@@ -17,10 +17,11 @@ doesn't work for you.
Do you want to run a tor server?
Do you want to run a tor server?
- First, edit the bottom part of your torrc. Create the DataDirectory,
+ First, copy torrc.sample to torrc and edit the bottom part. Create the
- and make sure it's owned by whoever will be running tor. Fix your system
+ DataDirectory, and make sure it's owned by whoever will be running
- clock so it's not too far off. Make sure name resolution works. Make
+ tor. Fix your system clock so it's not too far off. Make sure name
- sure other people can reliably resolve the Address you chose.
+ resolution works. Make sure other people can reliably resolve the
+ Address you chose.
Then run tor to generate keys. One of the files generated
Then run tor to generate keys. One of the files generated
in your DataDirectory is your 'fingerprint' file. Mail it to
in your DataDirectory is your 'fingerprint' file. Mail it to