NFLLWE.cpp 28 KB

  1. /* Copyright (C) 2014 Carlos Aguilar Melchor, Joris Barrier, Marc-Olivier Killijian
  2. * This file is part of XPIR.
  3. *
  4. * XPIR is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
  5. * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
  6. * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
  7. * (at your option) any later version.
  8. *
  9. * XPIR is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  10. * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  12. * GNU General Public License for more details.
  13. *
  14. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  15. * along with XPIR. If not, see <>.
  16. */
  17. #include "NFLLWE.hpp"
  18. #include <fstream>
  19. //#define bench
  20. //#define Repetition 10000
  21. void NFLLWE_DEBUG_MESSAGE(const char *s,poly64 p, unsigned int n){
  22. #ifdef CRYPTO_DEBUG
  23. std::cout<<s;
  24. NFLlib::print_poly64hex(p,n);
  25. #endif
  26. }
  27. // *********************************************************
  28. // Constructors and initialization
  29. // The constructors are not able to set all the parameters
  30. // and setNewParameters has to be called afterward,
  31. // the attribute alreadyInit reflects this uninitialized
  32. // status
  33. // *********************************************************
  35. LatticesBasedCryptosystem("LWE"),
  36. oldNbModuli(0),
  37. polyDegree(0)
  38. {
  39. publicParams.setcrypto_container(this);
  40. }
  41. // Expected format of the parameters
  42. // k:polyDegree:modululusBitsize:AbsorptionBitsize
  43. void NFLLWE::setNewParameters(const std::string& crypto_param_descriptor)
  44. {
  45. unsigned int polyDegree_, aggregatedModulusBitsize_;
  46. int abspc_bitsize = -1; // We don't know the absorption bit size yet
  47. std::vector<std::string> fields;
  48. boost::algorithm::split(fields, crypto_param_descriptor, boost::algorithm::is_any_of(":"));
  49. setsecurityBits(atoi(fields[1].c_str()));
  50. polyDegree_ = atoi(fields[2].c_str());
  51. aggregatedModulusBitsize_ = atoi(fields[3].c_str());
  52. // Does the fourth parameter exist ? If so set it
  53. if (fields.size() >= 5) abspc_bitsize = atoi(fields[4].c_str());
  54. setNewParameters(polyDegree_,aggregatedModulusBitsize_, abspc_bitsize);
  55. }
  56. // The setNewParameters method does the actual parameterization of the crypto object
  57. // it sets the alreadyInit attribute to reflects this
  58. void NFLLWE::setNewParameters(unsigned int polyDegree_, unsigned int aggregatedModulusBitsize_, int absPCBitsize_)
  59. {
  60. // Our public parameters need a pointer on us
  61. publicParams.setcrypto_container(this);
  62. // We still need to transfer this two attributes to the crypto_object
  63. // for the transition towards public parameter elimination
  64. publicParams.setAbsPCBitsize(absPCBitsize_);
  65. publicParams.setnoiseUB(5*getsecurityBits()/2);
  66. //#ifdef DEBUG
  67. // std::cout << "Security bits " << getsecurityBits()<<std::endl;
  68. // std::cout << "Noise UB " << publicParams.getnoiseUB()<<std::endl;
  69. //#endif
  70. // We don't use here the polyDegree setter as we would call twice NFLlib init
  71. polyDegree = polyDegree_;
  72. nflInstance.setNewParameters(polyDegree_,aggregatedModulusBitsize_);
  73. clearSecretKeys();
  74. nbModuli = nflInstance.getnbModuli();
  75. //used to free memory
  76. oldNbModuli = nbModuli;
  77. moduli= nflInstance.getmoduli();
  78. secretKey = new poly64[nbModuli];
  79. secretKeyShoup = new poly64[nbModuli];
  80. Abit_mod = new uint64_t[nbModuli];
  81. Abit_mod_shoup = new uint64_t[nbModuli];
  82. // initialize the secret key
  83. secretKey[0] = nflInstance.allocBoundedRandomPoly(0,true);
  84. for (unsigned short currentModulus = 0; currentModulus < nbModuli; currentModulus++) {
  85. secretKey[currentModulus] = secretKey[0] + polyDegree*currentModulus;
  86. secretKeyShoup[currentModulus] = (uint64_t*) calloc(polyDegree,sizeof(uint64_t));
  87. // compute the Shoup representation of the secret key
  88. for (unsigned int i=0; i < polyDegree; i++) {
  89. secretKeyShoup[currentModulus][i]=((uint128_t) secretKey[currentModulus][i] << 64) / moduli[currentModulus];
  90. }
  91. }
  92. recomputeNoiseAmplifiers();
  93. }
  94. // *********************************************************
  95. // Getters
  96. // *********************************************************
  97. poly64* NFLLWE::getsecretKey() { return secretKey; }
  98. unsigned int NFLLWE::getpolyDegree() { return polyDegree; }
  99. // *********************************************************
  100. // Setters
  101. // *********************************************************
  102. void NFLLWE::setmodulus(uint64_t modulus_)
  103. {
  104. // The modulus cannot be set from outside
  105. std::cout << "Warning(NFLLWE.c): Modulus cannot be set externally." << std::endl;
  106. }
  107. void NFLLWE::setpolyDegree(unsigned int polyDegree_)
  108. {
  109. polyDegree = polyDegree_;
  110. nflInstance.setpolyDegree(polyDegree_);
  111. }
  112. // *********************************************************
  113. // Serialize/Deserialize
  114. // *********************************************************
  115. poly64 *NFLLWE::deserializeDataNFL(unsigned char **inArrayOfBuffers, uint64_t nbrOfBuffers, uint64_t dataBitsizePerBuffer, uint64_t &polyNumber) {
  116. return nflInstance.deserializeDataNFL(inArrayOfBuffers, nbrOfBuffers, dataBitsizePerBuffer, publicParams.getAbsorptionBitsize()/polyDegree, polyNumber);
  117. }
  118. // *********************************************************
  119. // Additions and Multiplications of ciphertexts
  120. // *********************************************************
  121. void NFLLWE::add(lwe_cipher rop, lwe_cipher op1, lwe_cipher op2, int d)
  122. {
  123. nflInstance.addmodPoly(rop.a, op1.a, op2.a);
  124. nflInstance.addmodPoly(rop.b, op1.b, op2.b);
  125. }
  126. void NFLLWE::mulandadd(lwe_cipher rop, lwe_in_data op1, lwe_query op2, uint64_t current_poly, int rec_lvl)
  127. {
  128. NFLLWE_DEBUG_MESSAGE("in_data[0].p : ",op1.p[0],4);
  129. NFLLWE_DEBUG_MESSAGE("in_data[0].a : ",op2.a,4);
  130. NFLLWE_DEBUG_MESSAGE("in_data[0].b : ",op2.b,4);
  131. mulandaddCiphertextNTT(rop, op1, op2, current_poly);
  132. NFLLWE_DEBUG_MESSAGE("out_data[0].a : ",rop.a,4);
  133. NFLLWE_DEBUG_MESSAGE("out_data[0].b : ",rop.b,4);
  134. }
  135. // Shoup version
  136. void NFLLWE::mulandadd(lwe_cipher rop, const lwe_in_data op1, const lwe_query op2, const lwe_query op2prime, const uint64_t current_poly, int rec_lvl)
  137. {
  138. // Don't modify the pointers inside the data or it will be permanent
  139. poly64 ropa = rop.a, ropb = rop.b, op2a = op2.a, op2b = op2.b, op2primea = op2prime.a,
  140. op2primeb = op2prime.b, op1pcurrent = op1.p[current_poly];
  141. const unsigned int K = polyDegree;
  142. const unsigned int md = nbModuli;
  143. for(unsigned short currentModulus=0;currentModulus<md;currentModulus++)
  144. {
  145. for (unsigned i = 0; i < K; i++)
  146. {
  147. nflInstance.mulandaddShoup(ropa[i],op1pcurrent[i],op2a[i],op2primea[i],moduli[currentModulus]);
  148. }
  149. for (unsigned i = 0; i < K; i++)
  150. {
  151. nflInstance.mulandaddShoup(ropb[i],op1pcurrent[i],op2b[i],op2primeb[i],moduli[currentModulus]);
  152. }
  153. ropa+=K;
  154. ropb+=K;
  155. op1pcurrent+=K;
  156. op2a+=K;
  157. op2b+=K;
  158. op2primea+=K;
  159. op2primeb+=K;
  160. }
  161. }
  162. void NFLLWE::mul(lwe_cipher rop, const lwe_in_data op1, const lwe_query op2, const lwe_query op2prime, const uint64_t current_poly, int rec_lvl)
  163. {
  164. // Don't modify the pointers inside the data or it will be permanent
  165. poly64 ropa = rop.a, ropb = rop.b, op2a = op2.a, op2b = op2.b, op2primea = op2prime.a,
  166. op2primeb = op2prime.b, op1pcurrent = op1.p[current_poly];
  167. NFLLWE_DEBUG_MESSAGE("in_data[0].p : ",op1.p[current_poly],4);
  168. NFLLWE_DEBUG_MESSAGE("in_data[0].a : ",op2.a,4);
  169. NFLLWE_DEBUG_MESSAGE("in_data[0].b : ",op2.b,4);
  170. NFLLWE_DEBUG_MESSAGE("in_data[0].a' : ",op2prime.a,4);
  171. NFLLWE_DEBUG_MESSAGE("in_data[0].b' : ",op2.b,4);
  172. for(unsigned short currentModulus=0;currentModulus<nbModuli;currentModulus++)
  173. {
  174. for (unsigned i = 0; i < polyDegree; i++)
  175. {
  176. ropa[i] = nflInstance.mulmodShoup(op1pcurrent[i],op2a[i],op2primea[i],moduli[currentModulus]);
  177. ropb[i] = nflInstance.mulmodShoup(op1pcurrent[i],op2b[i],op2primeb[i],moduli[currentModulus]);
  178. }
  179. ropa+=polyDegree;
  180. ropb+=polyDegree;
  181. op1pcurrent+=polyDegree;
  182. op2a+=polyDegree;
  183. op2b+=polyDegree;
  184. op2primea+=polyDegree;
  185. op2primeb+=polyDegree;
  186. }
  187. NFLLWE_DEBUG_MESSAGE("out_data[0].a : ",rop.a,4);
  188. NFLLWE_DEBUG_MESSAGE("out_data[0].b : ",rop.b,4);
  189. }
  190. // Same comment as for musAndAddCiphertextNTT we do a simpler version above
  191. void NFLLWE::mulandadd(lwe_cipher rop, lwe_in_data op1, lwe_query op2, int rec_lvl)
  192. {
  193. NFLLWE_DEBUG_MESSAGE("in_data p: ",op1.p[0],4);
  194. NFLLWE_DEBUG_MESSAGE("in_data a: ",op2.a,4);
  195. NFLLWE_DEBUG_MESSAGE("in_data b: ",op2.b,4);
  196. mulandaddCiphertextNTT(rop, op1, op2);
  197. NFLLWE_DEBUG_MESSAGE("out_data.a : ",rop.a,4);
  198. NFLLWE_DEBUG_MESSAGE("out_data.b : ",rop.b,4);
  199. }
  200. // Deal just with one polynomial
  201. inline void NFLLWE::mulandaddCiphertextNTT(lwe_cipher rop, lwe_in_data op1, lwe_query op2, uint64_t current_poly)
  202. {
  203. nflInstance.mulandaddPolyNTT(rop.a, op1.p[current_poly], op2.a);
  204. nflInstance.mulandaddPolyNTT(rop.b, op1.p[current_poly], op2.b);
  205. }
  206. // Good method but too greedy in memory we start with a simpler one (below)
  207. // Needs to change as we always write in the same rop
  208. void NFLLWE::mulandaddCiphertextNTT(lwe_cipher rop, lwe_in_data op1, lwe_query op2)
  209. {
  210. for(uint64_t i=0;i<op1.nbPolys;i++)
  211. {
  212. nflInstance.mulandaddPolyNTT(rop.a, op1.p[i], op2.a);
  213. nflInstance.mulandaddPolyNTT(rop.b, op1.p[i], op2.b);
  214. }
  215. }
  216. //*********************************
  217. // Encryption and decryption
  218. //*********************************
  219. // The internal encrypt method
  220. void NFLLWE::enc(lwe_cipher *c, poly64 m)
  221. {
  222. bool uniform = true;
  223. NFLLWE_DEBUG_MESSAGE("Encrypting m: ",m, 4);
  224. c->a = (poly64) calloc(polyDegree * 2 * nbModuli, sizeof(uint64_t));
  225. c->b = c->a + polyDegree * nbModuli;
  226. // tmpa and tmpb are used to access the nbModuli polynoms of the CRT
  227. poly64 tmpa = c->a;
  228. poly64 tmpb = c->b;
  229. poly64 tmpm = m;
  230. // b = (a*s) % f + e * A + m;
  231. // Noise creation
  232. uint64_t Berr=publicParams.getnoiseUB();
  233. uint64_t A_bits= publicParams.getAbsorptionBitsize() / publicParams.getpolyDegree();
  234. // We deal with the nbModuli polynoms at once because the noise is the same size for all of them
  235. nflInstance.setBoundedRandomPoly(c->b, 2*Berr-1, !uniform);
  236. NFLLWE_DEBUG_MESSAGE("Noise used: ",c->b, 4);
  237. #ifdef CRYPTO_DEBUG
  238. std::cout << "NFLLWE: Noise amplifier: " << A_bits << std::endl;
  239. #endif
  240. // Adjustments and addition to plaintext
  241. for(unsigned short currentModulus=0;currentModulus<nbModuli;currentModulus++) {
  242. for(unsigned int i=0;i<polyDegree;i++) {
  243. // e is multiplied by the amplifier A for which we know the size A_bits
  244. // tmpb[i] = tmpb[i] << (unsigned) A_bits;
  245. // std::cout << "noise: " << tmpb[i] << std::endl;
  246. //std::cout << std::hex << tmpb[i] << " " << std::dec;
  247. tmpb[i] = nflInstance.mulmodShoup(tmpb[i], Abit_mod[currentModulus],Abit_mod_shoup[currentModulus], moduli[currentModulus]);
  248. // and shifted to be in [-(Berr-1) .. (Berr-1)]
  249. //tmpb[i] += moduli[currentModulus]-((Berr-1)<<A_bits);
  250. // We add the shifted noise to the plaintext
  251. tmpb[i] = nflInstance.addmod(tmpb[i], tmpm[i], moduli[currentModulus]);
  252. // And reduce the whole if needed
  253. if(tmpb[i]>moduli[currentModulus]) tmpb[i]-=moduli[currentModulus];
  254. }
  255. tmpb+=polyDegree;
  256. tmpm+=polyDegree;
  257. }
  258. tmpb=c->b;
  259. NFLLWE_DEBUG_MESSAGE("Amplified noise and message: ",c->b, 4);
  260. // Noise and plaintext are the only things that are not yet in the NTT space
  261. nflInstance.nttAndPowPhi(c->b);
  262. // We still have to get a. No NTT needed because uniformly taken
  263. nflInstance.setBoundedRandomPoly(tmpa, 0, uniform);
  264. #ifdef DEBUG
  265. poly64 tmp = (poly64) calloc(polyDegree*nbModuli, sizeof(uint64_t));
  266. #endif
  267. for(unsigned short currentModulus=0;currentModulus<nbModuli;currentModulus++)
  268. {
  269. // We multiply it by s and add to the previous message and noise
  270. for (unsigned int i = 0 ; i < polyDegree ; i++)
  271. {
  272. nflInstance.mulandaddShoup(tmpb[i],tmpa[i], secretKey[currentModulus][i],
  273. secretKeyShoup[currentModulus][i], moduli[currentModulus]);
  274. #ifdef DEBUG
  275. nflInstance.mulandaddShoup(tmp[i+currentModulus*polyDegree], tmpa[i],secretKey[currentModulus][i],secretKeyShoup[currentModulus][i], moduli[currentModulus]);
  276. #endif
  277. #ifdef SHOUP
  278. tmpa[i]=tmpa[i]%moduli[currentModulus];
  279. tmpb[i]=tmpb[i]%moduli[currentModulus];
  280. #endif
  281. }
  282. tmpa+=polyDegree;
  283. tmpb+=polyDegree;
  284. }
  285. // There is already a ifdef debug inside this function but
  286. // tmp is not defined if we are not in debug mode
  287. #ifdef DEBUG
  288. NFLLWE_DEBUG_MESSAGE("a*s: ",tmp, 4);
  289. free(tmp);
  290. #endif
  291. NFLLWE_DEBUG_MESSAGE("Ciphertext a: ",c->a, 4);
  292. NFLLWE_DEBUG_MESSAGE("Ciphertext b: ",c->b, 4);
  293. }
  294. void NFLLWE::dec(poly64 m, lwe_cipher *c)
  295. {
  296. uint64_t A_bits = publicParams.getAbsorptionBitsize() / publicParams.getpolyDegree();
  297. const uint64_t bitmask = (1ULL<<A_bits) -1;
  298. mpz_t moduliProduct;
  299. // Get the product of all moduli from the nflInstance object;
  300. nflInstance.copymoduliProduct(moduliProduct);
  301. // tmpa and tmpb are used to access the nbModuli polynoms of the CRT
  302. poly64 tmpa=c->a;
  303. poly64 tmpb=c->b;
  304. poly64 tmpm=m;
  305. for(unsigned short currentModulus=0;currentModulus<nbModuli;currentModulus++) {
  306. // We first get the amplified noise plus message (e*A+m =b-a*S)
  307. for (unsigned int i=0 ; i < polyDegree; i++)
  308. {
  309. uint64_t temp=0;
  310. nflInstance.mulandaddShoup(temp, tmpa[i], secretKey[currentModulus][i],
  311. secretKeyShoup[currentModulus][i], moduli[currentModulus]);
  312. tmpm[i] = nflInstance.submod(tmpb[i], temp, moduli[currentModulus]);
  313. }
  314. tmpa+=polyDegree;
  315. tmpb+=polyDegree;
  316. tmpm+=polyDegree;
  317. }
  318. tmpm=m;
  319. // In order to mask the noise bits we need to get out of NTT space through an inverse NTT
  320. nflInstance.invnttAndPowInvPhi(tmpm);
  321. NFLLWE_DEBUG_MESSAGE("Amplified noise and message (dec): ",tmpm, 4);
  322. NFLLWE_DEBUG_MESSAGE("Amplified noise and message (dec): ",tmpm+polyDegree, 4);
  323. if(nbModuli>1) {
  324. mpz_t *tmprez=nflInstance.poly2mpz(tmpm);
  325. // If e*A+m < p/2 we mask the message bits: bitmask = (1ULL<<A_bits) -1
  326. // If e *A+m > p/2 we do a little trick to avoid signed integers and modulus reduction
  327. // e[i]= e[i] + 2**61 - p (we replace p by 2**61) and then bitmask the message.
  328. mpz_t magicConstz;
  329. mpz_init(magicConstz);
  330. mpz_ui_pow_ui(magicConstz, 2, (kModulusBitsize + 1) * nbModuli);
  331. mpz_sub(magicConstz,magicConstz, moduliProduct);
  332. mpz_t bitmaskz;
  333. mpz_init(bitmaskz);
  334. mpz_ui_pow_ui(bitmaskz, 2, A_bits);
  335. mpz_sub_ui(bitmaskz, bitmaskz, 1);
  336. #ifdef CRYPTO_DEBUG
  337. gmp_printf("Mask used: %Zx\n",bitmaskz);
  338. #endif
  339. // Shall we prefetch here ?
  340. mpz_t tmpz;
  341. mpz_init(tmpz);
  342. // We need to zero tmpm as export writes nothing on the output for null values
  343. bzero(tmpm,polyDegree*nbModuli*sizeof(uint64_t));
  344. for (unsigned int i = 0 ; i < polyDegree ; i++)
  345. {
  346. //For testing we may do a hardcoded modulus but not always. m[i] = m[i] % modulus;
  347. mpz_mul_ui(tmpz, tmprez[i], 2UL);
  348. if (mpz_cmp(tmpz, moduliProduct)==1)// tmprez[i] > moduliProduct / 2
  349. {
  350. mpz_add(tmpz, tmprez[i], magicConstz);
  351. mpz_and(tmprez[i], tmpz, bitmaskz);
  352. }
  353. else
  354. {
  355. mpz_and(tmprez[i], tmprez[i], bitmaskz);
  356. }
  357. // Combien d'uint32 ?
  358. int combien = ceil((double)A_bits/32);
  359. mpz_export(((uint32_t*)tmpm)+i*combien, NULL, -1, sizeof(uint32_t), 0, 0, tmprez[i]);
  360. mpz_clear(tmprez[i]);
  361. }
  362. delete[] tmprez;
  363. mpz_clear(moduliProduct);
  364. mpz_clear(tmpz);
  365. } else { // nbModuli=1
  366. // If e*A+m < p/2 we mask the message bits: bitmask = (1ULL<<A_bits) -1
  367. // If e*A+m > p/2 we do a little trick to avoid signed integers and modulus reduction
  368. // e[i]= e[i] + 2**61 - p (we replace p by 2**61) and then bitmask the message.
  369. const uint64_t magicConst = (1ULL<<61)-moduli[0];// 2**61 - p
  370. // Shall we prefetch here ?
  371. for (unsigned int i = 0 ; i < polyDegree ; i++)
  372. {
  373. //For testing we may do a hardcoded modulus but not always. m[i] = m[i] % modulus;
  374. tmpm[i] = (tmpm[i] > moduli[0]/2) ? (tmpm[i] + magicConst)& bitmask : tmpm[i] & bitmask;
  375. }
  376. }
  377. }
  378. // MOK is here for the CRT modification
  379. // encrypts a uint (e.g. for producing a equest element with a 0 or a 1)
  380. // does not return a lwe_cipher but the (char*)pointer on two consecutively allocated poly64 (a and b)
  381. char* NFLLWE::encrypt(unsigned int ui, unsigned int d)
  382. {
  383. if ( ceil(log2(static_cast<double>(ui))) >= publicParams.getAbsorptionBitsize())
  384. {
  385. std::cerr << "NFFLWE: The given unsigned int does not fit in " << publicParams.getAbsorptionBitsize() << " bits"<< std::endl;
  386. ui %= 1<<publicParams.getAbsorptionBitsize();
  387. }
  388. lwe_cipher c;
  389. poly64 m = (poly64)calloc(nbModuli*polyDegree,sizeof(uint64_t));
  390. for (unsigned int cm = 0 ; cm < nbModuli ; cm++)
  391. {
  392. m[cm*polyDegree]=(uint64_t)ui;
  393. }
  394. enc(&c,m);
  395. free(m);
  396. return (char*) c.a;
  397. }
  398. char* NFLLWE::encrypt(char* data, size_t s, unsigned int exponent ){
  399. std::cerr << "char* NFLLWE::encrypt(char* data, size_t, unsigned int exponent) is not implemented"<< std::endl;
  400. return nullptr;
  401. }
  402. // Do a ciphertext for a plaintext with alternating bits (for performance tests)
  403. char* NFLLWE::encrypt_perftest()
  404. {
  405. lwe_cipher c;
  406. poly64 m = nflInstance.allocBoundedRandomPoly(0, true);
  407. enc(&c,m);
  408. free(m);
  409. return (char*) c.a;
  410. }
  411. char* NFLLWE::decrypt(char* cipheredData, unsigned int rec_lvl, size_t, size_t)
  412. {
  413. lwe_cipher ciphertext;
  414. ciphertext.a = (poly64)cipheredData;
  415. ciphertext.b = ciphertext.a + nbModuli * polyDegree;
  416. poly64 clear_data = (poly64) calloc(nbModuli * polyDegree, sizeof(uint64_t));
  417. unsigned int bits_per_coordinate = publicParams.getAbsorptionBitsize()/polyDegree;
  418. #ifdef DEBUG
  419. std::cout<<"Allocated (bytes): "<<nbModuli * polyDegree * sizeof(uint64_t)<<std::endl;
  420. std::cout<<"Bits per coordinate: "<<bits_per_coordinate<<std::endl;
  421. #endif
  422. dec(clear_data, &ciphertext);
  423. NFLLWE_DEBUG_MESSAGE("Decrypting ciphertext a: ",ciphertext.a, 4);
  424. NFLLWE_DEBUG_MESSAGE("Decrypting ciphertext b: ",ciphertext.b, 4);
  425. NFLLWE_DEBUG_MESSAGE("Result: ",clear_data, 4);
  426. // unsigned char* out_data = (unsigned char*) calloc(nbModuli * polyDegree+1, sizeof(uint64_t));
  427. // nflInstance.serializeData64 (clear_data, out_data, bits_per_coordinate, polyDegree);
  428. unsigned char* out_data = (unsigned char*) calloc(bits_per_coordinate*polyDegree/64 + 1, sizeof(uint64_t));
  429. if (nbModuli == 1)
  430. {
  431. nflInstance.serializeData64(clear_data, out_data, bits_per_coordinate, ceil((double)bits_per_coordinate/64)* polyDegree);
  432. }
  433. else // nbModuli > 1
  434. {
  435. nflInstance.serializeData32 ((uint32_t*)clear_data, out_data, bits_per_coordinate, ceil((double)bits_per_coordinate/32)* polyDegree);
  436. }
  437. #ifdef DEBUG
  438. //std::cout<<"Bitgrouped into: "<<out_data<<std::endl;
  439. #endif
  440. free(clear_data);
  441. return (char*) out_data;
  442. }
  443. unsigned int NFLLWE::getAllCryptoParams(std::set<std::string>& crypto_params)
  444. {
  445. unsigned int params_nbr = 0;
  446. unsigned int k_array_size = 5;
  447. unsigned int k[5] = {80, 100, 128, 192, 256};
  448. for (unsigned int i = 0 ; i < k_array_size ; i++)
  449. {
  450. params_nbr += getCryptoParams(k[i], crypto_params);
  451. }
  452. return params_nbr;
  453. }
  454. unsigned int NFLLWE::getCryptoParams(unsigned int k, std::set<std::string>& crypto_params)
  455. {
  456. using namespace std;
  457. unsigned int p_size, params_nbr = 0;
  458. string k_str = to_string(k);
  459. for (unsigned int degree = kMinPolyDegree ; degree <= kMaxPolyDegree; degree <<= 1)
  460. {
  461. string param;
  462. p_size = findMaxModulusBitsize(k, degree);
  463. // We give a very small margin 59 instead of 60 so that 100:1024:60 passes the test
  464. //for (unsigned int i = 1; i * 59 <= p_size ; i++)//(p_size > 64) && ((p_size % 64) != 0))
  465. for (unsigned int i = 1; i * 59 <= p_size && i * 60 <= 240; i++)
  466. {
  467. param = cryptoName + ":" + to_string(estimateSecurity(degree,i*kModulusBitsize)) + ":" + to_string(degree) + ":" + to_string(i*kModulusBitsize) ;
  468. if (crypto_params.insert(param).second) params_nbr++;
  469. param = "";
  470. }
  471. }
  472. return params_nbr;
  473. }
  474. void NFLLWE::recomputeNoiseAmplifiers() {
  475. uint64_t A_bits= publicParams.getAbsorptionBitsize() / publicParams.getpolyDegree();
  476. mpz_t tmpz1,tmpz2;
  477. mpz_init(tmpz1);
  478. mpz_init(tmpz2);
  479. for(unsigned short currentModulus=0;currentModulus<nbModuli;currentModulus++) {
  480. mpz_ui_pow_ui(tmpz2, 2, A_bits);
  481. mpz_import(tmpz2, 1, 1, sizeof(uint64_t), 0, 0, moduli+currentModulus);
  482. mpz_mod(tmpz1, tmpz1, tmpz2);
  483. Abit_mod[currentModulus]=0;
  484. mpz_export(&Abit_mod[currentModulus], NULL, 1, sizeof(uint64_t), 0, 0, tmpz1);
  485. Abit_mod_shoup[currentModulus]=((uint128_t) Abit_mod[currentModulus] << 64) / moduli[currentModulus];
  486. }
  487. mpz_clears(tmpz1, tmpz2, NULL);
  488. }
  489. unsigned int NFLLWE::estimateSecurity(unsigned int n, unsigned int p_size)
  490. {
  491. unsigned int estimated_k = 5;//Estimate K can not be too low
  492. while(!checkParamsSecure(estimated_k,n,p_size)) estimated_k++;
  493. return --estimated_k;
  494. }
  495. long NFLLWE::setandgetAbsBitPerCiphertext(unsigned int elt_nbr)
  496. {
  497. double Berr = static_cast<double>(publicParams.getnoiseUB());
  498. double nb_sum = elt_nbr;
  499. double p_size = getmodulusBitsize();
  500. double nbr_bit = floor(( (p_size - 1) - log2(nb_sum) - log2(Berr) -log2(static_cast<double>(polyDegree))) / 2.0);
  501. publicParams.setAbsPCBitsize(nbr_bit);
  502. recomputeNoiseAmplifiers();
  503. return long(nbr_bit);
  504. }
  505. unsigned int NFLLWE::findMaxModulusBitsize(unsigned int k, unsigned int n)
  506. {
  507. unsigned int p_size;
  508. //p_size can not be too low
  509. p_size = 10;
  510. while (!checkParamsSecure(k,n,p_size)) p_size++;
  511. return --p_size;
  512. }
  513. bool NFLLWE::checkParamsSecure(unsigned int k, unsigned int n, unsigned int p_size)
  514. {
  515. double p, beta, logBerr = 8, epsi, lll;
  516. //We take an advantage of 2**(-k/2) and an attack time of 2**(k/2)
  517. epsi = pow(2, -static_cast<double>(k/2));
  518. //log(time) = 1.8/ log(delta) − 110 and -80 to compute processor cycles so we take pow(2, k/2) = 1.8/log(delta) - 80
  519. double delta = pow(2,1.8/(k/2 + 80));
  520. p = pow(2, p_size) - 1;
  521. beta = (p / logBerr) * sqrt(log1p( 1 / epsi) / M_PI);
  522. lll = lllOutput(n, p, delta);
  523. // We love ugly tricks !
  524. return (lll < beta);// && cout << "beta : " << beta << " p_size : " << p_size << " n :"<< n << " k : "<< k << endl;
  525. }
  526. double NFLLWE::lllOutput(unsigned int n, double& p, double delta)
  527. {
  528. double m = 2*n + 128;
  529. //execution log(time) = 1.8/ log(delta) − 110 and -80 to compute processor cycles. We add a margin of 20 so we take k/2 = 1.8/log(delta) - 100
  530. double lll1 = pow(delta, m) * pow(p, n/m);
  531. double lll2 = 2 * sqrt(n * log2(p) * log2(delta));
  532. lll2 = pow(2, lll2);
  533. return std::min(lll1, lll2);
  534. }
  535. double NFLLWE::estimateAbsTime(std::string crypto_param)
  536. {
  537. using namespace std;
  538. vector<string> fields;
  539. boost::algorithm::split(fields, crypto_param, boost::algorithm::is_any_of(":"));
  540. unsigned int p_size = (unsigned) atoi(fields[3].c_str());
  541. double a = (p_size < 64) ? 1 : ceil(static_cast<double>(p_size)/64.0);
  542. unsigned int degree = (unsigned) atoi(fields[2].c_str());
  543. double b = degree/1024;
  544. return 1/(1.75 * pow(10, 5)/(a*b));
  545. }
  546. double NFLLWE::estimatePrecomputeTime(std::string crypto_param)
  547. {
  548. using namespace std;
  549. vector<string> fields;
  550. boost::algorithm::split(fields, crypto_param, boost::algorithm::is_any_of(":"));
  551. unsigned int p_size = (unsigned) atoi(fields[3].c_str());
  552. double a = (p_size < 64) ? 1 : ceil(static_cast<double>(p_size)/64.0);
  553. unsigned int degree = (unsigned) atoi(fields[2].c_str());
  554. double b = degree/1024;
  555. return 1/(0.75*pow(10, 5)/(a*b));
  556. }
  557. unsigned int NFLLWE::getmodulusBitsize() {
  558. return nbModuli*kModulusBitsize;
  559. }
  560. // *********************************************************
  561. // AbstractPublicParameters stuff
  562. // *********************************************************
  563. AbstractPublicParameters& NFLLWE::getPublicParameters()
  564. {
  565. //This was bug chasing but should not be necessary!
  566. publicParams.setcrypto_container(this);
  567. return publicParams;
  568. }
  569. std::string NFLLWE::getSerializedCryptoParams(bool shortversion)
  570. {
  571. return publicParams.getSerializedParams(shortversion);
  572. }
  573. NFLLWE::~NFLLWE()
  574. {
  575. clearSecretKeys();
  576. }
  577. std::string& NFLLWE::toString()
  578. {
  579. return cryptoName;
  580. }
  581. void NFLLWE::clearSecretKeys()
  582. {
  583. if(oldNbModuli)
  584. {
  585. // secreKey was allocated with a single allocation
  586. delete[] Abit_mod;
  587. delete[] Abit_mod_shoup;
  588. free(secretKey[0]);
  589. delete[] secretKey;
  590. }
  591. if(oldNbModuli)
  592. {
  593. for (unsigned int i = 0; i < oldNbModuli; i++) {
  594. free(secretKeyShoup[i]);
  595. }
  596. delete[] secretKeyShoup;
  597. }
  598. oldNbModuli = 0;
  599. }
  600. //This main is for benchmarking and tests
  601. //
  602. // int main(int c,char **v) {
  603. //
  604. // // Benchs et correctness enc/dec
  605. // NFLLWE n;
  606. // n.setNewParameters(1024,64,22);
  607. // n.setmodulus(P64);
  608. // n.getPublicParameters().computeNewParameters("lwe:80:1024:64:22");
  609. //
  610. // poly64 p=n.boundedRandomPoly(1024, 1023);
  611. // poly64 result=(poly64)calloc(1024,sizeof(uint64_t));
  612. //
  613. // std::cout<<"0-RND polynom: ";n.print_poly64(p,4);std::cout<<std::endl;
  614. //
  615. //
  616. // lwe_cipher cyph;
  617. // #ifdef bench
  618. // double start = omp_get_wtime();
  619. // for(int i = 0;i<Repetition;i++) {
  620. // #endif
  621. // n.enc(&cyph,p);
  622. // #ifdef bench
  623. //
  624. // }
  625. // double end = omp_get_wtime();
  626. // std::cout<<Repetition/(end-start)<<" chiffre/s"<<std::endl;
  627. //
  628. //
  629. // start = omp_get_wtime();
  630. // for(int i = 0;i<Repetition;i++) {
  631. // #endif
  632. //
  633. // n.dec(result,&cyph);
  634. // #ifdef bench
  635. // }
  636. // end = omp_get_wtime();
  637. // std::cout<<Repetition/(end-start)<<" dechiffre/s"<<std::endl;
  638. // #endif
  639. // NFLLWE_DEBUG_MESSAGE("Encrypted into a",cyph.a,4);
  640. // NFLLWE_DEBUG_MESSAGE("Encrypted into b",cyph.b,4);
  641. // NFLLWE_DEBUG_MESSAGE("1-Encoded-Decoded (but not unshoupified): ",result,4);
  642. //
  643. //
  644. // for(int i = 0;i<1024;i++) {
  645. // if((result[i]%P64)!=(result[i]%P64)) {
  646. // std::cout<<"err "<<(p[i])<<" != "<<(result[i]%P64)<<std::endl;
  647. // exit(1);
  648. // break;
  649. // }
  650. // }
  651. //
  652. // std::cout<< "enc/dec test passed"<<std::endl;
  653. //
  654. //
  655. //
  656. // // int bytesize=1024*22/8+1;
  657. // // char* mydata=(char*)calloc(bytesize,1);
  658. // // for(int i=0;i<bytesize;i++) {
  659. // // mydata[i]='A'+(i%('Z'-'A'));
  660. // // }
  661. // // std::cout<<"Initial data : "<<mydata<<std::endl;
  662. // //
  663. // // uint64_t bitsize=bytesize*8;
  664. // // uint64_t nbOfPolys;
  665. // // Warning, need to tranform this line with the new version of deserializeDataNTT which takes 4 parameters instead of 3 poly64 *mydata_poly=n.deserializeDataNTT((unsigned char*)mydata,bitsize,nbOfPolys);
  666. // //
  667. // // std::cout<<"The string has been encoded into ";n.print_poly64hex(*mydata_poly,1024*nbOfPolys);
  668. // // std::cout<<std::endl<<"nbOfPolys = "<<nbOfPolys<<std::endl;
  669. // //
  670. // // // encrypt of poly64 simulation
  671. // // lwe_cipher *cyphertext=new lwe_cipher[nbOfPolys];
  672. // // for(int i=0;i<nbOfPolys;i++) {
  673. // // n.enc(&(cyphertext[i]),*(mydata_poly + i*1024));
  674. // // //std::cout<<"The string has been cyphered into a["<<i<<"]";n.print_poly64(cyphertext[i].a,1024);
  675. // // //std::cout<<"The string has been cyphered into b["<<i<<"]";n.print_poly64(cyphertext[i].a,1024);
  676. // // }
  677. // //
  678. // // poly64 unciphereddata_poly[nbOfPolys];// = (poly64*)calloc(1024*nbOfPolys,sizeof(uint64_t));
  679. // // for(int i=0;i<nbOfPolys;i++) {
  680. // // unciphereddata_poly[i]=(poly64)n.decrypt((char*)(cyphertext[i].a), (unsigned int)0,(size_t) 0,(size_t) 0);
  681. // // std::cout<<"Decoded into polynom: ";n.print_poly64hex((poly64)unciphereddata_poly[i],128);std::cout<<std::endl;
  682. // // }
  683. // //
  684. // //
  685. // // unsigned char* unciphereddata=n.serializeData(unciphereddata_poly[0], nbOfPolys,bitsize, true);
  686. // //
  687. // // std::cout<<"Decoded into "<<std::hex<<unciphereddata<<std::endl;
  688. // // std::cout<<"A= "<<std::dec<<(short)'A'<<std::endl<<std::endl;
  689. // // std::cout<<"G= "<<std::dec<<(short)'G'<<std::endl<<std::endl;
  690. // //
  691. // //
  692. // //
  693. // // //lwe_cipher *cypherui;
  694. // // //cypherui=(lwe_cipher *)n.encrypt(1,0);
  695. // // //unciphereddata_poly = (poly64)n.decrypt((char*)(cypherui->a), (unsigned int)0,(size_t) 0,(size_t) 0);
  696. // // char *charptr;
  697. // // charptr=n.encrypt(1,0);
  698. // // unciphereddata_poly = (poly64)n.decrypt(charptr, (unsigned int)0,(size_t) 0,(size_t) 0);
  699. // // std::cout<<"1-Decoded into polynom: ";n.print_poly64(unciphereddata_poly,1024);std::cout<<std::endl;
  700. // // std::cout<<"Decoded into "<<std::hex<<unciphereddata_poly<<std::endl;
  701. // }