != u"oracle":
+ current = cost_reorder(current, (optimisation_target, u"oracle", u"t"))
+ else:
+ current = cost_reorder(current, (optimisation_target, u"t"))
+ return current
+ best_runtime = None
+ best_samples = None
+ best = None
+ may_terminate = False
+ t = RR(2*(log(q, 2) - log(sigma, 2))/log(n, 2))
+ while True:
+ current = _run(t)
+ if get_verbose() >= 2:
+ print cost_str(current)
+ if has_samples:
+ has_enough_samples = current["oracle"] < samples
+ if not best_samples:
+ best_samples = current
+ else:
+ if best_samples["oracle"] > current["oracle"]:
+ best_samples = current
+ if has_enough_samples and (
+ best is None or best[optimisation_target] > current[optimisation_target]):
+ best = current
+ else:
+ if may_terminate:
+ break
+ may_terminate = True
+ if not best_runtime:
+ best_runtime = current
+ else:
+ if best_runtime[optimisation_target] > current[optimisation_target]:
+ best_runtime = current
+ if has_enough_samples and (best is None or best[optimisation_target] > current[optimisation_target]):
+ best = current
+ else:
+ if not has_samples or may_terminate:
+ break
+ may_terminate = True
+ t += 0.05
+ if best is None:
+ raise InsufficientSamplesError("Too few samples (%d given) to achieve a success probability of %f." % (
+ samples, success_probability))
+ return best
+def bkw_search(n, alpha, q, success_probability=0.99, optimisation_target="bop", prec=None, samples=None):
+ """
+ Estimate the cost of running BKW to solve Search-LWE following [C:DucTraVau15]_.
+ :param n: dimension > 0
+ :param alpha: fraction of the noise α < 1.0
+ :param q: modulus > 0
+ :param success_probability: probability of success < 1.0
+ :param optimisation_target: field to use to decide if parameters are better
+ :param prec: precision used for floating point computations
+ :param samples: the number of available samples
+ :returns: a cost estimate
+ :rtype: OrderedDict
+ .. [EC:DucTraVau15] Duc, A., Florian Tramèr, & Vaudenay, S. (2015). Better algorithms for
+ LWE and LWR.
+ """
+ n, alpha, q, success_probability = preprocess_params(n, alpha, q, success_probability)
+ sigma = stddevf(alpha*q)
+ eps = success_probability
+ has_samples = samples is not None
+ has_enough_samples = True
+ RR = alpha.parent()
+ c_cost = 1
+ c_mem = 1
+ def _run(t):
+ a = RR(t*log(n, 2))
+ b = RR(n/a)
+ epp = (1- eps)/a
+ m = lambda j, eps: 8 * b * log(q/eps) * (1 - (2 * pi**2 * sigma**2)/(q**2))**(-2**(a-j))
+ c1 = (q**b-1)/2 * ((a-1)*(a-2)/2 * (n+1) - b/6 * (a*(a-1) * (a-2)))
+ c2 = sum([m(j, epp) * (a-1-j)/2 * (n+2) for j in range(a)])
+ c3 = (2*sum([m(j, epp) for j in range(a)]) + cfft * n * q**b * log(q, 2)) * c_cost
+ c4 = (a-1)*(a-2) * b * (q**b - 1)/2
+ nrops = RR(c1 + c2 + c3 + c4)
+ nbops = RR(log(q, 2) * nrops)
+ ncalls = (a-1) * (q**b - 1)/2 + m(0, eps)
+ nmem = ((q**b - 1)/2 * (a-1) * (n + 1 - b*(a-2)/2)) + m(0, eps) + c_mem * q**b
+ current = OrderedDict([(u"t", t),
+ (u"bop", nbops),
+ (u"oracle", ncalls),
+ (u"m", m(0, eps)),
+ (u"mem", nmem),
+ (u"rop", nrops),
+ (u"a", a),
+ (u"b", b),
+ ])
+ if optimisation_target != u"oracle":
+ current = cost_reorder(current, (optimisation_target, u"oracle", u"t"))
+ else:
+ current = cost_reorder(current, (optimisation_target, u"t"))
+ return current
+ best_runtime = None
+ best_samples = None
+ best = None
+ may_terminate = False
+ t = RR(2*(log(q, 2) - log(sigma, 2))/log(n, 2))
+ while True:
+ current = _run(t)
+ if get_verbose() >= 2:
+ print cost_str(current)
+ if has_samples:
+ has_enough_samples = current["oracle"] < samples
+ if not best_samples:
+ best_samples = current
+ else:
+ if best_samples["oracle"] > current["oracle"]:
+ best_samples = current
+ if has_enough_samples and (
+ best is None or best[optimisation_target] > current[optimisation_target]):
+ best = current
+ else:
+ if may_terminate:
+ break
+ may_terminate = True
+ if not best_runtime:
+ best_runtime = current
+ else:
+ if best_runtime[optimisation_target] > current[optimisation_target]:
+ best_runtime = current
+ if has_enough_samples and (best is None or best[optimisation_target] > current[optimisation_target]):
+ best = current
+ else:
+ if not has_samples or may_terminate:
+ break
+ may_terminate = True
+ t += 0.05
+ if best is None:
+ raise InsufficientSamplesError("Too few samples (%d given) to achieve a success probability of %f." % (
+ samples, success_probability))
+ return best
+def _bkw_coded(n, alpha, q, t2, b, success_probability=0.99, ntest=None, secret_bounds=None, h=None):
+ """
+ Estimate complexity of Coded-BKW as described in [C:GuoJohSta15]
+ :param n: dimension > 0
+ :param alpha: fraction of the noise α < 1.0
+ :param q: modulus > 0
+ :param t2: number of coded BKW steps (≥ 0)
+ :param b: table size (≥ 1)
+ :param success_probability: probability of success < 1.0, IGNORED
+ :param ntest: optional parameter ntest
+ :returns: a cost estimate
+ :rtype: OrderedDict
+ .. note::
+ You probably want to call bkw_coded instead.
+ """
+ n, alpha, q, success_probability = preprocess_params(n, alpha, q, success_probability)
+ sigma = stddevf(alpha*q)
+ RR = alpha.parent()
+ cost = OrderedDict()
+ b = ZZ(b)
+ cost["b"] = b
+ l = b - 1
+ cost["l"] = l
+ gamma = RR(1.2)
+ if secret_bounds:
+ d = secret_bounds[1] - secret_bounds[0] + 1
+ else:
+ d = 3*sigma
+ cost["d"] = d
+ cost[u"γ"] = gamma
+ def N(i, sigma_set):
+ """
+ Return $N_i$ for the $i$-th $[N_i, b]$ linear code.
+ :param i: index
+ :param sigma_set: target noise level
+ """
+ return floor(b/(1-log(12*sigma_set**2/ZZ(2)**i, q)/2))
+ def find_ntest(n, l, t1, t2, b):
+ """
+ If the parameter `ntest` is not provided, we use this function to estimate it.
+ :param n: dimension > 0
+ :param l: table size for hypothesis testing
+ :param t1: number of normal BKW steps
+ :param t2: number of coded BKW steps
+ :param b: table size for BKW steps
+ """
+ if t1*b >= n:
+ return 0
+ ntest = var("nest")
+ sigma_set = sqrt(q**(2*(1-l/ntest))/12)
+ ncod = sum([N(i, sigma_set) for i in range(1, t2+1)])
+ ntop = n - ncod - ntest - t1*b
+ try:
+ ntest = round(find_root(0 == ntop, 0, n))
+ except RuntimeError:
+ raise ValueError("Cannot find parameters for n=%d, l=%d, t1=%d, t2=%d, b=%d"%(n, l, t1, t2, b))
+ return ZZ(ntest)
+ t1 = 0
+ if ntest is None:
+ ntest_ = find_ntest(n, l, t1, t2, b)
+ else:
+ ntest_ = ntest
+ sigma_set = sqrt(q**(2*(1-l/ntest_))/12)
+ Ni = [N(i, sigma_set) for i in range(1, t2+1)]
+ t1 = len([e for e in Ni if e <= b])
+ if b*t1 > n:
+ t1 = n//b
+ t2 -= t1
+ cost["t1"] = t1
+ cost["t2"] = t2
+ if ntest is None:
+ ntest = find_ntest(n, l, t1, t2, b)
+ if ntest:
+ sigma_set = sqrt(q**(2*(1-l/ntest))/12)
+ cost[u"σ_set"] = RR(sigma_set)
+ ncod = sum([N(i, sigma_set) for i in range(1, t2+1)])
+ else:
+ ncod = 0
+ ntot = ncod + ntest
+ ntop = max(n - ncod - ntest - t1*b, 0)
+ cost["ncod"] = ncod
+ cost["ntop"] = ntop
+ cost["ntest"] = ntest
+ if secret_bounds:
+ s_var = uniform_variance_from_bounds(*secret_bounds, h=h)
+ coding_variance = s_var * sigma_set**2 * ntot
+ else:
+ coding_variance = gamma**2 * sigma**2 * sigma_set**2 * ntot
+ sigma_final = RR(sqrt(2**(t1+t2) * sigma**2 + coding_variance))
+ cost[u"σ_final"] = RR(sigma_final)
+ M = distinguish_required_m(sigmaf(sigma_final), q, success_probability)
+ cost["m"] = M
+ m = (t1+t2)*(q**b-1)/2 + M
+ cost["oracle"] = RR(m)
+ n_ = n - t1*b
+ C0 = (m-n_) * (n+1) * ceil(n_/(b-1))
+ assert(C0 >= 0)
+ cost["C0(gauss)"] = RR(C0)
+ C1 = sum([(n+1-i*b)*(m - i*(q**b - 1)/2) for i in range(1, t1+1)])
+ assert(C1 >= 0)
+ cost["C1(bkw)"] = RR(C1)
+ C2_ = sum([4*(M + i*(q**b - 1)/2)*N(i, sigma_set) for i in range(i, t2+1)])
+ C2 = RR(C2_)
+ for i in range(i, t2+1):
+ C2 += RR(ntop + ntest + sum([N(j, sigma_set) for j in range(1, i+1)]))*(M + (i-1)*(q**b - 1)/2)
+ assert(C2 >= 0)
+ cost["C2(coded)"] = RR(C2)
+ C3 = M*ntop*(2*d + 1)**ntop
+ assert(C3 >= 0)
+ cost["C3(guess)"] = RR(C3)
+ C4_ = 4*M*ntest
+ C4 = C4_ + (2*d+1)**ntop * (cfft * q**(l+1) * (l+1) * log(q, 2) + q**(l+1))
+ assert(C4 >= 0)
+ cost["C4(test)"] = RR(C4)
+ C = (C0 + C1 + C2 + C3+ C4)/(erf(d/sqrt(2*sigma))**ntop)
+ cost["rop"] = RR(C)
+ cost["bop"] = RR(C)*log(RR(q), RR(2))
+ cost["mem"] = (t1+t2)*q**b
+ cost = cost_reorder(cost, ["bop", "oracle", "m", "mem", "rop", "b", "t1", "t2"])
+ return cost
+def bkw_coded(n, alpha, q, success_probability=0.99, secret_bounds=None, h=None,
+ cost_include=("bop", "oracle", "m", "mem", "rop", "b", "t1", "t2"), samples=None):
+ """
+ Estimate complexity of Coded-BKW as described in [C:GuoJohSta15]
+ by optimising parameters.
+ :param n: dimension > 0
+ :param alpha: fraction of the noise α < 1.0
+ :param q: modulus > 0
+ :param success_probability: probability of success < 1.0, IGNORED
+ :param samples: the number of available samples
+ :returns: a cost estimate
+ :rtype: OrderedDict
+ sage: n, alpha, q = unpack_lwe(Regev(64))
+ sage: print cost_str(bkw_coded(n, alpha, q))
+ bop: ≈2^53.1, oracle: ≈2^39.2, m: ≈2^30.2, mem: ≈2^40.2, rop: ≈2^49.5, ...
+ """
+ bstart = ceil(log(q, 2))
+ def _run(b=2):
+ return binary_search(_bkw_coded, 2, min(n//b, ceil(2*log(q, 2))), "t2",
+ lambda x, best: x["rop"]<=best["rop"] and (
+ samples is None or best["oracle"]>samples or x["oracle"]<=samples),
+ n, alpha, q, b=b, t2=0,
+ secret_bounds=secret_bounds, h=h,
+ success_probability=success_probability)
+ best = binary_search(_run, 2, 3*bstart, "b", lambda x, best: x["rop"]<=best["rop"] and (
+ samples is None or best["oracle"]>samples or x["oracle"]<=samples), b=2)
+ if samples is not None and best["oracle"] > samples:
+ raise InsufficientSamplesError("Too few samples given (%d)." % samples)
+ return best
+def _sis(n, alpha, q, success_probability=0.99, optimisation_target=u"bkz2", secret_bounds=None, h=None, samples=None):
+ """Estimate cost of solving LWE by solving LWE.
+ :param n: dimension > 0
+ :param alpha: fraction of the noise α < 1.0
+ :param q: modulus > 0
+ :param success_probability: probability of success < 1.0
+ :param secret_bounds: ignored
+ :param h: ignored
+ :param samples: the number of available samples
+ :returns: a cost estimate
+ :rtype: OrderedDict
+ """
+ n, alpha, q, success_probability = preprocess_params(n, alpha, q, success_probability)
+ f = lambda eps: RR(sqrt(log(1/eps)/pi))
+ RR = alpha.parent()
+ log_delta_0 = log(f(success_probability)/alpha, 2)**2 / (4*n*log(q, 2))
+ delta_0 = RR(2**log_delta_0)
+ m_optimal = lattice_reduction_opt_m(n, q, delta_0)
+ if samples is None or samples > m_optimal:
+ m = m_optimal
+ else:
+ if not samples > 0:
+ raise InsufficientSamplesError("Number of samples: %d" % samples)
+ m = samples
+ log_delta_0 = log(f(success_probability)/alpha, 2)/m - RR(log(q, 2)*n)/(m**2)
+ delta_0 = RR(2**log_delta_0)
+ if delta_0 < 1:
+ raise OutOfBoundsError(u"Detected delta_0 = %f < 1. Too few samples?!" % delta_0)
+ ret = bkz_runtime_delta(delta_0, m)
+ ret[u"oracle"] = m
+ ret[u"|v|"] = RR(delta_0**m * q**(n/m))
+ ret[u"dim"] = m
+ if optimisation_target != u"oracle":
+ ret = cost_reorder(ret, [optimisation_target, u"oracle"])
+ else:
+ ret = cost_reorder(ret, [optimisation_target])
+ return ret
+sis = partial(rinse_and_repeat, _sis)
+def gsa_basis(n, q, delta, m):
+ """
+ Create the basis lengths.
+ :param n: determinant is q^n
+ :param q: determinant is q^n
+ :param delta: root-Hermite factor
+ :param m: lattice dimension
+ .. note:: based on the GSA in [RSA:LinPei11]_
+ .. [RSA:LinPei11] Richard Lindner and Chris Peikert. Better key sizes (and attacks) for LWE-based encryption.
+ In Aggelos Kiayias, editor, CT-RSA 2011, volume 6558 of LNCS, pages 319–339. Springer,
+ February 2011.
+ """
+ log_delta = RDF(log(delta))
+ log_q = RDF(log(q))
+ qnm = log_q*(n/m)
+ qnm_p_log_delta_m = qnm + log_delta*m
+ tmm1 = RDF(2*m/(m-1))
+ b = [(qnm_p_log_delta_m - log_delta*(tmm1 * i)) for i in xrange(m)]
+ b = [log_q - b[-1-i] for i in xrange(m)]
+ b = map(lambda x: x.exp(), b)
+ return b
+def enum_cost(n, alpha, q, eps, delta_0, m=None, B=None, step=1, enums_per_clock=-15.1):
+ """
+ Estimates the runtime for performing enumeration.
+ :param n: dimension > 0
+ :param alpha: fraction of the noise α < 1.0
+ :param q: modulus > 0
+ :param eps:
+ :param delta_0:
+ :param m:
+ :param B:
+ :param step: changes the increments for the values of d[i]
+ :param enums_per_clock: the log of the number of enumerations computed per clock cycle
+ :returns: a cost estimate
+ :rtype: OrderedDict
+ """
+ RR = alpha.parent()
+ step = RDF(step)
+ if B is None:
+ if m is None:
+ m = lattice_reduction_opt_m(n, q, delta_0)
+ B = gsa_basis(n, q, delta_0, m)
+ d = [RDF(1)]*m
+ bd = [d[i] * B[i] for i in xrange(m)]
+ scaling_factor = RDF(sqrt(pi) / (2*alpha*q))
+ probs_bd = [RDF((bd[i] * scaling_factor)).erf() for i in xrange(m)]
+ success_probability = prod(probs_bd)
+ if RR(success_probability).is_NaN():
+ step = RR(step)
+ d = [RR(1)]*m
+ bd = [d[i] * B[i] for i in xrange(m)]
+ scaling_factor = RR(sqrt(pi) / (2*alpha*q))
+ probs_bd = [RR((bd[i] * scaling_factor)).erf() for i in xrange(m)]
+ success_probability = prod(probs_bd)
+ if success_probability.is_NaN():
+ return OrderedDict([(u"delta_0", delta_0),
+ ("enum", oo),
+ ("enumop", oo)])
+ if not success_probability > 0:
+ raise InsufficientSamplesError("success_probability == 0! Too few samples?!")
+ bd = map(list, zip(bd, range(len(bd))))
+ bd = sorted(bd)
+ import bisect
+ last_success_probability = success_probability
+ while success_probability < RDF(eps):
+ v, i = bd.pop(0)
+ d[i] += step
+ v += B[i]*step
+ last_success_probability = success_probability
+ success_probability /= probs_bd[i]
+ probs_bd[i] = (v * scaling_factor).erf()
+ success_probability *= probs_bd[i]
+ bisect.insort_left(bd, [v, i])
+ if success_probability == 0 or last_success_probability >= success_probability:
+ return OrderedDict([(u"delta_0", delta_0),
+ ("enum", oo),
+ ("enumop", oo)])
+ r = OrderedDict([(u"delta_0", delta_0),
+ ("enum", RR(prod(d))),
+ ("enumop", RR(prod(d)) / RR(2)**enums_per_clock)])
+ return r
+def _decode(n, alpha, q, success_probability=0.99,
+ enums_per_clock=-15.1, optimisation_target="bkz2",
+ secret_bounds=None, h=None, samples=None):
+ """
+ Estimates the optimal parameters for decoding attack
+ :param n: dimension > 0
+ :param alpha: fraction of the noise α < 1.0
+ :param q: modulus > 0
+ :param success_probability: probability of success < 1.0
+ :param enums_per_clock: the log of the number of enumerations computed per clock cycle
+ :param optimisation_target: lattice reduction estimate to use
+ :param secret_bounds: ignored
+ :param h: ignored
+ :param samples: the number of available samples
+ :returns: a cost estimate
+ :rtype: OrderedDict
+ """
+ n, alpha, q, success_probability = preprocess_params(n, alpha, q, success_probability)
+ if samples is not None and not samples > 1:
+ raise InsufficientSamplesError("Number of samples: %d" % samples)
+ RR = alpha.parent()
+ delta_0m1 = _sis(n, alpha, q, success_probability=success_probability)[u"delta_0"] - 1
+ step = RR(1.05)
+ direction = -1
+ def combine(enum, bkz):
+ current = OrderedDict()
+ current["rop"] = enum["enumop"] + bkz[optimisation_target]
+ for key in bkz:
+ current[key] = bkz[key]
+ for key in enum:
+ current[key] = enum[key]
+ current[u"oracle"] = m
+ current = cost_reorder(current, ["rop", "oracle", optimisation_target])
+ return current
+ depth = 6
+ current = None
+ while True:
+ delta_0 = 1 + delta_0m1
+ if delta_0 >= 1.0219 and current is not None:
+ break
+ m_optimal = lattice_reduction_opt_m(n, q, delta_0)
+ if samples is None or samples > m_optimal:
+ m = m_optimal
+ else:
+ m = samples
+ bkz = bkz_runtime_delta(delta_0, m)
+ bkz["dim"] = m
+ enum = enum_cost(n, alpha, q, success_probability, delta_0, m, enums_per_clock=enums_per_clock)
+ current = combine(enum, bkz)
+ if current[optimisation_target] < current["enumop"]:
+ prev_direction = direction
+ direction = -1
+ if direction != prev_direction:
+ step = 1 + RR(step-1)/2
+ delta_0m1 /= step
+ elif current[optimisation_target] > current["enumop"]:
+ prev_direction = direction
+ direction = 1
+ delta_0m1 *= step
+ else:
+ break
+ if direction != prev_direction:
+ step = 1 + RR(step-1)/2
+ depth -= 1
+ if depth == 0:
+ break
+ return current
+decode = partial(rinse_and_repeat, _decode, decision=False)
+def kannan(n, alpha, q, tau=tau_default, tau_prob=tau_prob_default, success_probability=0.99,
+ optimisation_target="bkz2", samples=None):
+ """
+ Estimate optimal parameters for using Kannan-embedding to solve CVP.
+ :param n: dimension > 0
+ :param alpha: fraction of the noise α < 1.0
+ :param q: modulus > 0
+ :param success_probability: probability of success < 1.0
+ :param samples: the number of available samples
+ :returns: a cost estimate
+ :rtype: OrderedDict
+ """
+ n, alpha, q, success_probability = preprocess_params(n, alpha, q, success_probability)
+ RR = alpha.parent()
+ log_delta_0 = log(tau*alpha*sqrt(e), 2)**2/(4*n*log(q, 2))
+ delta_0 = RR(2**log_delta_0)
+ m_optimal = lattice_reduction_opt_m(n, q, delta_0)
+ if samples is None or samples > m_optimal:
+ m = m_optimal
+ else:
+ if not samples > 0:
+ raise InsufficientSamplesError("Number of samples: %d" % samples)
+ m = samples
+ delta_0 = RR((q**(1-n/m)*sqrt(1/(e)) / (tau*alpha*q))**(1.0/m))
+ if delta_0 < 1:
+ raise OutOfBoundsError(u"Detected delta_0 = %f < 1. Too few samples?!" % delta_0)
+ l2 = q**(1-n/m) * sqrt(m/(2*pi*e))
+ if l2 > q:
+ raise NotImplementedError(u"Case where λ_2 = q not implemented.")
+ repeat = amplify(success_probability, tau_prob)
+ r = bkz_runtime_delta(delta_0, m, log(repeat, 2.0))
+ r[u"oracle"] = repeat*m if samples is None else m
+ r[u"m"] = m
+ r = cost_reorder(r, [optimisation_target, "oracle"])
+ if get_verbose() >= 2:
+ print cost_str(r)
+ return r
+def gb_complexity(m, n, d, omega=2, call_magma=True, d2=None):
+ """Estimate the complexity of computing a Gröbner basis.
+ Estimation is done for `m` polynomials of degree `d` in `n`
+ variables under the assumption that the system is semi-regular.
+ If `d2` is not ``None`` then `n` polynomials of degree are added to
+ the system. This is to encode restrictions on the solution. For
+ example, if the solution is either `0` or `1`, then `(x_i)⋅(x_i+1)`
+ would evaluate to zero on it for any `x_i`.
+ :param m: number of polynomials (integer > 0)
+ :param n: number of variables (integer > 0)
+ :param d: degree of all input polynomials
+ :param omega: linear algebra exponent, i.e. matrix-multiplication costs `O(n^ω)` operations.
+ :param call_magma: use Magma to perform computation (highly recommended)
+ :param d2: secondary degree (integer > 0 or ``None``)
+ :returns: A dictionary containing the expected degree of regularity "Dreg"
+ (assuming the system is semi-regular), the number of base ring operations "rop",
+ and the memory requirements in base ring elements "mem".
+ :rtype: OrderedDict
+ """
+ if m > n**d:
+ m = n**d
+ if call_magma:
+ R = magma.PowerSeriesRing(QQ, 2*n)
+ z = R.gen(1)
+ coeff = lambda f, d: f.Coefficient(d)
+ else:
+ R = PowerSeriesRing(QQ, "z", 2*n)
+ z = R.gen()
+ coeff = lambda f, d: f[d]
+ if d2 is None:
+ s = (1-z**d)**m / (1-z)**n
+ else:
+ s = (1-z**d)**m * (1-z**d2)**n / (1-z)**n
+ retval = OrderedDict([("Dreg", None), ("rop", None)])
+ for dreg in xrange(2*n):
+ if coeff(s, dreg) < 0:
+ break
+ else:
+ return retval
+ retval["Dreg"] = dreg
+ retval["rop"] = RR(binomial(n + dreg, dreg)**omega)
+ retval["mem"] = RR(binomial(n + dreg, dreg)**2)
+ return retval
+def arora_gb(n, alpha, q, success_probability=0.99, omega=2, call_magma=True, guess=0, d2=None, samples=None):
+ if samples is not None:
+ from warnings import warn
+ warn("Given number of samples is ignored for arora_gb()!")
+ n, alpha, q, success_probability = preprocess_params(n, alpha, q, success_probability,
+ prec=2*log(n, 2)*n)
+ RR = alpha.parent()
+ stddev = RR(stddevf(RR(alpha)*q))
+ if stddev >= 1.1*sqrt(n):
+ return None
+ if d2 is True:
+ d2 = 2*ceil(3*stddev)+1
+ ps_single = lambda C: RR(1 - (2/(C*RR(sqrt(2*pi))) * exp(-C**2/2)))
+ m = floor(exp(RR(0.75)*n))
+ d = n
+ t = ZZ(floor((d-1)/2))
+ C = t/stddev
+ pred = gb_complexity(m, n-guess, d, omega, call_magma, d2=d2)
+ pred["t"] = t
+ pred["oracle"] = m
+ pred[u"Pr[⊥]"] = RR(m*(1-ps_single(C)))
+ pred["bop"] = log(q, 2) * pred["rop"]
+ pred = cost_reorder(pred, ["t", "bop", "oracle", "Dreg"])
+ if get_verbose() >= 2:
+ print "PREDICTION:"
+ print cost_str(pred)
+ print
+ print "ESTIMATION:"
+ t = ceil(t/3)
+ best = None
+ stuck = 0
+ for t in srange(t, n):
+ d = 2*t + 1
+ C = RR(t/stddev)
+ if C < 1:
+ continue
+ m = log(success_probability, 2) / log(ps_single(C), 2)
+ if m < n:
+ continue
+ m = floor(m)
+ current = gb_complexity(m, n-guess, d, omega, call_magma, d2=d2)
+ if current["Dreg"] is None:
+ continue
+ current["t"] = t
+ current[u"Pr[⊥]"] = RR(1-success_probability)
+ current["rop"] *= RR((3*stddev)**guess)
+ current["bop"] = log(q, 2) * current["rop"]
+ current["oracle"] = m
+ current = cost_reorder(current, ["bop", "oracle", "t", "Dreg"])
+ if get_verbose() >= 2:
+ print cost_str(current)
+ if best is None:
+ best = current
+ else:
+ if best["rop"] > current["rop"]:
+ best = current
+ stuck = 0
+ else:
+ stuck += 1
+ if stuck >= 5:
+ break
+ return best
+def small_secret_guess(f, n, alpha, q, secret_bounds, h=None, samples=None, **kwds):
+ size = secret_bounds[1]-secret_bounds[0] + 1
+ best = None
+ step_size = 16
+ fail_attempts, max_fail_attempts = 0, 5
+ while step_size >= n:
+ step_size /= 2
+ i = 0
+ while True:
+ if i<0:
+ break
+ try:
+ try:
+ current = f(n-i, alpha, q, secret_bounds=secret_bounds, samples=samples, **kwds)
+ except TypeError:
+ current = f(n-i, alpha, q, samples=samples, **kwds)
+ except (OutOfBoundsError, RuntimeError, InsufficientSamplesError) as err:
+ if get_verbose() >= 2:
+ print type(err).__name__, ":", err
+ i += abs(step_size)
+ fail_attempts += 1
+ if fail_attempts > max_fail_attempts:
+ break
+ continue
+ if h is None or i<h:
+ repeat = size**i
+ else:
+ repeat = (size)**h * binomial(i, h)
+ do_repeat = None if samples is None else {"oracle": False}
+ current = cost_repeat(current, repeat, do_repeat)
+ key = list(current)[0]
+ if best is None:
+ best = current
+ i += step_size
+ else:
+ if best[key] > current[key]:
+ best = current
+ i += step_size
+ else:
+ step_size = -1*step_size//2
+ i += step_size
+ if step_size == 0:
+ break
+ if best is None:
+ raise RuntimeError("No solution could be found.")
+ return best
+def decode_small_secret_mod_switch_and_guess(n, alpha, q, secret_bounds, h=None, samples=None, **kwds):
+ """Solve LWE by solving BDD for small secret instances.
+ :param n: dimension > 0
+ :param alpha: fraction of the noise α < 1.0
+ :param q: modulus > 0
+ :param secret_bounds:
+ :param h: number of non-zero components in the secret
+ :param samples: the number of available samples
+ """
+ s_var = uniform_variance_from_bounds(*secret_bounds, h=h)
+ n, alpha, q = switch_modulus(n, alpha, q, s_var, h=h)
+ return small_secret_guess(decode, n, alpha, q, secret_bounds, h=h, samples=samples, **kwds)
+def kannan_small_secret_mod_switch_and_guess(n, alpha, q, secret_bounds, h=None, samples=None, **kwds):
+ """Solve LWE by Kannan embedding for small secret instances.
+ :param n: dimension > 0
+ :param alpha: fraction of the noise α < 1.0
+ :param q: modulus > 0
+ :param secret_bounds:
+ :param h: number of non-zero components in the secret.
+ :param samples: the number of available samples
+ """
+ s_var = uniform_variance_from_bounds(*secret_bounds, h=h)
+ n, alpha, q = switch_modulus(n, alpha, q, s_var, h=h)
+ return small_secret_guess(kannan, n, alpha, q, secret_bounds, h=h, samples=samples, **kwds)
+def _bai_gal_small_secret(n, alpha, q, secret_bounds, tau=tau_default, tau_prob=tau_prob_default,
+ success_probability=0.99,
+ optimisation_target="bkz2",
+ h=None, samples=None):
+ """
+ :param n: dimension > 0
+ :param alpha: fraction of the noise α < 1.0
+ :param q: modulus > 0
+ :param tau: 0 < τ ≤ 1.0
+ :param success_probability: probability of success < 1.0
+ :param optimisation_target: field to use to decide if parameters are better
+ :param h: number of non-zero components in the secret
+ """
+ n, alpha, q, success_probability = preprocess_params(n, alpha, q, success_probability)
+ RR = alpha.parent()
+ stddev = stddevf(alpha*q)
+ a, b = secret_bounds
+ if h is None:
+ xi = RR(2)/(b-a)
+ else:
+ assert -a == b
+ variance = sum([ZZ(h)/n * i**2 for i in range(a, b+1) if i])
+ s_stddev = variance.sqrt()
+ xi = ZZ(1)/s_stddev
+ num = (log(q/stddev) - log(tau*sqrt(4*pi*e)))**2 * log(q/stddev)
+ den = n*(2*log(q/stddev)-log(xi))**2
+ log_delta_0 = RR(num/den)
+ delta_0 = RR(e**log_delta_0)
+ m_prime_optimal = ceil(sqrt(n*(log(q)-log(stddev))/log_delta_0))
+ if samples is None or samples > m_prime_optimal - n:
+ m_prime = m_prime_optimal
+ else:
+ m = samples
+ m_prime = m+n
+ num = m_prime*(log(q/stddev) - log(2*tau*sqrt(pi*e))) +n*log(xi)-n*log(q/stddev)
+ den = m_prime**2
+ log_delta_0 = RR(num/den)
+ delta_0 = RR(e**log_delta_0)
+ m = m_prime - n
+ l2 = RR((q**m * (xi*stddev)**n)**(1/m_prime) * sqrt(m_prime/(2*pi*e)))
+ if l2 > q:
+ raise NotImplementedError("Case λ_2 = q not implemented.")
+ repeat = amplify(success_probability, tau_prob)
+ r = bkz_runtime_delta(delta_0, m_prime, log(repeat, 2))
+ r[u"oracle"] = repeat*m if samples is None else m
+ r[u"m"] = m
+ if optimisation_target != u"oracle":
+ r = cost_reorder(r, [optimisation_target, u"oracle"])
+ else:
+ r = cost_reorder(r, [optimisation_target])
+ if get_verbose() >= 2:
+ print cost_str(r)
+ return r
+def bai_gal_small_secret(n, alpha, q, secret_bounds, tau=tau_default, tau_prob=tau_prob_default,
+ success_probability=0.99,
+ optimisation_target="bkz2",
+ h=None, samples=None):
+ """
+ Bai's and Galbraith's uSVP attack + small secret guessing [ACISP:BaiGal14]_
+ :param n: dimension > 0
+ :param alpha: fraction of the noise α < 1.0
+ :param q: modulus > 0
+ :param tau: 0 < τ ≤ 1.0
+ :param success_probability: probability of success < 1.0
+ :param optimisation_target: field to use to decide if parameters are better
+ :param h: number of non-zero components in the secret
+ :param samples: the number of available samples
+ .. [ACISP:BaiGal14] Bai, S., & Galbraith, S. D. (2014). Lattice decoding attacks on binary
+ LWE. In W. Susilo, & Y. Mu, ACISP 14 (pp. 322–337).
+ """
+ return small_secret_guess(_bai_gal_small_secret, n, alpha, q, secret_bounds,
+ tau=tau, tau_prob=tau_prob,
+ success_probability=0.99,
+ optimisation_target=optimisation_target,
+ h=h, samples=samples)
+def success_probability_drop(n, h, k, fail=0):
+ """
+ Probability ``k`` randomly sampled components have at most
+ ``fail`` non-zero components amongst them.
+ :param n: dimension of LWE samples
+ :param h: number of non-zero components
+ :param k: number of components to ignore
+ :param fail: we tolerate ``fail`` number of non-zero components
+ amongst the ``k`` ignored components
+ """
+ N = n
+ K = n-h
+ n = k
+ k = n - fail
+ return (binomial(K, k)*binomial(N-K, n-k)) / binomial(N, n)
+def drop_and_solve(f, n, alpha, q, secret_bounds=None, h=None,
+ success_probability=0.99,
+ optimisation_target=u"bkz2", postprocess=False, **kwds):
+ """
+ Solve instances of dimension ``n-k`` with increasing ``k`` using
+ ``f`` and pick parameters such that cost is reduced.
+ :param n: dimension
+ :param alpha: noise parameter
+ :param q: modulus q
+ :param secret_bounds: lower and upper bound on the secret
+ :param h: number of non-zero components of the secret
+ :param success_probability: target success probability
+ :param optimisation_target: what value out to be minimized
+ """
+ n, alpha, q, success_probability = preprocess_params(n, alpha, q, success_probability)
+ RR = alpha.parent()
+ best = None
+ step_size = int(n/32)
+ k = 0
+ while True:
+ current = f(n-k, alpha, q,
+ success_probability=max(1-1/RR(2)**80, success_probability),
+ optimisation_target=optimisation_target,
+ h=h, secret_bounds=secret_bounds, **kwds)
+ cost_lat = current[optimisation_target]
+ cost_post = 0
+ probability = success_probability_drop(n, h, k)
+ if postprocess:
+ repeat = current["repeat"]
+ dim = current["dim"]
+ for i in range(1, k):
+ cost_post_i = 2 * repeat * dim * k
+ cost_post_i += repeat * binomial(k, i) * (secret_bounds[1]-secret_bounds[0])**i * i
+ if cost_post + cost_post_i >= cost_lat:
+ postprocess = i
+ break
+ cost_post += cost_post_i
+ probability += success_probability_drop(n, h, k, i)
+ current["rop"] = cost_lat + cost_post
+ current = cost_repeat(current, 1/probability)
+ current["k"] = k
+ current["postprocess"] = postprocess
+ current = cost_reorder(current, ["rop"])
+ key = list(current)[0]
+ if best is None:
+ best = current
+ k += step_size
+ continue
+ if current[key] < best[key]:
+ best = current
+ k += step_size
+ else:
+ k = best["k"] - step_size
+ k += step_size/2
+ if k <= 0:
+ k = step_size/2
+ step_size = step_size/2
+ if step_size == 0:
+ break
+ return best
+sis_drop_and_solve = partial(drop_and_solve, sis)
+decode_drop_and_solve = partial(drop_and_solve, decode)
+bai_gal_drop_and_solve = partial(drop_and_solve, bai_gal_small_secret)
+def sis_small_secret_mod_switch(n, alpha, q, secret_bounds, h=None,
+ success_probability=0.99,
+ optimisation_target=u"bkz2",
+ c=None,
+ use_lll=False,
+ samples=None):
+ """
+ Estimate cost of solveing LWE by finding small `(y,x/c)` such that
+ `y A = c x`.
+ :param n: dimension
+ :param alpha: noise parameter
+ :param q: modulus q
+ :param secret_bounds: lower and upper bound on the secret
+ :param h: number of non-zero components of the secret
+ :param success_probability: target success probability
+ :param optimisation_target: what value out to be minimized
+ :param c: explicit constant `c`
+ :param use_lll: use LLL calls to produce more small vectors
+ """
+ if samples is not None:
+ from warnings import warn
+ warn("Given number of samples is ignored for sis_small_secret_mod_switch()!")
+ n, alpha, q, success_probability = preprocess_params(n, alpha, q, success_probability)
+ RR = alpha.parent()
+ assert(secret_bounds[0] == -1 and secret_bounds[1] == 1)
+ if h is None:
+ B = ZZ(secret_bounds[1] - secret_bounds[0] + 1)
+ h = ceil((B-1)/B * n)
+ e = stddevf(alpha*q).n()
+ delta_0 = sis(n, alpha, q, optimisation_target=optimisation_target)["delta_0"]
+ best = None
+ if c is None:
+ c = RR(e*sqrt(2*n - n)/sqrt(h))
+ if use_lll:
+ scale = 2
+ else:
+ scale = 1
+ while True:
+ m = lattice_reduction_opt_m(n, c*q, delta_0)
+ v = scale * delta_0**m * (q/c)**(n/m)
+ v_ = v/RR(sqrt(m))
+ v_r = e*sqrt(m-n)*v_
+ v_l = c*sqrt(h)*v_
+ repeat = max(distinguish_required_m(v_r, q, success_probability, other_sigma=v_l), RR(1))
+ ret = bkz_runtime_delta(delta_0, m, log(repeat, 2))
+ if use_lll:
+ if "lp" in ret:
+ keys = ("bkz2", "sieve", "lp")
+ else:
+ keys = ("bkz2", "sieve")
+ ret_lll = bkz_runtime_delta(delta_0, m)
+ for key in keys:
+ ret_lll[key] += (n**3 * log(q, 2)**2) * repeat
+ ret = ret_lll
+ ret[u"oracle"] = m * repeat
+ ret[u"repeat"] = repeat
+ ret[u"dim"] = m
+ ret[u"c"] = c
+ ret = cost_reorder(ret, [optimisation_target, u"oracle"])
+ if get_verbose() >= 2:
+ print cost_str(ret)
+ if best is None:
+ best = ret
+ if ret[optimisation_target] > best[optimisation_target]:
+ break
+ best = ret
+ delta_0 = delta_0 + RR(0.00005)
+ return best
+def applebaum_transform(n, alpha, q, m, secret_bounds, h=None):
+ """
+ Swap part of the error vector with the secret as suggested in [EPRINT:GenHalSma12]_
+ .. [EPRINT:GenHalSma12] Gentry, C., Halevi, S., & Smart, N. P. (2012). Homomorphic
+ evaluation of the AES circuit.
+ :param n: dimension
+ :param alpha: noise parameter
+ :param q: modulus q
+ :param m: number of samples in lattice.
+ :param secret_bounds: lower and upper bound on the secret
+ :param h: number of non-zero components of the secret
+ :param success_probability: target success probability
+ """
+ s_var = uniform_variance_from_bounds(*secret_bounds, h=h)
+ e_var = stddevf(alpha*q)**2
+ stddev_ = ((n*s_var + (m-n)*e_var)/m).sqrt()
+ alpha_ = alphaf(stddev_, q, sigma_is_stddev=True)
+ alpha = alpha_
+ return n, alpha, q
+def applebaum(f, n, alpha, q, m, secret_bounds, h=None,
+ success_probability=0.99,
+ optimisation_target=u"bkz2", **kwds):
+ """Run ``f`` after transforming LWE instance using ``applebaum_transform``.
+ :param f: LWE solving cost function
+ :param n: dimension
+ :param alpha: noise parameter
+ :param q: modulus q
+ :param m: number of samples in lattice.
+ :param secret_bounds: lower and upper bound on the secret
+ :param h: number of non-zero components of the secret
+ :param success_probability: target success probability
+ :param optimisation_target: use this field to optimise
+ """
+ n, alpha, q = applebaum_transform(n, alpha, q, m, secret_bounds, h)
+ return f(n, alpha, q, success_probability=success_probability, optimisation_target=optimisation_target)
+sis_applebaum = partial(applebaum, sis)
+decode_applebaum = partial(applebaum, decode)
+def bkw_small_secret_variances(q, a, b, kappa, o, RR=None):
+ """
+ Helper function for small secret BKW variant.
+ :param q:
+ :param a:
+ :param b:
+ :param kappa:
+ :param o:
+ :param RR:
+ :returns:
+ :rtype:
+ """
+ if RR is None:
+ RR = RealField()
+ q = RR(q)
+ a = RR(a).round()
+ b = RR(b)
+ n = a*b
+ kappa = RR(kappa)
+ T = RR(2)**(b*kappa)
+ n = RR(o)/RR(T*(a+1)) + RR(1)
+ U_Var = lambda x: (x**2 - 1)/12
+ red_var = 2*U_Var(q/(2**kappa))
+ if o:
+ c_ = map(RR, [0.0000000000000000,
+ 0.4057993538687922, 0.6924478992819291, 0.7898852691349439,
+ 0.8441959360364506, 0.8549679124679972, 0.8954469872316165,
+ 0.9157093365103325, 0.9567635780119543, 0.9434245442818547,
+ 0.9987153221343770])
+ M = Matrix(RR, a, a)
+ for l in range(M.ncols()):
+ for c in range(l, M.ncols()):
+ M[l, c] = U_Var(q)
+ for l in range(1, a):
+ for i in range(l):
+ M[l, i] = red_var + sum(M[i+1:l].column(i))
+ bl = b*l
+ if round(bl) < len(c_):
+ c_tau = c_[round(bl)]
+ else:
+ c_tau = RR(1)/RR(5)*RR(sqrt(bl)) + RR(1)/RR(3)
+ f = (c_tau*n**(~bl) + 1 - c_tau)**2
+ for i in range(l):
+ M[l, i] = M[l, i]/f
+ v = vector(RR, a)
+ for i in range(a):
+ v[i] = red_var + sum(M[i+1:].column(i))
+ else:
+ v = vector(RR, a)
+ for i in range(a)[::-1]:
+ v[i] = 2**(a-i-1) * red_var
+ if get_verbose() >= 3:
+ print log(red_var, 2).str(), [RealField(14)(log(x, 2)).str() for x in v]
+ return v
+def bkw_small_secret(n, alpha, q, success_probability=0.99, secret_bounds=(0, 1), t=None, o=0, samples=None):
+ """
+ :param n: number of variables in the LWE instance
+ :param alpha: standard deviation of the LWE instance
+ :param q: size of the finite field (default: n^2)
+ :param secret_bounds: minimum and maximum value of secret
+ :param samples: the number of available samples
+ """
+ def sigma2f(kappa):
+ v = bkw_small_secret_variances(q, a, b, kappa, o, RR=RR)
+ return sigmaf(sum([b * e * secret_variance for e in v], RR(0)).sqrt())
+ def Tf(kappa):
+ return min(q**b, ZZ(2)**(b*kappa))/2
+ def ops_tf(kappa):
+ T = Tf(kappa)
+ return T * (a*(a-1)/2 * (n+1) - b*a*(a-1)/4 - b/6 * ((a-1)**3 + 3/2*(a-1)**2 + 1/RR(2)*(a-1)))
+ def bkwssf(kappa):
+ ret = OrderedDict()
+ ret[u"κ"] = kappa
+ m = distinguish_required_m(sigma_final, q, success_probability, sigma2f(kappa))
+ ret["m"] = m
+ ropsm = (m + o) * (a/2 * (n + 2))
+ ropst = ops_tf(kappa)
+ ret["rop"] = ropst + ropsm
+ ret["bop"] = log(q, 2) * ret["rop"]
+ T = Tf(kappa)
+ ret["mem"] = T * a * (n + 1 - b * (a-1)/2)
+ ret["oracle"] = T * a + ret["m"] + o
+ return ret
+ n, alpha, q, success_probability = preprocess_params(n, alpha, q, success_probability, prec=4*n)
+ RR = alpha.parent()
+ sigma = alpha*q
+ has_samples = samples is not None
+ if o is None:
+ best = bkw_small_secret(n, alpha, q, success_probability, secret_bounds, t=t, o=0)
+ o = best["oracle"]/2
+ while True:
+ try:
+ current = bkw_small_secret(n, alpha, q, success_probability, secret_bounds, t=t, o=o)
+ except InsufficientSamplesError:
+ break
+ if best is None or (current["bop"] < best["bop"] and (not has_samples or current["oracle"] <= samples)):
+ best = current
+ if current["bop"] > best["bop"]:
+ break
+ if get_verbose() >= 2:
+ print cost_str(current)
+ o = o/2
+ if has_samples and best["oracle"] > samples:
+ raise InsufficientSamplesError("No solution could be found with given samples (%d)" % samples)
+ return best
+ if t is None:
+ t = RR(2*(log(q, 2) - log(sigma, 2))/log(n, 2))
+ best = None
+ while True:
+ try:
+ current = bkw_small_secret(n, alpha, q, success_probability, secret_bounds, t=t, o=o)
+ except InsufficientSamplesError:
+ break
+ if best is None or (current["bop"] < best["bop"] and (not has_samples or current["oracle"] <= samples)):
+ best = current
+ if current["bop"] > best["bop"]:
+ break
+ if get_verbose() >= 2:
+ print cost_str(current)
+ t += 0.01
+ if has_samples and best["oracle"] > samples:
+ raise InsufficientSamplesError("No solution could be found with given samples (%d)" % samples)
+ return best
+ secret_variance = uniform_variance_from_bounds(*secret_bounds)
+ secret_variance = RR(secret_variance)
+ a = RR(t*log(n, 2))
+ b = n/a
+ sigma_final = RR(n**t).sqrt() * sigma
+ transformation_noise = sqrt(n * 1/RR(12) * secret_variance)
+ kappa = ceil(log(round(q*transformation_noise/stddevf(sigma)), 2.0)) + 1
+ if kappa > ceil(log(q, 2)):
+ kappa = ceil(log(q, 2))
+ best = None
+ while kappa > 0:
+ current = bkwssf(kappa)
+ if best is None or (current["bop"] < best["bop"] and (not has_samples or current["oracle"] <= samples)):
+ best = current
+ if current["bop"] > best["bop"]:
+ break
+ kappa -= 1
+ if has_samples and best["oracle"] > samples:
+ raise InsufficientSamplesError("No solution could be found with given samples (%d)" % samples)
+ best["o"] = o
+ best["t"] = t
+ best["a"] = a
+ best["b"] = b
+ best = cost_reorder(best, ["bop", "oracle", "t", "m", "mem"])
+ return best
+def arora_gb_small_secret(n, alpha, q, secret_bounds, h=None, samples=None, **kwds):
+ """FIXME! briefly describe function
+ :param n:
+ :param alpha:
+ :param q:
+ :param secret_bounds:
+ :param h:
+ :returns:
+ :rtype:
+ """
+ a, b = secret_bounds
+ s_var = uniform_variance_from_bounds(*secret_bounds, h=h)
+ n, alpha, q = switch_modulus(n, alpha, q, s_var, h=h)
+ return arora_gb(n, alpha, q, d2=b-a+1, **kwds)
+def estimate_lwe(n, alpha, q, samples=None, skip=None, small=False, secret_bounds=None, h=None):
+ """
+ Estimate the complexity of solving LWE with the given parameters.
+ :param n:
+ :param alpha:
+ :param q:
+ :param skip:
+ :param small:
+ :param secret_bounds:
+ :returns:
+ :rtype:
+ sage: n, alpha, q = unpack_lwe(Regev(64))
+ sage: set_verbose(1)
+ sage: d = estimate_lwe(n,alpha,q, skip="arora-gb")
+ mitm bop: ≈2^133.2, oracle: 52, mem: ≈2^129.6, rop: ≈2^129.6
+ bkw bop: ≈2^53.1, oracle: ≈2^39.2, m: ≈2^30.2, mem: ≈2^40.2, ...
+ sis bkz2: ≈2^34.5, oracle: ≈2^11.7, δ_0: 1.0130466, k: 40, ...
+ dec bop: ≈2^33.9, oracle: 1288, δ_0: 1.0157998, bkz2: ≈2^32.8, ...
+ kannan bkz2: ≈2^35.3, oracle: ≈2^12.9, δ_0: 1.0171085, k: 40, ...
+ """
+ if not small:
+ algorithms = OrderedDict([("mitm", mitm),
+ ("bkw", bkw_coded),
+ ("sis", sis),
+ ("dec", decode),
+ ("kannan", kannan),
+ ("arora-gb", arora_gb)])
+ else:
+ algorithms = OrderedDict([("mitm", mitm),
+ ("bkw", bkw_coded),
+ ("sis", partial(drop_and_solve, sis_small_secret_mod_switch)),
+ ("dec", decode_small_secret_mod_switch_and_guess),
+ ("kannan", kannan_small_secret_mod_switch_and_guess),
+ ("baigal", bai_gal_small_secret),
+ ("arora-gb", arora_gb_small_secret)])
+ if skip is None:
+ skip = []
+ try:
+ skip = [s.strip().lower() for s in skip.split(",")]
+ except AttributeError:
+ pass
+ skip = [s.strip().lower() for s in skip]
+ alg_width = max(len(key) for key in set(algorithms).difference(skip))
+ cost_kwds = {"keyword_width": 5}
+ results = OrderedDict()
+ for alg in algorithms:
+ if alg not in skip:
+ algf = algorithms[alg]
+ if alg in ("dec", "sis", "kannan", "baigal"):
+ algf = sieve_or_enum(algf)
+ try:
+ if small:
+ tmp = algf(n, alpha, q, secret_bounds=secret_bounds, h=h, samples=samples)
+ else:
+ tmp = algf(n, alpha, q, samples=samples)
+ if tmp:
+ results[alg] = tmp
+ if get_verbose() >= 1:
+ print ("%%%ds" % alg_width) % alg,
+ print cost_str(results[alg], **cost_kwds)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print u"Algorithm '%s' failed with message '%s'"%(alg, e)
+ return results
+def plot_costs(LWE, N, skip=None, filename=None, small=False, secret_bounds=None):
+ plots = {}
+ for n in N:
+ lwe = LWE(n)
+ r = estimate_lwe(skip=skip, small=small, secret_bounds=secret_bounds, **unpack_lwe_dict(lwe))
+ if get_verbose() >= 1:
+ print
+ for key in r:
+ value = r[key].values()[0]
+ plots[key] = plots.get(key, tuple()) + ((n, log(value, 2)),)
+ colors = ("#4C72B0", "#55A868", "#C44E52", "#8172B2", "#CCB974", "#64B5CD")
+ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+ plt.clf()
+ plt.figure(1)
+ for i, plot in enumerate(plots):
+ x, y = [x_ for x_, y_ in plots[plot]], [y_ for x_, y_ in plots[plot]]
+ plt.plot(x, y, label=plot, color=colors[i], linewidth=1.5)
+ plt.legend(loc=2)
+ plt.xlabel("n")
+ plt.ylabel("$\log_2$(bop)")
+ if small:
+ plt.title(u"%s (%d-%d), $s ← %s^n$"%(LWE.__name__, N[0], N[-1], secret_bounds))
+ else:
+ plt.title(u"%s (%d-%d)"%(LWE.__name__, N[0], N[-1]))
+ if filename is None:
+ if small:
+ small_str = "-(%d,%d)"%(secret_bounds[0], secret_bounds[1])
+ else:
+ small_str = ""
+ filename="%s%s-%d-%d.pdf"%(LWE.__name__, small_str, N[0], N[-1])
+ plt.savefig(filename, dpi=128)
+def plot_fhe_costs(L, N, skip=None, filename=None, small=False, secret_bounds=None):
+ plots = {}
+ for n in N:
+ params = fhe_params(L, n)
+ r = estimate_lwe(*params, skip=skip, small=small, secret_bounds=secret_bounds)
+ if get_verbose() >= 1:
+ print
+ for key in r:
+ value = r[key].values()[0]
+ plots[key] = plots.get(key, tuple()) + ((n, log(value, 2)),)
+ colors = ("#4C72B0", "#55A868", "#C44E52", "#8172B2", "#CCB974", "#64B5CD")
+ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+ plt.clf()
+ plt.figure(1)
+ for i, plot in enumerate(plots):
+ x, y = [x_ for x_, y_ in plots[plot]], [y_ for x_, y_ in plots[plot]]
+ plt.plot(x, y, label=plot, color=colors[i], linewidth=1.5)
+ plt.legend(loc=2)
+ plt.xlabel("n")
+ plt.ylabel("$\log_2$(bop)")
+ if small:
+ plt.title(u"FHE (%d-%d), $L=%d$, $s ← %s^n$"%(N[0], N[-1], L, secret_bounds))
+ else:
+ plt.title(u"FHE (%d-%d), $L=%d$"%(N[0], N[-1], L))
+ if filename is None:
+ if small:
+ small_str = "-(%d,%d)"%(secret_bounds[0], secret_bounds[1])
+ else:
+ small_str = ""
+ filename="FHE-%d%s-%d-%d.pdf"%(L, small_str, N[0], N[-1])
+ plt.savefig(filename, dpi=128)
+dfs = "%4.0f"
+latex_config = {
+ "mitm": OrderedDict([("bop", dfs), ("mem", dfs), ("oracle", dfs)]),
+ "bkw": OrderedDict([("bop", dfs), ("mem", dfs), ("oracle", dfs)]),
+ "arora-gb": OrderedDict([("bop", dfs), ("mem", dfs), ("oracle", dfs)]),
+ "sis": OrderedDict([("bkz2", dfs), ("sieve", dfs), ("oracle", dfs), ("repeat", dfs)]),
+ "kannan": OrderedDict([("bkz2", dfs), ("sieve", dfs), ("oracle", dfs), ("repeat", dfs)]),
+ "baigal": OrderedDict([("bkz2", dfs), ("sieve", dfs), ("oracle", dfs), ("repeat", dfs)]),
+ "dec": OrderedDict([("rop", dfs), ("enum", dfs), ("oracle", dfs), ("repeat", dfs)]),
+def latex_cost_header(cur):
+ header = []
+ header.append(r"\begin{scriptsize}")
+ pretty_algorithm_names = {
+ "mitm": "MitM",
+ "bkw": "Coded-BKW",
+ "arora-gb": "Arora-GB",
+ "sis": "SIS",
+ "kannan": "Kannan",
+ "baigal": "Bai-Gal",
+ "dec": "Dec"
+ }
+ pretty_column_names = {
+ "oracle": "$\\Ldis$",
+ "repeat": "g",
+ }
+ line = [r"\begin{tabular}{r"]
+ for alg in cur:
+ line.append("@{\hskip 8pt}")
+ line.append("r" * len([key for key in latex_config[alg].keys() if key in cur[alg]]))
+ line.append("}")
+ header.append("".join(line))
+ header.append(r"\toprule")
+ line = [" "]
+ for alg in cur:
+ count = len([key for key in latex_config[alg].keys() if key in cur[alg]])
+ line.append(r"\multicolumn{%d}{c}{%s}"%(count, pretty_algorithm_names[alg]))
+ line = " & ".join(line) + "\\\\"
+ header.append(line)
+ header.append(r"\midrule")
+ line = [" $n$"]
+ for alg in cur:
+ line.extend([pretty_column_names.get(key, key) for key in latex_config[alg].keys() if key in cur[alg]])
+ line = " & ".join(line) + "\\\\"
+ header.append(line)
+ header.append(r"\midrule")
+ return header
+def latex_cost_row(cur):
+ line = []
+ for alg in cur:
+ cost = cur[alg]
+ for col, format in latex_config[alg].iteritems():
+ if (col == "repeat" and col in cost) or col != "repeat":
+ line.append(format % log(cost[col], 2))
+ return line
+def latex_cost_footer(name):
+ footer = []
+ footer.append(r"\bottomrule")
+ footer.append(r"\end{tabular}")
+ footer.append(r"\end{scriptsize}")
+ footer.append(r"\caption{%s}" % name)
+ return footer
+def latex_costs(LWE, N, skip=None, small=False, secret_bounds=None):
+ ret = []
+ for i, n in enumerate(N):
+ line = ["%4d"%n]
+ lwe = LWE(n)
+ cur = estimate_lwe(skip=skip, small=small, secret_bounds=secret_bounds, **unpack_lwe_dict(lwe))
+ line.extend(latex_cost_row(cur))
+ line = " & ".join(line) + "\\\\"
+ ret.append(line)
+ if get_verbose() >= 1:
+ print
+ header = latex_cost_header(cur)
+ if small:
+ name = "%s with $\s[(i)] \sample \{%d,%d\}$"%(LWE.__name__, secret_bounds[0], secret_bounds[1])
+ else:
+ name = LWE.__name__
+ footer = latex_cost_footer(name)
+ ret = header + ret + footer
+ return "\n".join(ret)
+def fhe_params(L, n):
+ stddev = RR(3.2)
+ xi = ZZ(8)
+ q = ZZ(2)**(16.5*L + 5.4) * xi**(2*L-3) * n**L
+ alpha = sigmaf(stddev)/q
+ return n, alpha, q
+def latex_fhe_costs(N, l, secret_bounds, skip=None):
+ ret = []
+ for n in N:
+ line = ["%6d"%n]
+ params = fhe_params(l, n)
+ cur = estimate_lwe(*params, skip=skip, small=True, secret_bounds=secret_bounds)
+ line.extend(latex_cost_row(cur))
+ line = " & ".join(line) + "\\\\"
+ ret.append(line)
+ if get_verbose() >= 1:
+ print
+ header = latex_cost_header(cur)
+ name = "FHE with $L=%d$ with $\s[(i)] \sample \{%d,%d\}$"%(l, secret_bounds[0], secret_bounds[1])
+ footer = latex_cost_footer(name)
+ ret = header + ret + footer
+ return "\n".join(ret)
+def make_all_tables():
+ N = (64, 128, 256, 512, 1024)
+ print latex_costs(Regev, N, skip=["arora-gb"])
+ print
+ print latex_costs(Regev, N, small=True, secret_bounds=(0, 1), skip=["arora-gb"])
+ print
+ print latex_costs(LindnerPeikert, N)
+ print
+ print latex_costs(LindnerPeikert, N, small=True, secret_bounds=(0, 1), skip=["arora-gb"])
+ print latex_fhe_costs([2**i for i in range(6, 12)], l=2, skip="Arora-GB", secret_bounds=(0, 1))
+ print
+ print latex_fhe_costs([2**i for i in range(6, 15)], l=10, skip="Arora-GB", secret_bounds=(0, 1))
+ print
+def make_all_plots():
+ v = get_verbose()
+ set_verbose(1)
+ N = range(64, 400, 16)
+ plot_costs(Regev, N, skip=["arora-gb", "mitm"])
+ plot_costs(LindnerPeikert, N, skip=["arora-gb", "mitm"])
+ plot_costs(Regev, N, small=True, secret_bounds=(0, 1), skip=["arora-gb"])
+ plot_costs(LindnerPeikert, N, small=True, secret_bounds=(0, 1), skip=["arora-gb"])
+ set_verbose(v)
+class SimpleLWE(LWE):
+ """
+ LWE parameters with `σ=\sqrt{n/2π}` and `q = n^2`.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, n):
+ """
+ LWE parameters with `σ=\sqrt{n/2π}` and `q = n^2`.
+ :param n: security parameter n (= dimension)
+ """
+ from sage.stats.distributions.discrete_gaussian_integer import DiscreteGaussianDistributionIntegerSampler
+ from sage.rings.arith import next_prime
+ q = ZZ(next_prime(n**2))
+ s = sqrt(n)
+ D = DiscreteGaussianDistributionIntegerSampler(s/sqrt(2*pi.n()), q)
+ LWE.__init__(self, n=n, q=q, D=D, secret_dist=(0, 1))