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Path/Circuit ORAM Integration Base

sshsshy %!s(int64=5) %!d(string=hai) anos
Modificáronse 3 ficheiros con 481 adicións e 2 borrados
  1. 12 2
  2. 13 0
  3. 456 0

+ 12 - 2

@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 CXXFLAGS=-g -Wall -std=c++11 
-all: toyserver toyclient ztlsoramserver ztlsoramclient
+all: toyserver toyclient ztlsoramserver ztlsoramclient ztoramserver ztoramclient
 toyserver: toyserver.o pirserver.o
 	$(CXX) -Wall -o $@ $^
@@ -16,8 +16,18 @@ ztlsoramserver: ZT_LSORAMserver.o pirserver.o
 ztlsoramclient: ZT_LSORAMclient.o pirclient.o utils.o
 	$(CXX) -Wall -o  $@ $^ -lcrypto
+ztoramserver: ZT_ORAMserver.o pirserver.o
+	$(MAKE) -C ZeroTrace/
+	cp ZeroTrace/Sample_App/ZT.hpp .
+	$(CXX) -std=c++11 ZT_ORAMserver.cc pirserver.cc utils.cc -Wall -L=$(CURDIR) -lZT -lcrypto -Wl,--rpath=$(CURDIR) -o $@
+ztoramclient: ZT_LSORAMclient.o pirclient.o utils.o
+	$(CXX) -Wall -o  $@ $^ -lcrypto
-	-rm toyserver.o pirserver.o toyclient.o pirclient.o ZT_LSORAMserver.o ZT_LSORAMclient.o
+	-rm toyserver.o pirserver.o toyclient.o pirclient.o 
+	-rm ZT_LSORAMserver.o ZT_LSORAMclient.o
+	-rm ZT_ORAMserver.o ZT_ORAMclient.o
 veryclean: clean
 	-rm toyserver toyclient

+ 13 - 0

@@ -37,6 +37,19 @@ int8_t ZT_LSORAM_fetch(uint32_t instance_id, unsigned char *encrypted_request,
        uint32_t tag_size, unsigned char *client_pubkey, uint32_t pubkey_size_x,
        uint32_t pubkey_size_y); 
+int8_t ZT_HSORAM_insert(uint32_t lsoram_iid, uint32_t oram_iid, uint8_t oram_type, 
+       uint32_t oram_index, unsigned char *encrypted_request, uint32_t request_size, 
+       unsigned char* tag_in, uint32_t tag_size, unsigned char *client_pubkey, 
+       uint32_t pubkey_size_x, uint32_t pubkey_size_y);
+int8_t ZT_HSORAM_fetch(uint32_t lsoram_iid, uint32_t oram_iid, uint8_t oram_type,
+       unsigned char *encrypted_request, uint32_t request_size, 
+       unsigned char *encrypted_response, uint32_t response_size, 
+       unsigned char* tag_in, unsigned char* tag_out, uint32_t tag_size, 
+       unsigned char *client_pubkey, uint32_t pubkey_size_x,
+       uint32_t pubkey_size_y); 
 int8_t ZT_LSORAM_evict(uint32_t id, unsigned char *key, uint32_t key_size);
 void ZT_LSORAM_delete(uint32_t id);

+ 456 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,456 @@
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <cstring>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <map>
+#include <iterator>
+#include <openssl/ec.h>
+#include <openssl/ecdh.h>
+#include <openssl/ecdsa.h>
+#include <openssl/conf.h>
+#include <openssl/evp.h>
+#include <openssl/err.h>
+#include <openssl/obj_mac.h>
+#include "pirserver.h"
+#include "ZeroTrace/Globals.hpp"
+#include "utils.h"
+#include "ZT.hpp"
+#define MEM_MODE 0
+#define POPULATE_FLAG 0
+// ORAM_TYPE 0 = Path ORAM
+//           1 = Circuit ORAM
+#define ORAM_TYPE 0
+//if(ORAM_TYPE == 0)
+  #define STASH_SIZE 150
+  #define Z 4
+//  #define STASH_SIZE 10
+  //TODO: When tinkering with CircuitORAM Z,
+  // lookout for UTILIZATION_PARAMETER in LS
+//  #define Z 2
+// ZT Spawn new ORAM command:
+// ZT_New(max_blocks, data_size, stash_size, oblivious, recursion_data_size, oram_type, Z);
+#define MAX_BLOCKS 1000
+//ORAM Index size (uint32_t) so 4 bytes
+#define INDEX_SIZE 4
+//TODO: Fix PathORAM STASH_SIZE parameter
+//      Fix CircuitORAM STASH_SIZE parameter
+//      Pick STASH_SIZE parameter based on 
+class ZT_ORAMServer : public PIRServer {
+  string pubkey;
+  uint32_t ZT_lsoram_iid;
+  uint32_t ZT_oram_iid;
+  uint32_t oram_index;
+  ZT_ORAMServer();
+  void initializeZeroTrace();
+  virtual void get_params(string &params);
+  virtual void store(const string &key, const string &value);
+  //Helper functions for store:
+  int encryptLSORAMRequest(EC_KEY* target_public_key, unsigned char *serialized_request,
+      uint32_t request_size, unsigned char **encrypted_request, unsigned char **client_pubkey,
+      uint32_t *pubkey_size_x, uint32_t *pubkey_size_y, unsigned char **ecdh_aes_key, 
+      unsigned char **iv, unsigned char **tag);
+  int LSORAM_Insert(unsigned char *key, uint32_t key_size,
+      unsigned char* value, uint32_t value_size);
+  virtual bool lookup(const string &lookup_query, string &lookup_response);
+  //Helper functions for lookup:
+ZT_ORAMServer::ZT_ORAMServer() {
+  initializeZeroTrace(); 
+  oram_index = 0;
+void ZT_ORAMServer::initializeZeroTrace() {
+  // Variables for Enclave Public Key retrieval
+  //fprintf(stderr, "ZT_LSORAMServer: init: Starting initializezerotrace \n");
+  uint32_t max_buff_size = PRIME256V1_KEY_SIZE;
+  unsigned char bin_x[PRIME256V1_KEY_SIZE], bin_y[PRIME256V1_KEY_SIZE], signature_r[PRIME256V1_KEY_SIZE], signature_s[PRIME256V1_KEY_SIZE];
+  int8_t ret; 
+  ret = ZT_Initialize(bin_x, bin_y, signature_r, signature_s, max_buff_size); 
+  //fprintf(stderr, "ZT_LSORAMServer: init: After ZT_Initialize ret = %d  \n",ret);
+  EC_GROUP *curve;
+  EC_KEY *enclave_verification_key = NULL;
+  ECDSA_SIG *sig_enclave = ECDSA_SIG_new();	
+  BIGNUM *x, *y, *xh, *yh;
+  BN_CTX *bn_ctx = BN_CTX_new();
+  if(NULL == (curve = EC_GROUP_new_by_curve_name(NID_X9_62_prime256v1)))
+	  fprintf(stderr, "ZT_LSORAM: init: Setting EC_GROUP failed \n");
+  EC_POINT *pub_point = EC_POINT_new(curve);
+  //Verify the Enclave Public Key
+  enclave_verification_key = EC_KEY_new_by_curve_name(NID_X9_62_prime256v1);
+  xh = BN_bin2bn(hardcoded_verification_key_x, PRIME256V1_KEY_SIZE, NULL);
+  yh = BN_bin2bn(hardcoded_verification_key_y, PRIME256V1_KEY_SIZE, NULL);
+  EC_KEY_set_public_key_affine_coordinates(enclave_verification_key, xh, yh);
+  unsigned char *serialized_public_key = (unsigned char*) malloc (PRIME256V1_KEY_SIZE*2);
+  memcpy(serialized_public_key, bin_x, PRIME256V1_KEY_SIZE);
+  memcpy(serialized_public_key + PRIME256V1_KEY_SIZE, bin_y, PRIME256V1_KEY_SIZE);
+  sig_enclave->r = BN_bin2bn(signature_r, PRIME256V1_KEY_SIZE, NULL);
+  sig_enclave->s = BN_bin2bn(signature_s, PRIME256V1_KEY_SIZE, NULL);	
+  ret = ECDSA_do_verify((const unsigned char*) serialized_public_key, PRIME256V1_KEY_SIZE*2, sig_enclave, enclave_verification_key);
+  if(ret==1){
+	  //fprintf(stderr, "ZT_LSORAM: init: GetEnclavePublishedKey : Verification Successful! \n");
+  }
+  else{
+	  fprintf(stderr, "ZT_LSORAM: init: GetEnclavePublishedKey : Verification FAILED! \n");
+  }
+  //Load the Enclave Public Key
+  ENCLAVE_PUBLIC_KEY = EC_KEY_new_by_curve_name(NID_X9_62_prime256v1);
+  x = BN_bin2bn(bin_x, PRIME256V1_KEY_SIZE, NULL);
+  y = BN_bin2bn(bin_y, PRIME256V1_KEY_SIZE, NULL);
+  if(EC_POINT_set_affine_coordinates_GFp(curve, pub_point, x, y, bn_ctx)==0)
+	  fprintf(stderr, "ZT_LSORAMServer: EC_POINT_set_affine_coordinates FAILED \n");
+  if(EC_KEY_set_public_key(ENCLAVE_PUBLIC_KEY, pub_point)==0)
+	  fprintf(stderr, "ZT_LSORAMServer: EC_KEY_set_public_key FAILED \n");
+  BN_CTX_free(bn_ctx);
+  pubkey.assign((const char*) serialized_public_key, 2*PRIME256V1_KEY_SIZE);
+  free(serialized_public_key); 
+  fprintf(stderr, "ZT_LSORAMServer: Finished initializezerotrace, pubkey set \n");
+void ZT_ORAMServer::get_params(string &params) {
+  //Populate params with the enclave public key
+  fprintf(stderr, "ZT_LSORAMServer: Started get_params(), params length = %ld\n", params.length());
+  if(pubkey.empty())
+    fprintf(stderr, "ZT_LSORAMServer: pubkey is empty when get_params is called. WHY? \n");
+  params.assign(pubkey);
+  fprintf(stderr, "ZT_LSORAMServer: Finished get_params(), params.length = %ld,\n", params.length());
+  /*
+  unsigned char *param_ptr = (unsigned char*) params.c_str();
+  fprintf(stderr, "Param in ZT_LSORAMServer::get_params():");
+  for(uint32_t i=0;i<params.length();i++){
+    fprintf(stderr, "%02x", param_ptr[i]);
+  }
+  fprintf(stderr, "\n");
+  fprintf(stderr, "ZT_LSORAMServer::ZT_instance_id = %d, params length = %ld\n", ZT_instance_id, params.length());
+  */
+Inputs: a target pub key, a seriailzed request and request size.
+Outputs: instantiates and populates:
+          client_pubkey, aes_key (from target_pubkey and generated client_pubkey ECDH)
+          iv, encrypted request and tag for the request
+int ZT_ORAMServer::encryptLSORAMRequest(EC_KEY* target_public_key, unsigned char *serialized_request,
+     uint32_t request_size, unsigned char **encrypted_request, unsigned char **client_pubkey,
+     uint32_t *pubkey_size_x, uint32_t *pubkey_size_y, unsigned char **ecdh_aes_key, 
+     unsigned char **iv, unsigned char **tag){
+  //Generate a new key
+  EC_KEY *ephemeral_key = NULL;
+  BIGNUM *x, *y;
+  x = BN_new();
+  y = BN_new();
+  BN_CTX *bn_ctx = BN_CTX_new();
+  const EC_GROUP *curve = NULL;
+  if(NULL == (curve = EC_GROUP_new_by_curve_name(NID_X9_62_prime256v1)))
+    fprintf(stderr, "ZT_LSORAMServer: Setting EC_GROUP failed \n");
+  ephemeral_key = EC_KEY_new_by_curve_name(NID_X9_62_prime256v1);
+  if(ephemeral_key==NULL)
+    fprintf(stderr, "ZT_LSORAMServer: EC_KEY_new_by_curve_name Fail\n");
+  int ret = EC_KEY_generate_key(ephemeral_key);
+  if(ret!=1)
+    fprintf(stderr, "ZT_LSORAMServer: EC_KEY_generate_key Fail\n");
+  const EC_POINT *pub_point;
+  pub_point = EC_KEY_get0_public_key((const EC_KEY *) ephemeral_key);
+  if(pub_point == NULL)
+    fprintf(stderr, "ZT_LSORAMServer: EC_KEY_get0_public_key Fail\n");
+  ret = EC_POINT_get_affine_coordinates_GFp(curve, pub_point, x, y, bn_ctx);
+  if(ret==0)
+    fprintf(stderr, "ZT_LSORAMServer: EC_POINT_get_affine_coordinates_GFp Failed \n");
+  unsigned char *bin_x, *bin_y;
+  uint32_t size_bin_x = BN_num_bytes(x);
+  uint32_t size_bin_y = BN_num_bytes(y);
+  //fprintf(stderr, "ZT_LSORAMServer: (%d, %d)\n", size_bin_x, size_bin_y);
+  bin_x = (unsigned char*) malloc(PRIME256V1_KEY_SIZE);
+  bin_y = (unsigned char*) malloc(PRIME256V1_KEY_SIZE);
+  BN_bn2bin(x, bin_x);
+  BN_bn2bin(y, bin_y);
+  *pubkey_size_x = size_bin_x;
+  *pubkey_size_y = size_bin_y;
+  *client_pubkey = (unsigned char*) malloc(size_bin_x + size_bin_y);
+  memcpy(*client_pubkey, bin_x, size_bin_x);
+  memcpy(*client_pubkey + size_bin_x, bin_y, size_bin_y);
+  /*
+  unsigned char *ptr = *client_pubkey;
+  printf("Serialized Client's Public Key in encryptLSORAM :\n");
+  for(int t = 0; t < size_bin_x; t++)
+  printf("%02X", ptr[t]);
+  printf("\n");
+  printf("Serialized Client's Public Key in encryptLSORAM :\n");
+  for(int t = 0; t < size_bin_y; t++)
+    printf("%02X", ptr[size_bin_x + t]);
+  printf("\n");
+  */
+  //fprintf(stderr, "ZT_LSORAMServer: Before ECDH_compute_key \n");
+  uint32_t field_size = EC_GROUP_get_degree(EC_KEY_get0_group(target_public_key));
+  uint32_t secret_len = (field_size+7)/8;
+  unsigned char *secret = (unsigned char*) malloc(secret_len);
+  //Returns a 32 byte secret	
+  secret_len = ECDH_compute_key(secret, secret_len, EC_KEY_get0_public_key(target_public_key),
+					  ephemeral_key, NULL);
+  //fprintf(stderr, "ZT_LSORAMServer: Finished ECDH_compute_key \n");
+  //Sample IV;
+  *ecdh_aes_key = (unsigned char*) malloc (KEY_LENGTH);
+  *iv = (unsigned char*) malloc (IV_LENGTH);
+  memcpy(*ecdh_aes_key, secret, KEY_LENGTH);
+  memcpy(*iv, secret + KEY_LENGTH, IV_LENGTH);
+  /*
+  unsigned char *ecdh_ptr = (unsigned char *) *ecdh_aes_key;
+  unsigned char *iv_ptr = (unsigned char *) *iv;
+  printf("KEY_LENGTH = %d\n", KEY_LENGTH);
+  printf("ecdh_key computed by Client :\n");
+  for(int t = 0; t < KEY_LENGTH; t++)
+    printf("%02X",  ecdh_ptr[t]);
+  printf("\n");
+  printf("iv computed by Client :\n");
+  for(int t = 0; t < IV_LENGTH; t++)
+    printf("%02X", iv_ptr[t]);
+  printf("\n");
+  */
+  BN_CTX_free(bn_ctx);
+  *encrypted_request = (unsigned char*) malloc (request_size);
+  *tag = (unsigned char*) malloc (TAG_SIZE);
+  uint32_t encrypted_request_size;
+  /*
+  printf("Request bytes before encrypting: \n"); 
+  for(int t = 0; t < request_size; t++)
+    printf("%02X", serialized_request[t]);
+  printf("\n"); 
+  */
+  //fprintf(stderr, "ZT_LSORAMServer: Before AES_GCM_128_encrypt call \n");
+  encrypted_request_size = AES_GCM_128_encrypt(serialized_request, request_size,
+           NULL, 0, (unsigned char*) *ecdh_aes_key, (unsigned char*) *iv, 
+           IV_LENGTH, *encrypted_request, *tag);
+  /*
+  unsigned char*tag_ptr = *tag;
+  printf("Tag bytes after encryption: \n"); 
+  for(uint32_t t = 0; t < TAG_SIZE; t++)
+    printf("%02X", tag_ptr[t]);
+  printf("\n"); 
+  printf("Request_size = %d, Encrypted_request_size = %d,\n", request_size, encrypted_request_size); 
+  printf("Request bytes after encrypting: \n");
+  unsigned char *encrypted_ptr = (unsigned char*) *encrypted_request;
+  for(uint32_t t = 0; t < encrypted_request_size; t++)
+    printf("%02X",  encrypted_ptr[t]);
+  printf("\n"); 
+  */
+  return encrypted_request_size;
+int ZT_ORAMServer::LSORAM_Insert(unsigned char *key, uint32_t key_size, unsigned char* value, uint32_t value_size){
+  unsigned char *serialized_request, *encrypted_request, *tag_in;
+  unsigned char *client_pubkey, *ecdh_aes_key, *iv;
+  uint32_t pubkey_size_x, pubkey_size_y;
+  uint32_t request_size = serializeLSORAMRequest(key, key_size, value, value_size, &serialized_request);
+  //fprintf(stderr, "ZT_LSORAMServer: Before encryptLSORAMRequest\n");
+  encryptLSORAMRequest(ENCLAVE_PUBLIC_KEY, serialized_request, request_size, 
+         &encrypted_request, &client_pubkey, &pubkey_size_x, &pubkey_size_y, 
+         &ecdh_aes_key, &iv, &tag_in);
+  //fprintf(stderr, "ZT_LSORAMServer: After encryptLSORAMRequest\n");
+  /* 
+  printf("Clientpubkey going into ZT_LSORAM_insert:\n");
+  printf("X: :\n");
+  for(int t = 0; t < 32; t++)
+  printf("%02X", client_pubkey[t]);
+  printf("\n");
+  printf("Y :\n");
+  for(int t = 0; t < 32; t++)
+    printf("%02X", client_pubkey[32+t]);
+  printf("\n");
+  */
+  //fprintf(stderr, "ZT_LSORAMServer: Before ZT_LSORAM_insert\n");
+  ZT_HSORAM_insert(ZT_lsoram_iid, ZT_oram_iid, ORAM_TYPE, oram_index++, encrypted_request,
+     request_size, tag_in, TAG_SIZE, client_pubkey, pubkey_size_x, pubkey_size_y);
+  //fprintf(stderr, "ZT_LSORAMServer: After ZT_LSORAM_insert\n");
+  free(serialized_request);
+  return 1;   
+void ZT_ORAMServer::store(const string &key, const string &value){
+  if (value.length() > 0) {
+    //Create encrypted request with strings key, value
+    unsigned char *key_ptr = (unsigned char*) key.c_str();
+    unsigned char *value_ptr = (unsigned char*) value.c_str();
+    //fprintf(stderr, "ZT_LSORAMServer: Starting store(), key.length= %ld, value.length = %ld\n", key.length(), value.length());
+    LSORAM_Insert((unsigned char*) key.c_str(), BLINDED_KEY_SIZE,
+          (unsigned char*) value.c_str(), DESCRIPTOR_MAX_SIZE);
+    fprintf(stderr, "ZT_LSORAMServer: STORED HSDesc Key = ");
+    for(uint32_t i = 0; i <32; i++){
+      fprintf(stderr, "%02x", key_ptr[i]);
+    }    
+    fprintf(stderr,"\n");
+    fprintf(stderr, "ZT_LSORAMServer: STORED (First 32 bytes of ) HSDesc Value= ");
+    for(uint64_t i = 0; i < 32; i++){
+      fprintf(stderr, "%02x", value_ptr[i]);
+    }    
+    fprintf(stderr,"\n");
+  } else {
+    //int8_t ZT_LSORAM_evict(uint32_t id, unsigned char *key, uint32_t key_size);
+  }
+  In ZT_LSORAMClient lookup_query should be:
+  encrypted_query||tag_in||pk_x_size||pk_y_size||client_pubkey
+  where client_pubkey is of size pk_x_size+pk_y_size
+  returns lookup_response:
+  encrypted_response||tag_out
+bool ZT_ORAMServer::lookup(const string &lookup_query, string &lookup_response) {
+  fprintf(stderr, "ZT_LSORAMServer: Starting lookup() call\n");
+  const char *lookup_query_cstr= lookup_query.c_str();
+  fprintf(stderr, "ZT_LSORAMServer: lookup_query length = %ld\n", lookup_query.length());
+  unsigned char *encrypted_query = (unsigned char*) malloc (BLINDED_KEY_SIZE);
+  unsigned char *tag_in = (unsigned char*) malloc (TAG_SIZE);
+  uint32_t pk_x_size;
+  uint32_t pk_y_size;
+  unsigned char *client_pubkey;
+  fprintf(stderr, "ZT_LSORAMServer: Before parsing lookup_query_cstr\n");
+  unsigned char *ptr = (unsigned char*) lookup_query_cstr;
+  memcpy(encrypted_query, ptr, BLINDED_KEY_SIZE);
+  memcpy(tag_in, ptr, TAG_SIZE);
+  ptr+=TAG_SIZE;
+  memcpy(&pk_x_size, ptr, sizeof(uint32_t));
+  ptr+=sizeof(uint32_t);   
+  memcpy(&pk_y_size, ptr, sizeof(uint32_t));
+  ptr+=sizeof(uint32_t);   
+  size_t expected_size = BLINDED_KEY_SIZE+TAG_SIZE+ 2*sizeof(uint32_t) + 
+           pk_x_size + pk_y_size;
+  fprintf(stderr, "ZT_LSORAMServer: Before allocating client_pubkey call (%d,%d)\n", pk_x_size, pk_y_size);
+  fprintf(stderr, "ZT_LSORAMServer: expected_size = %ld, lookup_query.length = %ld\n", expected_size, lookup_query.length());
+  /*
+  if(lookup_query.length()!=expected_size)
+    fprintf(stderr, "ZT_LSORAMServer: Query size doesn't match KEY_SIZE + TAG_SIZE\n");
+    return 0; 
+  */
+  client_pubkey = (unsigned char*) malloc (pk_x_size+pk_y_size);
+  memcpy(client_pubkey, ptr, (pk_x_size + pk_y_size));
+  unsigned char *encrypted_response = (unsigned char*) malloc(DESCRIPTOR_MAX_SIZE);
+  unsigned char *tag_out = (unsigned char*) malloc(TAG_SIZE);
+  fprintf(stderr, "ZT_LSORAMServer: Before ZT_LSORAM_fetch() call\n");
+  ZT_HSORAM_fetch(ZT_lsoram_iid, ZT_oram_iid, ORAM_TYPE, encrypted_query, BLINDED_KEY_SIZE,
+     encrypted_response, DESCRIPTOR_MAX_SIZE, tag_in, tag_out, TAG_SIZE,
+     client_pubkey, pk_x_size, pk_y_size);
+  fprintf(stderr, "ZT_LSORAMServer: After ZT_LSORAM_fetch() call\n");
+  lookup_response.assign((const char*) encrypted_response, DESCRIPTOR_MAX_SIZE);
+  lookup_response.append((const char*) tag_out, TAG_SIZE);
+  free(encrypted_response);
+  free(tag_out);
+  free(client_pubkey);
+  free(encrypted_query);
+  free(tag_in);
+  fprintf(stderr, "ZT_LSORAMServer: Finished lookup() call\n");
+  return 1;
+int main(int argc, char **argv) {
+    ZT_ORAMServer server;
+    server.mainloop();
+    return 0;